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(Transcriber's note - this transcript was originally created from the BBC Radio Collection CDs, and is now updated from the lost episodes which were recovered in 2013.)

Episode One


(The TARDIS materialises amidst the dunes by a golden beach, played by Climping beach, Littlehampton, West Sussex.)

JAMIE: Where are we, Doctor?
DOCTOR: We're by the seaside, that's where we are. That's all that matters.
JAMIE: Aye, but where?
VICTORIA: Yes, Doctor, we must know.
DOCTOR: Oh, stop fussing, you two. Come on.

(The Doctor runs down the slope to the beach.)

DOCTOR: Come on, you two. No, wait a minute. See if there's any buckets and spades in the TARDIS.
JAMIE: Buckets and spades? Is he going to dig for worms?
VICTORIA: No, he wants us to play sand castles.
JAMIE: Sand castles? What does he think we are, a couple of children?

(The Doctor runs along the sand, then notices a hovercraft moored further along the shore and waves at it.)

[By the hovercraft]

(The man is Australian.)

ANTON: Hey, Rod, pass me those binoculars.

(Rod opens the hatch of the hovercraft.)

ROD: Now what's biting you?
ANTON: Some crazy nut dancing a jig.

(He looks through the binoculars. A third man with curly hair stands up in the hovercraft.)

ANTON: Hey, wait a minute. It can't be. Get below fast, both of you.
ROD: What's the matter?
ANTON: Move!


(The Doctor is down to his long-johns in the surf.)

DOCTOR: Come on in, the water's lovely. You don't know what you're missing.
VICTORIA: Doctor! You'll catch your death.

(The Doctor plays in the water, and Jamie laughs.)


ROD: Well, what do you know? You're right, it is him.
ANTON: What are we going to do?

(Anton picks up a handset and sets the dial.)

[Kent's office]

ASTRID: (blonde woman) Yes?
ANTON [OC]: This is Anton.
ASTRID: Where are you?
ANTON [OC]: Ten miles west of Cape Arid. Now listen.
ASTRID: Wait a minute.

(She calls up a map of the area on the wall screen.)

ASTRIC: What are you doing there?


ANTON: What do you think we're doing, fishing?
ASTRID [OC]: I shouldn't be surprised.
ANTON: Oh yeah? Well this time we caught a whale. He's here!

[Kent's office]

ASTRID: Well, that's physically impossible.
ANTON [OC]: It's him all right. There's no shadow of doubt about it.
ASTRID: Oh no, you're making a mistake, you must be.


ANTON: Now listen, there are three of us here. We've all had a look.

[Kent's office]

ASTRID: Well, if you're that definite, I'll contact Giles. 


ANTON: No! We'll take care of this ourselves.

[Kent's office]

ASTRID: Listen, Anton, you'll do nothing without Giles' agreement.
ANTON [OC]: There isn't time!


ASTRID [OC]: Make time.
ANTON: If you think I'm going to pass up a chance like this, you're crazy.

[Kent's office]

ASTRID: Well, at least wait till I get there.

(Transmission ends.)

ASTRID: Anton! Anton!

(But Anton is handing out guns.)

ASTRID: Giles, that's just what I said. How could it be him?
KENT [on monitor]: It's a mistake, it must be.

(Played by the BBC's resident Australian, Bill Kerr.)

ASTRID: Yes, I know, but he was definite. He's going to kill him.
KENT [on monitor]: I don't care. Get after them, stop them!
ASTRID: But Giles, what can I do?
KENT [on monitor]: Look, I don't care what you do, Astrid, but stop them!


(The Doctor has got dressed again.)

DOCTOR: Oh, there's nothing like a dip to freshen you up.
JAMIE: Hey, there's a funny looking boat.
DOCTOR: That's not a boat, it's a hovercraft.
DOCTOR: It's a hovercraft. It floats on the air instead of the sea.
JAMIE: Oh, yes? Yeah, I'm too old for fairy tales.
DOCTOR: No, it's true, Jamie.
VICTORIA: What a terrifying thing. It's like a sea monster.
JAMIE: Oh, we'll soon get a closer look. It's coming nearer.

(The hovercraft is coming straight for them.)

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Yes. I don't think I like the look of this. Let's go.
VICTORIA: Why? What's the matter?
DOCTOR: Come on, run.
JAMIE: But Doctor
DOCTOR: Don't argue, run. Come on.
JAMIE: What do you mean, run?
DOCTOR: Come on!

(Curly and Anton shoot at the travellers as they run for the sand dunes.)


(The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria hide in the grassy dunes.)

JAMIE: If only we had a gun.
VICTORIA: But why do they want to harm us?
DOCTOR: Why indeed? Well, what now?
VICTORIA: Look, Doctor, can't we go back to the TARDIS?
DOCTOR: No, we'd never make it. There's not much cover here.
VICTORIA: Perhaps we've landed in a world of mad men.
DOCTOR: They're human beings, if that's what you mean, indulging their favourite past time. Trying to destroy each other.

(The hovercraft stops at the base of the dunes, and the men disembark with their guns.)

DOCTOR: Time we went. Come on.

(The travellers sneak amongst the dunes. Anton sends Curly off to the right whilst he and Rod go left. The travellers meet up with Curly. Jamie knocks him out.)

JAMIE: Creag an tuire!
VICTORIA: Oh, well done.

(Anton and Rod see a helicopter coming in to land.)

JAMIE: What's that?
ROD: I know those markings, that's Astrid's runabout. What's she doing here?
ANTON: Interfering. We've got to get to him before she does.

(The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria run again. The helicopter lands. Astrid is flying it.)

JAMIE: What is it, Doctor?
VICTORIA: Oh, I'm frightened!
ASTRID: Over here! Run!
VICTORIA: I can't! I can't!
DOCTOR: You must. It's our only chance.
ASTRID: Hurry!
DOCTOR: Come on!

(The three get aboard as Anton and Rod come Funning. Rod stops to check on Curly.)

ANTON: Leave him.

(The helicopter takes off in a hail of bullets.)


DOCTOR: A very timely and welcome rescue.
ASTRID: Don't speak to me for a moment, please.

(The Doctor looks at the permit posted in the back of the helicopter - Australasion (sic) Zone. Type Helicopter, (private). Valid until 31st Dec 2018. Class Reg No L23X. Victoria has her arms around Jamie's neck.)

JAMIE: But what is this thing, Doctor?
DOCTOR: It's a helicopter, Jamie.
DOCTOR: A chopper. You know, a whirly bird.
JAMIE: He say's it's a bird.
DOCTOR: No, no, no. It's a primitive form of flying machine.
VICTORIA: Well, at least we're safe now, aren't we?
ASTRID: Depends on what you mean by been safe. They've shot a hole in the fuel tank. We might blow up any minute.

(Rod gets Curly back to the hovercraft, then they head back onto the water and follow the helicopter as far as they can. Astrid flies inland to a lone bungalow.)

ASTRID: Here we go.

(She lands the helicopter. They all get out, Astrid last of all, holding her left arm.)

[Outside the bungalow]

DOCTOR: Wait. You're hurt.
ASTRID: It's nothing. We're lucky to be still alive.
DOCTOR: Jamie, give her a hand.

[Astrid's living room]

DOCTOR: Come along inside.
ASTRID: I'm all right.
DOCTOR: Now let's have a look at it. You're not, and please don't argue. Victoria? Bring some warm water will you?
VICTORIA: Well, where's the kitchen?
ASTRID: Through the arch. There's a medical kit in the bathroom, through there.
DOCTOR: Go and fetch it, will you, Jamie?
JAMIE: Right.
DOCTOR: Come and sit down.
ASTRID: It's nothing. It's just a scratch.
DOCTOR: We'll see. Oh, yes.
ASTRID: Who are you?
DOCTOR: You mean you don't know?
ASTRID: No, why should I?
DOCTOR: Well you went to such a great deal of trouble to save us. Ah, there we are. Thank you, Jamie.
ASTRID: Do you know how to use those things?
JAMIE: Oh, don't worry, the Doctor will fix you up just fine.
ASTRID: Oh, you're a doctor?
DOCTOR: Well, not of any medical significance.
ASTRID: Doctor of law? Philosophy?
DOCTOR: Which law? Whose philosophies, eh?
ASTRID: Oh, I see. You're determined to be mysterious.
ASTRID: Doctor of science?
DOCTOR: Septic spray. That should be right.
ASTRID: A Doctor of Divinity, then?
DOCTOR: You'll run out of doctors in a minute. Now, you haven't told us your name yet.
ASTRID: Astrid Ferrier.
DOCTOR: Ah, Miss Ferrier, this is Victoria and this is Jamie.
JAMIE: Hello.
DOCTOR: Now, this won't take a minute. I just want to clean it off. Be as gentle as I can. There we are. Who are these men? Why are they so determined to kill us?
ASTRID: Kill you. They hate you.
DOCTOR: Me? I'm the nicest possible person.
ASTRID: Or at least I should say they hate the person that they think you are, passionately and completely.
VICTORIA: Can't we tell them they've made a mistake?
ASTRID: There wouldn't be time.
DOCTOR: They seem remarkably dedicated.
ASTRID: They are.
DOCTOR: There.

(The Doctor finishes dressing her wound.)

DOCTOR: Tell me, Miss Ferrier, do you hate me?
ASTRID: Far from it. To me you're the most wonderful and marvellous man that's ever dropped out of the skies. Will you do something for me?
DOCTOR: Anything, anything at all.
ASTRID: It'll probably cost you your life. Oh, but it would be worth it.
DOCTOR: Oh, that's, that's comforting, anyway. What is it that you want me to do?
ASTRID: Let me take you to the man I work for, Giles Kent. He'll explain everything you want to know.
DOCTOR: I don't think so, Miss Ferrier. No, I'm sorry.
JAMIE: Can we not just listen, Doctor? There's no harm in that.
DOCTOR: There's a great deal of harm in it. You don't suppose Miss Ferrier saved our skins for our sakes, do you? Now what is it you want us for?
ASTRID: You resemble very closely a man who's determined to be dictator of the world. A man who will stop at nothing.
VICTORIA: A dictator? Like Napoleon?
DOCTOR: Who is he?
ASTRID: Salamander.
DOCTOR: Salamander?
ASTRID: I know it's surprising. Let me take you to Giles Kent.

(The hovercraft arrives outside.)

VICTORIA: Oh, you're not going to agree?
ASTRID: The back door! Hurry!
DOCTOR: It's too late!
ASTRID: In there!

(They hide in another room as Rod comes in through the back door. As he comes through the arch to the living room, Astrid grabs him jumps out from behind the settee and throws him against the wall.)

ASTRID: Run for it!
JAMIE: Come on!

(Shots are fired through the window, killing Rod.)

JAMIE: Miss Ferrier, come on.

(Anton and Curly come in through the front.)

CURLY: But I. He was framed against the window. I saw him, he was trying to get out!
ANTON: No time now. They'll get away!
CURLY: There they are!

(Curly fires through the window.)

ANTON: Wait! If we can get up in the air above them we can finish this. Now let's get to that helicopter!

[Outside the bungalow]

(The Doctor, Astrid, Victoria and Jamie hide in a ditch, and watch Anton and Curly run to the helipad.)

ASTRID: The helicopter.

(It takes off, leaking fuel.)

ASTRID: It'll blow up!

(And so it does.)

[Kent's office]

KENT: Incredible.

(He walks around the Doctor.)

KENT: Absolutely incredible.
DOCTOR: I'm not a specimen in a glass bowl, you know.
KENT: I'm sorry. Do sit down.
DOCTOR: Oh, thank you.
KENT: It's just so astonishing. You are Salamander?
ASTRID: You see what I mean?
KENT: But surely you know how alike you are? After all, Salamander is a world figure.
DOCTOR: Well, my friends and I, we've been out of touch of civilisation for a little while. We're visitors, so to speak. On ice, shall we say.
KENT: I see. Where shall I start?
DOCTOR: At the beginning, please. We've been subjected to a number of attacks because I look like this Salamander of yours.
KENT: I'm not surprised. I'll show you why. I have a video wire of Salamander addressing the United Zones Conference on World Food.

(Starting with stock footage of the United Nations building.)

REPORTER [OC]: And meanwhile, over at the United Zones General Assembly, from all over the world delegates were flocking in, eager to hear the latest report from Leader Salamander.

(A swarthy black-haired man stands at a dais, the spitting image of the Doctor apart from the side parting and suntan. He speaks with a Mexican accent.)

SALAMANDER [on screen]: The progress, Mister President, of the Sun Conservation establishment at Kanowa, in the Australasian Zone, is, I'm delighted to report, highly satisfactory. But we cannot yet guarantee good summer holidays for all. (laughter) However, we have now in orbit the Mark Seven Sun Catcher, and already we have been able to concentrate the sun's rays into much needed areas. The great Canadian wheat plains are safe. And now, Mister President, Ukraine, the grain field of the planet, that unfortunate area between Poltava and Kirovograd devastated by the elements two short years ago. What have I to say to you about that? I can tell you that on both banks of the Dnieper River the corn is ripening in the sun! And ten-thousand robot harvesters are moving down to gather in fifty million tons of flour!
VICTORIA: There's nothing there to say he's a bad man.
DOCTOR: I quite agree, Victoria. He seems to be a public benefactor. Quite a speaker too and remarkably handsome, didn't you think so Jamie?
KENT: He's one of the most popular men on the planet. Many people call him the shopkeeper of the world. The saviour, in fact, some of them.
JAMIE: Well, what's he saved the world from?
ASTRID: Starvation. Too many people, too little food.
KENT: Until Salamander invented his Sun Store. But surely you've heard? You must know?
DOCTOR: Oh yes, well of course, we've heard something.
KENT: The Sun Store collects the rays from the sun and stores them in concentrated form.
JAMIE: Oh, like the ioniser, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Yes, a rather different principle, I think, Jamie, but
VICTORIA: Well, never mind how it works. What's it for?
KENT: Salamander can force-grow three, sometimes four, crops in one summer.
JAMIE: Well, why do these men want to kill him? I mean, one minute you say he's saving the world, the next
KENT: For his own ends. Step by step, he's taking control of this planet.
DOCTOR: You have proof of this?
KENT: Some, yes. I was once a high official in the World Zone Authority. Deputy Security Leader for North Africa and Europe, but Salamander discredited and ruined me because he realised I was beginning to get suspicious.
DOCTOR: But you could be making up stories about Salamander out of revenge.
KENT: Yes, I suppose so. Then you can judge for yourself.

(Kent puts another video wire into his machine.)

KENT: You remember Michael Assevski? He was Controller of the Eastern European Zone. He was drowned at sea a mile from shore.

(A series of pictures come up on the screen.)

