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The Eye of Ashaya

3.71/ 5 212 votes

Released Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Written by Andy Diggle
Publisher IDW Publishing
Colourist Charlie Kirchoff
Letterer Tom B. Long
Pages 50
Time Travel Present

Majorca, Spain: After a series of stressful adventures, Amy Pond and Rory Williams are dropped off by the Doctor on the island of Majorca in the Mediterranean Sea for a relaxing vacation. Unfortunately, the time they materialise in is less than ideal. Whilst waiting at the airport for a flight out, Amy complains that the hotel that looked so nice in the brochure isn't actually built yet, it rained the whole time, and the only "exotic food" available was soggy fish and chips at a fake English pub. Rory, whose dogged attempts at optimism are repeatedly stymied by Amy's complaints, finally manages to point out, "At least we'll be home soon, eh?" This turns out not to be true either, as an announcement immediately informs them that flights off the island are delayed indefinitely. Before Amy can finish threatening a dire fate for the people in charge, Lady Christina de Souza appears, striding confidently to the front of the queue, explaining that she has a private jet and a pressing engagement in Utah. Before Rory's open admiration of Christina and her jet can get him in too much trouble with Amy, the Doctor saves the day by materialising the TARDIS in the middle of the airport and offering the couple tickets to "the most luxurious star-liner in the galaxy." Delighted that her holiday might not be a total disaster, Amy accepts the tickets over Rory's assurances that all they wanted was to go home. After a brief altercation with the local police is settled with judicious use of the psychic paper, the three head off to the star-liner Excelsis, which is travelling through the Ashaya Nebula, "a couple of years" in the future and "a few galaxies over," according to the Doctor.

Ratings are from TARDIS Guide members only.