Stories Television Doctor Who Season 6 Classic Who S6 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Dominators 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Episode One [Outside the saucer] (A delta wave of classic flying saucers flies through space. We watch one of them land on a planet, its landing struts holding the body of the saucer clear of the rocky ground. A transport tube is lowered, and the outer and inner doors open. A humanoid steps out onto the planet. The high curved shoulders of his outfit make him look as if his neck is joined part way down his chest. As he surveys the scenery, a second man joins him. The first man speaks.) RAGO: Is the local radiation completely absorbed? (Played by the handsome Ronald Allen, if you're interested.) TOBA: Yes, its energy's been transferred to our fuel reserves. But we need much more.RAGO: Of course, that is why we are here.TOBA: With respect, Navigator Rago, I still consider we should have continued to Epsilon Four.RAGO: I decided otherwise, Probationer Toba.TOBA: But this planet has never been fully surveyed.RAGO: It's suitable for our purpose. The planetary crust is thin here, and there is a intelligent form of life suitable for a work force.TOBA: But the natives may not be suitable for slave labour. Suppose they're hostile?RAGO: If necessary we shall destroy them.TOBA: Yes, destroy them.RAGO: But only if necessary. Commence work on the preliminary survey.TOBA: Command accepted. Shall I order the Quarks to mark out the drilling sites?RAGO: Yes.TOBA: Quarks! [Hovercraft] (Elsewhere, a large egg-shaped craft is travelling through the mists. The humanoids in here wear thick corset-style dresses over sleeveless singlets, and seem far less belligerent than the newcomers.) WAHED: (dark top) I'm not so sure that this so-called adventure was such a good idea after all. I mean, this is a terribly primitive way to travel isn't it?ETNIN: (floor length long sleeves) Well, we are supposed to be looking for excitement, aren't we?TOLATA: (woman) That's why I came.WAHED: I really don't see what's so exciting about sitting for hours on end in this old tub. If we'd used a travel capsule we could have been here in a few minutes.CULLY: (pilot - knee length, light top) Not without a permit, you wouldn't.WAHED: I suppose that does add a little zest.CULLY: Well, here we are everyone, the Island of Death! Uninhabited for one hundred and seventy years. Nothing can live on this poisonous plot of soil.WAHED: You're being melodramatic again, Cully, as usual. You know perfectly well there's a permanent survey unit there to monitor the radiation.ETNIN: And there's a weekly visit by parties of students to show them the horror of atomic radiation.CULLY: All right, all right, I know. But all this is organised and supervised by the state. You've travelled miles by sea in a ship navigated by man. None of your auto-piloting. And don't forget we're here without permits. All this is illegal.ETNIN: Yes, I'd almost forgotten that.CULLY: An adventure with Cully is something never to be forgotten.WAHED: It doesn't look any different to me from the way I've seen it in vision-books on my own screen at home.CULLY: Ah, but this time it's real.WAHED: Is it?CULLY: Well yes, of course it is. You're actually here.WAHED: Are we?CULLY: You don't believe me.WAHED: Well, you could be throwing up old pictures on your scanner, couldn't you? After all, there's nothing to show that it is real.CULLY: Well you can't get out and see.WAHED: Why not?TOLATA: Yes, why not?CULLY: Look, I'm all for a bit of danger, but going out on that island without protective suits would be madness.WAHED: So we just have to take your word for it, Cully.CULLY: Yes you do.TOLATA: Didn't you mention something about a warning signal?CULLY: Yes, when we're in the radiation zone. Why?TOLATA: Well, aren't we a bit close?ETNIN: Do something, Cully!WAHED: We're going to crash!TOLATA: Quickly, Cully! (The enclosed craft slams into the beach at the bask of a cliff and everyone gets thrown to the floor. Wahed hurts his elbow.) CULLY: We're stuck.WAHED: Mm?TOLATA: Oh no!WAHED: Do you mean permanently?CULLY: Yes, we've run aground. The drive is well and truly wedged in solid.WAHED: Well, how are we supposed to get back to the mainland?CULLY: Look, don't ask me.ETNIN: This really is an adventure, isn't it.WAHED: Are you sure this isn't one of your practical jokes, Cully?CULLY: Now look, running aground on an atomic island isn't my idea of fun.WAHED: Yes, but is that where we really are? (Wahed waves a stick over some control panels.) WAHED: The radiation meter's registering zero.CULLY: Yes. Odd. Well, they've probably broken down.WAHED: Let's try again, shall we? Clear the computers. Now.CULLY: Zero? But it can't be.WAHED: So much for your navigation, Cully. Island of Death. (A ramp drops down onto the beach and Etnin walks out.) CULLY: All right, go out there. Get yourselves cooked to a frazzle by the radiation, but don't come complaining to me if you get yourselves killed, because I don't refund money to (But they have all left.) CULLY: Refund? What am I saying, they haven't even paid me yet! Hey, wait! [Outside the hovercraft] CULLY: Oh Tolata, don't be a little fool. This island is a killer.TOLATA: So you say, but your radiation counter didn't seem to be making too much of a fuss about it.CULLY: Yes, I know, but, well, it must have gone bust.WAHED: And all the others in this tub of yours as well?TOLATA: Why don't you admit it, Cully. You're a rogue, This isn't the test island, is it.CULLY: But I tell you it is!ETNIN: Wahed! Over the hill. People.WAHED: People? Well, that settles it rather, doesn't it Cully? No one ever visits the Island of Death, do they.CULLY: Well, there's the survey unit, or they could be students. Were they wearing protective suits?ETNIN: No, but they had a new type of robot.WAHED: A work party most probably. Come on Etnin, let's go and seek their assistance in getting us off this dreary island which Cully has so carelessly marooned us on.CULLY: No, wait! Wahed! Stop! [Outside the saucer] TOBA: Quarks. You will set up the drilling site in accordance with the instructions of Domin (He stops, watching the adventurers running over the ridge.) CULLY: Wait! Stop!TOBA: Quarks, destroy them!CULLY: Oh get down, quickly! They're going to. Get down! (Cully ducks down behind a dune as the other three suddenly freeze then fall.) TOBA: Quarks, reload force units.RAGO: Trouble?TOBA: I have dealt with it. Three alien beings of the planet.RAGO: Dead.TOBA: Of course.RAGO: That was unnecessary! [Beach] (Cully walks past, then the TARDIS materialises. The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe come out.) DOCTOR: Oh yes, oh yes. Ahh!JAMIE: Are you still feeling tired, Doctor?DOCTOR: Yes, just a little bit weary, Jamie. It's a very exhausting business projecting all those mental images, you know.ZOE: You need a good rest, Doctor.DOCTOR: Yes, we all do. A nice holiday.JAMIE: Oh, where did you say this place was again?ZOE: Well the scanner screen in the TARDIS showed it as an island of some sort surrounded by a sea of mist.JAMIE: Aye.DOCTOR: Yes, it's an island on Dulkis, a perfectly splendid planet.JAMIE: Aye, I've heard that one before.ZOE: And there won't be any Cybermen or Daleks, will there?DOCTOR: No, no, no, of course not. There's nothing unpleasant on Dulkis.ZOE: Well, is the whole island as dreary as this?DOCTOR: Oh no, goodness me, no. They're a very advanced race, the Dulcians. And they're very gentle too. And friendly. You're going to like them. (The Doctor hands Zoe a large keep net.) JAMIE: Oh I see, you've been here before.DOCTOR: Oh yes, Jamie. Blow that up for me would you?JAMIE: Eh? (The Doctor gives him an inflatable ball.) DOCTOR: Yes. Some time ago, mind you. It was splendid. It was so peaceful. I just didn't want to leave. (He brings out a deckchair and sits down.) DOCTOR: Yes, that's what we all need. A nice, peaceful holiday. [Cliff top] (Toba is looking down on the hovercraft. A little way along, Cully starts down the slope to his craft.) TOBA: Quarks. Destroy the alien vessel. (Cully hears the whoop-whoop of an energy build up and retreats. His hovercraft goes kaBOOM! and he plays dead just in case.) [Outside the museum] (Our travellers have heard the explosion and come running.) JAMIE: I thought you said it was a peaceful planet?ZOE: Well which direction did it come from? It sounded as though it was almost on top of us.JAMIE: Hey, now would you look at that. (Jamie walks through the missing side of a building made of hexagonal blocks.) ZOE: Did you say these people were peaceful Doctor?DOCTOR: Well yes, Zoe, they. But Dulcians are gentle and friendly!JAMIE: Aye, it sounded like it. Did the explosion cause this?DOCTOR: Oh no, no, no. This was caused by an explosion some time ago, Jamie.ZOE: Looks like atomic blast damage to me.DOCTOR: Yes, I think you're right, Zoe. But I don't understand it. Let's look inside, shall we? (The Doctor helps Zoe over some fallen debris as they go to a metal door in an intact wall.) DOCTOR: Mind. Over here. [Museum] (Jamie pushes the door open, and it creaks very nicely.) JAMIE: Hey, what sort of place is this?ZOE: Looks like some sort of museum.DOCTOR: Yes, you're right again, Zoe. A war museum!JAMIE: Peaceful, you said.DOCTOR: Oh yes, but these are very old fashioned weapons, Jamie. This sort of thing was banned ages ago. (Jamie takes a ray gun off it's display stand.) JAMIE: Hey, how you work this sort of thing?DOCTOR: No, Jamie, no! Put that down!JAMIE: What's the matter?DOCTOR: Well, it's a sort of laser gun. You know what that'll do. It'll burn a hole through anything. Metal, concrete, wood, anything! It may look old, but, well, you never know. It just might go off. Now please, just leave things as they were. Where was it?ZOE: I wonder what's down here?JAMIE: Is that the trigger there?DOCTOR: Well that seems to be somethingZOE: Look!JAMIE: What's the matter? What? (Zoe points at two motionless figures.) JAMIE: What's happened to them?DOCTOR: Stay here, Zoe. Come on, Jamie. (The Doctor goes down the steps to the figures then laughs.) JAMIE: Well, what are you laughing at? Oh, they're just dummies! What did they put them in here for?DOCTOR: They're dummies.ZOE: Dummies? Did you check?DOCTOR: Huh?ZOE: Did you check the radiation level before we left the TARDIS?DOCTOR: That's just what I was thinking. Zoe, I think I did, I. Yes, I'm sure I did.JAMIE: Hey, what are you two on about?ZOE: Well I was just thinking. This place reminds me of the old atom-test islands on Earth.DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I think you're right, Zoe.JAMIE: Test islands?ZOE: For atomic weapons, Jamie.DOCTOR: But, but, but why on Dulkis? They've outlawed war! There must be some other explanation.JAMIE: Aye, well, I vote we go back to the TARDIS and find somewhere else.ZOE: Doctor! (Three figures in full environmental protection suits are standing in the doorway.) [Survey unit] (In a complex of buildings on top of a hill, the three Dulcians are removing their protection suits.) BALAN: (older man) Oh, I hope we're not too late. If they were out there for any length of time. How badly are they affected?KANDO: (girl) I don't know, Educator Balan.BALAN: Oh, come now, Kando. I've taught you how to read a radiation meter. But this is registering negative. Are you sure you've switched it on?KANDO: Yes.BALAN: How is yours, Teel?TEEL: (boy) Exactly the same, sir, Zero.BALAN: It's very strange. (There is thumping and shouting off screen.) TEEL: Could it be that the meters aren't working, sir?BALAN: Oh no, the warning lights would have gone on if the circuits had failed.KANDO: Well, we can't leave them in there indefinitely.BALAN: No, that's true. Teel, as they're not radioactive we may as well let them out. (Teel opens a door, and the Doctor, Jamie, Zoe and a lot of steam come out.)DOCTOR: Oh, my beautiful coat is all wet.ZOE: Thank goodness for that.JAMIE: Ridiculous!DOCTOR: All this is totally unnecessary, you know. There's not a trace of contamination on us.BALAN: Yes, so I've noticed. It's odd isn't it?DOCTOR: What's odd about it?BALAN: Well, the whole island is radioactive. It has been for a hundred and seventy two years, you must know that.ZOE: Well it isn't now.KANDO: Of course it is.DOCTOR: Have you checked?TEEL: Well, not yet. We've only just arrived. We'll be taking the annual readings during the next few days.DOCTOR: Well, if I were you I'd take them now.BALAN: I wasn't aware that anyone else had permission to work on the island except ourselves. Tell me exactly what has been happening.DOCTOR: But, but I was hoping you were going to tell us that.ZOE: This is an atom test island, isn't it?BALAN: Oh but of course. Everybody knows that.JAMIE: Ah, well, we don't.DOCTOR: But atomic weapons on Dulkis? I thought war had been abolished here.BALAN: It has. You seem to know surprisingly little about your own planet.JAMIE: Ah well, that's it, you see. We've just come in the Tar (The Doctor