KENT: Hockingham, murdered. All of them were seen with Salamander, or a man known as his deputy, shortly before their deaths.
ASTRID: All of them were replaced by men known to be in Salamander's power.
DOCTOR: Known by who?
KENT: By me, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Well, why don't you tell the authorities, the police or whatever?
KENT: Because I'm discredited, don't you see? Because Salamander is so popular and also because the man that took my place, a man named Donald Bruce, has since risen to become overall Security Chief.
DOCTOR: Surely there is someone you can take your story to?
KENT: Oh, yes. Elvick believed me. So did Assevski. And they're dead. However there is one other man, a man named Alexander Denes, (pronounced Denesh) but none of them will do anything until it's too late.
VICTORIA: I'm surprised. Well, if Salamander is everything you say he is, then why hasn't he tried to
KENT: Dispose of me?
KENT: Well, he has, but he's afraid. You see, the testimony of a dead man still holds legal weight.
DOCTOR: Oh, I see. Well, it seems we have a problem on our hands whether to believe Mister Kent or not.
KENT: Well, there is one way that you can find out for yourselves.
DOCTOR: Oh, how?
ASTRID: Impersonate Salamander.
DOCTOR: Yes, I thought that's what we were leading up to.
JAMIE: Well, I must admit, Doctor, you do look like him.
VICTORIA: Exactly like him.
DOCTOR: Yes, there's more to it than that. What about the voice?
ASTRID: Well, it's nearly the same pitch. Only the accent
DOCTOR: Only the accent? My dear young lady. Oh, dear. Now, what was it he said. (tries an imitation) We still cannot guarantee good summer holidays for all. No. Guarantee. No, no. Guaran. Guarantee. You see, it's very difficult. Of course, I always was interested in phonetics. Holidays. Summer. Summer. He must have come from Mexico. Quintana Roo or Yucatan I shouldn't wonder.
KENT: That's incredible, Doctor. He was born at Merida, state capital of Yucatan.
DOCTOR: Yes, there are other very strong influences though. Oh, I could do it in time. But what if I did? What then?
KENT: You could walk into Salamander's Research Station at Kanowa, find out how he's getting control of the separate World Zones and then bring out absolute proof.

(The phone buzzes. Kent listens.)

KENT: Yes. I see. How long did you say it would take you to master Salamander's accent?
DOCTOR: I didn't. It would take three weeks, perhaps four.
KENT: Well, while we've been talking the Security Chief I told you about, Donald Bruce, has since cordoned off this entire area. He's coming here himself, now! I'd say you've got about two minutes, Doctor.
DOCTOR: But that's out of the question!
KENT: You know what he'll do as soon as he sees you, a man who resembles Salamander so closely?
VICTORIA: Oh, that's not fair!
KENT: Will you please listen! You'll be under arrest for impersonation as soon as he sees you. I mean it.
DOCTOR: But isn't there another way out of this?
KENT: Only one. Be Salamander.
VICTORIA: But the clothes!
KENT: Yes, there are some in here.

(Kent opens an inner office door.)

KENT: A little less eccentric, but do the best you can.
DOCTOR: I won't! I can't!
KENT: Your friends, Doctor, do you want them to suffer? Because they will, you know.
DOCTOR: No, no, wait a minute! Why is a man like Bruce coming here? Don't push me.
KENT: There isn't time.
DOCTOR: You sent for him, didn't you? You tipped him off!
KENT: I couldn't miss an opportunity like this. Now please, come on.

(Kent pushes the Doctor into the inner office.)

ASTRID: Giles, for heaven's sake, what have you done? It's far too risky.

(A security guard with a gun opens the door and stands outside. A tall, heavy man walks past him.)

BRUCE: Hello, Kent. Doing some recruiting, are you? A bit young for killers, aren't they?
VICTORIA: What do you mean?
KENT: All right, what do you mean by stepping in here like this?
BRUCE: Any time, Kent. I've got the right and you know it. Any time I like.
KENT: All right, what do you want?
BRUCE: That's better. You're ex-security, you know the way it's got to go. We might as well be nice and civil about it, mightn't we? That bungalow in Cedar District. In your name, right?
BRUCE: Do I have to tell you? There's been an awful nasty mess out there. Someone has got himself shot in your living room. And who are you two?
JAMIE: Jamie McCrimmon.
JAMIE: Victoria Waterfield.
BRUCE: What's the matter, can't you speak?
VICTORIA: Don't shout at me.
BRUCE: Oh, very good. The outraged public citizen. Do they know who I am?
KENT: Yes, they do.
BRUCE: A pity. I like to hear you say it. Now listen to this, all of you. One of your men was murdered in a bungalow rented to you. The remains of two others were found in what was left of a helicopter. You were in that bungalow at the time and there were three other people with you. Two youngsters and a man, right? Now, there was another man, wasn't there? So we'll deal with that first. Where is he?

(Bruce gestures to the guard, who opens the inner office door. The Doctor comes out in a black roll neck pullover, his hair combed into a side parting.)

DOCTOR: (mexican) Why, hello, Bruce. What are you doing here, huh?
Episode Two

[Kent's office]

BRUCE: I was under the impression you were in the Central European Zone, Leader.
DOCTOR: (mexican) That's what you were meant to believe.
DOCTOR: I do not care to be questioned by my own security.
BRUCE: But that's just it. How can I possibly maintain security when you behave like this? I'm at least entitled to know your movements.
DOCTOR: You have a policeman's mind, Bruce.
BRUCE: That may be, but only a few days ago you questioned me about this man and his activities, and we agreed that he was dangerous. Now I find you in his office.
DOCTOR: Sometimes I like to deal with matters in my own way.
BRUCE: They're not holding you here?
DOCTOR: Holding me?
BRUCE: Under some threat or other?
DOCTOR: No one threatens Salamander.
BRUCE: I still think I deserve an explanation, Leader.
DOCTOR: Yes, of course. You shall have it. But not now. When I return from the Central European Zone.
BRUCE: Very well. Now, what about the dead man found in your bungalow. He was one of your lot, wasn't he?
ASTRID: Yes. Er, he was trying to protect me. The other two wanted to kill me.
BRUCE: Now why should they want to do that to a nice young girl like you?
KENT: Obviously they thought I was there.
KENT: Yes, Bruce. Just like you a lot of people don't like me.
BRUCE: Don't get clever with me, Kent. I've a good mind to
DOCTOR: I am prepared to accept his story.
BRUCE: Well, I'm not.
DOCTOR: That's interesting, but not important. I accept it, that's all that matters.
BRUCE: It's beginning to look as if these people are working for you now. Is that right?
DOCTOR: You still dare to question me? They have information. I shall get it. I will see you on my return. Now leave me.
BRUCE: McCrimmon, you said?
BRUCE: Well, you just watch your step, that's all.

(Bruce and his guard leave.)

JAMIE: I never said a word.
DOCTOR: (normal) Must be the way you look, Jamie.
VICTORIA: You were splendid, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
ASTRID: That was a dangerous game to play.
KENT: It paid off. All right, are you with us?
DOCTOR: I don't know where you stand, Mister Kent, but you and this Salamander are obviously on opposite sides. That at least is clear. But which side is good? Which side is bad? And why should I interfere?
ASTRID: Well, you're the only man who can help save the world.
VICTORIA: But isn't that what Salamander's trying to do?
ASTRID: Don't you understand? Salamander
DOCTOR: Just a moment. Jamie, you're unusually quiet. What do you think?
JAMIE: Well, to save the world, aye, well, it sounds grand, but. Oh, we couldn't turn our back on a chance like this, Doctor. Well, at least I know you wouldn't.
VICTORIA: We don't know anything about these people.
JAMIE: Astrid saved our lives. She was wounded because of it.
VICTORIA: Oh, but Jamie, you don't think
JAMIE: Look, she was
KENT: Look, we're right about Salamander. It won't take you long to find out for yourselves.
DOCTOR: How do you propose we do that?
JAMIE: He'll be well guarded for a start.
VICTORIA: We can hardly steal into his study and go through his papers.
DOCTOR: That man Bruce said that he was in the Central European Zone.
VICTORIA: It's a long way from Australia.
ASTRID: It's only two hours by rocket.
KENT: You could leave almost at once.
DOCTOR: Well, what then?
ASTRID: I've had a plan for infiltrating into Salamander's inner circle for some time. Well, I could adapt it for your two friends.
KENT: I can arrange three travel warrants and visas. Everything you need.
JAMIE: Just three?
KENT: Well one for Astrid, one for you and
VICTORIA: Victoria.
KENT: Of course.
DOCTOR: Oh that's very clever of you. How can you do that? I thought you said you had no official position.
ASTRID: We have a contact there.
DOCTOR: He must be a very important person.
ASTRID: He is. Denes, Controller of the Zone.
DOCTOR: Oh, I see. What about me?
KENT: I think we better have a look at Salamander's Research Station at Kanowa.
DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, but from a safe distance, of course.

[Benik's office]

(The Kanowa Research Station is a cluster of low buildings inside a perimeter fence, played by Dungeness Power Station in Kent. Entry forbidden except with Planetary Pass. A thin faced man enters.)

BENIK: What is all this? I'll just give you a couple of minutes. I have a meeting.
BRUCE: This is important, Benik.
BENIK: I hope so. Well?
BRUCE: Salamander's left you in control of the Research Station?
BRUCE: Did he go on the rocket for the Central European Zone?
BRUCE: Did you see him go aboard?
BENIK: Hasn't been an accident, has there?
BRUCE: Did you see the rocket take off?
BENIK: Do you mean did I stand there waving my handkerchief? Hardly. I had too much to do.
BRUCE: You're not a very funny man, Benik. Not to me. Now answer me! Did you actually see him leave?
BENIK: What is all this?
BRUCE: I've just driven straight here from having spoken to Salamander, not two hundred miles away.
BENIK: That's impossible.
BRUCE: I don't lie, even to someone like you. He was with Giles Kent.
BENIK: But he hates Kent.
BRUCE: Exactly.
BENIK: Kent wasn't holding him by force, was he?
BRUCE: No, I thought of that. Salamander was a wee bit odd, I admit. Not quite his usual self, but he was perfectly in control. All he had to do was bat an eyelid and I'd have knocked off everyone in sight.
BENIK: Oh well, I don't understand it.
BRUCE: Now, Salamander suggested that he was on his way to the Central European Zone. Now you're in radio contact with him. I want you to talk to him, make sure that Kent hasn't got some hold over him that we don't know about.
BENIK: He instructed me not to bother him until the conference was over.
BRUCE: Well, I'm countermanding that instruction.
BENIK: I'm telling you, Bruce, he won't answer. Not till the conference is over. It's too important.
BRUCE: How long will it last?
BENIK: How should I know? They last three hours, usually.
BRUCE: All right, that'll have to do. Let me have a report as soon as you've spoken to him. Is that clear? Is that clear?

(Bruce leave, slamming the door. Benik picks up a handset.)

BENIK: I want a direct channel link to Leader Salamander, Ariel TLXKZ. Notify me as soon as he is able to accept transmission. That's all.

[Palace terrace]

(In the Central European Zone, Salamander is sitting at a table with two colleagues.)

DENES: (East European) This is dreadful news, Salamander. I still can't believe it.
FEDORIN: Terrible, terrible.
SALAMANDER: I don't say it will happen. I say it can happen. Your zone is in danger, Denes. Here, here and here.

(He points at a map on the table.)

FEDORIN: We've had no trouble for years in those mountains.
SALAMANDER: You don't imagine I make it up?
FEDORIN: No, no, of course not.
DENES: Those volcanoes have been dead since sixteenth century. Fedorin is right to doubt.

(The intercom buzzes.)

SALAMANDER: A volcano is a strange thing, my friend. I tell you the truth. It's like a man in the hot sun, sleeping. Still, lifeless. Then boom! He wakes full of energy! I know volcanoes.
DENES: Isn't there a possibility of a miscalculation for a few degrees?
SALAMANDER: I'm never wrong. Every one of my predictions has been accurate.
DENES: Yes. Your record is good. I don't deny that.
SALAMANDER: You are too kind. Now will you listen to me?

(The buzzing continues. An African woman in a white mini-dress enters.)

FARIAH: Leader, the communications
SALAMANDER: I know! I know! I told you I was not to be disturbed.
FARIAH: Yes, Leader.
SALAMANDER: No, wait! No, wait Fariah, huh? You'd like some refreshment, perhaps?
FEDORIN: Thank you.
DENES: No, no, not for me.
SALAMANDER: Oh, you're going so soon?
DENES: I must consult my scientific advisors.
SALAMANDER: You still don't believe me.
DENES: I believe you sufficiently to want to have your information checked before I alarm my people unnecessarily.
SALAMANDER: Your scientists won't help you. They don't know. They are amateurs.
DENES: No, Salamander, they are not amateurs. They are very clever men dedicated to their work, but they are men, capable of human error like anybody else.
SALAMANDER: Do what you wish. Captain!

(A guard enters.)

SALAMANDER: Controller Denes is leaving.
CAPTAIN: Yes, sir.
SALAMANDER: You will soon see that I am right. (to Fedorin) Oh, you will stay, huh? Have a drink. We have a great deal to talk about, you and I. Fariah, see to him.

(Salamander follows Denes indoors.)

[Public Gardens]

(Jamie and Victoria are seated on a park bench. They have suitcases with them.)

JAMIE: Are you sure this is the right one?
VICTORIA: I'm not sure of anything after that rocket. But Astrid said it was the third bench on the south walk of the large gardens. Well, here it is, I counted.
JAMIE: Here we are.

(Astrid arrives.)

ASTRID: It's all arranged. Salamander's in residence in the President's Palace.
JAMIE: What's the card?
ASTRID: That'll get you through the front gate. Find the terrace facing west.
VICTORIA: Good luck, Jamie.
ASTRID: Yes, keep your wits about you.
JAMIE: Right.

(Jamie leaves. Astrid uses a communicator behind the bushes.)

ASTRID: Hello. Hello? Australasian Zone? How much longer? Look, don't talk to me about sun spots. What? Well, the Central European Zone. Please don't worry about procedure. This is urgent. Connect me!

[Kent's office]


KENT: That might be her now. Yes.
ASTRID [OC]: Hello, Giles? This is me, Astrid.
KENT: Right, let's have it. What's happening?
ASTRID [OC]: Everything's gone fine so far.
KENT: Speak up. We can't hear you very well.

[Public gardens]

ASTRID: Oh, it's these spots.

[Kent's office]

KENT: Oh, she's having spot trouble.

(The Doctor has picked up a second handset.)

DOCTOR: Oh yes.
KENT: Right, how is the plan working so far?

[Public gardens]

ASTRID: It's gone fine. The rocket arrived right on time in Hungary, and Jamie's got his entrance pass and has started phase one.
KENT [OC]: Do you think the boy can handle it?
ASTRID: Well I hope so. My goodness, they're a pretty odd lot though, aren't they?

[Kent's office]

KENT: Well, actually, the Doctor's with me right now.
ASTRID [OC]: Oh, I am sorry. Oh, I know I'm sure they'll be fine.
KENT: What news of Denes? We must keep him posted as to what is happening.

[Public gardens]

ASTRID: It's all right. We've contacted and we've arranged to meet.

[Kent's office]

KENT: Be careful, he's pretty well known.
ASTRID [OC]: Oh, don't worry. I suggested that we meet under a disused jetty by the river.
DOCTOR: Disused Yeti?
KENT: No, no, no, no. Jetty, jetty. Er, anything else to tell us?

[Public gardens]

ASTRID: No. If the plan goes through I'll try and contact you again.
KENT [OC]: Right. Goodbye, good luck.

[Kent's office]

DOCTOR: Good luck, Astrid. Jamie and Victoria will look after you.
KENT: Astrid, are you there? Where. She's gone. And I'm not surprised after that last remark.
DOCTOR: Well, I'm sorry.

