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This story is just delightful fun and an excellent celebration of all things Sixth Doctor. Where else can you get four of him, two Peris, Flip, Constance, and Mel? Not to mention sextuplets. It's a fun ride, and the Sixth Doctor's distinctive style is well-honored. Here's to many more adventures!


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Thousand Year Thaw

This has been a very odd set of stories. I'm not sure it entirely succeeded in it's goal of celebrating the 6th Doctor. This story is a decently satisfying conclusion though. In the end there wasn't much point in bringing together all the Doctors other than to have a really fan-servicey moment where 6 lists his companions in order (as someone doing it chronologically though I absolutely loved that). I also feel like all the companions being piled together was a bit wasted, you can tell Jacqueline Rayner struggled to find a role for all of them in a 30 minute story.

Next Story: The Trials of a Time Lord


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Loved the ending to this story and the acting is on point you really believe there’s 4 Colin bakers in the same room The only issue I have is that hgwells isn’t mentioned in the companion line up making me think it was originally A Frobisher and peri story for holy island at least in my mind that’s how I see it might not be the intent Either way Quin dilemma is so worth it love live the sixth doctor


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