gestures Jamie to be quiet.) DOCTOR: Well, as Jamie was about to say, we come from a different world, from a different time.BALAN: Not from this world? Really, that's very interesting. I must note that in my daily report.ZOE: Well, you don't sound very surprised.BALAN: Well, it does explain how you came to expose yourself to the dangers on this island. No Dulcian would do such a foolish thing.JAMIE: Oh? What are you doing here then?KANDO: We're part of Educator Balan's expedition from the university.DOCTOR: But when I was here some time ago, you were a peaceful race. WhatBALAN: Ah, so you've been here before?DOCTOR: Well, yes.BALAN: Ah, I must put that in my. I'm so sorry. You were saying?DOCTOR: Well, well, what's happened to you? I thought aggressive weapons had been abolished?BALAN: Oh, indeed they have, under the second council, under Director Olin. He banned the manufacture of all weapons.DOCTOR: Then what are you doing letting off atomic devices all over the place?BALAN: Oh, there was only one explosion. Perhaps my pupil Kando should explain. Let's see how much you remember, my dear.KANDO: Er.BALAN: The Seventh Council.KANDO: The Seventh Council under Director Malos initiated research which led to the development of atomic energy. The destBALAN: Destructive capabilities.KANDO: The destructive capabilities of this were immediately apparent, andBALAN: This island.KANDO: And this island was used to test an explosive device, the results of which can be seen today. Thereafter all further research into this type of energy was prohibited, and the island was kept as both a museum and warning for future generations.JAMIE: Oh well, she certainly does her homework.DOCTOR: I see. Then this is an atomic test site?BALAN: Oh, yes. You see, students are. That was really very good, Kando. Students are brought here to test the radiation level and observe the effect on the vegetation. And of course, to see for themselves the horrors of atomic destruction.ZOE: So there should be radioactivity here?JAMIE: But there isn't.DOCTOR: No. I wonder why? [Outside the saucer] RAGO: And you destroyed this travel ship?TOBA: You gave me no order to the contrary.RAGO: You are a Probationer Navigator. Your first task is to investigate, second assess. You allowed your instinct for destruction to interfere with your primary task.TOBA: Not accepted.RAGO: How can you assess that which does not exist? Have you completed your atomic analysis?TOBA: Analysis complete. Atomic energy released on this island seventeen point two decades ago.RAGO: A long time. Strange that this should be the only trace of radiation on this planet. Continue.TOBA: Drilling sites have now been located and marked.RAGO: Then we will examine them. [Outside the TARDIS] (Cully has found the TARDIS and is examining it. Then he notices an star-like mark on the ground nearby. He hides as Toba and Rago approach.) TOBA: This is the eastern drilling site.RAGO: What is that?TOBA: Just a crude, box-like structure. Shall I summon the Quarks to destroy it?RAGO: Why? Will it interfere with the work?TOBA: No, butRAGO: Then it would be wasteful to destroy it. [Outside the museum] (A radiation-suited figure examines another star-like mark on the ground, then hides as Cully comes through a hole in a wall.) TEEL: Cully, what are you doing here?CULLY: Who is it? Who's that over there?TEEL: My name is Teel. You remember. I'm with the survey team.CULLY: Survey? Right. Take me to your survey unit.TEEL: Yes, butCULLY: Come on. Don't argue.TEEL: Oh, very well. It's over this way. (Teel and Cully leave as Rago and Toba enter.) RAGO: Here. Evidently a test site. It would explain the radiation. [Museum] TOBA: Primitive architecture.RAGO: Every culture develops, Probationer Toba. Never base an assumption on the past. Examine the present.TOBA: Yes, Navigator Rago. You were right. It was a test site.RAGO: Come here. Explain. (Rago is by the laser rifle.) TOBA: Part of this collection of crude weapons.RAGO: Continue.TOBA: Well, this one operates on the early laser principle. Fire mechanism here. (Toba demonstrates by blasting a hole in the wall.) TOBA: Self-charging power cell. Limited range.RAGO: That's all you notice?TOBA: The other weapons are just as simple. There's nothing here that could threaten us. These things are so old thatRAGO: Precisely! Old! At last you casually mention a fact of major significance. Has it not occurred to you, Probationer Toba, that other weapons must have been developed since these?TOBA: Agreed, Navigator Rago.RAGO: I reproved you at the time of your precipitate act of self-gratification in destroying those three creatures. It will now be necessary to find other specimens. They will have to be investigated. [Survey unit] (Kando is handing round drinks.) DOCTOR: But why do you think we might be responsible? Thank you.BALAN: Well it is conceivable that your craft, the er?DOCTOR: TARDIS.BALAN: The TARDIS could have attracted the radioactivity in much the same way as a magnet attracts metal.DOCTOR: Oh, it would have registered.ZOE: Do spacecraft often land in Dulkis?KANDO: As far as I know, you are the first.JAMIE: Oh I must say then, you don't seem the least bit surprised.KANDO: We are taught to accept facts, being foolish to contemplate fantasy in the face of reality. You are here. This is fact. That you come from another planet I accept because I have no other means of proving it. (Teel enters with Cully.) TEEL: Not a sign of radiation, but look what I found.BALAN: Cully, what are you?CULLY: Never mind that now. We've got to get back to the capital.BALAN: Oh, it's impossible. We haven't even begun our survey yet.CULLY: If you don't, you'll be wiped out.TEEL: He claims to have seen robots and spacecraft.BALAN: You didn't tell me you brought robots.DOCTOR: I haven't!CULLY: Look, I brought three people here in my ship. They've been killed by those creatures. (Balan laughs.) ZOE: Well, what's so funny?BALAN: Now I see it. Yes, three people. So, you come from another world, do you Doctor?DOCTOR: Eh? I don't think IBALAN: Really, Cully, you and your friends might at least have agreed upon the same story.CULLY: What? But these aren't my three, you old f! Oh, what's the use.JAMIE: What's he talking about?DOCTOR: I don't know. Look, I've never seen this gentleman before in my life.BALAN: Cully, you had no right to bring these people here without permission, even if you are the son of the Director of the Council.CULLY: Well, go on then, why don't you call him up? At least he's not as stupid as you are.DOCTOR: You say you've seen a spacecraft?CULLY: Well, I've told you, haven't I. And robots. Well, at least I think they were robots.DOCTOR: What exactly did this spacecraft look like?CULLY: Well it's large and circular and a sort of silvery colour.JAMIE: Ah, that means it can't be the TARDIS.DOCTOR: Are you sure it wasn't square, like a large wooden box?CULLY: No, no, that's not the spacecraft. No, the box is where those aliens have made a sort of mark. A five pointed star. They were examining just now, talking about destroying it.DOCTOR + JAMIE + ZOE: What!DOCTOR: Jamie, we'd better go and see.JAMIE: Come on.BALAN: You're wasting your time.DOCTOR: I prefer to make up my own mind, thank you. Jamie. Are you coming, Zoe?ZOE: No, I think I'll stay here.DOCTOR: Right, we shan't be a minute.JAMIE: Come on then.DOCTOR: Are you sure there's no radioactivity?TEEL: Certain.DOCTOR: Good. (The Doctor and Jamie leave.) ZOE: Why do you think they're wasting their time, Balan?CULLY: Because they all think I'm a liar.BALAN: Oh. [Outside the saucer] RAGO: Commence work on preparing the sites of the outer bore holes.TOBA: At once, Navigator Rago.RAGO: Send this message to Fleet Leader. Materials located, detailed report follows.TOBA: Command accepted. [Survey unit] BALAN: No. No, I'm sorry, Cully. I'm taking no action until I've spoken to your father.CULLY: But all this is just wasting time, and anyway you know full well what the old man's going to say. Do nothing.BALAN: Yes, and better that than setting the whole of Dulkis in a panic. Besides, Cully, I think you should show more respect, if not to me, at least to your father.CULLY: My father? The great Senex, leader of the Dulcians? He's as bad as the rest of you. Vegetables, the lot of you. You don't live, you exist.BALAN: Haven't you got through yet, Teel?TEEL: There seems to be some sort of interference.CULLY: Ah, there you are. Robots are causing that. What did I tell you?ZOE: You don't seem to be having much success with them, do you?CULLY: Idiots. Blind idiots they are. Still, at least your Doctor friend showed some interest.ZOE: Yes, he has an enquiring mind.CULLY: In that case he'll end up as unpopular as I am. [Outside the TARDIS] JAMIE: Ah, at least they haven't harmed the TARDIS.DOCTOR: That's a relief. Jamie, come and have a look at this. It's interesting. Look.JAMIE: What?DOCTOR: See?JAMIE: Oh, what's so interesting about that?DOCTOR: Well I think it must be some sort of survey mark.JAMIE: Very likely.DOCTOR: Jamie, look. (There are two lines of closely spaced oblongs in the sand.) DOCTOR: Some sort of tracks.JAMIE: So they are.DOCTOR: Let's follow them, shall we? (Further along the beach they can see the saucer up on the cliff.) JAMIE: Hey, look at that!DOCTOR: Now that really is interesting. [Outside the saucer] JAMIE: Oh look, I think we'd better get back. Zoe'll be wondering what's happening.DOCTOR: Oh this is interesting, yes. Obviously an interstellar spaceship of considerably advanced design.JAMIE: Oh no. You're not thinking what I think you're thinking, are you?DOCTOR: That, I think, Jamie, depends upon what you think I am thinking.JAMIE: Och. Hey, Doctor.DOCTOR: Stop it.JAMIE: Doctor!DOCTOR: Jamie, don't do it.JAMIE: Doctor, look!DOCTOR: Oh my word! (Looking down from the next hill are two rectangular beings with round heads with points sticking out of them. Their voices sound like sweet little girls.)QUARK: Do not move. Do not move. (Toba appears.) QUARK: Next task? Shall we destroy? Shall we destroy? (One Quark unfolds a weapon arm from its body.) Episode Two [Saucer] RAGO: Bring them inside. (A Quark hustles the Doctor and Jamie out of the airlock and into the massive control room, followed by Toba. There is a raised dais in the middle with a separate control unit.) DOCTOR: Oh, good heavens.JAMIE: Look, what's going on? Who are you? (Rago and Toba step onto the dais.) RAGO: We are Dominators. Both of you stand by that wall.JAMIE: I will not.DOCTOR: Now, Jamie.JAMIE: Oh no, they're not going toTOBA: We are meant to be obeyed.JAMIE: Not by me you're not.DOCTOR: Jamie! (A Quark moves towards Jamie with two weapon arms pointing at him.) JAMIE: Wha? Oh, if you insist. (Jamie goes towards the wall then is suddenly pulled onto it, stuck like glue.) JAMIE: Doctor, I can't move. Help me! (But the Doctor is pulled to the wall as well.) RAGO: It is pointless to struggle. My Quarks have used a molecular force to bind your bodies to the wall.JAMIE: What's he going do with us? (Toba touches a control and the piece of wall Jamie is stuck to turns into a table.) RAGO: Alien races are occasionally of use to us. I intend to probe your physiological make up.DOCTOR: Do what?JAMIE: Doctor, can you not do anything?DOCTOR: Don't struggle, Jamie. Keep still.RAGO: Toba.TOBA: Quarks, attach force units. Activate. (The Quarks put their arms on the bottom of the table.) RAGO: Visor! Transmatter focus probe. (Rago looks through the visor at Jamie.) RAGO: Brittle skeletal structure. Reasonable flexibility. A certain amount of muscular force. Could be marginally useful. Vulnerable, only one heart.TOBA: Intelligence?RAGO: A simple brain. Signs of recent rapid learning. Still, somewhat crude.TOBA: Shall I prepare the other specimen for scrutiny?RAGO: No, they will be identical. Conserve power. (The Quarks disconnect and the table becomes a wall panel again.) TOBA: Are they dangerous?RAGO: No, they are physically inferior.TOBA: So we destroy them?RAGO: No. It is possible we may use them.TOBA: What for?RAGO: Workforce.TOBA: We've got the Quarks.RAGO: We must conserve their power, you know that!TOBA: But why do you want? (gets a Look from Rago) Command accepted.RAGO: Set up a reaction test. (Rago goes over to the Doctor.) RAGO: Test this one. [Survey unit] (The video connection is very poor.) SENEX [on monitor]: Your picture is fading, Balan. Your picture is fading.CULLY: Never mind the picture, Father. The important thing is, what are you going to do?SENEX [on monitor]: I can't hear you, Balan. Send Cully and the strangers to the Capital. I'll question them there. (Transmission ends.) CULLY: Father? Father! Can't you get them back?TEEL: They've switched off the reception I'm afraid.CULLY: Oh, switched off? That's typical, isn't it. Typical Dulcian behaviour. Something strange, something you don't understand and you switch off. (taps his head) Up here.BALAN: We don't all have your childish curiosity, Cully.CULLY: You'd have more fun out of life if you did.TEEL: The power