[Palace terrace]

(Fedorin pours himself a drink.)

FEDORIN: Why don't you sit down?
FEDORIN: Why not?
FARIAH: I have never sat out here.
FEDORIN: Salamander won't mind.
FARIAH: I would never sit down here.
FEDORIN: If you don't like him, why do you work for him?
FARIAH: He has a way of persuading people.
FEDORIN: Yes, I can imagine that.
FARIAH: Brujo.

(Spanish for sorcerer or witch doctor.)

FEDORIN: What? If only I knew what he wanted to talk to me about. Would you know?
FARIAH: Salamander talks to many people. Some only once.
FEDORIN: Well, I shall know soon enough, I suppose. What exactly do you do here?
FARIAH: I serve.
FEDORIN: Yes, but you're obviously not an ordinary servant.
FARIAH: No, I'm not.
FEDORIN: What, then?
FARIAH: Would you like some more refreshment?
FEDORIN: No, I'll get it myself.

(Fedorin pours another drink and downs it quickly.)

FEDORIN: Oh, that's good.
FARIAH: Is it? I'm very glad to hear that.
FARIAH: I am Salamander's food taster.
FEDORIN: Does he need one?
FARIAH: There have been many attempts to poison him.
FEDORIN: Dangerous job.
FARIAH: Mmm. That's why it's very nice to have help for a change.
FEDORIN: You mean? You mean you haven't?
FARIAH: No. I didn't have time. Still taste good? Nothing bitter?
FEDORIN: No. I, I don't think so.
FARIAH: You would know by now, I think.
FEDORIN: Oh. Oh, you, you had me worried for a moment. But what on Earth made you take a job as a food taster?
SALAMANDER: She was hungry. Only thing is, now she has all the food she needs, she's lost her appetite. Give me a drink.
FEDORIN: You are well protected.

(Salamander clicks his fingers and a guard enters, pointing his gun at Fedorin.)

SALAMANDER: Very well protected. Be calm. Sit down. Drink your drink.

(Jamie jumps down onto the terrace from a high wall, knocks out the guard and takes his gun.)

JAMIE: Thank you for calling the guard. I was wondering what to do about him. Now don't move for that box! Not if you value your life. Now all of you, back over there! That's it.

(Jamie takes the intercom box.)

JAMIE: Not as well protected as you think you are, hey? Now when I say duck.

(Jamie throws the intercom over the side of the terrace.)

JAMIE: Duck! Get down!

(Astrid triggers a detonator and there is an explosion. As Salamander gets to his feet, Jamie puts the gun on the table. Two guards rush in to shoot Jamie.)

SALAMANDER: Wait! What do you do, boys, huh? Read? Sleep? It's a fine thing. Here we have an attempt to destroy me and where are you? It's not so good, boys. It's not so good. I'm watching you. Look after him.

(The guards carry their colleague away.)

SALAMANDER: Better still, get rid of him. What's all this about, huh?
JAMIE: I heard two men talking. They said they'd planted a bomb of some kind in your radio telephone. I tried to warn them at the gates, but they wouldn't pay any attention.
SALAMANDER: So you break in? How you break in?
JAMIE: Ah well, I'm here on holiday with a friend. She's very pretty, so the guard didn't see me slip past him.
SALAMANDER: Why didn't you call out and warn me? I nearly used the radio telephone several times.
JAMIE: Ah you'd have had me shot, most like.
SALAMANDER: Why you risk your skin to save me?
JAMIE: Well, without you the Earth hasn't much of a chance, has it?
SALAMANDER: You like to work for me, huh? You like that?
JAMIE: Oh no, you don't have to do that. I mean, you owe me nothing.
SALAMANDER: You're quite right, boy.
JAMIE: And I'm on holiday.
SALAMANDER: You won't find what I pay you disappointing.
JAMIE: Aye, there's my girlfriend too, though.
SALAMANDER: Oh we might be able to find something for her, hey Fariah?
FARIAH: Yes. Your chef could use an assistant.
SALAMANDER: See to it. What do you say, huh?
JAMIE: Well, I'll give it a go. But I'll say this though. Your security system's rotten. There'll have to be changes.
SALAMANDER: What a boy, huh? Fariah, see he gets some proper uniform instead of this skirt. And bring him and his girlfriend to see me.
FARIAH: Come along, then.

(Jamie and Fariah leave.)

FEDORIN: What an extraordinary young man.
SALAMANDER: I prize loyalty very highly, my friend, and I repay it very generously, like I do the girl Fariah, huh?
FEDORIN: Can I... Can I ask you something?
SALAMANDER: What is it?
FEDORIN: What does Brujo mean?
SALAMANDER: It's a word we use in Mexico for sorcerer. Why?
FEDORIN: Nothing, nothing.
SALAMANDER: You stay for dinner, huh?

[Public gardens]

(Victoria is sitting on the bench, while Astrid sits at the other reading a book.)

ASTRID: Here comes Jamie.
JAMIE: Everything's fine.
VICTORIA: Oh, good.
ASTRID: Careful, you might have been followed.
JAMIE: Oh don't worry, they think I've saved his life. Hey, he's offered me a job. To you as well.
VICTORIA: That's perfect.
ASTRID: Well done, Jamie.
JAMIE: Well it was nothing. Is it all right your end?
ASTRID: Yes. But it was nothing.
VICTORIA: Jamie. Jamie!
JAMIE: What?
VICTORIA: Does he look like the Doctor?
JAMIE: Aye, it's so uncanny.
ASTRID: Careful.
JAMIE: What's the matter?
VICTORIA: What is it?

(Astrid leaves. Fariah approaches with the guard captain.)

JAMIE: She must have eyes in the back of her head. So, he's offered the both of us a job.
VICTORIA: Oh, good.
CAPTAIN: Who was that?
CAPTAIN: The other girl who was sitting there?
FARIAH: Why don't you leave them alone? Do you have to treat everyone as if they're criminals?
CAPTAIN: He had no right to leave the Presidential Palace.
FARIAH: He had every right. He came to fetch his girlfriend. Salamander ordered it.
CAPTAIN: I didn't hear Salamander order it.
FARIAH: Very well, go and ask him. No? Perhaps you're wise.

(The Captain leaves.)

FARIAH: He won't follow me. I am Fariah. How do you do?
JAMIE: This is Victoria.
FARIAH: Hello. Jamie tells me you're studying the arts of the kitchen.
JAMIE: Aye, she's a great dishwasher.
VICTORIA: I like eating, and I'm hungry.
FARIAH: Then let's see if we can't find you something to do. You can work with me if you like.
VICTORIA: Thank you.

[Disused jetty]

(Astrid checks that she's not being watched then goes underneath the structure. Someone crawls towards her and she takes out her gun.)

DENES: I used to love to do this sort of thing when I was a boy.
ASTRID: I'm sorry. It was the safest place I could think of.
DENES: Oh, it's all right. I'm still fit enough.
ASTRID: Thank you for getting me the necessary documents.
DENES: Have you been successful?
ASTRID: So far. Salamander's swallowed it.
DENES: I thought he would.
ASTRID: The boy's very confident. The girl, not so much.
DENES: See the point is that I'm near enough to him to pick out something. This was the first time I met Salamander. I must say that you were right about him, Astrid. We must get rid of him. He must be stopped.
ASTRID: He will be stopped. I'm returning to Giles Kent. Can you wait till we can take action?
DENES: Oh, with a bit of luck, yes.
ASTRID: Fedorin. Can you trust him?

(There are footsteps overhead.)

ASTRID: Oh, I've been followed. I thought I'd thrown them off.

(She takes out her gun.)

DENES: No! There is enough violence as it is. Besides, Salamander mustn't get suspicious. You kill his man and he will begin to think.

(More footsteps join the first set.)

GUARD [OC]: You understand that strangers are to be picked up. There's been an attempt on Salamander's life. Very well, return to your patrol.
ASTRID: It's all right. Fedorin, would he betray you in some way?
DENES: I'm trying to think of some reason why he should.

[Palace terrace]

(Night is falling. Fedorin is reading a dossier.)

FEDORIN: But these are all lies, Salamander. Lies, I assure you.
SALAMANDER: So you say.
FEDORIN: What are you going to do? My family, my friends.
SALAMANDER: (laughs) My dear man. My dear Fedorin. You don't suppose I intend to make your swindling public, huh? This is, this just an insurance, hmm? Sit down. Forget it. I tell you what I'm going to do for you.
SALAMANDER: You are going to replace Denes as controller of this Zone.
SALAMANDER: Don't say anything. I'll know you'll accept.
FEDORIN: What do you want?
SALAMANDER: I'll tell you. There will be disaster in this Zone. I cannot stop the disaster, but I can come to the aid of this Zone when it's happened.
FEDORIN: And take over. I see. The Zone would be yours.
SALAMANDER: Oh, ours, Fedorin, ours. It's a partnership I'm offering you. Either you have half of everything, or you have nothing.
FEDORIN: There's Alexander Denes.
SALAMANDER: Oh yes, the popular, well beloved Denes. What a pity.
SALAMANDER: Oh, didn't I tell you? Denes is going to die mysteriously. An assassin. Terrible.
FEDORIN: I can't do that. You can't ask me!
SALAMANDER: I think I can ask you to do anything I want.

(He takes back the dossier. There is a loud rumble.)

SALAMANDER: My predictions are accurate!

(Salamander picks up a pair of binoculars.)

SALAMANDER: The entire Eperjes-Tokaj ranges are in eruption.

(Stock images of volcanic lava.)

SALAMANDER: Fedorin, come and look. It's very pretty. The history of Hungary is about to be rewritten.

(Buildings are being destroyed and forests catch fire. Bruce enters.)

BRUCE: Salamander.
SALAMANDER: What are you doing here?
BRUCE: I had a report there was trouble here. An attempt on your life.
SALAMANDER: It was nothing. Come and look.

(Bruce takes the binoculars.)

BRUCE: Terrible. Those poor people.

(Denes rushes in.)

DENES: Salamander! What have you done?
SALAMANDER: I warned you.
DENES: You couldn't have known. You've done this somehow yourself!
SALAMANDER: The man's mad! Worse still, he's incompetent! I warned this man that this Zone was in danger of natural disaster and he did nothing! Issued no cautions to the public. You deliberately allowed your people to suffer and die. You're a traitor!
DENES: You're a traitor! You contrived this for your own ends.
SALAMANDER: Bruce, I order you to arrest this man.
DENES: But this is nonsense. Fedorin, you were here. You know this is nonsense.
SALAMANDER: Denes, you are too naive. At your trial, Fedorin will be the chief witness against you.
Episode Three

[Palace terrace]

(Guards stand either side of Denes. Jamie is also in a guard's uniform.)

CAPTAIN: Prisoner's escort, halt!
SALAMANDER: Bruce, you are head of World Security. I hold you personally responsible for this man Denes.
BRUCE: Why? Don't you trust your own security?
SALAMANDER: Do I have to insist? My name carries some weight in the councils of the world.
BRUCE: Of course it does.
SALAMANDER: Well, do as I ask.
BRUCE: Very well.
SALAMANDER: Fedorin, come with me. We must make a report to the World Authority.
DENES: They won't believe a word you tell them.
SALAMANDER: We shall see. Fedorin.

(Salamander leaves. Fedorin stops in front of Fedorin, then follows.)

BRUCE: I'll do what I can for you, but I don't want any trouble.
DENES: Don't worry. I'm looking forward to facing Salamander in public court. I won't run away.

[Salamander's office]

SALAMANDER: You've done very well so far, Fedorin.

(Salamander turns the dial on a wall safe.)

FEDORIN: It's nothing but a blackmail.
SALAMANDER: Blackmail? What have I threatened you with? Nothing.
FEDORIN: No. But you would if I refused to.
SALAMANDER: Fedorin, I keep on telling you, this is just a form of comprehensive insurance, huh? It's nothing for you to worry about. Oh, my dear man, I've done nothing but praise you ever since we first met. I said you should be European Controller. I said I would support you.
FEDORIN: You found out things about me. Lies that would damage me.
SALAMANDER: On the contrary, I'm doing you a good turn. I'm actually suppressing facts about you.
FEDORIN: Lies, I tell you.
SALAMANDER: Lies, truth, who knows. But we wouldn't like to put them to the test, would we, huh?

(Salamander puts the dossier in the wall safe and closes it, then gives Fedorin a small case.)

FEDORIN: What's this?
SALAMANDER: Used in the right way, at the right time, it can dictate your own future, and the future of Alexander Denes.
FEDORIN: Poison?

[Palace terrace]

BRUCE: I want you to take a message. McCrimmon. What are you doing dressed like this?
JAMIE: Leader's orders.
BRUCE: Well, as you're here, I've got some questions I want to ask you.
JAMIE: I've better things to do, thank you.
BRUCE: I want to know what Salamander and Giles Kent were discussing when I saw you last.
JAMIE: It's not for me to tell you that.
BRUCE: I'm concerned with Salamander's safety. Giles Kent is supposed to be his bitter enemy.
JAMIE: Look, if Salamander wishes you to know that, I dare say he'll tell you himself. You'll get no confidences out of me.

[Palace corridor]

DENES: Well, how much longer am I to be kept here? You choose to be insolent?
JANOS: We're waiting for the security hovercar. The volcanic eruptions have disrupted everything.

(The Captain approaches.)

DENES: You, Captain. Isn't there a room I could wait in?
CAPTAIN: I'm simply obeying orders.
DENES: Perhaps you might interpret your orders differently, huh?
CAPTAIN: Mister Denes, what can I do? You are no longer the Controller. You're a prisoner here.
BRUCE: Captain? Why is Mister Denes being kept in the corridor here?
CAPTAIN: It's easier to guard him here.
BRUCE: Are you all right?
DENES: Yes, thank you.
BRUCE: Something to read, perhaps?
DENES: That would be a comfort, yes.
BRUCE: The Controller is not to be treated as a convicted man before his trial. See he has whatever he wants.

(Bruce leaves.)

CAPTAIN: What can I get for you?
DENES: Well, if we have to wait, something to eat and drink.
CAPTAIN: Very well.
JANOS: Prison rations, Captain?
CAPTAIN: Certainly not. Nothing but the best for Controller Denes. From our Leader's own kitchens.
CAPTAIN: And to read?
DENES: Well, something light. A book about foreign travels perhapsm hmm?

[Palace kitchen]

(The Head Chef is working.)

