Stories Audio Drama Faction Paradox Audios The Faction Paradox Protocols Episode 1 The Eleven Day Empire 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Sad JUSTINE: What did you mean, "I can't go through this again"? ELIZA: What? JUSTINE: It's what you said before. When the time-ships came. ELIZA: Christ. You've got a good memory, haven't you? JUSTINE: Only for things that seem important. ELIZA: Yeah. Well. I've seen it happen before, you know? Before I came here. I used to live in a city a lot like this. Different world. Different time. Different universe, come to think of it. Same thing happened, though. One day, the sky just opened. And that was it. That was the end of it all. JUSTINE: The Sontarans? ELIZA: God, no. One of the other Houses. Tore up all the cities. Turned most of the people into worker-drones. That was the way I found out about things. About how the universe really works. About the Houses running it all from behind the scenes. I was pretty much the only person who got away, so... you can see how I ended up here. You know what the family's like for picking up hopeless people. No offence. — The Eleven Day Empire Link to Quote Favourite LOLITA: I'll tell you why you don't understand them, General. You don't understand them because you don't know what "living dangerously" means. That's your problem, isn't it? To you, "sacrifice" means what you do to troops on a battlefield. A couple of thousand dead Sontarans here, a couple of million there. They're homunculi, they're clones, what does it matter? The Faction's different, though. Sacrifice is something personal to these people. Those spirits of theirs want more bloodshed every day. LOLITA: Do you know what the most famous legend of Faction Paradox is? It's the story of how their Grandfather founded the House. It's all very tedious and mythic, I'll just give you the basics. The Grandfather was a criminal among the Houses, so even after he escaped from his prison he still had the criminal tattoo on his arm. Which tied him to the Homeworld, obviously, and which linked him to the people he was trying to get away from. So the first thing he did, once he was free... are you listening to this? The first thing he did was get hold of a knife and slice his own arm off. Offering it to the spirits, probably. Oh, don't get me wrong, as sacrifices go it isn't a big one. But it's a funny thing, the number of Faction people you see who've only got one arm. — The Eleven Day Empire Link to Quote Favourite QUELCH Morlock! MORLOCK: Yes? QUELCH: You're an arse. MORLOCK: By volume, Godmother, you're exactly three-point-one per cent correct. — The Eleven Day Empire