units of the travel capsule are charging now.CULLY: You ever travelled in a capsule before?ZOE: I can't say that I have. How do they work?CULLY: Don't know. Can't stand the things myself. Hey, you asked a question.ZOE: Yes.CULLY: There you go, Balan, that proves it. This girl's got an enquiring mind. She can't possibly come from Dulkis.BALAN: That will be for your father to decide. As soon as your friends return they will follow you and Cully in the second capsule.ZOE: Wouldn't it be better if all four of us went together?KANDO: Travel capsules only take two.TEEL: Number one ready.KANDO: It's nothing to be afraid of, you know.ZOE: Oh, I'm not frightened. I'm looking forward to it.CULLY: Come on, let's try and stir up a little action in the Capital.KANDO: You really mustn't believe Cully's wild tales. (A wall panel opens to reveal two padded seats. Cully and Zoe enter and sit.) BALAN: I will dial for the Capital, Cully, if you don't mind.CULLY: I see. Frightened I might disappear, eh?BALAN: Well, it has been known, hasn't it, Cully.CULLY: It'd be a joke if it happened this time though, wouldn't it? (Balan closes the door and the windowless bullet with fins hurtles off through the air.) [Capsule] CULLY: The selector's a bit warm. Soon reach the ceiling. It'll be all right when we level off. There you are. Sit back and relax. Won't take long.ZOE: Does this land on automatic control as well?CULLY: Oh yes, the whole thing's automatic. Dial where you want to go and in less than eight minutes you're there. [Saucer] JAMIE: Look, how long are you going to keep us like this?TOBA: Silence!JAMIE: Oh, if I could only get away from this wall.DOCTOR: Shush, Jamie. I am trying to listen.JAMIE: Oh, everyone wants me to shut up. All right, I will.RAGO: And if we are to use these Dulcians as slaves there are certain qualities you must look for. Obedience, strength, sufficient intelligence to make them of use, but not so much as to make them dangerous. Is that clear?TOBA: Yes.JAMIE: Er, what are they saying?DOCTOR: I think they're arranging for some sort of tests.JAMIE: Tests? What for?DOCTOR: I don't know. I thought I heard them mention the word intelligence.JAMIE: Oh, you mean they're going to find out how clever we are?DOCTOR: Yes. Or how stupid. I wonder which is the more important to them? [Capsule] ZOE: Will it take long to reach the Capital?CULLY: Reach it? We're there. Door to door service. [Council chamber] (Through the picture window we can see travel capsule tubes. There are large bromeliads in pots for decoration. The Council meets lounging in easy chairs. They are all older men in long dresses.) BOVEM: Very well, then. It is agreed that the area in question be converted for holiday and relaxation purposes. This is now agreed? Subject of course to the approval of Director Senex.COUNCILLOR 1: Oh I'm sure the Director will approve our decision. After all, he considers the Caves of ArickCOUNCILLOR 2: Has he sufficiently considered the case of the residentsBOVEM: Really, gentlemen, we've debated this matter for several months. I don't wish to hurry you, indeed, but at least. (Intercom chime.) BOVEM: Yes, what is it?SECRETARY [OC]: Cully has arrived with a stranger. They're here in the antechamber.BOVEM: Ah yes. Well, you'd better keep them out there. Has the Director been informed?SECRETARY [OC]: Not yet.CULLY [OC]: I will not stay here. I'm going in. I want to see my father.BOVEM: What is going on out there? (Cully and Zoe enter.) CULLY: If you think that I'm going to stay out there for hours on end kicking my heels, you're very much mistaken, Bovem!BOVEM: Will you tell the Director his son has arrived?SECRETARY [OC]: Yes, of course.BOVEM: You realise, of course, that you've interrupted a most important meeting.CULLY: Not nearly as important as the news I've got.BOVEM: Oh really? And what adventure have you dreamt up for us this time? Who is this young person?CULLY: Zoe. I met her on the island with two of her friends. They're coming on later.BOVEM: Oh, I see. Doubtless none of you had permits?CULLY: Oh, don't be stupid, man. How could they have permits? They've come from another planet!COUNCILLOR 1: Oh, nonsense. The existence of life on another planet was conclusively disproved!COUNCILLOR TWO: Oh, come nowCOUNCILLOR 1: By scientific.COUNCILLOR 2: It is perfectly possible that life does exist.CULLY: Look, there's no time for the usual Dulcian debate. Don't you realise what's happened?BOVEM: And what's that?CULLY: A space vehicle has landed.COUNCILLOR 2: A space vehicle?COUNCILLOR 1: Ridiculous!BOVEM: Oh really, Cully. You're wasting this Council's valuable time with these ridiculous stories. Just because you're the Director's son, does not meanCULLY: Hello, Father. (Everyone stands.) BOVEM: I'm sorry, Director Senex. I was not aware thatSENEX: So I observed. I think it would be better if I speak to Cully and the young lady alone.BOVEM: Of course, yes.SENEX: Well, wait in the antechamber.COUNCILLOR 1: I told you the commission specifically stated that there was no life on other planets than this! (Bovem and the Councillors leave.) CULLY: Look father, ISENEX: Cully, do you enjoy being treated like a clown? Your name?ZOE: Zoe.SENEX: Well then, Zoe, what were you doing on the island?ZOE: Nothing, really. Just looking around.SENEX: But didn't you know it was dangerous?ZOE: No. At least, not at first.SENEX: Oh, Cully. How can your conscience allow you to expose innocent and foolish people to such dangers?CULLY: But I didn't take her to the island.SENEX: Oh ho, nonsense. I know all about Cully's Adventures Unlimited.CULLY: You know? But why didn't youSENEX: Well, you weren't doing any harm. At least we thought you weren't.CULLY: But it's illegal.SENEX: But to prosecute would have given you open publicity, and it wouldn't have reflected very well on me either.CULLY: I see. Why can't I be treated as an individual and not always as the son of the Director?SENEX: Now then, young lady. Tell me exactly what happened.ZOE: Well, I landed with the Doctor and JamieSENEX: In Cully's ship, yes?ZOE: Cully? Oh, no. We came in the TARDIS.SENEX: What is that?ZOE: It's an advanced craft for travel.CULLY: It goes through time and space.SENEX: I think this joke has gone far enough.CULLY: There you are. I knew he wouldn't believe it.ZOE: But it's true! You can ask the Doctor and Jamie. They'll be here soon.SENEX: What do you hope to gain by this foolishness?CULLY: But it's not. I told you when we spoke on the vision link. Three people have been killed, a spacecraft has landed, radioactivity has disappeared, and there are robots on that island. Now I may have a pretty inventive mind, but I wouldn't have dreamt up that lot, now would I?SENEX: And no doubt you will confirm all this?CULLY: Er, well, I haven't actually seen the spacecraft and robots.SENEX: Oh! So it seems we only have your word for it, Cully. And experience has taught us how little that can be relied upon. [Saucer] JAMIE: What's he up to now?DOCTOR: He's arranging some sort of intelligence test, Jamie.JAMIE: You mean those wee shapes in that big box? What for?DOCTOR: Yes, well, you have to put the right shapes into the correct holes. It's quite simple.JAMIE: Och, if that's all it is, a kid of two could do it.DOCTOR: Yes, that's what's bothering me. It's too simple. (The Doctor scratches his nose.) JAMIE: You moved.DOCTOR: I'm free. What about you?JAMIE: Me too.DOCTOR: Come on. (The Doctor and Jamie start to slide to their right but the Quark bleeps.) TOBA: Well?QUARK: Molecular force expended. Order required. Are the specimens to be re-fused?TOBA: No.DOCTOR: What are you going to do with us?TOBA: Quiet! Over there. (The Doctor goes to the test box.) TOBA: Sit!DOCTOR: Oh, thank you.TOBA: Attach force units. (A Quark fastens its arms to the box.) TOBA: Hands! Through there. (The Doctor puts his arms through holes into the box.) TOBA: Power. (The Doctor gets an electric shock.) TOBA: That will be repeated again at regular intervals until the puzzle is reassembled.DOCTOR: Oh. Oh no!TOBA: Begin!JAMIE: Hurry up, Doctor. (The Doctor fumbles with the shapes and gets another shock.) DOCTOR: Oh, my hands!JAMIE: No, the square bit, not the star. The square bit (Another shock.) TOBA: Detach. (The Quark moves back and Toba pulls the Doctor's hands from the box. Jamie comes to help.) JAMIE: Doctor! Doctor. Now where's that? (Jamie takes a bottle of smelling salts from the Doctor's pocket.) JAMIE: Here. Quick. Sniff, sniff. That's it. Come away. Come away from that fearful contraption. Are you all right? (Out of Toba's hearing.) DOCTOR: Yes, I'm all right.JAMIE: What were you up to? That puzzle was easy!DOCTOR: An unintelligent enemy is far less dangerous than an intelligent one, Jamie.JAMIE: Eh?DOCTOR: Just act stupid. Do you think you can manage that?JAMIE: Oh aye, it's easy.TOBA: Attach force units. (The Quarks fasten themselves to the metal rails of the dais.) TOBA: You two over here. Sit.JAMIE: Oh, thank you.DOCTOR: Oh. (Jamie and the Doctor sit on the edge of the dais, feet off the floor.) TOBA: Power. Now, get up. (The Doctor puts a foot down and gets an electric shock.) TOBA: I said, get up!DOCTOR: Oh, but (Jamie puts his foot down, creating a circuit, then grabs the Doctor's arm to pass the shock onto him before letting go again.) JAMIE: Try around here.TOBA: You are surrounded.JAMIE: Well how do we get off?TOBA: There is a way. Find it! (Rago enters.) RAGO: Test complete?TOBA: These creatures are useless.RAGO: Strange.TOBA: You question my report, Navigator Rago?RAGO: I find it at variance with what we already know.TOBA: I don't understand.RAGO: The weapons we saw earlier. Could they have been devised by such apparent simpletons?TOBA: You think that there were otherRAGO: That we will find out. Message to Fleet Leader. Materials readily accessible. Fleet proceed to refuel. Investigating potential slave labour. Transmit! (A Quark beeps.) RAGO: Come with me.DOCTOR: But every time we try and get up, there's aRAGO: Jump!DOCTOR: Jump? Jump. (The Doctor and Jamie climb up onto the dais, hold hands then jump forward past where the Quarks were standing.) RAGO: A simple circuit completed by your bodies. You obviously know little of electricity.DOCTOR: Elec? Elec?RAGO: Are you such a fool? You have intelligent eyes. I will continue the test personally. Bring! (The Quark sticks out its arms.) DOCTOR: All right, we'll go. [Survey unit] KANDO: The strangers are a long time returning, Balan.BALAN: Yes. Doubtless searching the whole island in search of something which doesn't exist. Teel, have you finished that graph?TEEL: Yes, sir.BALAN: Show it me, please.TEEL: Well, it doesn't seem logical somehow, sir. We all know that there's been a steady uniform decrease in radiation during the past hundred and seventy two years, and suddenly it all disappears.BALAN: Well it has happened, therefore it is a fact. We now know that the effects of an atomic explosion lasts for a hundred and seventy two years.TEEL: But why, sir?BALAN: Oh, I dare say our atomic experts could provide a reason, but it seems pointless to spend time searching for reasons to prove facts. A fact is a truth.KANDO: But the spacecraft that Cully saw?BALAN: Oh, there is no such spacecraft, nor are there any robots. [Museum] RAGO: I said, what is that?DOCTOR: Well. Well, it's some sort of gun, isn't it? (The Doctor picks up the laser rifle.) RAGO: Explain it to me.DOCTOR: Well, I don't know that IRAGO: Firepower potential?DOCTOR: Hmm?RAGO: What does it do?DOCTOR: Oh, oh, I see. Well, guns kill people. Is that what you wanted to know?RAGO: Fire it.DOCTOR: Well, I don't think I. You have to put something into it first, And it comes out here, as far as I remember. (Rago hands the rifle to Jamie.) RAGO: You. Fire it.JAMIE: Oh, I wouldn't know how it works.TOBA: Do as Dominator Rago says! Fire it!JAMIE: Well I'll try. Er, you put a cork or something in there and something (The rifle is pointing at the Doctor.) DOCTOR: Jamie. Jamie, be careful.JAMIE: Oh, I'll get the hang of it, Doctor.DOCTOR: Jamie, be careful!DOCTOR: We don't understand guns on Dulkis! We haven't used them for hundreds of years! (Rago takes the rifle.) RAGO: So, you don't understand guns. (Rago fires it, just missing the Doctor and blasting a hole in the wall behind him.) RAGO: Are you sure?DOCTOR: Yes! It was the Clever Ones who invented them!RAGO: Clever Ones?DOCTOR: Yes! They lived long ago, you see. There aren't many of them left. They stopped us using guns and things.RAGO: There are two distinct types on this planet?DOCTOR: Yes!RAGO: How many of these Clever Ones are there?DOCTOR: Well, there are, there are not many. We don't like them much. They tell us what to do, you see.RAGO: Good. I see. (Rago puts the rifle back on its display stand.) RAGO: There is nothing to fear from these primitives and the others sound as if they're pacifists.TOBA: So they are useless.RAGO: They have a small labour potential, nothing more.TOBA: Shall I destroy them?RAGO: No, we must conserve power.TOBA: But whyRAGO: