Stories Comic Eleventh Doctor - IDW Comics The Eagle of the Reich 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 1 review 8 January 2025 · 281 words Review by deltaandthebannermen Spoilers This review contains spoilers! The Eagle of the Reich is a very short IDW comic strip which serves as a prelude to the longer tale Hypothetical Gentleman which I've reviewed elsewhere. It features another of the Doctor’s many visits to Crystal Palace, this time with the 11th Doctor, Rory and Amy. In this time period, 1936, the palace has been relocated to its site on Sydenham Hill. At the palace is a mysterious meteor-like object which is being investigated by an archaeologist, Sophie Renard. The Doctor soon realises that the meteorite is actually an alien phoenix egg and that Renard is actually a Nazi scientist attempting to retrieve the ‘Eagle of Ultimate thule’ – the egg is a huge source of power – for the Third Reich. When she grabs the egg, she is disintegrated and the fireball sets the Crystal Palace alight, burning it to the ground. Historically, we have the growing power of the Third Reich seeking out elements which will aid their effort to take control. We also have the conflagration which did indeed see the Crystal Palace burn down in November 1936 (although it probably wasn’t started by a phoenix egg consuming a Nazi scientist). As a story, though, it’s very unsatisfying. The Doctor knows it’s a phoenix egg (which TARDIS wiki says is the same as the one encountered in the 1st Doctor Companion Chronicle Frostfire – although there’s no reference to that story in this strip). The Doctor also knows that Renard is actually a Nazi scientist with no apparent evidence. A rather pointless sequence where Amy and her boys play football with the egg is more or less all that Amy and Rory contribute to the story. Forgettable. deltaandthebannermen View profile Like Liked 0