Stories Audio Drama Big Finish Main Range Main Range Episode 58 The Harvest 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 12 reviews 16 March 2025 · 251 words Review by RandomJoke Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! 'The Harvest' is an interesting Beast to tackle. Personally speaking, I really enjoy it, as a bleak dark Tale, it has everything. Great Tension, great Twists, great Production Value and a gripping Story, which flies by quickly but had me engaged for most of it. There are of course two other Aspects with this Story worth talking. For one, this is the Introduction Story for our new Companion Hex and as far as those Stories goes, it's easily one that had me invested from the Start in this new Figure. It was a smart Move having the Focus on him for most of the first Episode, before we see a Tardis Reveal with the Doctor and some fun Banter. Phillip Oliver, his Actor, feels like an organic Part in that Tardis Team, so it's no surprise he decides to come along with their Travels. One of its biggest highlights is for sure how effective the Tension is build, instead of throwing most Cards around already, we get piece by piece revealed. Be it the Appearance of the Doctor, the Revelation they face off against Cybermen and so on. This greatly enhances the Atmosphere of the Story. Another Aspect worth talking about with this Story is the Cybermen, who get to be a bit different from usual. I love how we play around with the Horror of them, all the best of their Stories have a Horror Touch to them. I especially like the Revelation of "the Cyber-Humans", what a brilliant Twist! RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 1 13 March 2025 · 856 words Review by MrColdStream 4 Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! “THE HARVEST: WHEN MEDICINE MET THE CYBERMEN” The Harvest kicks off a loose trilogy in which the Doctor foils yet another attempted Cyberman invasion of Earth. This time, the action unfolds in a London hospital, where shady medical experiments with alien nanotechnology spiral out of control. More notably, this story introduces Philip Olivier as Thomas ‘Hex’ Schofield, a nurse who finds himself drawn into the Doctor’s world of time travel and monsters. Joining Seven and Ace in the TARDIS, Hex makes an immediate impact as a companion, offering a fresh perspective on their adventures. The first half of the story is all about mystery and suspense. The Doctor and Ace are investigating illicit experiments involving alien technology—technology the audience immediately recognises as something that can only mean trouble. Meanwhile, we get to know Hex, who takes centre stage in the opening episode. Working at the hospital, he struggles with the loss of a colleague while forming a friendship with Ace, who has gone undercover as an employee. As strange things happen behind the scenes, the story slowly builds its tension, weaving in an atmosphere of paranoia and dread. MEDICINE, MACHINES, AND A CYBER TWIST At its core, The Harvest is about human ambition crossing dangerous lines. The twist here is that the experiments aren’t being conducted by Cybermen themselves but by medical professionals playing with technology they don’t fully understand. Naturally, we know exactly where that leads—the Cybermen are never far from those who try to use their power for themselves. From the outset, the story has a serious, almost bleak tone, with a palpable sense of unease. The first episode delivers an excellent chase scene that comes alive with sharp direction and a strong musical score. There’s an almost heist-like feel to the investigation, as Ace and Hex sneak into the hospital through the staff entrance while the Doctor finds his own way in. The second half pulls back the curtain, revealing the full scale of the horrifying operation—human bodies are being harvested to fuel the Cybermen’s plans. Yet, surprisingly, the Cybermen themselves remain mostly in the shadows until the final act. Their presence is felt throughout, but it’s only in the last part that they fully emerge, led by the Cyber Controller. A NEW BREED OF CYBERMEN When the Cybermen do finally arrive, they bring with them a disturbing new twist. These aren’t just the Cybermen we know—they are Cyberhumans, supposedly an improved model that has evolved beyond their usual logical constraints. These upgraded Cybermen claim to have eliminated their greatest weakness, making them capable of conquering Earth in just six weeks. Their late reveal adds weight to their presence, making their sudden emergence all the more impactful. The pacing of their introduction mirrors that of the Doctor himself. The Seventh Doctor doesn’t truly appear until the end of Part 1—at the exact moment Hex walks into the TARDIS for the first time. The exchange between them is an instant classic: Hex: “Oh my God.” The Doctor: “No, I’m the Doctor.” Likewise, the Cybermen aren’t fully unveiled until Part 2, after the story has carefully danced around their presence. The restraint in their reveal is commendable, making