We have nothing to fear from such creatures. It would be a waste of energy to destroy them. Leave them! Stay away from us and the Quarks.DOCTOR: Oh yes, sir.JAMIE: Yes, Master. (Rago, Toba and the Quarks leave.) JAMIE: Am I glad that's over.DOCTOR: Me, too. They're a bloodthirsty lot these Dominators, aren't they?JAMIE: Aye. What do you think they're after?DOCTOR: I don't know. That message they sent. Material readily accessible. Some sort of mineral deposits, do you think?JAMIE: And then this fleet of theirs would refuel, land and pick it up. It makes sense.DOCTOR: Well, what do they want the Dulcians as slaves for? They've got the Quarks.JAMIE: Aye, nasty little beasties. Hey, Doctor, they've gone. We'd better get back to that survey place. Zoe'll be wondering what's happening.DOCTOR: Yes, I think you're right. [Council chamber] CULLY: I've got to make them believe me before it's too late.ZOE: Well, what are you going to do?CULLY: Get some evidence. Will you come back to the island with me?ZOE: All right. But how do we get past the Council out there?CULLY: Through my father's rooms. Come on. We'll have to steal a travel capsule somehow. Well, I can manage that all right but erZOE: Well, what's the matter?CULLY: Your clothes. Not exactly Dulcian, are they?ZOE: So?CULLY: They'll attract too much attention. We'd never get past the capsule managers. Still, no problem. We can always fix you up with some Dulcian garments.ZOE: Where from?CULLY: Clothing dispenser unit. There's one in my father's rooms, come on. [Survey unit] (Another capsule is waiting for its passengers.) BALAN: This will take you direct to the Capital, Doctor. Your young friend Zoe is already there. No doubt Director Senex is awaiting your arrival.DOCTOR: Oh, this is splendid!JAMIE: Look, Doctor, what is this? You know I hate being cooped up. (The door slides shut.) BALAN: Now perhaps we can get on with our work.KANDO: What are you thinking?TEEL: They seem so positive that they'd seen robots.KANDO: I almost believed them.TEEL: Balan, we may be in great danger. Would it not be wise to check for ourselves?BALAN: I can see I shall get no work from you two until you have got positive proof. Come along. [Council chamber] CULLY: Hey, come on. Nearly ready?ZOE: Yes, just about. (Zoe enters in the female Dulcian outfit of one piece body and gauze skirt, and flat sandals.) CULLY: Good.ZOE: I'm not sure I pressed the right button.CULLY: Why not? It's not bad, even for an automatic machine.ZOE: Well, they're not very efficient garments, are they.CULLY: Well, at least you look more like a girl now.ZOE: Oh I'm not sure. They feel impractical.CULLY: Never mind. The main thing is that now you'll pass as a Dulcian. Let's go and get a capsule. [Saucer] RAGO: Drill depth on fourth bore?TOBA: Eighteen thousand.RAGO: Link feeds to your seismographic readings. Inform explosive force. Enquire time and depth. Feed into calculator now.TOBA: Command accepted.QUARK: Unknown creatures approaching. (Balan, Kando and Teel are on a video screen.) TOBA: Destroy?RAGO: No, investigate. [Outside the saucer] KANDO: It's enormous!TEEL: So Cully was telling the truth.BALAN: Was he?KANDO: But, Balan.BALAN: Where are the robots?KANDO: Inside, perhaps. [Saucer] KANDO [on monitor]: Oh please may we go in?BALAN [on monitor]: Oh very well. (Teel, Kando and Balan enter.) KANDO: But it's empty. (They walk past a Quark.) BALAN: Look, there's a map of the island.QUARK: Stand still. (Rago and Toba appear from nowhere.) BALAN: But, you are not Dulcians! (The Quark beeps, and Balan is sucked onto the dais, face down.) BALAN: I can't move!KANDO: Oh, what have they done?RAGO: Stand quite still! (to Teel) You. Move over there. Activate. (Teel is stuck to the wall. Kando screams.) RAGO: Silence. Toba? (Teel's wall becomes an examination table.) TOBA: Attach force units.RAGO: These look different. Visor.BALAN: Leave that boy alone!KANDO: What do you want from us?TOBA: Silence!RAGO: As I thought, they are different. Greater brain power, two hearts. There are two distinct species on this planet.TOBA: Dangerous?RAGO: No.TOBA: Then we might have the labour force we need after all.RAGO: Yes, if there are more on the island. We will search. [Capsule] ZOE: Well, what's funny?CULLY: I just thought. Your friends are probably on their way back to the Capital. We'll have passed them going the other way.ZOE: I hope not.CULLY: Oh, it doesn't make much difference. We can always turn around again. As long as those robots don't appear. (The Dominators are searching the island using three Quarks. They split up.) CULLY: Hold on. Deceleration. Another minute or so and we'll land safely at the survey unit. [Survey unit] TOBA: Record all technical data. (The Quarks pirouette.) QUARK: Scan completed.TOBA: Good! Follow. [Island] TOBA: Recharge. (Two Quarks open and close their arms.) [Survey unit] (The capsule has arrived. Cully gets out.) ZOE: Where do you think everybody is?CULLY: I don't know. Come on, out you get. [Island] (Across a valley from the Survey unit.) TOBA: Destroy, destroy! (Three Quarks open fire. There are explosions at the unit building.) [Survey unit] ZOE: Cully, what's happening?CULLY: I don't know. (A console explodes.) CULLY: The door, quick! (But the opening mechanism doesn't work.) CULLY: It's stuck. It's stuck! We're trapped! (There is another big bang. Zoe screams and Cully grabs her as the ceiling starts to fall in.) Episode Three [Island] TOBA: Recharge. Complete destruction!RAGO: Toba! (Rago and a Quark are nearby.) RAGO: Quarks, wait. [Survey unit] CULLY: Maybe you'll believe in my robots now.ZOE: I don't know about robots, but something was attacking us, and with pretty sophisticated weapons too.CULLY: Well whatever it was, we'd better get out of here fast. Let's try and move this door. [Island] TOBA: I wanted to prevent their escape.RAGO: You wanted to destroy. Unnecessary destruction is wasteful. Did you inspect it?TOBA: All relevant details have been recorded.RAGO: See if there are any survivors and bring them to me. Alive. [Survey unit] ZOE: Oh, it's no good. It's jammed.CULLY: Yes, we're trapped in here.ZOE: What about the travel capsule?CULLY: I can't navigate it. We'll end up back at the Capital.ZOE: Well, that's better than being cooked here.CULLY: Yes, but they'd pick us off easily in that. Come on let's try that door again. (They manage to get the door to slide open a little.) CULLY: Come on. Keep it (There is a Quark on the other side.) CULLY: Now you know I'm not lying! [Council chamber] BOVEM: Director Senex asked that you should be brought to the Council chamber immediately. Please wait here.JAMIE: Just a moment. Er, where's Zoe?BOVEM: You mean the girl?JAMIE: Yes, Zoe. Is she here?BOVEM: No.DOCTOR: Well then, where is she? She did arrive safely?BOVEM: Oh yes.JAMIE: Well then? Hey, has anything happened to her?BOVEM: Director Senex will explain, should he think fit.JAMIE: Hey, justBOVEM: There is no cause for alarm. I will inform the Director of your arrival. (Bovem leaves.) JAMIE: What do you think's happened to her, Doctor?DOCTOR: Oh, I've no idea, Jamie. But the Dulcians wouldn't have harmed her, of that I'm certain.JAMIE: Aye. [Saucer] KANDO: Are you all right, Balan?BALAN: Oh, yes, but I don't understand what is happening. Why should these people wish us harm?RAGO: Silence!TOBA: The other two specimens for examination. Shall I bring them in?RAGO: Wait. Observe the cerebral cortex development in this specimen.KANDO: Oh please, don't hurt him.BALAN: If only you would tell us what you wanted.RAGO: I said, silence. Well?TOBA: Higher potential than the first two. Not a very resourceful brain pattern, but intelligent.RAGO: Yes. I will send this information to Fleet Leader for analysis. It is possible these creatures may be used for slave labour. Unfortunately their muscular development seems somewhat limited.TOBA: Then they're of no use?RAGO: We shall test them. Put them to work on the drilling site. Observe how long they survive.TOBA: Command accepted.RAGO: And send a Quark back to the unit. Should any more arrive, I want them alive. [Council chamber] (All the Council members are here now.) SENEX: As far as we know, she left with my son Cully. Presumably they have returned to the island.DOCTOR: What?JAMIE: Oh, no. Why'd you not tell us? Come on, Doctor.SENEX: I do not think that would be advisable.JAMIE: Oh, you mean we're prisoners again?SENEX: No. There are no prisoners on Dulkis.DOCTOR: It's not necessary, you see, Jamie. This is a society of total pacifism.JAMIE: You mean they don't fight? They don't have any armies?DOCTOR: No, no.JAMIE: Oh, that's just great! How then are we going to drive off those Quark things?SENEX: From your reaction and your lack of knowledge of the way of life on Dulkis, it would seem there was some truth in your story that you are from another planet.JAMIE: Of course there's some truth. Look, it was your people who thought we were friends of Cully's.SENEX: The identity of my son's companions can now been established, although what has happened to them is not quite clear.DOCTOR: But Cully has told you. They were murdered. And I believe him!SENEX: Why?DOCTOR: Because I have seen these Dominators. We were taken aboard their spacecraft. Believe me, they're callous. Without pity. (General consternation.) SENEX: I would be grateful if you could tell me what occurred on the island.JAMIE: Och look here, we've told you. We're just wasting time talking while Zoe's in danger. [Outside the museum] (Zoe and Cully are resting on a large rock while Quarks stand guard.) ZOE: Can't we get away?CULLY: Oh, we wouldn't stand a chance. These Quarks are deadly.ZOE: Any idea how they're powered?CULLY: No, why?ZOE: Well if we knew we might be able to put them out of action.CULLY: Attack them? Are you out of your mind?ZOE: Well, they're only robots.CULLY: Only? Do you really think we could destroy one?ZOE: It'd be easier if we had a gun of some. The laser gun!CULLY: Eh?ZOE: Cully, I think we stand a chance. [Saucer] TOBA: Take them to the others.QUARK: Move. (Belen, Teel and Kando leave with a Quark.) TOBA: I'll sent them to work on the drilling site.RAGO: Work potential and stamina to be recorded and sent for analysis.TOBA: Agreed. If any of them should escapeRAGO: Then you will report the fact to me. No personal action. Toba!TOBA: Command accepted. [Outside the museum] ZOE: So the Doctor and Jamie are on the mainland?CULLY: Yes. It looks as though from now on we're on our own.TOBA: You creatures, follow. [Council chamber] DOCTOR: And when these horrible tests were over, they just let us go.SENEX: Did you discover for what purpose these tests were carried out?JAMIE: Yes, to see if we were intelligent enough to use as slaves.BOVEM: Evidently you were not.DOCTOR: I would like to make a suggestion. I know it is the way of Dulkis to discuss and to deliberate, but the situation is urgent. Send someone to the island to confirm what we've told you.JAMIE: Yes, and while they're away we can be thinking out some plan to tackle those Dominators.SENEX: These Dominators. They let you go free, why should we fear them?DOCTOR: Because they are aggressive, callous and unfeeling. Don't expect them to act and think as you do. They're alien, from another world.SENEX: Well so are you, Doctor.DOCTOR: Oh dear, you've got me there.JAMIE: Oh, for heavens sake! Look, are you going to send someone to that island or are you not?SENEX: Patience, young man. Doctor, what in your opinion do this Dominators want?DOCTOR: Well I'm not sure, but I heard them say that the material was readily accessible. Probably some kind of mineral ore.SENEX: Oh, there are no valuable minerals here. They are welcome to whatever they can find. There is no cause for alarm.DOCTOR: Yes, but then there's the matter of the disappearance of the radioactivity from the island. That could be significant.SENEX: Why seek menace where there may be none?JAMIE: But you can't just sit here and do nothing.BOVEM: Why not?COUNCILLOR 1: Haste is not in the Dulcian tradition.COUNCILLOR 2: Better to do nothing than do the wrong thing.JAMIE: Oh you're mad, the lot of you.BOVEM: What would you suggest we do?JAMIE: Well for a start, send an armed party over there to rescue Zoe and your people.BOVEM: An armed party?JAMIE: Yes!COUNCILLOR 1: But the use of arms on Dulkis is totally unprecedented.COUNCILLOR 2: Not totally unprecedented. In the earliest days of our history weCOUNCILLOR 1: Oh, in primitive times perhaps, but impossible to consider today.COUNCILLOR 2: Oh yes, of course.JAMIE: What are they talking about?DOCTOR: I told you, Jamie. There are no weapons on Dulkis.SENEX: For centuries we have lived in peace. We have proved that universal gentleness will cause aggression to die.JAMIE: Aye, well, the Dominators don't know anything about your gentleness.DOCTOR: Jamie has a point there, you know. Now I suggest you try to get in touch with Balan on the island again. He must know more by now.SENEX: Oh, very well.DOCTOR: Ah.JAMIE: Eh? (A view of the inside