GRIFFIN: So you reckon you know about cooking?
VICTORIA: Yes, I used to do lots at home.
GRIFFIN: All right, give me a menu.
VICTORIA: What, now?
GRIFFIN: Yeah, now.
VICTORIA: Soup. Fish. Meat and pudding. Er.
GRIFFIN: Dessert.
GRIFFIN: Go on. What else?
GRIFFIN: Yes, you're a bit too smart for me. All right then, let's have a recipe.
VICTORIA: What, now?
GRIFFIN: Yeah, now.
VICTORIA: Er, er. Oh, yes! Yes! We used to have a lovely pudding at home, with lots of almonds, eggs, lemon peel, candied peel, oranges, cream and, oh it was lovely!
GRIFFIN: You wouldn't know how to make it?
VICTORIA: Oh it's quite simple, really. You sort of whoosh it up all together.
GRIFFIN: Well, that sounds easy. What's this whoosh-up called, then?
VICTORIA: Kaiser pudding.
GRIFFIN: Oh that's great, just great. Yes, I've got a job for you, all right. Peel those spuds, yeah, now.
FARIAH: Is that the best you can do for her? The girl must learn.
GRIFFIN: Back at school, are we? Well, I suppose there are worse things. The place could be overrun with rats gnawing holes in the gas pipes so the ovens catch fire and burn the building down.
FARIAH: It isn't that bad, Griff.
GRIFFIN: Look, I'm only trying to help with the. See? There, you see? This chicken's browning too soon already. It'll be as tough as rubber.
FARIAH: Oh, Griff.
GRIFFIN: Now the soup's boiling. Did I put any salt in it? Dinner tonight's going to be national disaster. My mother was right.
GRIFFIN: She wanted me to be a dustman. Here, look, do you want to do something useful?
VICTORIA: Oh yes, please.
GRIFFIN: Well sit down and write out the menus. First course interrupted by bomb explosion. Second course affected by earthquakes. Third course ruined by interference in the kitchen. I'm going out for a walk. It'll probably rain.

(Griffin leaves.)

VICTORIA: He doesn't like me.
FARIAH: It isn't you. He's the same with everyone.
VICTORIA: Even Salamander?
FARIAH: Listen. You must go away from here. Don't get caught up in Salamander's world.
VICTORIA: Why? What do you mean? It sounds as if you don't like him.
FARIAH: Like him? I

(Jamie enters.)

JAMIE: Oh, hello there.
FARIAH: Finish writing those menus.

(Fariah leaves.)

VICTORIA: Did you hear that?
JAMIE: Aye. Work on her. I have a feeling she can tell us something about Salamander.
VICTORIA: All right. As soon as I can. What have you been doing?
JAMIE: I managed to slip out and tell Astrid everything that's happened.
VICTORIA: Oh, you might have told me, Jamie.
JAMIE: There wasn't time. She's trying to get Denes away.
VICTORIA: Oh, and take him to the Doctor? He'd believe Denes.
JAMIE: Aye, he would.
VICTORIA: But how can she get in? Salamander's got guards everywhere.
JAMIE: She's got friends here. They're going to arrange passes and the right sort of uniform.
VICTORIA: What sort of uniform?
JAMIE: Don't know. Messenger delivery or something. Shh!

[Outside the kitchen window]

GUARD: Controller Denes has been arrested. I can't make up my mind whether Fedorin is to be regarded as the new Controller or not.
GUARD 2: The burden of office is heavy, my friend. I remember when I was


JAMIE: All right, they're gone.
VICTORIA: Astrid and Giles Kent were quite right, Salamander is an evil man. I can somehow sense it from all the people here.
JAMIE: Aye, he's bad all right. He's had Denes arrested, and he's got this man Fedorin eating out of his hand.
VICTORIA: Why should he do that?
JAMIE: Remove the honest man and put a weaker man in his place, but somehow have a hold on him. That way Salamander can take over the territory.
VICTORIA: Oh, I see. And when everything's in a turmoil because of the earthquakes.
JAMIE: Aye, and that's lucky to say the least.
VICTORIA: But you don't really believe that Salamander could cause earthquakes, do you?

[Kent's trailer]

(Outside the Kenowa Research Station, they are watching the eruptions and lava flows on television.)

KENT: I'm certain Salamander's causing the earthquakes, Doctor, and I'm sure your friends Jamie and Victoria will tell you just how bad he really is.
DOCTOR: But why make earthquakes?
KENT: Years ago, Doctor, when one country wanted to invade another it set about attacking the confidence of that country, throwing it into confusion, making it weak. Then it was right for takeover. Now, isn't that exactly what's happening here, only in a different way?
DOCTOR: What you're saying is that Salamander's found a way of harnessing the natural forces of the earth. It's a little difficult to accept. I'm not saying it's impossible, mind you. You say it's coming from the Research Station. Salamander's Research Station, eh?

(The Doctor looks at it through a pair of binoculars.)

KENT: That's what I believe, in spite of. Shush! Wait a minute.

(Kent looks outside.)

KENT: In spite of a number of reasons. He invented the sunstore, a brilliant advance. He found a way of directing conserved energy to areas starved of sun.
DOCTOR: What made you suspicious?
KENT: All the money he was spending at the Research Station. The materials involved, the food stores. It didn't make sense. I had all the papers, all the requisition orders.
DOCTOR: But that's valuable evidence!
KENT: All destroyed, and new ones appeared, and I was made out to be the criminal. All by suggestion, of course. I was discredited. And every accusation I made against Salamander was put down as an attempt to throw suspicion off myself.
DOCTOR: A sort of Jekyll and Hyde character, perhaps, our Mister Salamander. It'll be interesting to see what report Jamie brings back.

(Vehicles with sirens are heard outside.)

KENT: Security. Quick! Here.

(Kent lifts the lid of a box seat. The Doctor gets in.)

DOCTOR: I hope there's plenty of air in here.
KENT: Yes, yes, yes.

(Kent goes to the sink just as Benik enters.)

BENIK: So. It's you. I might have known.
KENT: Do you have any authority?
BENIK: You're on Research Station territory.
KENT: Not quite. Have a look at the boundary lines.
BENIK: That's very clever. Well, what are you doing here?
KENT: I don't have to answer your questions.

(Benik picks up the binoculars.)

BENIK: Bird-watching, no doubt?
KENT: Perhaps.
BENIK: Yes, there's a perfect view of the Research Station from here.
KENT: Really?

(Benik takes a photograph of Denes off the wall.)

BENIK: Well, well, well. A memento of the old days.

(Benik smashes the photograph.)

KENT: You have no right to
BENIK: Guard!

(A guard enters, weapon ready.)

BENIK: It was just an accident. Now then, you won't be staying in this vicinity, will you.
KENT: You can't make me leave here.

(Benik nods to the guard, who goes to the sink and smashes the crockery.)

KENT: Hey now, watch that!

(Kent is pushed back, and the guard wreaks havoc on the cupboard contents with his rifle butt.)

BENIK: All right. That's enough.

(The guard leaves.)

BENIK: Well, there's not much point in your staying here now, is there. Oh, I wouldn't complain to anyone about this if I were you, Kent. After all, nobody would believe you, would they?

(Benik leaves. Kent helps the Doctor out of the box seat.)

KENT: Come on. Now do you believe the sort of people we're up against?
DOCTOR: Unpleasant, yes, destructive, but not necessarily evil.
KENT: Why won't you believe me?
DOCTOR: It is too important. I must be sure. Oh dear. What pretty crockery this is. Sad really, isn't it? People spend all their time making nice things, and other people come along and break them.
KENT: That's what I'm trying to tell you about Salamander. He's trying to destroy the world!
DOCTOR: Facts, Kent. I must have facts. That's what I hope Jamie's going to bring back.

[Palace corridor]

JANOS: Halt! Why are you running?
ASTRID: I have an urgent message for Leader Salamander.
JANOS: Your pass? You have not been here before.
JANOS: I thought so. Next time do not run. It is dangerous to run here.
ASTRID: I'll remember.
JANOS: Wait! You like wine? My name is Janos. We drink wine together tonight?
ASTRID: I have to go and deliver my message.
JANOS: Yes, but later you will come back?
ASTRID: Oh yes. Yes, I'll come back.
CAPTAIN: Just a moment!
ASTRID: I have an urgent message for Leader Salamander.
CAPTAIN: Yes, I heard you. Where is it?
ASTRID: It's private and personal.
CAPTAIN: I don't want to read it. Keep still.
ASTRID: I have to deliver this to Salamander personally.
CAPTAIN: You do have a message?
ASTRID: Of course.
CAPTAIN: Then show me.

(Astrid hands over some folded paper. The Captain hands it back.)

CAPTAIN: Very well. I know you from somewhere.

(Denes drops his book. Janos picks it up.)

DENES: Oh, I think I must have dropped off. Thank you.

(Astrid has gone.)

[Palace kitchen]

(Jamie is eating at the kitchen table and Victoria is laying a trolley with cutlery for a meal when Astrid enters.)

ASTRID: Sit down. Go on with what you're doing. We've got to rescue Denes. Get him away from the building.
VICTORIA: There are guards everywhere.
ASTRID: Yes, I know, but we must try.
JAMIE: It's a pity we can't get him to the Doctor.
ASTRID: That's exactly where I intend to take him.
JAMIE: Well, what's your plan then?
ASTRID: Look, I want you to, well, cause a diversion.
JAMIE: What do you want me to do?
ASTRID: Well, anything. But do it at eleven o'clock precisely.
JAMIE: Eleven o'clock, right.
ASTRID: I see, the second corridor on the right, thank you so much.

(Astrid leaves because Griffin has entered.)

JAMIE: Er, yes.
GRIFFIN: Now we're a travel agency. I haven't met you before. What's wrong? It's bound to be something serious.
VICTORIA: This is a friend of mine, Griff.
GRIFFIN: He's not a cook like you, I hope?
GRIFFIN: Oh, well that's all right then. Well, I suppose this is as good a place as any for meeting friends. Come one, come all, I say! How's the food? Terrible. Terrible. I'll get the sack tonight, I swear I will. Maybe they'll shoot me, and I won't have to worry any more. No, they wouldn't do that, the firing squad'd miss me.
FARIAH: How are you getting on with the food for Mister Denes?
GRIFFIN: Well it's ready, such as it is. Now we don't want too much of a crowd in here.
JAMIE: Well, I'll be on my way, then.
GRIFFIN: No, no. You stay. I'll go. I'm only the chef here.

(Griffin leaves.)

FARIAH: Now, what can we give Mister Denes?
JAMIE: Er, do you like working for Salamander, Fariah?
VICTORIA: It must be wonderful travelling all over the world with him.
FARIAH: I don't enjoy travelling. (She tastes the soup.) Oh, this is good. That Griff's a genius.
JAMIE: Well, why travel then?
FARIAH: Sometimes we do what we have to do, not what we want to do.
JAMIE: You don't have to work for Salamander.
FARIAH: Don't I? Don't I? What do you know about it?
JAMIE: I'm sorry, I was just
FARIAH: To you, Salamander is a god, isn't he? The saviour of the world. That's why you work for him. You saved his life, didn't you?
VICTORIA: Don't you protect his life every day?
FARIAH: Yes! As I say, sometimes we do what we have to do, not what we want to do.

[Palace terrace]

(Night time. Salamander is writing.)

BRUCE: Nevertheless, whatever he's done or not done, he should be treated according to rank.
SALAMANDER: He will be moved soon. You can't expect much sympathy for him, you know, Bruce. Word gets around. I warned him about the earthquakes. He could have cautioned the people. Some of them might have been saved.
BRUCE: Maybe.
SALAMANDER: No maybe about it.
BRUCE: Who's going to control this zone now? Fedorin?
SALAMANDER: Fedorin. Oh, what a good idea.

[Palace kitchen]

(Victoria is pushing a trolley.)

GRIFFIN: Be nice to Mister Denes.

[Palace corridor]

(Victoria pushes the trolley along the flagstone corridor.)

GRIFFIN: Give him a smile. It might make him forget the taste of the soup.

(Griffin goes back into the kitchen. Fedorin is standing in front of the trolley.)

FEDORIN: Oh, is this for Mister Denes?
VICTORIA: Yes, yes, I'm taking it to him.
FEDORIN: May I look?
FEDORIN: Mmm. Delicious.

(Fedorin lifts the lids and palms the salt cellar)

FEDORIN: Ah, very good. Where's the salt?
FEDORIN: You forgot something.
VICTORIA: Oh, no. Well, I
FEDORIN: Well, you run and get it.
VICTORIA: Yes, yes.

(Victoria runs back to the kitchen. Fedorin opens the box Salamander gave him. It contains crystals.)

[Palace terrace]

CAPTAIN: The same girl I saw in the park. I suddenly remembered.
SALAMANDER: You say she was talking to the boy and girl?
CAPTAIN: She was on the same bench.
SALAMANDER: Coincidence?
CAPTAIN: She wasn't in messengers' uniform then. She is now.
SALAMANDER: Yes, she certainly hasn't delivered any messages to me.
CAPTAIN: Shall I alert the building?
SALAMANDER: No. No, I want to know where she comes from. Let her escape but have her followed. Frighten her away.
CAPTAIN: I understand. And the other two?
SALAMANDER: Oh, I'll deal with them.

[Palace corridor]

(Victoria arrives with the trolley.)

FARIAH: Ah, good.
VICTORIA: Sorry I've been so long.
DENES: Oh, good. I'm looking forward to this. Thank you.
CAPTAIN: Just a moment. Has the trolley been checked?
JANOS: I was just going to, sir.

(The Captain takes the knives from Denes.)

CAPTAIN: Don't any of you know anything?
DENES: Do you imagine I'm going to try and cut my way out of here? How do I eat without the knife?
CAPTAIN: It's none of my concern.
FARIAH: Try the spoon, Mister Denes.
DENES: And how do you cut a steak with a spoon?

(The Captain cuts the tiny piece of meat for him.)

DENES: It's a long time since I had my food cut up for me.
CAPTAIN: Watch him carefully.
DENES: Thank you for your courtesy.
CAPTAIN: Fariah, come with me. I want a word with you and Griffin about breaking regulations.
FARIAH: Yes, sir.

(The Captain and Fariah leave.)

VICTORIA: What's the time?
DENES: Six minutes to eleven.
VICTORIA: May I stay with you? I'm Victoria.
DENES: Yes, of course. I'd be glad of your company. If you'll forgive me, I'm really rather hungry.

[Palace terrace]

FEDORIN: There must be some other way. I couldn't do it, Salamander, I couldn't do it. I stood there with this man's life in my hands and. This powder, I couldn't use it.
SALAMANDER: I give you the chance to become something. Somebody. You failed to take it, huh.
FEDORIN: There must be some other way.

(Salamander takes back the box of poison.)

SALAMANDER: (laughs) Of course, my friend. Don't worry.
SALAMANDER: Don't worry. You try, you fail. So what, huh? The moon doesn't fall out of the sky. Come, sit down, have a drink, huh? Cheer up. We find another way.

(Salamander puts some of the poison into a wine glass.)

FEDORIN: I really did try.
SALAMANDER: Of course you did. Don't worry. Forget it, huh? I have an alternative.

(Salamander hands the dosed glass to Fedorin.)

SALAMANDER: Your health. I hope you'll appreciate this wine. It's made for me especially in Alaska.

(Fedorin drinks, clutches at his throat, and dies.)

SALAMANDER: One chance, my friend. I said one chance.
CAPTAIN: Some trouble in the kitchens, Leader. The new man says he's seen someone in the kitchen gardens.
SALAMANDER: Very well. Oh, see to that, will you? Suicide, of course. Such a pity.


GRIFFIN: I can't see anything.
JAMIE: Over there by the trees. Hey, he's armed, too. Get down. Look, I'm going out there, you stay down here. When the rest of the guards come, send them out after me.
GRIFFIN: Yes, all right.

(Jamie goes out into the garden.)

GRIFFIN: This is just about the end of a perfect day.

(A shot rings out.)

GRIFFIN: Here, I know the food's bad, but you don't have to go that far!

