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Big Finish Short Trips

The Five O’Clock Shadow

3.70/ 5 8 votes

Released Thursday, July 7, 2005
Written by Nev Fountain
Pages 9
Locations TARDIS

The Five O'Clock Shadow was the fourth short story in the Short Trips anthology Short Trips: A Day in the Life. It was written by Nev Fountain.

It featured an unspecified Doctor and saw him create fictional doppelgängers of himself and Susan Foreman, who were none other than Dr. Who and Susan as they appeared in the theatrical film Dr. Who and the Daleks and its sequels. As such, the story presented a potential origin for those two characters within the mainstream Doctor Who universe.

The story was mostly written in rhyming couplets, deviating between patterns of ABAB, AABB, and ABABCDCDEE.

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