the eventual confrontation all the more chilling. A FUTURE THAT NEVER WAS Set in what was then the near-future of 2021, The Harvest presents a highly technological society—one that, while advanced, doesn’t quite align with the world we ended up with. Given its hospital setting, it’s a little strange in hindsight that there’s no mention of COVID-19. Still, its vision of a tech-driven world feels eerily accurate in some respects, even if its predictions outpaced reality. A STRONG CAST AND A PROMISING NEW COMPANION Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred are as strong as ever, with Seven and Ace slipping seamlessly into their investigative roles. But the real standout is Philip Olivier’s Hex. He is proactive, capable, and above all, human—reacting with genuine emotion and curiosity to the madness unfolding around him. His contrast with Ace is particularly effective; where she is seasoned and confident, Hex is still coming to terms with everything, making for a compelling dynamic. He also adjusts to the idea of the Doctor and the TARDIS surprisingly quickly, placing his trust in what he sees and hears. By the end of the story, he has more than proven himself as a worthy addition to the TARDIS team. 📝VERDICT: 7/10 The Harvest is a gripping and atmospheric thriller, blending medical horror with the ever-looming menace of the Cybermen. It takes its time building tension, keeping the monsters in the shadows for as long as possible before hitting hard in the final act. The Cyberhumans offer an intriguing new variation on the classic foes, while Hex’s introduction is handled with care, giving him a compelling personal arc. With a strong sense of mystery, an unsettlingly realistic setting, and a confident debut for its new companion, The Harvest is a standout entry in the Seventh Doctor’s audio adventures. MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 4 22 February 2025 · 180 words Review by thedefinitearticle63 Spoilers This review contains spoilers! This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order. Previous Story: The Rapture A somewhat bleak but otherwise simple Cyberman story, there were some interesting ideas thrown about but were this story really succeeds is in the characters. Specifically Hex, I can already tell he's gonna be a great companion. His dynamic with McShane (or Ace, as she used to be known) is fantastic. He's not as interesting with the Doctor but I'm hopeful that that will change. The story itself is nothing remarkable although it does have a pretty grim atmosphere. The other two Cybermen stories in this trilogy are a lot bleaker and depressing than this though. I found the idea of it being set in 2021 and being all futuristic quite funny given that's now history to us. Cybermen trying to become human again is also a great idea even if I think it could've been utilised a little bit better. Good story and a good start to what I'm aware will become a very large and expansive arc. Next Story: Dreamtime thedefinitearticle63 View profile Like Liked 0 15 January 2025 · 85 words Review by TheTruestRassilonian 1 A glum, rather bleak story in terms of realization. Not too dark in terms of subject matter, but the artificial atmosphere created clings like a fog, dampening all that it encompasses into murky shades of gray. Though intriguing, the difference in tone between this and it's fluffier peers is extremely pronounced. I found it polarizing. Stuck through initial growing pains for the characters, but come the final part, I must admit that I found myself enraptured by the scenery "The Harvest" had laid before me. TheTruestRassilonian View profile Like Liked 1 15 January 2025 · 246 words Review by KnuppMello Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Temos uma trama puramente investigativa onde a Ace e o Doutor estão disfarçados e infiltrados em um hospital investigando um mistério por trás do uso de uma tecnologia alienígena, em seguida a história se inclina para um thriller tecnológico um pouco divertido. Mesmo os Cybermans estando um pouco distante da trama, as criaturas cinzas ainda entregam uma problemática bem satisfatória e aceitável (mesmo não sendo algo muito inovador). O destaque maior vai para todo o seu bloco dedicado a introduzir o novo companion “Hex”, conhecemos um rapaz bem simples, simpático, tímido, emotivo e muito humano, que tem seus defeitos, arrependimentos e suas dores. A reação dele ao entrar pela primeira vez na TARDIS podemos dizer que é um pouco diferente do que já vimos anteriormente na série, e o legal é que ele divide o protagonismo com a Ace...Ops! foi mal, desculpe, com a McShane rsrsrs – A dinâmica entre os dois é ótima, confesso que estou muito ansioso para ver mais essa dupla em ação. Já o Doutor está quase que um personagem secundário, ele mal aparece nas duas primeiras partes, mas senti um up significativo na atuação do McCoy. "The Harvest" não leva uma avaliação melhor porque peca muito em seu andamento, todo seu bloco investigativo é bem arrastado e esticado e quando alcançado seu ápice, sua