(More shots, and Griffin hides under the kitchen table.)

GRIFFIN: All right, have it your own way. Why did I ever leave Woolloomooloo?

[Palace corridor]

(An armed guard runs past Janos.)

VICTORIA: Astrid's going to try and get you away.
ASTRID: An attempt has been made to rescue this man. Get him out to the car.

(Janos turns his back and Astrid knocks him out.)

ASTRID: I'm sorry, Janos.

(Denes is shot in the back.)

CAPTAIN: After them!

(Victoria pushes the trolley into the guards, who fall over it.)

CAPTAIN: Get that girl!

[Palace terrace]

(Victoria and Jamie are under armed guard.)

SALAMANDER: Well, we all seem to be here, except the third member of your escape committee.
JAMIE: I don't know what you're talking about.
SALAMANDER: You were seen speaking with a girl in the park. The one who tried to escape with Denes.
VICTORIA: We don't know anything about that. We don't even know her.
SALAMANDER: A diversion was caused. There was no one outside the kitchen.
JAMIE: Of course there was someone, and there was shooting.
CAPTAIN: Three shots have been fired from this gun. It's yours, isn't it?
SALAMANDER: Pretending to save my life was ingenious. But ingenuity requires a constant stream of new ideas. Yours seem to have dried up. I come to the Central Zone. An attempt is made on my life. Denes proves to be a traitor. Fedorin commits suicide because I uncover him. Do your job, Bruce. You can see they're all in this.
BRUCE: All right. Take them away.
VICTORIA: Take your hands off me, you

(The Captain and guards lead Jamie and Victoria away.)

BRUCE: Salamander, I think it's about time you told me what's going on. One minute I see you with this lad McCrimmon, you're working together, the next minute
SALAMANDER: I thought he saved my life.
BRUCE: No, I mean before that, in Kent's office.
SALAMANDER: What are you talking about?
BRUCE: Well, I saw you there.
SALAMANDER: But I haven't seen Kent in months.
BRUCE: Yes, you were with Kent, the Ferrier girl, and those two youngsters. I thought it was so curious I spoke to your number two, Benik, about it. That's really the reason I came to this zone.
SALAMANDER: But I tell you. I must get back to research centre. You will come with me.
BRUCE: It was you! (the penny drops) Or someone like you.
Episode Four

[Kent's trailer]

(Still outside the Research Station.)

DOCTOR: Patience, Mister Kent, patience.
KENT: Astrid should have been in contact by now.
DOCTOR: Oh, perhaps her plan to infiltrate into Salamander's organisation has failed.
KENT: Ah no, otherwise Benik's little visit here wouldn't have been so moderate. He wouldn't have stopped at breaking up the crockery.
DOCTOR: Can't you contact her?
KENT: If I knew where she was. Oh no, I know she's in the Central European zone, but that's a big place. No, we'll just have to sweat it out and wait.
DOCTOR: Well, your friend Benik did indicate we weren't entirely welcome here, you know.
KENT: Yes, it's not safe, and taking you from place to place isn't easy. And I mean, you're not exactly inconspicuous, are you?
DOCTOR: Oh, thank you. Well, I suggest we give her another hour, and then if she doesn't contact us by then, we'll move out and find out what has happened.

(Meanwhile, Astrid has returned to Kent's office. She turns on the videolink.)

KENT: Astrid, you're back. Switch to scramble.

[Records room]

ASTRID [on monitor]: Scramble? Are we being monitored?
KENT [on monitor] It's possible.
ASTRID [on monitor]: Right. Switching now.

(The pictures and sounds scramble, so Benik turns on the security channel.)

BENIK: Has Leader Salamander's ship arrived at the terminal?
GUARD [on monitor]: I think it's due now, sir.
BENIK: Good. Contact the guard. And I want the girl Astrid Ferrier traced. She's Giles Kent's assistant. I'll have an identiprint sent down immediately. She's somewhere in this zone.
GUARD [on monitor]: Yes, sir.
BENIK: Tell the Captain to inform me the moment he's found her, and to hurry.
GUARD [on monitor]: Sir.

[Kent's office]

KENT [on monitor]: Denes dead?
ASTRID: Yes, shot in the back.
KENT [on monitor]: Well, it looks as if our friend Salamander's had a real field day, doesn't it?
ASTRID: I'm afraid I haven't done very well.
KENT [on monitor]: Don't worry. It's not your fault. Look, stay put and we'll join you.

(Transmission ends. There is a knock at the door. Astrid hides behind it as it opens, then pulls it wide to pull the visitor in.)

ASTRID: You! What are you doing here?

(Astrid grabs Fariah from behind, arm around her throat.)

ASTRID: No, don't be foolish. What are you doing here?
FARIAH: I can't talk. You're choking me.

(Astrid releases Fariah, but keeps her covered with a gun.)

ASTRID: One move. Just one move.
FARIAH: You think Salamander sent me here.
ASTRID: Well, didn't he?
FARIAH: No, it was my own idea. I came here to see Giles Kent.
FARIAH: I have some information for him.
ASTRID: Why should you want to help him?
FARIAH: Because I hate Salamander probably even more than you do. I can help you to destroy him. I want to be there to see his face when he dies.

[Records office]

BENIK: Come on, come on.

(The monitor lights up.)

BENIK: About time too. Is the Captain there?
GUARD [on monitor]: Yes, sir.
CAPTAIN [on monitor]: Here, sir. The girl Astrid Ferrier. She was in the Central European zone.
BENIK: Was she? Well she's here now. Have you found her?
CAPTAIN [on monitor]: Well, I think so. One of my men saw someone answering her description going into Giles Kent's office earlier.
BENIK: Was she alone?
CAPTAIN [on monitor]: Yes, sir. But shortly after someone else followed her in.
BENIK: Well who, man, who?
CAPTAIN [on monitor]: Leader Salamander's food-taster sir, Fariah.
BENIK: Fariah? Right, I want the place surrounded, and I'll join you there. Get a move on!
CAPTAIN [on monitor]: Yes sir.
BENIK: Fariah.

[Kent's office]

DOCTOR: But what are they going to do to Jamie and Victoria?
ASTRID: I don't know.
KENT: Hold them in the Central European zone until Salamander has time to deal with them.
FARIAH: No, you're wrong. Salamander doesn't care for loose ends. He brought them back with him.
DOCTOR: What, to his headquarters, the Research Centre?
FARIAH: Yes. He's going to try to get information from them.
DOCTOR: How far will he go to get it?
FARIAH: Very far.
DOCTOR: Oh, that's very comforting.
FARIAH: I tell you, I know Salamander.
DOCTOR: Yes, I'm not quite clear about your part in all this. You work for Salamander, suddenly you fall over yourself to betray him.
FARIAH: I came here for that purpose, yes.
FARIAH: Because I have every reason to hate Salamander. He blackmailed me into being his personal servant. I even had to smile when he told me to.
KENT: What sort of blackmail? What had you done?
FARIAH: Does it really matter?
DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, no, of course not, my dear. Well, nobody's perfect, Kent. But I still can't help wondering why
FARIAH: Why I haven't tried to expose Salamander?
DOCTOR: Well, you were in a unique position to do so.
FARIAH: Because without any proof I'd be wasting my time.
DOCTOR: Proof! Proof! Proof! It always comes back to the same thing. No one has any evidence against Salamander!
KENT: We have some.
DOCTOR: Not enough! It's not enough! Salamander covers up too well.
FARIAH: I have what you want.
ASTRID: But I thought that you said
FARIAH: No. Not about me. Fedorin.
ASTRID: Fedorin? A public embezzler who commits suicide?
FARIAH: Salamander engineered nearly every one of those swindles, and I can prove it.

(Fariah produces the dossier.)

FARIAH: Fedorin's file.
DOCTOR: But that's wonderful. Let me see. I'll give it to you back. Thank you.

(The Doctor inspects the documents.)

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Yes.

[Outside the office block]

GUARD: Report your position, A three.
CAPTAIN: Keep well back, sir.
BENIK: Is the building surrounded?
GUARD: A three's in position, Captain.
CAPTAIN: Just closing up the gaps.
BENIK: Well, you haven't brought me here on a fool's errand, I hope?
CAPTAIN: Still inside, sir.
BENIK: Where's Kent's office?
CAPTAIN: Up on the second floor.
BENIK: Hmm, right. We'll move in.
CAPTAIN: Just a moment, sir. What about the roof?
GUARD: No reply yet, Captain. Position A five, position.
BENIK: Come on, come on.

[Kent's office]

DOCTOR: But I'm afraid this still isn't evidence. It's not real evidence.
KENT: You mean even this doesn't convince you about Salamander?
DOCTOR: Oh, I'm not saying that.
ASTRID: Well then, you'll do it? You'll impersonate him?
FARIAH: And of course when they see you with me they're bound to think you're Salamander.
DOCTOR: But I still don't know if I can carry it off.
KENT: It's the only way to get your friends released.
KENT: Of course, there are
DOCTOR: Oh, I see. Yes, of course, there are conditions, aren't there? You help me, I defeat Salamander.
KENT: Now look, you're giving me the biggest opportunity I'll ever have of ridding the world of this monster. Either I can convince you one way or I'll have to do it another.
DOCTOR: What you really want me to do is to kill him, isn't it?
KENT: What else do you do when someone is evil?
DOCTOR: Private justice, eh? Oh no, no. I'll expose him, ruin him, have him arrested, but I won't be his executioner. No one has that right.
KENT: Sometimes it's necessary.
KENT: Yes, Doctor, yes! When the inducement is strong enough, and in your case, yes, you still want your friends out of danger?
DOCTOR: You can't bargain with people's lives like that!
KENT: I can. Either you get rid of Salamander, or we won't lift a finger to help your friends.
FARIAH: Mister Kent, look.

(Kent goes to the window.)

KENT: I'd make up my mind quickly if I were you.
KENT: Have a look out of the window.
DOCTOR: Well, what is it?

[Outside the office block]

GUARD: A five reporting in, Captain. Every man's in position now.
CAPTAIN: Right, we'll move in.
BENIK: Tell all men to shoot on sight.
CAPTAIN: I can't accept responsibility like that, sir.
BENIK: You won't have any responsibility unless you do as I say. These people are terrorists. Give the order!

(The Captain nods reluctantly.)

GUARD: All A positions, shoot on sight.
BENIK: Forward.

[Kent's office]

KENT: No doubt of it. They're security men.
FARIAH: And they're closing in.
DOCTOR: Well, isn't there another way out of here?
KENT: The usual ways will be blocked.
ASTRID: The fire escape.

(Kent goes to another window.)

KENT: Up there, look!

(The guards are coming down from the roof.)

DOCTOR: More down there, too.

(At the bottom of the emergency exit, a woman pushes a pram past three guards.)

FARIAH: What do we do now?
KENT: Over here, quick!
DOCTOR: What's that?
KENT: Through here. The ventilator shaft.
ASTRID: Giles, we can't.
KENT: Yes, of course.
FARIAH: Wait. The file.
KENT: Come on, quickly.
DOCTOR: But where does it go?
KENT: It doesn't matter. Come on.

[Outside Kent's office]

CAPTAIN: It's locked.
BENIK: Kent! Why don't you just let us in. It'll save so much unpleasantness.

[Kent's office]

KENT: Now look. Just relax and you won't feel a thing.

(Fariah slides down the shaft.)

KENT: Now you, Doctor, next.
BENIK [OC]: Kent! Open the door.
DOCTOR: Oh no, what about you?
ASTRID: Oh no, you're too important. You go, and Giles. I'll follow.
KENT: All right.
BENIK [OC]: Very well.

[Outside Kent's office]

BENIK: You leave me no alternative. Break it down.

[Kent's office]

(Kent and the Doctor climb into the shaft. Astrid shoots at the door.)

BENIK [OC]: Get back!
ASTRID: Get away from that door!
BENIK [OC]: Can you hear me in there? Why don't you come out?
ASTRID: I can hear you.
BENIK [OC]: How long do you think you can hold out against us?

[Outside Kent's office]

BENIK: Standing by?
GUARD: A five, progress.
BENIK: Well?
GUARD: He's outside the window now, sir.

(In the office, paper rustles in a slight breeze. Astrid turns as a guard comes in through the window. They struggle for the gun and it goes off, pointing at the ceiling. Astrid knocks the guard out.)

BENIK: He's through, Sergeant. Smash that lock.

[Kent's office]

(The guards break in.)

BENIK: Well? Well?
BENIK: The air ducts. They've disappeared through the air conditioning plant. Is there a manhole exit from the plant to the street?
GUARD: I don't know, sir.
BENIK: Well, find out! On the double!
CAPTAIN: Attention all A positions. Cover the street. Send to the air conditioning plant.
BENIK: Tell your men to shoot to kill!
CAPTAIN: Shoot to kill. Repeat, shoot to kill.

(Benik and the Captain leave. Astrid comes out from under the desk.)


(Fariah, with the dossier, has become separated from the others. She encounters a guard in an alleyway. He shoots her.)

CAPTAIN: What do you think you're doing?
GUARD: We had orders to kill.
CAPTAIN: Do you always obey orders?
GUARD: I'm sorry, Captain.
CAPTAIN: Oh, never mind. Go and search for the others.

(The guard leaves.)

GUARD: I'm sorry, but you should have stopped.
BENIK: Did you get the others?
GUARD: Not yet, sir.
BENIK: Now listen to me. There was you, Astrid Ferrier, Giles Kent and another. Who was the other man?
FARIAH: You'll know soon, soon enough.
BENIK: I want to know now.

(Benik puts his gun to Fariah's head.)

CAPTAIN: Sir, you
BENIK: Shut up! Well?
FARIAH: You can't threaten me now, Benik. I can only die once, and someone's beaten you to it.
BENIK: Who was the other man?
CAPTAIN: Sir!  She's dead.
BENIK: Good.

(Benik picks up the dossier.)

BENIK: Fedorin's file. Thank you.

[Records room]

SALAMANDER: What you mean is you failed.
BENIK: I always said something should be done about Kent.
SALAMANDER: You always say. You say things but you don't think.
BRUCE: You exceeded your authority, Benik. A woman's been killed.
BENIK: Resisting arrest.
BRUCE: Maybe, but you can't just take the law into your own hands. Giles Kent hadn't broken any rules that I know of.
BENIK: I was sure he'd show himself one day. He was simply building up his resistance group.
SALAMANDER: Resistance group. The man's a traitor! These people are rebels. Bruce, you must find this man who impersonated me. The dangers are obvious. He could walk in anywhere at any time pretending to be me and ruin everything.
BRUCE: You can leave that to me.
BRUCE: Benik, come with me and I'll go over the security arrangements with you now.
SALAMANDER: Do as you're told!

(Bruce leaves. Benik produces Fedorin's dossier.)

BENIK: I think you'll find this interesting.

(Benik gives the dossier to Salamander.)

SALAMANDER: What? The girl Fariah had this? What can I say?

(Benik leaves, smiling broadly. Salamander turns on the intercom.)

GUARD [OC]: Yes, sir?
SALAMANDER: The records room is out of bounds. I am not to be disturbed. See that the security locks are engaged.
GUARD [OC]: Very well, sir. For how long, sir?
SALAMANDER: For as long as I say so.
GUARD [OC]: Yes, sir.