of the survey unit comes up on a monitor.)JAMIE: Hey, would you look at that.SENEX: Balan? Balan, are you there? (The view pans around to - ) DOCTOR: It's no use!JAMIE: Look!DOCTOR: It's too late!BOVEM: What is that?DOCTOR: It's a robot!JAMIE: That's a Quark! Now come on, we've wasted enough time.DOCTOR: Yes! Now perhaps you'll believe me. [Capsule] (The Doctor finishes off a bag of sweets.) DOCTOR: Now, Jamie, what did you want to tell me?JAMIE: Well, I suppose you know what you're doing.DOCTOR: What do you mean?JAMIE: Well, this contraption's homing back on that survey place, right?DOCTOR: Yes, right.JAMIE: Well, there's a Quark there waiting for us! [Outside the museum] TOBA: If these tests prove favourable some of you may be among those chosen to serve the Dominators.ZOE: As slaves, you mean?TOBA: Don't ever interrupt me again. To serve the Dominators, Masters of the Ten Galaxies. Your progress here will be reported.CULLY: Progress at what?TOBA: This area here is to be cleared of debris and rubble.ZOE: Why?TOBA: Because I command it.ZOE: I am not going to work unless I know why you wantTOBA: Quiet! Very well. This site is to be cleared for drilling, firstly because we want it cleared, secondly to find out whether you have enough strength to make a work force.ZOE: And if we haven't?TOBA: You will all be destroyed. So remember, you are working for your lives. (Toba walks away.) BALAN: We must, for now. (Balan picks up a rock and carries it away.) ZOE: I wonder why they want to drill here?CULLY: Who cares what they want. What are we going to do?ZOE: We've got to get away.CULLY: Yes, but how?ZOE: Well, there's only two Quarks. There's five of us.BALAN: Escape is pointless. Where would we go?KANDO: We can't get off the island.TEEL: Perhaps the Capital will send help.CULLY: Help? But what can they do? They're just not equipped to deal with this sort of thing. No, we've got to get out of this mess ourselves.ZOE: And that's just what I mean to do. Cully, how fast can these Quarks move?BALAN: Young lady, I cannot allow you to incite my pupils. Resistance will only lead to violence.ZOE: And submission leads to slavery. We must fight. How about you, Cully?CULLY: You can count me in. Kando?KANDO: No. Balan is right. Violence is always met with violence.CULLY: Teel?TEEL: I accept what you both say, but I'm afraid I also agree with Zoe and Cully. Meek submission would be humiliating.QUARK: Continue working. [Capsule] (The Doctor opens up the control panel.) JAMIE: Hey, have you gone daft or something?DOCTOR: No, Jamie, not exactly. Oh dear, this is rather complicated.JAMIE: Hey, you can't just take things to pieces, not when we're flying at heaven knows what speed.DOCTOR: Well, Jamie, as you said, this capsule is homing straight back onto the survey unit, and the Quarks are there.JAMIE: Well, I did try to warn you.DOCTOR: Yes, I know. Thank you. Now don't worry. All I've got to do is to override the automatic pilot.JAMIE: Oh. Hey, are there not any ordinary controls for flying this thing?DOCTOR: Ah, no, no, Jamie, there don't seem to be. But the simplest way is to get straight at the control mechanism.JAMIE: The simplest?DOCTOR: Yes, now it's all right, Jamie, just leave it all to me. The trouble is all the wires seem to be leading up into the nose. Just hold this for me for a minute, will you Jamie? Let's see whether I can scramble through here. Just wait a minute. we're nearly there. Oh! (The Doctor tumbles into the nose cone of the capsule leaving his legs waving in the air.) [Saucer] TOBA: Ready for transmission.RAGO: Transmit course and point of deviation to Fleet Leader.TOBA: Command accepted.RAGO: Yes?QUARK: Initial report.RAGO: Continue.QUARK: All prisoners except one showing signs of fatigue.TOBA: That will be the young man.QUARK: Correction, Dominator. It is a female that shows the less fatigue.RAGO: Interesting.TOBA: Shall I liven them up?RAGO: No. Work them to the point of exhaustion, note their time of collapse, then bring them to me. [Outside the museum] (Zoe is still carrying rocks while the others are barely moving. Cully helps her put it down.) CULLY: If we don't get a move on the others will be too tired to even attempt an escape. Have you got any ideas?ZOE: Well, we'll have to put that Quark out of action for a start or we won't stand a chance.CULLY: Yes, but how?ZOE: Well, there's a laser gun in that museum place. Somehow we've got to get hold of it. (Balan collapses.) BALAN: I'm sorry.KANDO: Don't worry.QUARK: Continue working.ZOE: He can't! He's exhausted!QUARK: Continue working.CULLY: You stupid tin box, can't you see he's worn out?QUARK: Is this specimen broken?CULLY: Yes.QUARK: Place it on one side. Remainder continue working. (They carry Balan to a place by the building.) KANDO: There. I'm sorry. We're not used to manual labour on Dulkis. (The Dulcians carry rocks away from the building, leaving Zoe alone. Cully nods to Zoe when the Quark is looking the other way and she enters the Museum. Unfortunately there is another Quark inside so she has to leave again.) [Capsule] (Jamie tries to hang on to the Doctor's waving feet.) JAMIE: Hey, what are you doing in there?DOCTOR: I've nearly got it, Jamie. Yes, I think I've got it.JAMIE: You think? You mean you're not sure?DOCTOR: Well, there won't be time for another try, you know. Oh, give us a hand. Pull me back. (Jamie pulls the Doctor out of the nose cone.) DOCTOR: Oh, there we are, yes. Yes, I think I've done it. Now then, hold on and I'm going to try and steer this thing.JAMIE: With that mess of wires? (The capsule veers down and left.) JAMIE: Take it easy.DOCTOR: Well, at least we know it works, don't we.JAMIE: Hey, can you land the thing?DOCTOR: Of course I can. I'll get us down in no time at all.JAMIE: Aye, but in one piece?DOCTOR: Now just hold on. [Council chamber] COUNCILLOR 2: Perhaps we should do something? We must beBOVEM: Gentlemen, gentlemen, this is no matter for precipitate action.SENEX: Nevertheless, we must hope that the Doctor may be able to pursue some useful course of action.BOVEM: With respect, Director, I am reluctant to rely on the assistance of any alien.SENEX: You do now admit that he is not a Dulcian?BOVEM: Yes, so I think that our alliance must be placed in the Chairman of Emergencies Committee.SENEX: Chairman Tensa? Yes, he is able, but can he deal with this crisis?BOVEM: Oh, sir, Tensa has proved his efficiency in the face of fires, droughts, earthquakes.SENEX: All natural disasters. All created by forces not inherently acting from aggressive motives. (Intercom chimes.) SENEX: Yes?SECRETARY [OC]: Chairman Tensa is here. Presents his compliments.SENEX: Send him in immediately.COUNCILLOR 1: He's a very able man. (Tensa enters.) TENSA: My greetings, Director Senex. Gentlemen.SENEX: Tensa, you have been informed of the emergency that has arisen?TENSA: Yes.SENEX: What would you advise?TENSA: The facts of this emergency are non-conclusive. (Murmurs of agreement.) TENSA: But, as I see it, we have three alternatives.SENEX: Which are?TENSA: If these aliens and their robots are aggressive, and as yet this is not a fact. But if they are, then we can either fightCOUNCILLOR 1: Fight?BOVEM: Fight?SENEX: Silence! Tensa.TENSA: Fight, submit or flee.BOVEM: Flee to where?SENEX: We cannot make war. We are not able. Flight is impossible, we have nowhere to hide. And submission? To what?TENSA: Who knows?SENEX: So we can do nothing?TENSA: Nothing, except wait. [Island] (The capsule has buried its nose into a sand dune. The door opens to reveal the Doctor and Jamie in a tangle of wires. They clamber out.) DOCTOR: Oh, no bones broken. Oh dear. Oh, there we are. Oh, my word, Ah. Well, I think we've done rather well so far, don't you?JAMIE: More by luck than by judgement, if you ask me. What a landing.DOCTOR: It was just a bit bumpy. Oh now then, the main thing is we weren't spotted. Now come along, we've got to find Zoe and the others.JAMIE: Aye. [Outside the museum] (Teel and Cully carry a big rock between them.) TEEL: All right then, I'm with you, but do you think it'll work?CULLY: Of course it will. Once we can get hold of the laser and flatten these Quarks, and go to ground somewhere.TEEL: But where? It mustn't be far. I mean, look at Kando.ZOE: Yes, and Balan. Is there anywhere near here to hide?TEEL: Wait a minute. The shelter. The bomb shelter. I'm sure they built one here somewhere. Part of the atom test.ZOE: It sounds ideal. Where is it?TEEL: Can't remember. [Island hilltop] JAMIE: Hey, would you look down there.DOCTOR: It's the ruined building. Hello. (The Doctor takes out his pocket telescope.) JAMIE: What can you see? (Jamie takes it from him before he gets a chance to look.) JAMIE: It's Zoe and Cully!DOCTOR: We've got to get down there. Jamie, we'll split up and get around the back of them. I'll cut across those cliffs.JAMIE: I'll go this way. [Outside the museum] ZOE: You ready?CULLY: Yes.ZOE: Once you're inside give me time to get the two Quarks into your line of fire.CULLY: Here we go. (Cully goes to a rock, starts to lift it and then collapses.) QUARK: Next one collapsed. Join the other specimens. (Cully staggers over to Balan, Kando and Teel next to the building.) BALAN: This is foolishness, Cully.TEEL: All clear. Best of luck. (Cully goes into the museum and takes the laser rifle from its stand, then crouches by a window. Zoe picks up a rock, looks over her shoulder to see if he is in position, then collapses. The rifle sights are on a Quark's head.) QUARK: All specimens have reached point of collapse.ZOE: Fire, Cully, fire. [Museum] (Cully has a Quark lined up when someone grabs his shoulder.) JAMIE: What do you think you're doing?CULLY: Jamie!JAMIE: Zoe's out there.CULLY: I know that, you fool, I was aiming at those Quarks!QUARK [OC]: All specimens stand up.CULLY: I missed my chance. I had them in my sights. [Outside the museum] TEEL: Why didn't he shoot?KANDO: I don't know.QUARK: Specimens must all be returned to Dominator Rago.QUARK 2: One of them is missing. It is the specimen Cully. [Museum] CULLY: Oh, it's no good. Balan's in the way now.JAMIE: Well, I said I'm sorry. Anyway I don't think we should do anything until the Doctor gets here.CULLY: Well he'd better be quick. Those Dominators will be after me soon.JAMIE: Don't worry. He'll get here. [Island] (The Doctor looks out from behind a rock to see - ) TOBA: What are you doing? You were told to keep away from the Quarks.DOCTOR: Oh, but I do. Whenever I see one I go away. But they're all over the island. Where can I go? (Three Quarks are escorting Zoe, Teel, Kando and Balan along a path.) TOBA: Stop. One of them's missing.QUARK: The man Cully has escaped.TOBA: Has he. All right, carry on. Take this idiot with you. Quark, follow me. (Now with an escort of three Quarks, Toba goes back along the path.) [Museum] CULLY: It's no good, Jamie. We daren't wait any longer. Something must have happened to the Doctor.JAMIE: Aye, I think you're right.TOBA [OC]: Cully!JAMIE: Down! I told you to stay away from the window.CULLY: Do you think he saw me?TOBA [OC]: I know you're in there, Cully!JAMIE: Give me that. (Jamie takes the laser rifle.) [Outside the museum] TOBA: Now you'll see what happens when the orders of a Dominator are disobeyed. Quark, destroy! (The Quarks start 'firing' at the building.) [Museum] (The museum door blows in and the ceiling starts to come down.) JAMIE: Right, here goes. (Jamie fires the rifle.) [Outside the museum] (A Quark starts spinning with smoke coming out of it, then goes Bang!) TOBA: Destroy! Destroy! Total destruction! [Museum] JAMIE: I can't see a thing. If only I could get in another shot. (A girder lands on Cully. Jamie helps him up.) JAMIE: Let's get out of here!CULLY: No, this way. (They go further into the museum.) [Outside the museum] TOBA: Stop.QUARK: Work completed.Episode Four [Saucer] (Toba and the Quarks have returned.) QUARK: On the orders of Dominator Toba the building was destroyed. Also the man Cully.DOCTOR: But Jamie was in that building!RAGO: Silence! You deliberately disobeyed my order?TOBA: My life was threatened and a Quark destroyed.RAGO: Yes, because of your own actions.TOBA: Are you suggesting I should have let him escape?RAGO: And where would he have gone? We are on an island, Toba. These creatures cannot escape. Now listen to me carefully, and this time you will obey my instructions. Send these creatures back to the central bore position. I want it cleared ready for drilling.TOBA: But the Quarks will do it more quickly.RAGO: We must conserve their energy for drilling purposes. You know the power levels are low.TOBA: Command accepted. Quark, bring the creatures.RAGO: Leave the inferior types. (A Quark blocks the Doctor and Zoe's path.) RAGO: Toba.TOBA: Yes, Navigator Rago?RAGO: I have not yet dismissed you.TOBA: But the creatures!RAGO: Quarks, take these specimens back to the drilling site. Await the arrival of Dominator Toba. You two, over there. (The Doctor and Zoe are backed up against a large stellar map wall.) DOCTOR: All right, all