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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Written by

Jonathan Morris


60 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Ghosts, LGBTQA+, Mind Control

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London, Tower of London


13 Bannerman Road. The place where it all began, where Rani, Clyde and Luke fought alien menaces with Sarah Jane. Now it’s locked up, derelict and under the watch of UNIT, because top scientists are mysteriously disappearing, and items of alien technology are being stolen from laboratories. An old friend is planning to make her return... and Rani and Clyde have to face their own ghosts.

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How to listen to The Ghost of Bannerman Road:


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3 reviews

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Great finale to end the set! Wormwood is amazing as a villain, and I really really love both her plan and how it's executed here. Plus it ties into the wider arc of the set extremely well; much better than the main villain of the last set did.

I am docking half a point though, due to two things. Firstly, Luke is super underutilised and tbh didn't even need to be here. Secondly, Clyde and Rani talking about their will they/won't they were saying dialogue written for teenagers not adults and it was kinda grating hearing them communicate in such a juvenile sounding way.

Overall great finale to a good set though!


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It was pretty good! I thought Wormwood's plan of causing people to create paradoxes of their own lives was really cool. The one thing holding it back for me though was the constant will-they won't-they going on between Clyde and Rani that was never resolved. Decent finale over all.


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An exciting finale to the second box set. It has Wormwood at her most devious, manipulating Clyde and others into changing their own timelines. Clyde's reaction to UNIT's Tower of London base is a lot of fun, and makes me want to see/hear him visiting the new UNIT Tower.

My only criticism of the story is that Luke is a little underused. He doesn't really contribute anything to the narrative, and most of the audio concerns Rani and Clyde investigating without Luke present.



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LUKE: It’s just like old times, isn’t it? The three of us, in the attic of Bannerman Road.

CLYDE: Except there’s one thing missing.

LUKE: Mum. Sarah-Jane.

RANI: She’s still with us though, in spirit. I can still hear her voice sometimes, you know. “You go girl. Take on the world. Get to the truth. Don’t let anyone stand in your way”.

CLYDE: Rani takes on the world. I’ll tell you what- I don’t fancy the world’s chances much.

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