(An alarm sounds. Shutters slide down across the doors and a man-sized capsule slides out from a recess in a wall. Salamander enters it. The capsule slides back into the wall, turns to the vertical and the shutters close. Salamander presses a button and the capsule descends into the earth very quickly. Thunderbirds are go.)

[Outside the records room]

BRUCE: Are you telling me that no one, no one at all can see Salamander?
GUARD: No one, sir.
BRUCE: Can you communicate with him on closed circuit?
GUARD: I'll try, sir. He's turned off the master switch. Sorry, sir.
BENIK: Here are all the security details. What's the matter now?
BRUCE: It seems that Salamander has locked himself away and can't be got at.
BRUCE: Well, suppose the place caught fire?
BENIK: It won't.
BRUCE: Don't be foolish!
BENIK: Look, I can only tell you that when Salamander works in records, as he does from time to time, no one is allowed in.
BRUCE: I could understand if it were a laboratory or a research room of some sort, but a records room? What sort of records have you got in there anyway?
BENIK: What did you want to see him about?
BRUCE: Never mind. I just don't like mysteries. Salamander's far too important to lock himself away like this. Anything might happen. A world emergency. Suppose I had to order you to let me in there?
BENIK: It wouldn't do any good. When the locks are switched over they can only be opened from the inside.

[Underground main room]

(Salamander enters a small room from the capsule and puts his jacket into a desk drawer and locks it. He is now wearing a dirty boiler suit. He turns on a monitor screen. In another room, a group of men and women are walking around with clipboards, attending machines and wall panels.)

SALAMANDER [OC]: I have returned. Take radiation precautions. I will make a report about the surface.
SWANN: He's back. He's managed to get back again.
COLIN: Let's hope he's got some good news this time.
MARY: Do you think Salamander's found some more food, Swann?
SWANN: I hope so, otherwise we're finished. Where's that stock list?
COLIN: Here.
SWANN: Thank you.
MARY: Are you going to ask him?
COLIN: You bet I am. He'll take me, too.
MARY: Colin, I couldn't sleep a wink last night thinking about you making the trip. None of the others have come back.
COLIN: Don't stop me now. I've got to see the surface, Mary, I've got to. I want to see the Sun again, walk on top of the Earth, not hide like a rat underground. I've got to do it, Mary. I've got to ask him.
MARY: Yes.

[Underground control room]

SWANN: Welcome back, Salamander. Are you all right?
SALAMANDER: Don't don't come too near, my friend. I am not yet decontaminated. I am too weary. Too utterly weary.
SWANN: You shouldn't have made this trip, Salamander. You're doing too much.
SALAMANDER: Someone has to bring back the food for you, my friend, huh? You know that the radiation is slowly killing me, don't you, Swann?
SWANN: You're just doing too much.
SALAMANDER: I worry about you all the time. What're you going to do when I am no longer here?

(Salamander walks into a decontamination booth. The Geiger counter chatters.)

SALAMANDER: The radiation gets a little more each time, huh? One day, that needle will stay at maximum radiation.
MARY: Don't say that.
SALAMANDER: Why, Mary, Colin. It's my big joke, huh? Just to frighten you a little. I've got good news for us.
COLIN: We can return to the surface?
SALAMANDER: No, no, no, not yet, but I've found another store of food.
COLIN: Thank goodness!
SALAMANDER: And it is undamaged. Colin, open the last store of wine, huh? Go on, you help him too, Mary.

(Colin and Mary leave.)

SWANN: You must take it slowly, for goodness sake.
SALAMANDER: I'm all right my friend, I'm just a little dizzy. It's terrible up there, you know. Swann, you've no idea. Right, I am ready.

[Underground main room]

(The wine is being poured.)

SALAMANDER: Here we are, my friends.

(They cheer him.)

SALAMANDER: Oh please, no. It is enough that I am back with you again and I have brought food for you. Plenty of food.
SWANN: Here's to the man who contrived
SALAMANDER: Please, Swann. I remembered on my way back down here that we are near our anniversary again. In a few short weeks, we survivors will have been down in this shelter for exactly five years.
CROWD: Five years.
SALAMANDER: Colin and Mary were just teenagers then. Look at them now. We fed ourselves. But what's more than that, we are fighting back! We are doing something!
CROWD: Yes! Yes!
COLIN: Will we return to the surface, Salamander?
SALAMANDER: Yes, of course we will. This is what I'm striving for. But up there, it's terrible still. The war goes on and on, and you never know when the air is clean or when it's poison.
COLIN: When can we return?
SALAMANDER: We have to fight for a while longer, hmm? Creating natural disasters, monsoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, always in the places where the enemies of truth and freedom gather together.
COLIN: You tell us this all the time, Salamander. When are we going to escape from this nightmare prison, that's all I'm asking you?
MARY: Colin, please.
COLIN: I want an answer!
SALAMANDER: You shall have an answer, my friend. You will return to the surface when you have a good chance of survival.

(Salamander staggers.)

COLIN: You are ill.
SALAMANDER: No, no, it's all right. But you must believe me. Colin, all of you. You cannot return to the surface until is safe to do so. Please my friend, we must, we must

(Swann and Salamander return to the control room.)

MARY: You shouldn't have asked him, Colin. He's doing his best.
COLIN: I can't help it, Mary. Next time, I'm going to make him take me with him.
MARY: No. You know the others didn't come back.
COLIN: I've got to.
MARY: Then take me with you. I'd rather die with you up on the surface than live down here without you.

(At the control room door.)

SALAMANDER: No, Swann. We must check the power levels, huh?

(Salamander closes the door. Swann returns.)

SWANN: All right, everyone to their places, please. Salamander wants to check the power levels. Come along there, come on. Full blast, that's right. Check the meter levels. Full power on line one, Salamander.

[Underground control room]

(Salamander has his feet up and is smoking a cigar.)

SALAMANDER: Oh, good, good.
SWANN [OC]: No faults indicated.
SALAMANDER: Excellent.

[Kent's trailer]

(Astrid is putting makeup on the Doctor.)

DOCTOR: But I still don't understand what's happened to Fariah.
KENT: She went the wrong way. We lost her.
DOCTOR: Well, we must find her! You don't seem to realise how vital it is.
ASTRID: Doctor, hold still a moment will you?
DOCTOR: Sorry.

(She combs his hair into a parting, then holds up a photograph of Salamander.)

ASTRID: There. Look at that, Giles, isn't it amazing?
KENT: Salamander to the life.
DOCTOR: Yes, it's not bad.
ASTRID: Shush, I think I heard something.
DOCTOR: Well, perhaps it's Fariah.

(No, it is not.)

Episode Five

[Kent's trailer]

BRUCE: Stay where you are. I've been looking forward to meeting you again. Over there. No, not you.

(Kent and Astrid move away from the Doctor.)

BRUCE: Sit down, all of you.
KENT: How did you find us?
BRUCE: Your last visitor was Salamander's deputy, Benik. When he left, he fixed this underneath your trailer.
ASTRID: A radio tracking device.
KENT: On whose authority?
BRUCE: Mine.

(Bruce looks at the Doctor.)

BRUCE: It's amazing how alike you and Salamander are. Incredible. You fooled me the first time we met, but now, even Salamander himself would think he was looking in a mirror. Why? You want this man to impersonate Salamander, why? How much are they paying you?
DOCTOR: I beg your pardon?
BRUCE: They want you to assassinate Salamander, don't they? Take his place?
DOCTOR: But that's ridiculous! I couldn't possibly do that.
BRUCE: But you were preparing to impersonate him, weren't you?
DOCTOR: Well, well, yes.
BRUCE: All right then, why?
DOCTOR: Because Salamander holds my two friends prisoner. I was going to attempt to rescue them.
ASTRID: And at the same time get evidence that would expose Salamander as a traitor, blackmailer and murderer.
BRUCE: Quite an ambitious plan. How do you know such evidence exists?
KENT: It exists in Salamander's records.
BRUCE: Oh, yes, I know why you want Salamander out of the way. You hate him because he exposed your profitable sideline of misusing public money.
ASTRID: Oh, it was Salamander who was misusing the money.
KENT: And I was dismissed from my post and the evidence against Salamander concealed.
BRUCE: So you say. But you've no evidence at all against Salamander, have you?
KENT: I tell you the evidence is in Salamander's records.
BRUCE: And I'm expected to take that from you?
DOCTOR: We do hold evidence that Salamander isn't quite so pure and white as he's painted.
BRUCE: No? What?
DOCTOR: A file, containing certain information about a gentleman called Fedorin.
ASTRID: Salamander was going to use this evidence against Fedorin. Blackmail him into submission. After he'd got rid of Denes, that is.
KENT: And so gain control of another zone.
BRUCE: Where is this file?
DOCTOR: Fariah has it. Salamander's food taster.

(Oops. The Doctor covers his mouth.)

BRUCE: Fariah? But she's dead.
DOCTOR: Dead? But how?
BRUCE: She was shot by one of Benik's guards escaping arrest.
DOCTOR: Oh, that's terrible.
KENT: Escaping arrest? Benik had her killed because she had evidence against Salamander.
ASTRID: And Benik will return the file to Salamander. We must get to the Research Station.
BRUCE: You're not going anywhere or doing anything. As far as I'm concerned, this story you've told me could be a pack of lies to cover your attempt to assassinate Salamander. Now I'm not saying I'm altogether satisfied with Salamander or his organisation, but I'll investigate in my own way.
KENT: Meanwhile Salamander will have found a way to cover himself, and also a way of disposing of you. You're digging your own grave, Bruce.
BRUCE: That's my affair. And I do things my own way.

(Astrid grabs the guard's gun.)

ASTRID: And I do things my way. Really, as Head of Security, you should have more reliable guards.

[Outside the records room]

BENIK: Leader Salamander?
GUARD: Still inside, sir.
BENIK: Let me know the moment the doors are opened.
GUARD: Yes, sir.

(Two stretchers are carried across the corridor, with Jamie and Victoria on them.)

BENIK: So you've brought them? Good. Any trouble?
CAPTAIN: No, a light drug saw to that.
BENIK: Let me know the moment they wake up.
CAPTAIN: Yes, sir.
BENIK: I'm looking forward to questioning them. I have a feeling they're going to be stubborn. It''s so much more interesting when our prisoners are stubborn.

[Kent's trailer]

BRUCE: You're only making trouble for yourself. Killing me won't get you anywhere.
ASTRID: We have to get to the Research Station, and you're not going to stop us.
BRUCE: But you're completely surrounded. You don't really believe I came here with just one guard, do you? You'd be very silly to try and fight your way out. I'd give you about thirty seconds to live if you try.
KENT: All right, Bruce, we might have just thirty seconds but you'd have exactly half that time, if you were lucky!
DOCTOR: Please, Mister Kent! You're forgetting one very important thing.
KENT: What?
DOCTOR: Me. Without me you haven't got an earthly chance of getting in that control centre.
DOCTOR: I told you before. I will not have anything to do with violence.
KENT: And what about your two friends? Are you going to leave them to the tender mercies of Salamander?
DOCTOR: No, I am not. May I?

(The Doctor holds his hand out to Astrid.)

DOCTOR: Please? Just trust me.

(The Doctor takes the gun from Astrid.)

DOCTOR: Now then, I think you agree that at this moment your life is in my hands.

(The Doctor offers the gun to Bruce.)

KENT + ASTRID: What are you doing?
BRUCE: Hold it.
DOCTOR: It's all right. Mister Bruce isn't going to shoot anyone, are you?
BRUCE: Why? Why'd you do that?
DOCTOR: Because I think I know what sort of man you are. Honest and reasonable.
BRUCE: Go on.
DOCTOR: I gave you back that gun because I trust you. Now I want you to trust me.
BRUCE: You must be a complete fool or very clever.
DOCTOR: Well, I'm afraid you will have to make up your mind to that right away.
BRUCE: What do you hope to gain by this gesture?
DOCTOR: Your confidence.
BRUCE: Do you believe Kent's accusations against Salamander?
DOCTOR: I think there's reasonable doubt about Salamander's personal integrity, but there's only one way to get proof.
BRUCE: By getting into Salamander's Research Station.
DOCTOR: Yes. And my two young friends may have some information.
BRUCE: And if there isn't any evidence?
DOCTOR: Then you'll be perfectly free to arrest us and put us in prison, won't you?
BRUCE: All right, I'll do it on one condition.
DOCTOR: And what's that?
BRUCE: That you and I go alone. Kent and the girl stay here as hostages.
KENT: Now wait a minute. I must go with him.
BRUCE: No, Kent, you stay here. I must be mad to trust you. I only hope your impersonation of Salamander fools Benik. If it doesn't, we're in dead trouble. Here, take this.

(Bruce gives the gun to the guard.)

BRUCE: Keep those two in the caravan. Oh, and watch the girl. Come on.

[Underground control room]

SALAMANDER: Swann, I'm back in the control room.

[Underground main room]

SALAMANDER [OC]: I placed the new food cases on the conveyor. Detail some men to unload them. Then make a report on schedule seven.
SWANN: Jones, Morris, Hunt. Now remember, if there's any contamination showing up at all on the register you must tell me immediately.

(A hatch slides open revealing a conveyor belt with a cardboard box labelled Milk on it. The men remove it and another labelled Canned Beans comes into view.)

COLIN: Swann. Have you ever thought what would happen to us if Salamander didn't come back from the surface one day?
SWANN: No. He always comes back. And talk like that isn't healthy. I've told you about this before, Colin.
COLIN: You can live in a dream world if you want to.
SWANN: Morale is important down here.
COLIN: Reality is important, too. Facing facts!
MARY: Colin.
COLIN: Yes, all right. I know.

(Colin moves away.)

MARY: I'm sorry, Swann.
SWANN: He's the best man I've got.
MARY: I know.
SWANN: If only he'd just accept the fact that everything will
MARY: He never will.
SWANN: He must be more patient then. We'll get out of here one day.
MARY: Will we?
SWANN: Of course we will. Salamander says so.
MARY: Yes.

(Swan moves away. Colin returns to Mary.)

COLIN: Blind idiot. Why does he think everybody else has to be an idiot too?
MARY: We daren't let people think, Colin. Swann's all right.
COLIN: I don't think it's right. Just work, sleep, eat, if there's enough to go round. Like worms under the earth, sightless worms wriggling about without hope, without purpose.
MARY: It isn't like that.
COLIN: Isn't it? All this? Every day I ask myself what are we doing down here.
MARY: You've never doubted him before.
COLIN: I don't know. I don't say I doubt him, but just once, Mary, just once I want to see with my own eyes what's going on up there. Me. Not hear about it from anybody else.
SWANN: Are you getting on with your work? Mustn't fall behind, you know. Come on, Colin. We all get depressed. I know how you feel.
COLIN: I'm sorry.
SWANN: That's all right.

(Swann goes to the food boxes.)

SWANN: Ah, how we getting on here? Ah, all this? It's a good haul.

(He picks up a very light box labelled Meat.)

SALAMANDER [OC]: Stand by to make your report, Swann.

(Swann notices a piece of paper stuck to another box.)

MARY: Reaching full power here, Swann. (Swann goes to the door to the control room. It is locked. He uses the intercom.)
SWANN: Salamander, I must see you.