right.TOBA: May I ask what you?RAGO: You may ask nothing. You are here to listen.TOBA: I am listening.RAGO: Probationer Toba, I'm far from satisfied with your conduct on this mission.TOBA: I protest!RAGO: Be silent! I am beginning to wonder if you have the qualities of intelligence and detachment necessary in a Dominator.TOBA: Where have I failed?RAGO: You have repeatedly destroyed the creatures and installations of this planet to no purpose.TOBA: My purpose was to protect us both.RAGO: Protect? These creatures are harmless primitives. You acted out of your desire to gratify a need for pointless destruction.TOBA: Was it by softness that the Dominators became Masters of the Ten Galaxies?RAGO: It was by ruthlessness, Probationer Toba. That which threatens us we destroy. That which is too weak to harm us we ignore.TOBA: Are they so harmless, these primitives? They've disobeyed us, they've attacked us, even here on this small island. The rest of the planet may be preparing to attack us even now.RAGO: I will investigate the more advanced type of alien for myself. You will concern yourself with obeying my orders and nothing more. I will report your conduct to Fleet Leader.TOBA: And I shall protest at yours.RAGO: What did you say?TOBA: You've jeopardised our mission by unnecessary softness. You've humiliated me before members of an inferior race. Perhaps it is you who is not fit to be a Dominator.RAGO: You have the insolence to threaten me?TOBA: It is not unknown for a leader who is unfit to be replaced.RAGO: It is not unknown for a mutinous subordinate to be executed.TOBA: You would not dare.RAGO: Quark!QUARK: Yes, sir.RAGO: Place Dominator Toba under restraint.TOBA: Quark, return to the prisoners. (The Quark is confused.) RAGO: Quark! I am the senior Dominator, you will obey me! (The Quark advances on Toba.) RAGO: Well, Toba? Shall I order molecular force, or do you submit?TOBA: I submit.RAGO: Quark, return to the prisoners.ZOE: What was all that about?DOCTOR: A little internal dispute I fancy. Oh dear.RAGO: You are fortunate that I still have need of your services. You will supervise work on the drilling site and make sure that nothing delays the task.TOBA: Command accepted. (Toba leaves quickly.) RAGO: You two. Here. I have some questions to ask you about your planet. You will be advised to make sure your answers are satisfactory, for your own sakes. [Outside the museum] TOBA: You two. Clear the site. Quark, guard them. Old man, follow me. Quark! (Toba and Balan leave.) QUARK: Obey the Dominator. Clear the site. Work. Work. (Kando and Teel move rocks.) TEEL: I wonder if Cully made it to the shelter?KANDO: They'll almost certainly be dead if they were under that. It looks very quiet. (But inside the ruins a piece of rubble moves.) [Bomb shelter] (Jamie is trying to push up a periscope to see what is going on.) JAMIE: No, no use. I can't see a thing. There must be tons of stuff on top of it, same as the hatch.CULLY: Well, we just have to sit and wait until someone comes and digs us out.JAMIE: You think they'll find us, then?CULLY: Well of course. Balan told me where the this old shelter was, so surely they'll be able to work it out.JAMIE: Oh, I wish you'd told us about this place sooner. We could have got down here straight away.CULLY: What, and miss exploding that Quark? That was a tremendous shot.JAMIE: Aye, maybe so. I just hope the Dominators don't take it out on the others.CULLY: I wonder if those Quarks are still hanging about up there?JAMIE: Aye. If only we could open that hatch. (Jamie climbs the ladder.) JAMIE: No, it's no good. Feels as though the whole building's sitting on top of it.CULLY: Perhaps it is. (Jamie comes down again.) JAMIE: Hey.CULLY: What's the matter?JAMIE: Just been thinking. Have you noticed how stuffy in here it's getting?CULLY: Yes, now you mention it.JAMIE: Aye, that's the only ventilator shaft I can see and. Hey, if that's blocked we'll suffocate! [Saucer] RAGO: And this leader Senex, he is in the Capital city?DOCTOR: Well I'm not sure.RAGO: Quark, molecular force! (Zoe gets stuck to a wall.) DOCTOR: No!RAGO: I asked you a question.DOCTOR: Yes, yes, yes, so you did.RAGO: Well?DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, Senex is at the Capital.RAGO: These Dulcian travel machines, how do I summon one?DOCTOR: Well, you can't. The terminal at the survey unit was destroyed, wasn't it.RAGO: Yes. By Toba. Prepare this ship for take off!DOCTOR: But, are you going to take your own craft to the Capital?RAGO: I have no alternative.DOCTOR: Well actually, now I come to think of it, I do know where there is a capsule. I didn't tell you about it before because I'm not sure that it works. It has some loose wires and things, but I'm sure that you'll be able to fix it.RAGO: How big is this space machine? Will it transport a Quark?DOCTOR: Oh dear, I don'tRAGO: Then it is useless to our purpose. We will use our own machine.DOCTOR: Well actually, now I come to think of it, if you were to take out one of the seats, a Quark might fit inside.RAGO: You will show me this machine.DOCTOR: Oh yes.RAGO: Quark. Prepare to transmit recorded data on work habits of tested specimens. Contact direct Fleet Leader.DOCTOR: Don't worry, Zoe. The effect soon wears off.ZOE: Why did you tell him about the capsule?DOCTOR: Well if he takes this craft we won't be able to investigate it, will we?ZOE: But why do you want to?DOCTOR: To find out what sort of power unit it has. Then we can tell what the Dominators are looking for on Dulkis. Besides, if they take us to the Capital we won't be able to search for Jamie, will we?ZOE: That's true. Hey, wait a minute though. He might be all right if he and CullyRAGO: Silence! You will lead me to this travel craft.DOCTOR: Yes.RAGO: Quark, release the female. Follow.DOCTOR: There you are, you see? All right. It's all right! [Drilling site] TOBA: Enough. Quarks, take up drilling positions. Old man, stand that drill between those Quarks over the drilling site. (Balan puts the fancy tripod drill head over the cross.) TOBA: Attach force units. (The Quarks fasten their arms to the drill.) TOBA: Operate. (Another Quark enters.) TOBA: Quarks, cease drilling. Report.QUARK: Orders from Dominator Rago. Probationer Toba to report.TOBA: Command accepted. Continue operation. (The drilling starts up again in a blaze of light.) [Beach] (Rago examines the crashed travel capsule.) RAGO: Hmm. A primitive machine, but functional. The circuits need repairing. Minimal task. So, you were telling the truth.DOCTOR: Of course.RAGO: I'm glad you appreciate that to attempt sabotage would be pointless.TOBA: You sent for me.RAGO: Yes. I'm going to the alien leader to investigate potential slave force. You will remain here and complete the drilling operations.TOBA: Command accepted. You are travelling in this alien machine?RAGO: Yes.TOBA: Is that wise? It could be dangerous.RAGO: I have tested it. It is operable. I will take a Quark for protection. You will command in my absence, but I expect to find the same number of alien specimens on my return.TOBA: Command accepted. (A few paces away, the Doctor and Zoe are whispering.) DOCTOR: Why didn't you tell me about this underground shelter before?ZOE: Well, I'm sorry, but I haven't had a chance. Balan told us about it, and with any luck Jamie and Cully might have found their way down there.DOCTOR: Well it's possible, it's possible.ZOE: And if they have, they should be all right, shouldn't they?DOCTOR: Well, I think.TOBA: You two. Follow me.DOCTOR: Oh yes. All right. [Bomb shelter] (Jamie and Cully are using a long metal section of something to try and push the hatch open.) CULLY: It's no good, it's stuck again.JAMIE: Aye.CULLY: What shall we do?JAMIE: Look, there's only one thing to do. Try again! Now come on, will you.CULLY: Three. (They push again and this time a piece of rubble is dislodged from the hatch and it opens.) CULLY: We did it!JAMIE: Aye. Well, no point in hanging around, hey? [Museum] (Jamie puts his head out of the hatchway and looks around.) JAMIE: All clear. (Jamie climbs out, then hides as he sees a Quark shepherding Kando and Teel carrying a large rock.) JAMIE: Oh no, Quarks again. They must be all over the place. Hey, I wonder how many there are?CULLY: Why?JAMIE: Well the Dominators don't seem much good without them, do they?CULLY: So?JAMIE: We destroyed one Quark, why not another?CULLY: Attack the Quarks?JAMIE: Shush! Yes.CULLY: But we had a laser gun before. And that's hidden underneath all this lot now.JAMIE: There wasn't a laser gun where I come from, yet us McCrimmons still dealt with the Redcoats right enough.CULLY: Redcoats?JAMIE: Aye, they were. Och, never mind. Look, are you with me?CULLY: Well, why not?JAMIE: Good. First thing to do is estimate the strength of the enemy. Come on, through there. [Above a drill site] (Jamie and Cully peek over a cliff edge.) JAMIE: Five so far. Look, you take that side, I'll look around up here. (Further on, Jamie slides down a slope to Cully.) JAMIE: Sorry, I slipped. How many?CULLY: Two more, and you?JAMIE: Same here.CULLY: Balan's down there with those two. They seem to be doing some sort of drilling.JAMIE: Aye, they're drilling in four places. It must be pretty important to the Dominators.CULLY: Yes.JAMIE: Right, let's start some trouble.CULLY: But what can we do?JAMIE: Oh I've a wee idea that should just stir them up a bit. Come on. [Saucer] TOBA: Report.QUARK: Drilling in operation on all perimeter sites.TOBA: Is the centre site cleared yet?QUARK: Task near completion.TOBA: Report progress to Fleet Leader direct. Operations proceeding as planned.ZOE: What are they up to?DOCTOR: I don't know. We must find out exactly what they're drilling for.ZOE: Not a chance with this thing guarding us.DOCTOR: Yes. If only we could create a diversion for a moment. [Above a drill site] (Jamie throws down a rock. The Quark and Balan look around.) JAMIE: Take this, you wee tin kettle! (Jamie throws another rock. The Quark spins round. Balan moves away. A third rock and the Quark fires at the cliff face.) JAMIE: Ah, you missed me! (Jamie throws another rock then runs down a gully with the Quark in pursuit, it's shots just missing him.) JAMIE: Now, Cully! (Cully sends a large boulder over the edge of the cliff. We hear a sort of high-pitched argh noise then see the Quark lying by a drill with large pieces of boulder on top of it.) [Saucer] (On the wall, a Quark symbol flashes.) TOBA: Another Quark has been destroyed! Quark, follow. (Toba leaves with a Quark.) ZOE: Somebody destroyed a Quark. But who?DOCTOR: Only one person here's strong enough to do that.ZOE: Jamie! Then he and Cully are alive!DOCTOR: Yes, alive and kicking by the sound of it. This is just what we needed. Now there's no time to waste. (The Doctor goes onto the central dais.) ZOE: What are you looking for?DOCTOR: Well, now's our chance to investigate the power unit and find out what fuel this ship carries.ZOE: Well the Quarks use ultrasound, so presumably it must be a fuel capable of producing a high enough energy quotient to sustain an amplifying complex of considerably sophisticated design.DOCTOR: Yes. Must be pretty powerful too.ZOE: Yes, well that's what. Well, if you don't want my help.DOCTOR: Oh I do, I do, I do, Zoe. Now, where do you think the power cells are located?ZOE: Well if the Quarks do use ultrasound to propel this craft.DOCTOR: No. Ultrasound has no horsepower, as such.ZOE: Oh, no. Well what do you think they use then? Not solid fuel rockets, surely?DOCTOR: No. More likely to be electromagnetic, probably produced by. Ah yes! Here we are, Zoe. Help me to get the inspection cover off. (It's a large square column on a hitherto unseen side of the control room.) DOCTOR: Here we are. Now then. Oh dear.ZOE: What? (The Doctor takes a Geiger counter on a long string from his pocket, and lowers down the inside of the column. The further down, the faster the clicks.) ZOE: Atomic fission reactor?DOCTOR: No. No, not exactly. But it's radioactive material of some sort. Zoe, this is a storage unit! That accounts for the strange disappearance of the radioactivity from the island. This unit sucked it up and stored it.ZOE: But then why are they drilling out there? [Drilling site] TOBA: A Quark has been destroyed, old man. Who did it?BALAN: I don't know.TOBA: Quark, report.QUARK: Alien attack.TOBA: Who was it?BALAN: I didn't see. I was here being guarded by your Quark.TOBA: Is there a hostile force on this island?BALAN: No! We have no suchTOBA: Then who destroyed the Quark?BALAN: I don't know. (Toba pushes Balan to the ground.) TOBA: Quarks, search the island. Destroy any alien unaccounted for. Destroy! [Council chamber] TENSA: To remain passive is in itself a course of action.BOVEM: Director, Tensa speaks for the Emergencies Committee. Who else is competent to advise? We must do as he says.SENEX: Bovem, you say we must do as Tensa says, but that is negative, for we can do nothing. This is our tragedy. Perhaps if we show these creatures we mean no harm?COUNCILLOR 