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ROSE: You think you're so impressive.

DOCTOR: I am so impressive.

ROSE: You wish.

DOCTOR: You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible, that maybe you survive. This is the year five point five slash apple slash twenty six. Five billion years in your future, and this is the day- hold on - this is the day the Sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world.

— Ninth Doctor, The End of the World

DOCTOR: The paper's slightly psychic. It shows them whatever I want them to see. Saves a lot of time.

— Ninth Doctor, The End of the World

ROSE: I just sort of hitched a lift with this man. I didn't even think about it. I don't even know who he is. He's a complete stranger.

— Rose Tyler, The End of the World

ROSE: They all speak English.

DOCTOR: No, you just hear English. It's a gift of the TARDIS. The telepathic field, gets inside your brain and translates.

ROSE: It's inside my brain?

DOCTOR: Well, in a good way.

ROSE: Your machine gets inside my head. It gets inside and it changes my mind, and you didn't even ask?

DOCTOR: I didn't think about it like that.

ROSE: That was five billion years ago. So, she's dead now. Five billion years later, my mum's dead.

DOCTOR: Bundle of laughs, you are.

DOCTOR: I was on board another ship once. They said that was unsinkable. I ended up clinging to an iceberg. It wasn't half cold.

— Ninth Doctor, The End of the World

DOCTOR: You think it'll last forever, people and cars and concrete, but it won't. One day it's all gone. Even the sky. My planet's gone. It's dead. It burned like the Earth. It's just rocks and dust before its time.

ROSE: What happened?

DOCTOR: There was a war and we lost.

ROSE: A war with who? What about your people?

DOCTOR: I'm a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. They're all gone. I'm the only survivor. I'm left travelling on my own 'cos there's no one else.

ROSE: There's me.