[Underground control room]

SALAMANDER: Not now, we are too busy.
SWANN [OC]: This is urgent.
SALAMANDER: Oh very well.

(Swann enters with the piece of paper.)

SALAMANDER: Now what's the matter, huh?
SWANN: What's this? What is this?
SWANN: Newspaper. It's a piece of newspaper.
SWANN: Well, go on, look at it. Read it. Last year's date. Look at the bit of headline there. There!

(Holiday liner sinks, many feared lost. Dated Friday August 16, 2017.)

SALAMANDER: Control yourself, Swann. You'll go mad.
SWANN: Holiday Liner Sinks! You say there's a global war, radiation everywhere. How can there be holiday liners? Tell me how! You've lied to us, haven't you? Haven't you!
SALAMANDER: In a way, Swann, yes. I had to.
SWANN: Had to? What do you mean, had to?
SALAMANDER: Well, it's true that the war is over, but have you any idea what happens to people who've been involved in a nuclear war? Have you?
SWANN: Of course I haven't. I've been down here.
SALAMANDER: Those who are lucky enough to escape the annihilation have their bodies eaten away by radiation poisoning. They're deformed in mind and body.
SWANN: But this, this, this newspaper?
SALAMANDER: They have a kind of society, but it's evil, corrupt. You don't think I could expose you to that sort of thing? Think of Mary and the other women.
SWANN: You could have told me at least.
SALAMANDER: I decided not to.
SWANN: You should have told me.
SALAMANDER: I thought it was best.
SWANN: And what about the natural disasters we've been organising? The volcanoes, earthquakes?
SALAMANDER: Swann, they are not fit to live.
SWANN: You're murdering them, killing them off.
SALAMANDER: I want you and the others to inherit the Earth. Make a new world.
SWANN: Yes, I know all about that, but not at the price of wholesale murder.
SALAMANDER: It's not murder! If you could see, you would understand. It's an act of mercy.
SWANN: There must be some other way.
SWANN: I won't take your word any more. I want to see for myself.
SALAMANDER: You, you, you, you''d be horrified.
SWANN: Maybe.
SALAMANDER: The radiation would kill you.
SWANN: I'll chance that.
SALAMANDER: Very well. But promise me one thing. You won't tell the others.
SWANN: Why shouldn't I?
SALAMANDER: Because I am right and you are wrong! You wouldn't want to, you wouldn't want to hurt them like that, huh?
SWANN: And if you're lying, and I want to tell when I get back?
SALAMANDER: How can I stop you? You'd better tell them you're coming with me. Say er, say you've persuaded me. Swann, trust me. Don't go ahead with this, huh?
SWANN: I have to.

[Underground main room]

SWANN [OC]: This is Swann speaking. It's nearly a year since anyone went on the surface with Salamander.
COLIN: Salamander's changed his mind. He's going to take me with him.

[Underground control room]

SWANN: There are more stores to bring down too. Salamander can't do it all on his own. We'll both be back soon with good news, I hope.

[Underground main room]

COLIN: Why not me? Why? I asked him. He turned me down.
MARY: Colin.
COLIN: Why not me? Why not me? Salamander, take me with you! Take me with you!
MARY: They've gone. It's no good. Please, Colin.
COLIN: Why didn't he take me? I've got to get out of here, Mary. I've got to get out.

[Interrogation room]

VICTORIA: Jamie? Jamie?
JAMIE: What? Oh.
VICTORIA: Here, drink this. The headache soon goes.
JAMIE: Where are we?
VICTORIA: I don't know.
JAMIE: Let's find out.

(Jamie goes to the door. Benik enters with a guard.)

BENIK: Don't leave us so soon. We're going to have a little talk.
JAMIE: Where are we?
BENIK: You're in the Australasian zone. I had you brought here especially.
BENIK: So that Salamander could ask you some questions.
JAMIE: For all the answers he's going to get, he might as well have left us there.

(Jamie sits down.)

BENIK: Stand up when you talk to me!
JAMIE: You'll get nowhere by shouting.
BENIK: On the contrary. I'm going to get everything I want from you two.
JAMIE: We'll not tell you a thing.
BENIK: (laughs) That's good. I like that.
JAMIE: What?
BENIK: Spirit. Resistance. And you've got plenty of both, haven't you, boy? Well I wonder how long you'll last. Five minutes? No, a little longer, maybe. Ten, perhaps?
JAMIE: What do you mean?
BENIK: Come now, you don't think I'm just going to sit here and ask questions, do you?
JAMIE: You must have been a nasty little boy.
BENIK: Oh, I was. But I had a very enjoyable childhood.

(Jamie punches the guard, but Benik gets Victoria with his gun at her head.)

BENIK: Yes, I thought so. Spirit, plenty of spirit.

(Benik releases Victoria.)

BENIK: Oh, we're going to enjoy ourselves, aren't we? Now then.
VICTORIA: I thought you were going to take us to see Salamander.
BENIK: Yes, I will. But he'll expect me to do my little best first.
JAMIE: You lay a finger on her and I'll kill you.
BENIK: Will you? How? No. I think the time's come for you to answer my questions, don't you? Come here, girl! If you don't, I shall have to shoot one of you. Oh, not a mortal wound. In the leg, perhaps?
JAMIE: You'd better go. Don't worry.
BENIK: There, that's better. Oh, such pretty hair, don't you think.

(Benik pulls Victoria's head back.)

JAMIE: All right, leave her alone. What do want to know?
BENIK: Quite a lot. And you're going to tell me everything, aren't you.
JAMIE: All right. Yes.
BENIK: Who's behind you? Is it Giles Kent?

(The door opens.)

SALAMANDER: Ah, so they're here, are they?
BENIK: Salamander, I thought you were in Records?
SALAMANDER: Have they told you anything yet?
BENIK: Not yet.
SALAMANDER: Very well. Bruce and I will take over. You may go. And er, take your little puppy dog with you, hmm?

(Benik and his guard leave.)

JAMIE: We can't tell you anything.
SALAMANDER: Of course not. We know everything. We know about Giles Kent, we know about the girl called Astrid, and we know about your friend, the Doctor.
VICTORIA: I don't believe you.
SALAMANDER: A childish plan to impersonate me. That's the truth, isn't it?
JAMIE: Ah, but he didn't agree to it.
SALAMANDER: You two were sent to the Central European zone to stir up trouble.
VICTORIA: If you want to know he truth, Giles Kent told us a story and we weren't sure. Before the Doctor could do anything, we had to come here and find out what person you were like.
JAMIE: Yeah, and we found that out right enough.
SALAMANDER: You see, Bruce, they're just terrorists. Not very big fry, either. All this nonsense about proof against me.
VICTORIA: If you're doing so much good for the world, why are you so afraid for your own life?
JAMIE: Aye, why do you have so many enemies?
VICTORIA: Personal guards.
JAMIE: Your own food taster.
VICTORIA: And why destroy the one man the people trusted, Alexander Denes?
BRUCE: What do you mean, destroy?
VICTORIA: One of your men shot him.
BRUCE: Trying to escape?
VICTORIA: He shot him deliberately.
JAMIE: Aye. And that girl Fariah, well, she was close to Salamander. She'd speak against him. I know she would.
SALAMANDER: Fariah is dead.
JAMIE: You've had her murdered too, have you?
VICTORIA: Why you.
DOCTOR: Oh, Victoria, don't hit me! You wouldn't hit your old friend the Doctor, would you? I wouldn't leave you in the tender mercy of Salamander.
JAMIE: Doctor?
DOCTOR: You don't believe me. Oh.

(The Doctor pretends to pull a descant recorder out of his inside pocket, then whistles 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star while he mimes playing it. Jamie joins in.)

DOCTOR: Only you made me leave it in the TARDIS.
JAMIE: It is him! Doctor!
VICTORIA: Oh, Doctor!
DOCTOR: Well, it's a little place that we three have in common. You must admit they thought I was Salamander to begin with.
BRUCE: Yes. I concede that. But there's still no proof.
DOCTOR: No, but there's enough doubt in your mind to make you go on asking questions, isn't there? That's why we came here.

[Outside the records room]

BENIK: I told you to let me know when Salamander was out of Records.
GUARD: But no one's come out, sir.
BENIK: What did you say?
GUARD: He hasn't come out, sir.

[Underground tunnel]

SWANN: Wait. What happens up there?
SALAMANDER: Oh, it ends in a ruined building. This is where I bring the stores. You would be safer here.
SWANN: Safer?
SALAMANDER: Yes, the radiation. I don't think it filters down here.
SWANN: I still want to see the surface.
SALAMANDER: You will, you will.

[Kent's trailer]

KENT: I should have insisted on going with him. Bruce should have taken me.
ASTRID: You know he doesn't trust you.
KENT: He wouldn't trust his own grandmother.
ASTRID: Oh, never mind, Giles. We've come a long way. Months ago, well, a few weeks ago even, nobody would have even listened to you.
KENT: Ah, maybe.
ASTRID: There's no maybe about it.
KENT: Yeah, perhaps you're right. Bruce listens to us at last. He's even prepared to ask questions, that's fine, but I know Salamander. He'd talk his way out of a quicksand.
ASTRID: Well, what else can we do? The guard's still outside.
KENT: I must get into the Research Centre. I've got to make sure that Bruce understands the evidence. Understands it, Astrid. Don't you realise he mightn't know what he's looking for. I know.
ASTRID: But we can't attack the guard. It would only make matters worse.
KENT: Not if I was to give Bruce real evidence.
ASTRID: Giles, how long would it take you to get to the Research Station?
KENT: Well, just a few minutes. I've got a pass. It's just a matter of getting there.
ASTRID: All right, I think I can help you. I'll draw the guard off and leave you alone.
KENT: You think you can do it?
ASTRID: Yes, I think so.
KENT: But I thought you said we weren't going to attack the guard?
ASTRID: Oh, we're not going to attack the guard. But there is going to be an attack. A fatal one.

[Underground tunnel]

SWANN: Where does this lead?
SALAMANDER: It goes on up and comes out in a field.
SWANN: What about radiation?
SALAMANDER: Here, it's almost negligible.

(They pass some packing cases.)

SWANN: You mean you could have brought others here from below? I don't understand you. Don't you realise what a break it would be for them, just moving away from that underground tomb once in a while?
SALAMANDER: You seem to forget, Swann, I've brought people up here before. There's always an element of risk.
SWANN: I still want to have a look at these people you say are living on the surface. Where does that lead?
SALAMANDER: Oh, that's a dead end. It's a place I sometimes rest. It's very hard work, you know, bringing all this
SWANN: Yes, I know that. This way, then?
SALAMANDER: You sure you won't change your mind, huh? 

(Behind Swann's back, Salamander picks up a metal bar from on top a packing case.)

[Kent's trailer]

(Astrid uses a sauce bottle to break the window. The guard rushes in. Kent is lying on the divan with a red stain on his forehead.)

GUARD: What's going on here?
ASTRID: He's been shot through the window.
GUARD: All right, stand back. Looks as though he's finished. Better get a doctor anyway, just in case.

(Astrid runs out.)

GUARD: Hey! Come back!

(The guard chases after her. Kent gets up, tastes the ketchup on his forehead, picks up his jacket and leaves.)


(Astrid pushes her way through bushes as the guard runs the other way across the field.)

SWANN [OC]: (faint) Help! Somebody help. Please. Help! Help, somebody help me.

(Astrid finds Swann lying on the ground, badly hurt.)

ASTRID: Who did this to you?
SWANN: A man named Salamander.
ASTRID: Salamander?
Episode Six


SWANN: Down there.

(He points at a hole in the ground.)

ASTRID: Down there?

[Interrogation room]

JAIMIE: What other explanation is there?
BRUCE: Now wait a moment. Are you seriously trying to tell me without a shred of evidence that Salamander is attacking the world with natural disasters?
JAMIE: Well, he must be.
DOCTOR: Yes, that's what I believe.
BRUCE: But it's beyond belief. How could he possibly?
DOCTOR: I'm sure we'll find proof in the Records Room.
BRUCE: Maybe, but that's where Salamander is.
DOCTOR: Ah. Well, we shall have to wait until he comes out, won't we, hmm?

(Benik has entered the room.)

[Underground tunnel]

(Sounds of dripping water.)

SWANN: Water.
SWANN: Water.
SWANN: No, no. Salamander's place. It's danger.
ASTRID: All right. Be careful. I'll get you some water.

(Astrid goes along the tunnel to where water is dribbling down the wall. )

[Interrogation room]

DOCTOR: (as Salamander) Really, Benik, I'm beginning to wondering why I pay you such a monstrously high salary. Worrying me over trifles. Make your own decision. Is that all?
BENIK: You have to sign these passes for the hovertruck food supply.
DOCTOR: What, now?
BENIK: Well, you always told me they had priority over everything.
DOCTOR: Oh, very well.

(The Doctor takes the forms, sits at the desk and looks at them.)

BENIK: By the way.
BENIK: The door to the Record Room is jammed. It was all right when you came out, wasn't it?
BENIK: Well, it won't open now. May I have your key?

(The Doctor checks his pockets.)

DOCTOR: I'm going mad. I left it in there. What a fool.
BENIK: It's all right, I'll use the emergency key.
DOCTOR: Yes, do that, will you? Right away. Oh, please don't wait for these.

(Benik leaves.)

DOCTOR: (normal) That was close.
BRUCE: How long was he standing there listening to us?
DOCTOR: I don't know.
JAMIE: Do you think he's on to us?
DOCTOR: I hope not. But he's done us a good turn in bringing me these. This'll interest you, Bruce. How many people do you say work in the research centre?
BRUCE: Fewer than you'd think. It's fully automated, you know. Six engineers, and six guards on duty at any one time.
DOCTOR: A dozen, eh? Will you tell me why thirty people are catered for here?

[Underground tunnel]

(Astrid dabs her damp handkerchief to Swann's forehead.)

SWANN: The war. How bad was the war?
ASTRID: War? I didn't understand you. I wish there was something I could do for you.
SWANN: What's he done? What's he done? He's kept us prisoners. Listen, there are others. There are more people down the shaft.
ASTRID: Others?
SWANN: Salamander's kept us down there, prisoners, years of it. Promise you'll bring them to the surface. Swear it. You've got to swear it.

(Swann dies of his head wound.)

ASTRID: Yes, I swear it.

[Interrogation room]

(The Doctor is speaking into a communicator, as Salamander.)

DOCTOR: This is Salamander. I want a security escort to come to the interrogation room immediately. I am releasing two prisoners. They are to be conducted to the main gates and set free. Is that understood? Good.

(The Doctor puts down the handset.)

DOCTOR: (normal) Well, I hope that works.
JAMIE: So do I.
VICTORIA: What do you want us to do when we get outside?
BRUCE: There are plenty of public phones in the area. Dial double zero one and ask for a man named Forrester.
BRUCE: He's my deputy to this area.
VICTORIA: Double zero one Forrester.
BRUCE: Tell him where I am and just say redhead.
VICTORIA: Redhead.
BRUCE: Redhead. Is that clear?
JAMIE: Redhead? Is that your wife?
BRUCE: It's our emergency call.
JAMIE: Sorry.

(The intercom buzzes.)