problemática conclui de uma forma bem...Nhaaa, Ok. KnuppMello View profile Like Liked 1 8 January 2025 · 198 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! This story has a gritty, real world feel without being overly angsty or po faced. It has a vintage "end of the wilderness years" feel. Hex is a marvellous creation. They do a great job of building his slightly futuristic version of London (2021) and the hospital he works in. The fact Ace has a partner to flirt with is very satisfying. Hex adds a new dimension to her character. She is his mentor during the satisfyingly Doctor lite part 1. I got a proper thrill from hearing Hex enter the TARDIS for the first time and encountering a dismissive Doctor. Like all the best Cybermen stories it has an unexpected reveal at the end of part two! The fact that the enemies were Cybermen was not something that ever struck me as a possibility, given the only monstrosities we had met before the reveal were stoic, introspective patients who indulged in sensation and feeling. It is rare that the regularly used plot device of a human teaming up with the cybermen (or daleks, etc.) feels believable. But they nail it here - you can see why they feel justified in their approach. This one is a real game changer. 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 1 1 December 2024 · 1000 words Review by Speechless Spoilers 4 This review contains spoilers! The Monthly Adventures #058 - “The Harvest" by Dan Abnett The Monthly Adventures are famous for a lot of things; they’re famous for introducing some of the best stories, for redeeming some of Who’s most hated characters and for debuting a number of all time great writers for the show. But I think the thing they’re most famous for may be their companions. From fan favourite history tutor Evelyn Smythe to foundational edwardian adventuress Charley Pollard, there is no shortage of incredible companions introduced by the Main Range. But I think that, for me, they’ve never done better than one Thomas Hector Schofield. Maybe it’s just my bias towards Seven and Ace as a TARDIS team, but Hex has grown to be one my absolute favourite companions with a consistently stellar performance from Philip Olivier and an endlessly endearing personality boosting him up my ranks. Now, an all time great companion should have an all time great introduction, so how does Hex’s debut fare? Something strange is going on in St. Gart’s Hospital. People disappear and whole floors are closed to the public. When a friend of staff nurse Hex dies on the operating table, he decides to look further into the mysteries surrounding his work, and discovers the terrible and deadly world of the Doctor. (CONTAINS SPOILERS) First things first, Hex is amazing. Olivier is effortlessly charismatic and likeable, instantly making sweet staff nurse Hex one of the most endearing characters Big Finish has come up with. Not only that, but his chemistry with Sophie Aldred immediately makes itself known and they pretty much become an unflappable duo in their very first scene together. Hex is easily my favourite part of this story but that’s not to say the rest isn’t some good quality Doctor Who. For one, I loved the hospital setting and all the shady backroom experiments happening there. Plus, the subtle introduction of high tech sci-fi appliances was a nice way to establish the near-future time period. The story itself is incredibly fast and fun, moving at a million miles an hour but never feeling rushed. It’s a pretty gritty story that has the cadence of a light action flick, with explosions and chase sequences, all incredibly dynamically put together by excellent sound design. This feels a lot like a spy movie in how it’s set up, with tons of espionage and sneaking around deserted government facilities, all tinged with some light political commentary. It’s not the greatest story ever told but it’s very Doctor Who and is certainly a good time. As for our cast, besides our main trio, there are very few named characters but I did really like Mark’s presence as a much needed comic relief who still felt incredibly genuine in his portrayal; like, this is the epitome of a work buddy you go for 5 O’clock drinks with. Also, although I usually gloss over a story’s score, this is easily one of David Darlington’s best; Darlington is a very omnipresent force in these early stories, with a very distinctive, computerised musical style that I think really works here. The themes of technology and sacrifices for science are reflected in the very techno bleeps and bloops of the soundtrack, which also greatly improve a good number of the action sequences. However, I don’t believe The Harvest to be a particularly memorable story. Sure, it introduces Hex but beyond there isn’t much that’s particularly unique or stand-out. For one, I keep going back and forth on the inclusion of the Cybermen. As for the twist revealing their involvement, I have no opinion because I think at this point everybody (including me) goes into The Harvest knowing they’re the main