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"The Fires of Pompeii" was one of my favorite episodes when I was younger, and I was hyped when I started Latin class, and Caecilius, Metella, and Quintus were features in the textbook. I just showed it to some of my friends who've never watched Doctor Who before, and this has inspired them to go back and start at season 1 of NuWho!!!


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You fall in love with Donna in Partners in Crime, then she breaks your heart in the second episode of the series. She approaches her adventures differently from a typical companion. She is wowed and amazed by the universe, but regularly challenges The Doctor if any explanation he gives is not satisfactory. Donna’s empathetic reaction to the deaths of Pompeii and the injustice of the decision The Doctor has to make is palpable. Catherine Tate more than proves her worth as a dramatic actor.

My understanding is that Russell had a strong hand in James Moran’s writing of this story. Having read Moran’s target novelisation earlier this year I feel I have an instinct for his writing style, so which moments belong to which writers. Either way, this is a strong addition. Together they take a typical monster of the week premise and turn it into something that you sense will impact The Doctor and Donna forever. It’s set up for the audience to expect an ordinary emotional ebb and flow, then delivers a seismic gut punch.

You are of course delighted when The Doctor decides to save the Roman family we’ve been introduced to, after Donna’s pleading “to save anyone”. A very satisfying ending.


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