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Susan’s War: Family Ties • Episode 2

The Golden Child

3.81/ 5 18 votes

Reviews and links from the Community

Review of The Golden Child by MrColdStream

👍🏼7/10 = Good!

Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!


The Golden Child sees Susan whisked away on an adventure to a time-locked planet to locate an ally who has disappeared from time. This story ventures through altered timelines, and since the first story of the set focuses on Susan’s relationship with her son, this one returns to her relations with her grandfather, and especially a future version of him she isn’t familiar with.

The selling point here is the older Susan meeting the War Doctor (once again played to perfection by Joanthion Calrey), only to shockingly realise how different he is from previous incarnations. Sadly, the story doesn't delve very deeply into this aside from a few scenes.

This is a light timey-wimey ploy about our responsibilities during a war when we know the future outcome of our actions. And while there's some good character drama in the second half, this one doesn't grab my attention very well.

The most interesting stuff happens at the end, with the big twist of the story and the possibility of the later Time War-era War Doctor travelling with Susan.

Review last edited on 30-08-24

Review of The Golden Child by twelvesoswald

did NOT expect the twist at the end omg.... i really liked how they had susan/war working against each other, and how they've set it up for them to travel together in the next set. it's intriguing as to why war is back at this period of the time war. as i said in my other review, i do hope we get susan/8 with the alternate alex at some point to make it very angsty.

Review last edited on 28-08-24

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