antagonists; other than Hex, it’s what this story is known for. I love the idea of linking medical horror with the Cybermen because in the end, that’s just what they are - originally thought up by a doctor fearing advances in biomechanical surgery - but this is not a particularly great execution of the idea. All conversions are done off screen and never do we really see the Cybermen before their turn into mindless drones. I find this a lot less impactful than it could’ve been and in the end, World Enough and Time has done the concept a thousand times better since. As for our other antagonists, neither feel particularly special. There’s some novelty in the spineless Dr. Farrer who’s willing to cut up surgery patients but not living people for his experiments but he kind of takes the back bench towards the end and hasn’t much impact on the plot. As for callous security officer Garnier, he just feels to me like a dull and generic tough guy without much depth who is easily and predictably overcome by rampaging cybermen in a somewhat rushed third act. In fact, that whole section is a let down from what came before, the pace falling apart slightly and once again downplaying its impact by having none of the action front and centre. Plus, the day is saved with a convenient kill switch that Dr. Farrer implemented for some reason. Overall, The Harvest was a thoroughly fine affair with the significant advantage of introducing one of Big Finish’s best characters. It’s another addition to the ever growing pile of disappointing cyberman stories that just so happens to have a sleek and action-packed air to it. The chemistry between our three leads is immediately apparent but, though it is certainly not boring, the story could use some work here and there. 7/10 Pros: + Fantastic introduction to Hex + Really interesting and unique setting + Great, brisk and action-packed pace + Mark was some much needed comic relief + One of David Darlington’s best scores Cons: - The secondary antagonists were nothing special - The cybermen felt underused - The third act was underwhelming Speechless View profile Like Liked 4 24 November 2024 · 13 words Review by Rock_Angel 1 The harvest is such a perfect cyberman story I love it so much Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 1 18 October 2024 · 959 words Review by slytherindoctor Spoilers This review contains spoilers! MR 058: The Harvest "Oh my god.... oh my god...." "No, just the Doctor. But hello all the same!" "Am I going to have to suffer through another bout of you saying 'oh my god'?" "Very probably." It's about time that the Seventh Doctor got an original companion. All of the other three Doctors have gotten one already and are on solid trajectories with them. Indeed, the Eighth Doctor now has TWO unique companions, although we still don't know that much about C'Rizz. The Seventh has been lagging behind. He was the true loser of the first fifty main range stories, even. There were only a handfull that of Seventh Doctor stories that I really liked and most of them were mediocre at best. It felt like they didn't really know what to do with this Doctor at the beginning. Now, perhaps, we can get a solid arc going. We begin in the near future... 2022. The world seems to be divided between three superpowers: Europe, the Americas, and China. Funny how the UK is still in Europe. Hex, our new character, is a nurse in a hospital. One of his friends has just turned up in the ER and a doctor from upstairs has come to work on him. Only Hex hasn't heard what happened since then. He goes upstairs to try to find out what happened. The computer system doesn't have his friend's name in its file, and so he asks about him. The doctor is rude to him at first, only to be nice and tell him that his friend died whenever he realizes that Hex knew him. Not only that, but it's his birthday. He goes to his birthday party, but it's understandably ruined by his friend being in surgery and then dying. The mysterious McShane accompanies him as he leaves, only for them to get chased by some rather large men. McShane has Hex drop her off in an industrial area, which is strange. Naturally Hex follows her... into the TARDIS. The Doctor and Ace are investigating this hospital because they have some sort of non-terrestrial technology that they're using. The Doctor says there's a space race going on between the super powers and Europe is trying to get a leg up with this technology. I like how he says "The Chinese pretty much run the moon." Kind of wild that we thought we'd have a bunch of bases on the moon in the 2020s, but nobody really cares about it in reality. They go into full on infiltration mode. The Doctor giving instructions to Hex and McShane in an earpiece. But it goes wrong. McShane and another doctor friend of Hex's get caught. They find out what's happening. There are cybermen here and the cybermen are trying to go back to being human. Which is very strange. There's some gore and such as we see dead bodies cut up and vivisected to get at their organs. The hospital has