2: It's always possible that they mean harm to us.COUNCILLOR 1: Why should they? Surely no civilised race would indulge in purposeless violence? (Rago enters.) TENSA: Look!COUNCILLOR 2: What? Who?RAGO: You are the Council of this planet?SENEX: Yes, I am the Director.RAGO: You control the population?SENEX: Yes. We presume thatRAGO: I require information.BOVEM: If you'd care to make an appointment.COUNCILLOR 2: That is, I'm sure, the correct procedure.RAGO: Listen and obey me.TENSA: Such discourtesy to our Director is not to be borne.RAGO: Silence! You will provide me with certain statistics. Open your files.TENSA: Really sir, I must protest!RAGO: Protest? You defy me? You defy a Dominator?TENSA: Senex is our leader and as such he demands respect.RAGO: I warn you, a Dominator must be obeyed. Your leader is nothing to me. I respect only one thing. Superior force. You will obey my command.TENSA: Sir, you would do better to request rather than command.RAGO: Silence!COUNCILLOR 1: Yes, perhaps if we were to explain the correct Dulcian procedure to you?COUNCILLOR 2: After all, your visitRAGO: I will give you no further warning!TENSA: I insist that you conduct this meeting in a manner acceptable to the DulcianRAGO: Quark, destroy! (The Quarks kill Tensa.) RAGO: I have no wish to repeat such action. Let it serve to teach you that a Dominator must be obeyed without question. You, Director. It will be necessary for you to place at my disposal a certain number of the strongest of your species.SENEX: You wish our assistance?RAGO: Assistance. You are indeed an ingenuous race. I require slaves. Nothing more, nor less.SENEX: Slaves? ButRAGO: Do not defy or question a Dominator. Obey, unless you wish to join your fellow countryman.SENEX: Had you come here in peace we'd have done our utmost to assist you, butRAGO: Dominators do not seek assistance. What we need we take.SENEX: Always by force?RAGO: If necessary. We control an entire galaxy. Our war mission is spreading to colonise others. Our Quarks must be released for this task, therefore we must replace their workforce on our home planets.SENEX: So you require our people as slaves?RAGO: Yes.SENEX: So we shall be transported to your planet?RAGO: Those who are selected will be fortunate. They will be saved.SENEX: Saved? From what? What of the rest of our people?RAGO: Enough questions. You will obey my commands! I shall require only the strongest of your species. You will be informed exactly how many I require. Remember, you can be crushed as simply as that if you do not cooperate. Quark, follow. [Outside the museum] TOBA: A drilling site has been attacked and a Quark destroyed. Who is responsible?KANDO: Cully, it must be!TOBA: What do you know about this?TEEL: How can we know anything? We've been here working.TOBA: Silence! (Toba twists Kando's arm.) TOBA: Talk.TEEL: Leave her alone.TOBA: Do you dare to defy a Dominator?TEEL: Just leave her alone! (Teel tries to grab Toba but is brushed off with one hand.) TOBA: Obviously you must be taught a lesson. Quarks, target!KANDO: Oh no!TOBA: No-one attacks a Dominator! Quark, power! (Teel screams.) KANDO: Oh, stop!TOBA: Well? Who was it that attacked and destroyed the Quarks?KANDO: I think it must have been Cully.TOBA: The man Cully is destroyed!KANDO: Then he must have escaped. There's no one else on the island.TOBA: Yes, there is. The other stupid one, the boy. Where would he hide?KANDO: I don't know!TOBA: Bring these back to the Dominator's craft. Help him. One of you creatures must know where the boy is, and you will tell me. Follow. [Saucer] ZOE: And Jamie really destroyed another Quark?BALAN: Yes, I feel sure it was Jamie.DOCTOR: Yes. Er, Balan. Oh. (nearly walks into a Quark) Balan, can you remember where the scientists who exploded that first atomic device got their materials from?BALAN: Many years ago, but I think that it was somewhere in the Northern hemisphere.ZOE: That's the other side of the planet. Then why are the Dominators drilling here?BALAN: Oh, they can't drill too deep here because the crust is too thin.DOCTOR: But perhaps that's why they've chosen this place! The magma, the molten core of the planet, could that be radioactive?BALAN: No. If so we'd have been aware of it from the minor eruptions we have from time to time.ZOE: But this whole operation was to refuel their fleet? But how?DOCTOR: It's these drill holes that intrigue me. One at each corner of a square, and one directly in the middle. But why? Why? (Toba enters with Kando and Teel.) TOBA: Put them with the others. Now, I want to know where the other creature is, the boy. The other stupid one. He has destroyed a Quark and defied the Dominators. Where is he? Quark! You will die one by one unless you tell me. Kill! (The Quark kills Balan.) TOBA: You. You're next. You know the boy. Where is he? Answer or you will die. (Kando and Teel move away from his target - the Doctor.) Episode Five [Saucer] TOBA: QuarkRAGO: Toba! What is the meaning of this? Explain.TOBA: We were being attacked and a Quark was destroyed. It was an emergency.RAGO: Emergency? A few hostile primitives manage to destroy a Quark and you expend time and power chasing them.TOBA: Don't you seeRAGO: Why has the drilling stopped? All finished?TOBA: All perimeter bores are complete.RAGO: And the centre bore?TOBA: The centre bore isRAGO: Not even started. The Quark's power cells are dangerously low, and yet you send them scuttling all over the island on a pointless search and killing harmless aliens.TOBA: I considered it was myRAGO: Silence! Have the rockets been inserted into the perimeter boreholes yet?TOBA: No.RAGO: Do it. Is the seed device at a critical mass?TOBA: There has not been enough time.RAGO: Time? You have jeopardised this most vital part of the Dominator's war mission. You will remain on this planet and die with it.TOBA: Navigator Rago, I have beenRAGO: You are useless unless you obey the Navigator's orders. Now check that seed device.ZOE: Oh. (Toba goes over to an egg shaped object in a clear box.) RAGO: Well?TOBA: Seed device is almost at critical mass.RAGO: You are fortunate, Toba. Now, time is running short. You must complete the operation with maximum speed. Has there been a reply from Fleet Leader concerning the potential use of slave labour force?TOBA: I will check.RAGO: No, I will. Take these aliens and place them under guard. Complete the centre borehole and place rockets in all perimeter holes, understood?TOBA: Command accepted.RAGO: Recall all Quarks from this ridiculous search and conserve their power. We can afford no more delays. [Island] (A Quark wastes energy shooting at a running Jamie and Cully. They duck down a sharp incline.) JAMIE: That was too close for comfort.CULLY: They're all around us.JAMIE: Aye.CULLY: Wait a minute. They're leaving, I think. Look!JAMIE: Hey, you're right. Come on, let's get back to the shelter while there's still a chance. [Bomb shelter] JAMIE: All right, Cully?CULLY: Yes.JAMIE: I've unblocked that ventilator shaft. At least we can breathe now.CULLY: Oh, I haven't have so much running about for years. Still, it was worth it.JAMIE: Aye, we certainly stirred them up, didn't we. Anyway, we'll lie low a wee while and then nip out and get another Quark.CULLY: Oh, you don't believe in half measures, do you.JAMIE: Well, it's important to keep the enemy guessing. Oh, I wish we had some food though. I'm fair famished.CULLY: Hold on, I seem to rememberJAMIE: What? (Cully goes to a cupboard.) CULLY: Yes, survival kit. It goes with the shelter. Food, medicines, all that sort of thing. Ah! (Cully puts an oblong slab on the table.) JAMIE: Well, what's that?CULLY: Try it. Basic nutriments. Vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins. You can live on it for years.JAMIE: Oh, I hope I'll not need to do that. Here, did you unblock that periscope?CULLY: Yes.JAMIE: Good. Let's see if we were followed. (Jamie pulls down the periscope and looks around.) CULLY: Hey Cully, would you look who's here. (It's the Doctor, Teel and Kando.) JAMIE: Any Quarks?CULLY: Yes, one.JAMIE: Oh. (The periscope looks further to the left, where Toba is instructing a pair of Quarks at the drill head.) CULLY: No, there's more. Can't quite see but I think they're working at something just outside the building.JAMIE: Let's have a look. Aye, they don't seem to have harmed anybody.CULLY: Well, Balan isn't there.JAMIE: Aye, he's probably working somewhere else. (Jamie pushes the periscope back into the roof.) JAMIE: Look, CullyCULLY: What now?JAMIE: We can't just let them stay up there, can we.CULLY: Well, what can we do?JAMIE: Get them down here with us.CULLY: But what about the Quarks?JAMIE: Well, we'll justCULLY: Here we go again. But how?JAMIE: Aye well, I don't know yet. Ah, wait a minute. (Jamie takes a sheet off a bunk.) JAMIE: Yes. [Outside the museum] TOBA: Operate. (Two Quarks power the drill.) [Museum] (One Quark stands guard.) ZOE: Doctor?DOCTOR: Hmm?ZOE: What are they doing?DOCTOR: They're drilling.ZOE: Well, yes, I know that, but what for?DOCTOR: Hmm? Oh, I don't think they want to take anything out of the earth, Zoe, rather put something into it.ZOE: Well, what?DOCTOR: Well, if I'm right. Oh no! (Jamie has come up from the shelter and is creeping up on the Quark. He has the sheet twisted up into a rope and is about to throw it round its 'neck' when the Quark moves forward. Jamie moves forward and instead ties it around the robot's 'ankles'. Then it stands on Jamie's hand. The Doctor gets up.) DOCTOR: Excuse me. I wonderQUARK: Do not move! (The Quark moves towards the Doctor and Jamie pulls on the sheet rope, toppling it over onto it's side. Jamie sits on it as it makes beeping noises.) JAMIE: Right, Cully. (Cully puts another sheet over the Quark's head.) CULLY: Quick, follow me!JAMIE: Doctor, go on!CULLY: Quick! (When the others have run off, Jamie gets off the Quark.) [Outside the museum] TOBA: Cease drilling. A Quark is being attacked. Follow! [Museum] (Everyone is safely in the bomb shelter as Toba and the Quarks enter.) TOBA: Quarks. Search and destroy. (Toba takes the sheet off the Quark and puts it on its feet. It stops beeping.) TOBA: Quark, where are the prisoners?QUARK: Sensor out of action. No recorded data.TOBA: They can't be far away. They must be hiding. Quarks, search and destroy!RAGO: Command countermanded! Why has the drilling stopped again, Toba?TOBA: The prisoners have attacked a Quark and escaped.RAGO: And once again you drop everything to hunt them. I have just completed calculating the remaining power levels of the Quark force. Thanks to your foolish actions they are dangerously low. All efforts must now be concentrated on completing our mission.TOBA: And if they attack us again?RAGO: The Quark's power must be conserved. Complete the drilling operation.TOBA: Command accepted.RAGO: Toba. The primitives will not go unpunished. Fleet leader has just confirmed the Dulcians are unsuitable for slave labour. They will die with their planet.TOBA: Good! So the sooner we complete the drilling operations the sooner they will die. Quarks, follow. [Bomb shelter] (Cully has been looking through the periscope.) CULLY: They're gone.DOCTOR: That was very rash of you, Jamie. Those Quarks are appallingly dangerous.JAMIE: Och, they're not so terrible.CULLY: You know, we dropped a rock on one earlier.JAMIE: Aye.CULLY: Hey, where's Balan? Why wasn't heTEEL: He's dead, Cully. The Dominators killed him.CULLY: Oh, no. If only we'd managed to get him away too.KANDO: You did your best. Cully.TEEL: It's thanks to you and Jamie that the rest of us are safe.DOCTOR: I'm afraid not. Nowhere on the island is safe. Nowhere on the entire planet, come to that.JAMIE: You see we heard the Dominators say that the Dulcians were unsuitable for slave labour.TEEL: But then they'll leave us in peace?JAMIE: Well, no. They said you'd all die with your planet.KANDO: Surely they don't mean to destroy Dulkis completely?DOCTOR: I'm afraid they do.TEEL: But why? What do they want?DOCTOR: A large amount of fuel for their invasion fleet.ZOE: But we know that there are no minerals worth having. At least not on this side of the island.DOCTOR: They're not mining for minerals, or any natural fuel source.ZOE: But their spaceships use atomic power. We've established that.DOCTOR: But there was no reactor in their ship of theirs, only a radiation storage unit. You remember how, when they landed, it sucked up all the radioactive dust from the island?ZOE: Yes. So you're saying that they store radioactive particles and then convert that energy into power.DOCTOR: Exactly.ZOE: But then why are they drilling?DOCTOR: Look, I'll show you. (The Doctor uses a piece of chalk to draw on the table.)DOCTOR: There are four drill holes, here, here, here and here. And one drill hole in the centre. Now then, they have rockets mounted in each of these drill holes, and the centre hole is probably for that atomic seed device.JAMIE: Oh.DOCTOR: Well don't you see? They've chosen this spot because the crust of the planet is