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Most of the stories in Time Lord Fairy Tales are recognizably cribbed from well known, um, fairy tales. I've read this one is sourced from Rumpelstiltskin, but I don't see the connection.

The story itself makes no sense. Some guy collects tears, and in order to do so, he puts people's loved ones in bottles. And there's a room with the bottles of tears, and a room with the bottles of people. Why does the guy do this? Never explained. When the bottles of tears break, how do they fill the room up so much they drown the guy? Makes no sense. Sometimes fairy tales just don't.

We can just take this as a cautionary tale of "when people offer you something too good to be true, it probably is". If we try to find logic in it, forget it. And if anyone can explain why the Doctor would show up and nudge the heroine without actually giving her information or actively helping himself, well, good on ya, because I just don't see it.

Worth a point for atmosphere, perhaps, and well, it's certainly - as advertised - a fairy tale.


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My second favourite of the whole set, this feels like the perfect fairy tale.

While again I don't think The Doctor would be in fairy tales they tell Gallifreyan children... eh, I can forgive it, the story is great. A person who can give you whatever you want, but there being a twist that you don't truely get what you desire, is a great fairy tale trope, and the idea here that it's all done in service of collecting the grief and tears of those he deals with is just such great imagery.

Speaking of great imagery, that last moment where the main character frees all the loved ones, smashing the jars and creating a tidal wave of tears (iirc) is also just so good.


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