been covering up deaths so as to use people's bodies as organ factories. It's all very gruesome and horrific as you'd expect from the cybermen. I'm not a big fan of scenes like this, obviously, from my reviews of the Projects, Nekromanteia, and Creed of the Kromon. It definitely drags the story down, for sure, but this one is not as insufferably gorey/dark/edgy for the sake of it as those stories. It gets to the point where the head of security wants the doctor involved in all of this to kill McShane and Hex's doctor friend. He's about to do it, willing to do it to save himself ultimately, when they're saved by Hex who kills the cyberman watching over him. The Cyberleader who is being converted back to human wants the Doctor's help to finish the process. The Doctor is sympathetic, but then the cybermen start killing all the humans and the Doctor is like lol nope. They see humans as a threat to the process since Hex killed one of them. If one human can kill one of them, all humans are a threat. Sure. Kind of extreme logic there Cybermen. They're not exactly known for being subtle. The Doctor then learns the truth. They're not actually trying to change back to being human for the sake of it. They've learned how to adapt and not be so logical all the time and are now using this hospital as a base to conquer the Earth. ect ect The doctor who was working with them manages to get the password to shut down all the cybermen, the cyber leader begs for the Doctor's help as he and all the other human cybermen die of organ failure, and the Doctor gets a snappy one liner: "The flesh is weak." And then the Doctor and McShane leave while Hex runs off to join them: "Do you know what you're getting into?" "No even slightly. Isn't that the point?" "Quite possibly." Welcome to the TARDIS Mr. Hex! He is definitely charming right from the start. You get the feeling that he will do well carrying stories as a series regular. Yeah, there's a reason why I didn't say too much about this story. There's not a lot to it. It's fun when you're listening to it, but it doesn't really have much to say on its own. Just a proceedural spy thriller, which is fine. It's entertaining in the moment, but ultimately forgettable. It probably would have been more interesting if the cybermen REALLY WERE trying to change back into humans and not just immediately turning it around as invasion #45210452221. That said, I definitely hope this leads to an improvement in the Seventh Doctor's stories with a new companion because he has been STRUGGLING so far. slytherindoctor View profile Like Liked 0 27 September 2024 · 132 words Review by kiraoho 1 02.09.2023 Strong characterization. I immediately forgot they were supposed to feel like characters in a story. Perfect introduction to a new companion award goes here. Ace has a whole new dimension to her while still staying true to the foundation of her character. They had an interesting direction to take the villain to but chickened out. Shame. This could've been an instant classic. The procedural part of this episode works just fine. Suspense where it's needed, intrigue where it's appropriate. It loses steam towards the latter half, but it's a decent thriller. A major flaw is the preview. I don't need to hear the most interesting scenes at the beginning like it's a Mr Beast video. Also confused the hell out of me before I figured out what it was supposed to be. 3.5/5 kiraoho View profile Like Liked 1 23 June 2024 · 212 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers This review contains spoilers! I dove into The Harvest expecting a fun story and a nice introduction to the companion Hex. I feel I got a serviceable audio that largely delivers on both counts, but the end result hardly felt exceptional to me, either. The Cyberman content didn't really stand out and I don't think I was given a lot for Hex's character that left much of an impression on me. Everyone does a pretty good job in the cast, but I think the writing lacks those essential memorable moments that would have made The Harvest a little more special for me. Compared to Evelyn Smythe's introduction, it felt like I have a much weaker sense of Hex's character and am not really left feeling excited about future adventures with him. I normally like Dan Abnett more than this (currently reading a Warhammer 40k novel by him I'm enjoying quite a bit) but he struggles with endings and it shows here a bit. I do like this take on the "near future" of 2021 - now, of course, our past - that's always pretty neat to see in fiction. Really the whole story has some cool ideas, I'm just not sure it comes together into something I found all that satisfying, and more just average in comparison. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 0 17 June 2024 · 1831 words Review by PalindromeRose Spoilers This review contains spoilers! Doctor Who – The Monthly Adventures #058. The Harvest ~ 10/10 ◆ An Introduction Body horror is a genre that I’m not always keen on, because it’s very easy for writers to lose the horror aspect all together and create a nonsensical blood-bath (which is part of the reason I cannot stand your typical American slasher films). Where the creators of films like Texas Chainsaw Massacre failed, Dan Abnett absolutely succeeds. They thought the flesh was weak, that science would save them, but a small faction appears to have had a change of heart. Sinister goings on at a hospital in the heart of London, and the introduction of one of my favourite companions. Let the Harvest commence! ◆ Publisher’s Summary On the morning of October 12th, 2021 Hex woke up. He was expecting to go to work at St Gart's in London as normal and, that evening, have a great time in the bar of the White Rabbit, celebrating his 23rd birthday. But after his ex-flatmate is wheeled into A&E following a bike accident, and the strange young woman from Human Resources tries to chat him up and an eight-foot tall guy in a Merc tries to run him down, Hex realises things are not going quite as he expected. Then in a Shoreditch car park he meets the enigmatic Doctor who explains that he's an extra-terrestrial investigator and something very strange is going on up on the thirty-first floor of St Garts. Therefore, aided and abetted by the Doctor and his other new friend 'Just McShane', Hex decides to investigate. Trouble is, everything that goes on at the hospital is being observed and noted by the occupants of the thirty-first floor. Occupants who are none too pleased that people are poking their noses into business that doesn't concern them. Occupants who will go to extraordinary lengths to ensure that no one discovers the truth. ◆ The Seventh Doctor ‘The Harvest’ was one of the first BigFinish plays I listened to, way back in 2017, and it’s always been one of my absolute favourites – which is why I got it signed by two out of the three regulars at ComicCon Scotland Aberdeen this year. Sylvester McCoy delivers a top-notch performance in this adventure, and it’s fair to say that this is the beginning of a new golden age for the Seventh Doctor on audio. The Doctor claims that explaining his TARDIS requires a two hour lecture with flip-charts and slides. Very few things in space and time tend to make sense, and he finds that shouting about them doesn’t help. He knows that it’s always harder when things get personal, and urges Hex not to remember his friend as just another person used by the Cybermen. Although he is ashamed to admit it, it’s the Doctor’s own fault that the Cybermen survived in the first place (nice reference to ‘Spare Parts’). Confronted with a flat-lining Cyber-Leader, he just walks away and leaves him to die! That’s cold, even for the Doctor. ◆ “Just McShane” When Sophie Aldred signed my copy of ‘The Harvest’ at ComicCon, she spoke very highly of it (she told me that she’d made the mistake of listening to it at midnight when she first got her CD copy, and scared herself witless with it). Her performance in this adventure is absolutely top tier. “McShane” believes that on the list of things in this universe that are going to kill her, sugar is a long way down. She’s been working in human resources for three weeks now, and Hex doesn’t know anyone who knows her real name. “McShane” finds that, where the dimensions of the TARDIS are concerned, the initial open-mouthed shock fades after an hour or so. It’s replaced by an uncomfortable nagging sense of the uncanny which never quite goes away, but that’s a lot easier to cope with in the long run than the slacked-mouth gibbering. The work she does with the Doctor isn’t always this cloak and dagger; it’s been anorak and baseball bat a few times, panama hat and jelly-baby, but usually it’s your basic shambling horror and nasty pongs. If it gets all eye-stalks and sink plungers, she tells Hex to warn her and they’ll run like hell! ◆ Hex I’ve so been looking forward to writing this review, because ‘The Harvest’ introduces us to the wonderful Philip Olivier. He instantly makes an amazing first impression on the audience, as the charming Scouse nurse. It’s a brilliant performance, and I cannot wait to dive head first into the rest of his adventures too! It’s not like Hex to go faint at the sight of blood, look up “strong stomach” and there is usually a picture of him, but it’s the first time since he started working A&E that someone he knows has been carted in. He believes that, sometimes, there isn’t a bright side. Hex tries to convince himself that the TARDIS is just some birthday gag, but proceeds to have a mental breakdown when he realises that’s far from the case. He got involved with the Doctor and “McShane” the moment a great big freak of nature in a Mercedes tried to run him over! Hex has been considering a change of career after everything that’s happened. He hasn’t got the slightest clue what he’s getting into, but steps aboard the TARDIS anyway. Welcome aboard Mr Hex! ◆ Story Recap The Doctor and “McShane” are investigating St Gart’s Hospital, because they have reason to believe someone there is conducting dangerous experiments with alien technology. It’s