thin. They're going to fire the rockets through the crust into the magma, the molten core.ZOE: And that will almost certainly fracture the crust of the planet.DOCTOR: Exactly.ZOE: But that will create a volcano. And if they explode the atomic seed device in the middle of thatDOCTOR: Yes, that's right, Zoe. The whole planet will become one vast molten mass of radioactive material. The fuel store for their fleet.JAMIE: Well, we'll just have to stop them, then.DOCTOR: Oh Jamie, it's not as simple as that, is it? If only I could get hold of that atomic seed device, I might be able to defuse it.ZOE: Yes. Then there'd only be a local volcanic eruption on the island.DOCTOR: Yes.ZOE: How can we get to the device?DOCTOR: Yes, that's the problem.JAMIE: Doctor, I've just had an idea.DOCTOR: Shush a minute Jamie, I'm trying to think.JAMIE: Yes I know you are, butZOE: Oh Jamie.JAMIE: Will you listen to me. Now there's a dead easy way to get that device thing.ZOE: Really?JAMIE: Yes, now listen. You said they were going to drop it down the centre hole, the one they're drilling outside here.DOCTOR: Yes.JAMIE: Well it's simple isn't it? All we've got to do is dig a tunnel through from here to the borehole and catch the seed device thing on it's way down. Well, it was just an idea.DOCTOR: But Jamie, it's a brilliant idea! It's so simple only you could have thought of it.JAMIE: Oh. Eh?ZOE: We can get the direction from the periscope. Just line it up with the drilling site.DOCTOR: Yes, there's only one snag though. Could we complete the tunnel in time? It'd have to be twelve feet long or more.JAMIE: Well Cully and I could delay the Dominators' work up there.ZOE: How?JAMIE: Oh, we're getting very good at destroying Quarks, aren't we?CULLY: Yes, certainly seems to stop them working.DOCTOR: Yes, that's true, but you've been lucky so far. If only I could devise some sort of weapon for you. Is anything down here, Cully?CULLY: I doubt it. Nothing but survival rations and medical kits.DOCTOR: Medical kit, oh. It's surprising what you can do with a few simple chemicals and a little ingenuity. Now come on, we must dig this tunnel. Zoe, give us a direction will you?ZOE: Right. Er, on a line from here.DOCTOR: Right! We start there tunnel there. Get that bunk away. Come on.JAMIE: That's it, Cully. I'll start it off with a knife, now. This line here. (Jamie tries to dig through the concrete with his sgian dubh.) DOCTOR: I think you'd better let me start it, Jamie.JAMIE: How are you going to dig through there with your sonic screwdriver?DOCTOR: It's a little more than a screwdriver. Just watch this. (The Doctor twiddles with his little device and it becomes an oxyacetylene torch, cutting easily through the wall.) TEEL: Where'd he get the technology to do that?KANDO: It's burning straight through.JAMIE: Aye, the Doctor's very good. [Outside the museum] TOBA: Cease drilling.RAGO: Report progress.TOBA: Proceeding as planned. Operation will be completed on schedule.RAGO: Good. All rockets are now in position. No further sign of the aliens?TOBA: No.RAGO: Good. Continue. Inform me when you are ready for the seed device.TOBA: Command accepted. [Bomb shelter] (Kando and Teel clear the entrance to their tunnel.) JAMIE: Oh, we can't wait much longer.CULLY: What's the Doctor trying to do?JAMIE: I've no idea. Look, Doctor, I don't think we should wait, you know. (The Doctor and Zoe are mixing chemicals.) DOCTOR: Hang on, Jamie. This is ready. Now if this works you should have a good chance of distracting the Quarks, and maybe even destroying one or two of them. Right, come on, Zoe, let's try it.ZOE: What, in here?DOCTOR: Yes, in here. There you are. Just a bit.ZOE: All right. (Zoe pours some powder into a small vial.) DOCTOR: Whoa, whoa, that'll do. Now then, Jamie, all you've got to do is to add one of these little number nine pills to each bottle just before you throw it, like that. (The Doctor drops in a pill and seals the vial.) DOCTOR: But whatever you do, and this is important, you must throw it before ten seconds have elapsed, otherwise you're liable to blow up withZOE: Seven, eight, Doctor!DOCTOR: What? (The Doctor tosses the vial away and everyone ducks as it goes bang!) DOCTOR: It works!JAMIE: You could have blown us all to kingdom come!DOCTOR: No, no, Jamie, that was just a small quantity. But with ten times that amount you should have quite a handy little bomb. [Above a drilling site] JAMIE: Two each side.CULLY: Yes. Where do we start?JAMIE: Well one of the Quark's as good as another. Come on. (They go to a point on the cliff directly over the drill. Cully pops a pill into a vial and Jamie tosses it over the edge.) JAMIE: Two, three, four, five (Bang, and the middle Quark staggers then falls on its side, beeping.) JAMIE: Not quite. Quick, another one! (The repeat performance gets all three as the other two go to aid their comrade. Just a few smoking bits remain.) JAMIE: That's it! Quick, round the other side. (In the saucer, the Quark lights flicker. Rago heads out.) [Outside the museum] (The explosions can be heard.) TOBA: Cease drilling. Quarks, search and des. Wait. Continue working. [Bomb shelter] (Zoe is at the periscope.) ZOE: They've started again.DOCTOR: Oh dear. It's obviously going to take quite a disturbance to stop them drilling. Teel? Teel, how far have you got?TEEL: A little bit further than my own length.DOCTOR: Teel, come out and take your rest. Zoe, your turn. Come on.ZOE: I hope Jamie and Cully are all right. (Not so distant bang.) DOCTOR: It sounds as though they're having great fun. [Outside the museum] (A group of Quarks walking along a gully get treated to a couple of near misses. Meanwhile, Rago comes to the drilling point.) TOBA: Cease drilling.RAGO: Two more Quarks have been destroyed.TOBA: You should have let me destroy the aliens!RAGO: Silence! We have eight Quarks left, but their power levels are very low. Do your two Quarks have sufficient power to complete the drilling?TOBA: Quarks, check power levels and report.QUARK 1: Power level two units only.QUARK 2: Power level five units only.TOBA: Equalise. (The two Quarks hold hands.) TOBA: They will have enough for drilling.RAGO: Good. Continue operations. [Above the museum] JAMIE: They've started drilling again. Look, we've got to stop them somehow.CULLY: That's going to be tricky.JAMIE: I know, but the others need more time. Come on. [Bomb shelter] (Zoe has finished her stint in the tunnel.) ZOE: Oh, we must be merely six feet or so from the borehole, I can hear their drill.DOCTOR: Yes, but they must be nearly finished by now.TEEL: Right, I'll take another turn.ZOE: Is there any sign of Jamie and Cully?DOCTOR: No, they're still up there. Unfortunately they're taking (BOOM and the shelter quakes.) ZOE: Oh, that was close.DOCTOR: Yes. (Zoe looks through the periscope to see the drill has fallen over and flattened one of the Quarks. Toba is trying to get up.) ZOE: I think they've attacked the drilling Quarks.KANDO: Has the drilling stopped?ZOE: I think. Yes! [Outside the museum] RAGO: Toba!TOBA: Ah, these primitives again! You see what damage they're doing with their primitive explosives? We must destroy them!RAGO: Replace the Quark. Continue operation. You will not be interrupted anymore. I will personally destroy these primitives. Quarks, follow. [Island] (Cully and Jamie run along a gully, but there are two Quarks ahead.) JAMIE: Back! (There are three more behind them.) CULLY: It's no good. We're trapped.JAMIE: Up here. Quarks can't climb, I hope.RAGO: Quarks, destroy. (The shots miss Jamie and Cully.) RAGO: Recharge force units. Report failure.QUARK: Power levels low. Distance too great for accurate aim.RAGO: Finish order. Destroy. (At the top of the slope, Cully is caught by a shot.) JAMIE: Come on. Right, Cully, I think we're safe now.CULLY: Wait. It's my arm. I can't move it. Nor my leg. You'd better leave me behind.JAMIE: Now don't be ridiculous. I'll give you help.CULLY: Those Quarks will be after us in no time.JAMIE: Aye. How many of those bombs have you got left?RAGO: Quarks, form a flank movement round this area. Disperse. [Bomb shelter] (The Doctor has been taking his turn at digging.) ZOE: Doctor, they've started drilling again. The blast didn't destroy that Quark and Toba's managed to get the drill working again.DOCTOR: Yes, I know, I can hear it up there. We must be pretty near. (The hatch opens.) DOCTOR: Shush.JAMIE [OC]: Doctor, help him. He's hurt. (Cully comes down the ladder.) DOCTOR: What happened?JAMIE: He was hit by a Quark. Lucky for him its power levels were low.DOCTOR: My word, lucky indeed! Come along, down you come. All right, Cully. Get over to the bunk. Get the table out of the way. Here. There we are. It's all right, Cully. Sit down. Mind your head. There we are, there. Now then. (Cully lies on the bunk.) CULLY: My arm seems to be paralysed.DOCTOR: Can you move your fingers? Ah, you're lucky. I think it's only temporary paralysis.CULLY: Oh, don't worry about me. Get on with the tunnel.DOCTOR: Thanks to you and Jamie, it's nearly finished.ZOE: Doctor, I think the Dominators have finished drilling too.DOCTOR: What? We've still got a few feet left! [Outside the museum] RAGO: Have you finished?TOBA: Yes, just completed.RAGO: Good! I shall enjoy destroying this planet and its creatures. Get the seed device. We will delay no longer. [Bomb shelter] DOCTOR: Can you see the borehole yet, Jamie?JAMIE [OC]: Och, the ceiling keeps caving in.ZOE: They're coming back! Toba's bringing the seed device.DOCTOR: Oh dear.JAMIE [OC]: I'm through! [Outside the museum] (Toba hands over the seed device in its box.) RAGO: You will recall all Quarks from their positions and prepare the craft for take off.TOBA: Command accepted.RAGO: I will insert the seed device. Prime the rockets at perimeter boreholes.TOBA: Command accepted.RAGO: I will soon see this planet die and it's creatures with it.TOBA: Shall I report to Fleet Leader?RAGO: Inform him the Dominator fleet may approach in its refueling orbit.TOBA: Command accepted. Quarks, follow. [Bomb shelter] ZOE: Quickly, Doctor. He's taking the device out of its case now. Oh, Jamie, he'll be too late. He's putting it in now. (Rago drops the seed device down the hole.) ZOE: It's gone!DOCTOR [OC]: Argh!JAMIE: Doctor, have you caught it?ZOE: Oh, Doctor.TEEL: He's coming.JAMIE: Quick, out. Well? (The Doctor holds up the large egg.) TEEL: We're saved! We're saved.DOCTOR: Not just yet. I've still got to defuse it before they explode it. Oh. Oh, my word.ZOE: What?DOCTOR: Well, it's sealed. It's completely sealed! I can't possibly undo it!JAMIE: You mean all that was for nothing? We're still going to get blown up?DOCTOR: Yes, I'm afraid so, unless I can think of some way of getting it off the planet without aJAMIE: Have you thought of something?DOCTOR: Well, there is a way of getting it off the planet without it doing any harm to any of us at all.ZOE: Well how?DOCTOR: Ha! But it's not going to be easy.JAMIE: What're you going to do?DOCTOR: Now just leave it to me, Jamie. You and Zoe go back to the TARDIS. Teel, take Kando and Cully and get them to the capsule and go to the Capital. Tell them that there'll be a minor volcanic eruption, but with any luck nothing more violent.JAMIE: But what're you goingDOCTOR: There isn't time, Jamie! Come along! [Outside the saucer] RAGO: Is all prepared?TOBA: Yes. Just two more Quarks to arrive.RAGO: Start take off procedure.TOBA: Command accepted. (The Doctor runs across the island and gets to the saucer just as the last Quark arrives. It enters the airlock and he places the seed device behind it just before the inner door closes. He barely gets back out through the outer doors.) [Saucer] TOBA: All Quarks now accounted for.RAGO: Power level?TOBA: Capacity for lift off.RAGO: Electromagnetic field, contact!TOBA: All systems functioning.RAGO: Proceed with lift off! (The saucer lifts off from the sandy island, retracting its legs almost immediately.) [Outside the TARDIS] ZOE: Oh where is he?JAMIE: The Dominator's ship. It's away!ZOE: Oh.JAMIE: Where's the Doctor? (The Doctor runs up behind them, out of breath.) ZOE: Doctor!JAMIE: Hey, where's the bomb thing?ZOE: Oh, did you get rid of it?JAMIE: Where is it?DOCTOR: Don't ask me any questions. There's no time. (There's a bang and a whoosh.) ZOE: What's that?DOCTOR: It's the rockets in the other perimeter holes. Come along. We'd better get inside the TARDIS. There's going to be an all (The ground shakes.) [Saucer] RAGO: Toba! Stop the countdown. (The seed device rolls out of the inner airlock and across the floor. Dominator jaws drop in horror.) TOBA: Impossible, countdown has started!RAGO: Obey! (KaBOOM!) [Outside the TARDIS] JAMIE: Doctor, come on, will ye? The whole place is going to blow up.DOCTOR: Oh, it's quite all right, Jamie. The planet is quite safe. There's just going to be a localised volcanic eruption. It'll only affect the island.JAMIE: Maybe so, but we happen to be on the island.DOCTOR: Oh, my word! Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.