DOCTOR: (as Salamander) Salamander. (listens) Is the, is the pass in order? Very well, you have my authority.
JAMIE: What's all that about?
DOCTOR: (normal) We have a visitor. Now, Bruce, you're going to get your proof, but I want you to do one thing.
BRUCE: What?
DOCTOR: I want you to take my two friends to the gates and see they get away all right.
BRUCE: What are you going to do?
DOCTOR: You are to go straight to the TARDIS as soon as you can.
JAMIE: No, wait a minute.
BRUCE: What is this TARDIS?
VICTORIA: It's a sort of space.
VICTORIA: House. House we live in.
BRUCE: I don't think you heard me the first time. What are you going to do?

[Underground main room]

(Food is being ladles out of a big pan. Mary takes a bowl to Colin.)

MARY: Please eat something, Colin.
COLIN: I will, later.

(A buzzer sounds.)

MARY: He's coming back.
COLIN: Right. This time I'm going to have it out with Salamander.

[Underground control room]

(The decent chamber door opens and Astrid comes out. She has a good look around at the papers on the desk, then tries buttons until the door to the main room opens.The people look in at her.)

MAN: Who's that?

[Underground main room]

(The people hide from her.)

ASTRID: Where are you?
MAN [OC]: Keep away. Get back.

(They throw small things at her.)

ASTRID: I've come to help you.

(The people come out, brandishing sticks and other weapons. They force Astrid into a corner.)

ASTRID: No! Please, no!

(The group are holding Colin back.)

COLIN: Please, let me go. It's a girl, a human being.
MARY: What about the radiation?

(He breaks free.)

ASTRID: Please stop, please.
COLIN: What's the matter with you? Are you all mad? Get back! Get back!
ASTRID: Thanks.
COLIN: First, don't move. I don't know who you are, but you must be carrying radiation.
COLIN: You're from the surface, aren't you?
ASTRID: Radiation?
MARY: How'd you get down here?
COLIN: Did you see Salamander? And Swann? What about Swann?
ASTRID: Swann sent me.
MARY: Swann? Where is he?
ASTRID: He's dead.
MARY: You see, Colin, Salamander was right. He always said if we went up to the surface we'd die of radiation.
ASTRID: No, not radiation. Salamander killed him.
CROWD: No. No. I don't believe her.
ASTRID: He's lying to you.
CROWD: It can't be true.
ASTRID: He's been keeping you prisoners, I don't know why.
MARY: But that's impossible.
ASTRID: Now listen to me.
COLIN: Now, wait! We must decontaminate you. There's equipment in Salamander's control room. In there.
ASTRID: All right.

[Underground control room]

COLIN: In there.

(Astrid steps into the alcove. The meter leaps to 200 Rontgens.)

COLIN: You see? Radiation.

(The meter drops to zero.)

COLIN: You can come out now.
ASTRID: I'm all right?
COLIN: Yes. Now tell us, what's this about Swann?
ASTRID: No. Just watch.

(Astrid takes a ruler from the desk.)

ASTRID: Look at the meter.

(Astrid puts the ruler the booth. The meter rises to 200 then drops to zero again.)

ASTRID: This machine's a fake. Is this ruler contaminated? Look, see those valves? There's an invisible ray. Break it, and it works the meter.
COLIN: But Salamander built this.
MARY: He built it. He always uses it when he comes down.
ASTRID: Yes, I know, to try to convince you for some reason or other that there's radiation above ground.
MARY: There is. The war.
ASTRID: War? What war?
COLIN: Where is he? Where's Salamander?
ASTRID: That's just what I would like to know.

(Salamander is in the records room.)

[Research Station corridor]

(Jamie and Victoria meet the Captain.)

CAPTAIN: Wait. Where are you going?
JAMIE: Leader Salamander's orders.
CAPTAIN: What orders?
JAMIE: He's released us.
CAPTAIN: I wasn't informed.
BRUCE: I was.
CAPTAIN: Where are the release papers?
BRUCE: Are you questioning my word?
CAPTAIN: No, of course not, sir, but there are strict rules.
BRUCE: Rules? Really? You forget, I'm World Security Controller. I make rules and break them. And men, Captain. Come on, you two.
CAPTAIN: Find Deputy Benik. Quickly.

[Underground control room]

ASTRID: But I can only take two at a time.
MARY: I'm sure they all understand that.
COLIN: Where is he? I must find Salamander.
MARY: Are you sure you don't want me to wait here with them?
ASTRID: No. Now that Swann's dead, you two seem to be the leaders. After what you've told me, we must confront the man that started all this, face to face.

[Research Station corridor]

(Giles Kent adjusts a wall monitor to show the interior of the records room. He sees Salamander sitting at the desk. Kent hides as Benik and a guard walk round the corner.)

GUARD: Yes, sir, the door's jammed and I can't get a view of the inside of it all.
BENIK: Right. So Bruce and the rest of them are in the interrogation room?
GUARD: Yes, sir. The Captain felt something was wrong and so do I, sir. One minute Leader Salamander's locked in the Records room, the next he's in the interrogation room. It doesn't make sense, sir.
BENIK: Of course it doesn't make sense if you haven't got any sense. Just stand guard and try and keep your wits about you.
GUARD: Yes, sir.

(Benik leaves.)

[Records room]

(Kent goes into the records room door and seals the door.)

SALAMANDER: Giles Kent. What are you doing here?
KENT: Oh, I've been looking forward to this meeting. You're getting careless. You didn't double lock the doors. Oh, its all right, I've done it now. The only way anybody can get through there is to blast their way through.
SALAMANDER: How did you get into the Research Centre?
KENT: Oh, you know me. There isn't a pass in the world I can't get my hands on if I put my mind to it.
SALAMANDER: You won't find it so easy getting out.
KENT: Really? Well, we'll see. I'm not on my own this time. I've got friends here with me, and between us we're going to fix you once and for all.
SALAMANDER: You always were a tiresome man, Kent.
KENT: I'm going to be more than tiresome this time. You know, the biggest mistake you ever made was not killing me when you had the chance.
SALAMANDER: Oh, so you going to kill me, huh? How petty. What good do you think that will do?
KENT: Hold it!

(Kent produces a gun.)

KENT: Now, don't move quickly. My nerves are a bit shaky at the moment.

[Outside the records room]

(Bruce and Benik are watching on the wall monitor.)

BRUCE: We must get in there somehow.
BENIK: We can't without the emergency key, and Salamander has it in there.
GUARD: We could burn our way in.
BENIK: Never.
BRUCE: Why not?
BENIK: It's an X-structure alloy. You'd hardly scratch the surface.
BRUCE: We'll have to try it. Get the gear up here, fast.

[Records room]

KENT: (laughs) Never get away with it. Oh, that's good, coming from you. Or don't you realise you're dispensable, and the world is going to get along fine without you from now on. The only good idea you ever had in your life was getting rid of me, and you couldn't even do that properly, could you? And now I'm back and you're finished. (whirring noise) Oh, what's that?
SALAMANDER: They're breaking down the door.

(Keeping his gun on Salamander, Kent adjusts a monitor to view what is happening outside.)

KENT: They don't appear to be having much success.

[Outside the records room]

GUARD: It's not cutting, sir.
BRUCE: Never mind, keep at it. I'll have that, thanks.

(Bruce takes Benik's gun, hurting Benik's wrist in the process.)

GUARD: It's no good sir.
BRUCE: Keep going!

(Far below, the scientists watch on a monitor as the capsule rises to the surface.)

[Records room]

SALAMANDER: You're trapped, aren't you?
KENT: You're a fool, Salamander. You don't think I've forgotten already, do you?
KENT: I've been with you too many times in this room in the past, not to know where this leads to.

(He opens the door to the vertical shaft.)

KENT: Your little bolt-hole. Half way down the tunnel, a passage out to the fields and enough explosives down there to stop you or your thugs following me.
DOCTOR: (normal) Well, that's very interesting, Mister Kent. Why didn't you tell me that before?
KENT: Oh no, it can't be.
DOCTOR: Oh, I'm afraid it is. Oh, look. Here's another surprise for you. Look behind you.
KENT: Astrid, you've come just in time.

(She points her gun at Kent. Colin and Mary are with her.)

ASTRID: It's too late, Giles. I know everything.
COLIN: That's him. That's the man who took us down there in the first place.
MARY: Giles Kent. We thought you were dead.
KENT: Now look, I've never seen these people before in my life.
ASTRID: They've told me everything. You and Salamander were in it together.

[Underground room]

(Somewhere in the underground complex, Salamander himself is watching it all on a monitor screen.)

ASTRID [on monitor]: You built an atomic shelter, took some people down for an endurance test. The next person they saw was Salamander.

[Records room]

ASTRID: Who told them that an atomic war had started.
DOCTOR: You see, Kent

(Kent grabs the Doctor and holds a gun to his head.)

ASTRID: Oh, be careful, Doctor. He'll kill you.
MARY: You kept us down like animals.
COLIN: Why? Why did you do it to us?
KENT: We had to have someone create the natural disasters, didn't we? And we fooled you all!
DOCTOR: You didn't fool me, Kent.
KENT: You didn't suspect me.
DOCTOR: Any man who resorts to murder as eagerly and as rapidly as you must be suspect. You didn't just want to expose Salamander, you wanted to kill him and take his place.
KENT: And I will! Do you think you're going to stop me? And these people? Now move out of the way, quick! We'll see who'll stop me!

(Kent pushes the Doctor away, gets into the capsule and it does down.)

DOCTOR: Stop him. Stop him. He's going to try and blow the place up!
ASTRID: Come on then.
DOCTOR: No! Don't touch that door, it's red hot.
ASTRID: What do you mean?
DOCTOR: Well, it's locked. They're trying to burn through from the other side.

(Salamander's secret room is on the monitor.)

DOCTOR: It looks like some sort of cave.
ASTRID: It's the escape route. That's Salamander!
DOCTOR: Yes. I wonder if he knows Kent's on his way?

[Outside the records room]

GUARD: Still no good, sir.
BRUCE: Come on, man. Can't you increase the power?
GUARD: Yes, sir.
BENIK: Get back! Get back.

(Benik picks up the guard's gun and points it at Bruce, but more guards appear behind him.)

BRUCE: About time, Forrester.
BENIK: Don't shoot, don't shoot.

(The guard stops trying to burn through the door.)

BENIK: I demand a trial, Bruce. A fair trial.
BRUCE: What a nasty little man you are, to be sure. Forrester, I want all research personnel detained, and you can begin with Benik here. Take him away.
DOCTOR [OC]: Bruce? Bruce, can you hear me out there? Bruce?

(Bruce runs round the corner to a wall monitor.)

DOCTOR [on monitor]: Can you hear me?
BRUCE: Yes, Doctor.
DOCTOR [on monitor]: Oh, there you are. I think Kent is going to try to blow us up. Any chance of getting us out of here? Things are going to turn rather nasty in a minute.
BRUCE: We're doing our best, Doctor.
DOCTOR [On monitor]: Oh. Well, if you can't, you'd better leave with your men. There's no point in us all going up in smoke.

[Underground tunnel]

(Salamander comes out hiding and takes Kent's gun from him.)

SALAMANDER: You always were a fool, weren't you?
KENT: Now, wait a minute. They'll be after both of us now.
SALAMANDER: Oh no, they won't.
KENT: I tell you, they know.
SALAMANDER: So what do you want me to do, huh? Bury our differences? I didn't need you once. I still don't need you.
KENT: Now wait a minute. The place is mined, we know that. We planned it for years, together. Between us we can destroy them all, and the evidence. Just you and me, Salamander.
SALAMANDER: You and me. What use are you to me? You were useful once, but now.
KENT: No, no!

(Salamander shoots Kent in the shoulder. Kent runs back down the tunnel as Salamander laughs maniacally.)

SALAMANDER: You won't get away from me, Kent.

[Underground room]

(The Doctor and Astrid watch on the monitor as Kent is trapped.)

SALAMANDER: I told you you could not escape me.

(Salamander shoots Kent in the stomach.)

KENT: Well, if I'm going to die, Salamander, you'll die with me.

(Kent pulls a control lever.)


[Records room]

(The explosion rocks the Research Station. The records room door bursts open, and the guard and Bruce rush in.)

BRUCE: Are you hurt? Let's get out of here. Come on, Doctor, we're going to get you out of here.

(On the monitor a hand can be seen sticking out of the rubble.)

ASTRID: Oh, look. Salamander! Giles! They're dead!
BRUCE: We'll be dead too if we don't get out of here.
DOCTOR: Let's get out of here.
BRUCE: Come along.

[Outside the records room]

ASTRID: The people.
BRUCE: People. What people?
ASTRID: The people underground in the deep shelter.
DOCTOR: They may have been killed.
ASTRID: I promised Swann I'd get them out.
BRUCE: But that's not your fault. You couldn't have done more.
DOCTOR: There's a TV monitor screen in there. There must be a link to the deep shelter.

[Records room]

(Astrid turns the monitor on.)

ASTRID: It's all right! They're alive!
BRUCE: How are you going to get to them?
ASTRID: There's a tunnel from outside. We can get to it outside the Research Station.
BRUCE: But that's probably been destroyed by the explosion.
ASTRID: We'll get to them somehow.
BRUCE: Look out!

(Some of the ceiling falls down.)

[Outside the records room]

ASTRID: Give me some men. I'll lead them.
BRUCE: All right. I'll go with you.
DOCTOR: Oh good, that's splendid. I'll come too.
ASTRID: Oh no, Doctor. It's far too dangerous. They might mistake you as Salamander.
DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Oh.
ASTRID: Are you hurt?
DOCTOR: No, I'm all right. I'll come with you as far as the gates. Come on, we must go.


(Night. Jamie steps out of the TARDIS. A little man staggers towards him.)

JAMIE: I thought you were never coming. Hey, Doctor, are you all right?

(Jamie helps him into the TARDIS.)


VICTORIA: Oh, there you are, Doctor. You do look in a state. Come and sit down.
JAMIE: I told you he wouldn't be long. You, you worry too much.
VICTORIA: We shouldn't have left him.
JAMIE: You see, after the explosion, Doctor, we didnae know what to do. You said to come back here, which we did, but I'm sure we were followed.
VICTORIA: Please, can we start straight away?

(The little man is staring at the console, confused. He gestures at Jamie.)

JAMIE: Me, Doctor? But you said we were never to touch the controls.
DOCTOR: Quite right, Jamie.

(The real Doctor is in the doorway.)

DOCTOR: Welcome to the TARDIS.
SALAMANDER: Thank you. You're doing so well impersonating me, I thought I might return the compliment.
DOCTOR: And Giles Kent?
SALAMANDER: Unfortunately, he didn't survive the explosion.
DOCTOR: We're going to put you outside, Salamander. No friends, no safety, nothing. You'll run, but they'll catch up with you.

(Salamander lunges for the console.)


(Salamander pins the Doctor against the console.)

SALAMANDER: And now I'm going to kill you.
JAMIE: No, you don't.

(Jamie pulls Salamander off the Doctor, who is thrown to the floor. The TARDIS dematerialises while the doors are still open.)

VICTORIA: Oh, Doctor!
DOCTOR: Victoria! Jamie! Hold onto something!

(The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria lie on the floor holding hands and hang on to a chair leg which amazingly doesn't move.)

DOCTOR: Jamie! Oh!

(Salamander can't get a hold of anything, and is sucked out into the Vortex.)

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.