here that they cross paths with a friendly A&E nurse named Thomas Hector Schofield – Hex, to his friends. Something strange is going on in the top levels of the hospital tower; corpses are seemingly going missing from the morgue, and Dr Farrer is operating on some very special patients in nano-surgery. Organs are being harvested for a medical atrocity, sanctioned by the Euro-Combine, to fulfil a bargain with their alien benefactors. ◆ Will Made Flesh ‘The Harvest’ has always been one of my favourite stories with the Seventh Doctor, for a variety of reasons. Chief amongst those reasons is that it does something really unique with one of the show’s most popular villains. C-Programme was set up after a faction of Cybermen crash landed in the Pyrenees. They began trading their cyber-technology, expertise and knowledge with the Euro-Combine in exchange for organic bodies. With these advanced cybernetics at their disposal, Europe could create astronauts with no need of life-support, thus giving their space programme a monumental advantage. The Cybermen are nearly as old as the show itself, so I really commend Dan Abnett for doing something so different with them – I don’t think I’ve ever heard a writer do a reverse-conversion plot. It also makes the humanised Cybermen very unique, because for the first time, the tyrants of logic have the ability to lie. ◆ Sensitive Scouse Nurse It’s time now to talk about the Doctor’s new friend from Liverpool, and I’m not talking about John Bishop! The decision to introduce Hex is one I wholeheartedly approve of, because the guy is just so utterly charming. Given how long “McShane” has been travelling in the TARDIS at this point, it’s fair to say that she’s become desensitised to a lot of the horrors and wonders that one can witness when travelling across the width and breadth of time and space. Whilst she was left utterly horrified by Kurtz’s death at Colditz Castle, she is generally more accustomed to life among the stars. Putting her alongside a newbie turns her into a bit of a mentor figure, and it’s a great dynamic that will be built on throughout Hex’s early stories. Hex is a medical professional, someone gentle and with a heart of gold… which is going to make things very difficult when he realises that the Doctor knew his mother, and that he was there when Cassie Schofield was murdered at the hands of Nimrod! ◆ Sound Design This is an ultra-modern audio landscape, but it’s really strange to think that this story is now set three years in the past. St Gart’s is clearly a highly advanced hospital, so I can only assume that this must be set in a universe where the government actually care about giving the NHS the funding they rightly deserve. Bustling traffic in the centre of London, with Big Ben chiming nearby. The artificial voice of System, as Dr Farrer receives an update on his special patients. Scissors cut through surgical packing, allowing Subject One to see the entire capital through his hospital window on the thirty-first floor. The Atrium of St Gart’s is a hive of activity, with medical staff and guests going about their day. A bleeping emergency alarm, as System gives a diagnoses on a mangled bike courier in A&E. The puffing of a ventilator accompanies the bleeping of an ECG monitor. The White Rabbit is full to bursting for Hex’s birthday celebrations. A Mercedes tries to run-down “McShane” and Hex, before the two make a swift getaway on a moped. An extremely loud but harmless explosion sends the Atrium into utter chaos! The grinding of mechanical blades, as Dr Farrer prepares to have “McShane” and Mathias harvested. The blades of the auto-surgeon dig into the neck of a Cyber-human… decapitating him in the process! The Cyber-humans go completely mad; taking arms and gunning down innocent people in the hospital Atrium! The Cyber-Leader is left to slowly flat-line in his bed. ◆ Music David Darlington is also behind the score for ‘The Harvest’, and I absolutely adore it! There is no other way to describe it than “techno”. It wont be everyone’s cup of tea, but those people are just plain wrong. ◆ Conclusion “The flesh is weak, isn’t it?” I remember the day my copy of ‘The Harvest’ arrived from eBay, and I practically wore the CDs out listening to it over and over again. It was one of my first BigFinish adventures, and it’s still one of the best. A group of Cybermen want to regain their humanity, so have brokered a deal with the Euro-Combine to achieve that goal; they get cybernetic technology for their space programme, the Cybermen get organic bodies in return. I don’t think I’ve heard any writer try to do a reverse-conversion storyline, but Dan Abnett does a splendid job with this script. McCoy and Aldred are acting their socks off, and they work so well with the latest member of the TARDIS family. I absolutely adore Philip Olivier, and he got the best possible debut outing. ‘The Harvest’ has really stood the test of time, and remains one of the greatest Cybermen stories BigFinish have ever created. PalindromeRose View profile Like Liked 0