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3 reviews

Didn’t really care for this story tbh can’t really get the hype for it


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from start to finish this was so CAMP and i loved it !!! can't believe i'm actively enjoying the 4th doctor like... thank you big finish !!


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A very fun adventure. I think Guy Adam’s leans in a little to the more Douglas Adams-y side of the 4th Doctor. The two additions to the cast are fun and play off Tom Baker and John Heffernan well to allow both of the leads to shine. I do have to hand it to Guy, he does a really good job making the 9 feel like a completely different incarnation than the 11, similarly to how he handled the 12. I honestly think this character is at their best when written by Guy Adams as opposed to John Dorney and especially Matt Fitton. The 9 especially is the perfect incarnation to play off Tom, since they’re both doing a comedy routine essentially. This is almost two hours but flew by.


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