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Doctor Who S6 • Episode 4

The Doctor’s Wife

86% 1,889 votes

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Review of The Doctor’s Wife by 15thDoctor

Very occasionally a story will come along which makes the show slightly turn on its axis, one that gently changes the show forever. At the heart of this story is Idris and The Doctor; Doctor Who and the TARDIS. It redefines their relationship by making it more explicit, by giving the machine a voice.

Neil Gaiman builds a whole world in The Doctor’s Wife, one that sits perfectly within the context of the show, but also one that could sit independently of it. There’s a small number of characters but an epic scale. House and it’s three creations all have a spooky charm which is played perfectly. Quirky, but never silly.

Our regulars are on fine form. Matt Smith when he discovers that the cries of Time Lords is in fact just the distress signal cubes, is something to behold. Karen and Arthur slowly going mad in the TARDIS is another excellent turn.

Another stand out moment is the mind bending quality of seeing Tennent’s TARDIS out of context, where it shouldn’t be.

I remembered loving this, but I didn’t expect to get quite so swept up in it. This is the beauty of a less remembered era, your absolute favourites can take you by surprise.

Review last edited on 24-04-24

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TARDIS  Idris  House