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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Written by

Lisa McMullin

Directed by

Bethany Weimers


Fleeing Cosmo through the Vortex, the TARDIS gets sucked down a temporal plughole, and the Doctor emerges into a weird landscape. Finding other lost souls in the form of mountaineer George Mallory and scavenger Athelia, the Doctor soon stumbles across another, more surprising denizen of this strange dimension – herself!

With Cosmo still in pursuit and memory-stealing winds threatening to wipe her mind for good, the Doctor senses a complex trap in action. But whose trap is it, and how can she possibly escape?

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10 reviews
I liked the parts of this story that affected the overall narrative, but the individual episodic elements were just okay. The titular dimension is underbaked, and the inclusion of Sandy Irvine didn't add much.


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The Dimension of Lost Things is a story I want to like more than I do.

Not to say that I didn't enjoy it, I had a blast, but I felt it was almost holding itself back from how crazy the concept could've been, and while I can understand having a human character in there to ground it, and did really enjoy the ending to his story, it did feel like he didn't really need to have been included, and was more there for to be exposited to and to give the story a connection back to earth.

Like I said though, I did still have a blast. The idea of a dimension where everything that's been lost ends up is great, and reminded me a bit of Loki season 1 in the best possible way, and everything with the two doctors was brilliant.

Jo Martin is incredible at playing The Doctor, and I love that she gets to have a fun, timey-wimey time here, playing the present day Fugitive, and the past Fugitive pretending to be the future Fugitive. I also really like the interactions between her and Cosmogon here, though their interactions here feel almost more like setup for more future stories with the two rather than being more fully fleshed out character interactions. That said, it's setup for stories we're going to be getting soon, and sometimes you do need to set things up before paying them off, so that's definitely not a complaint!

While again, I do wish they went even more wild with the premise, it definitely does work here, the bit at the end where they timeslip to like 2 minutes prior especially is something I thought was really fun.

Generally, a fun story, if not a standout one.



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I wish it was more of an exploration of character and of the setting than an action piece. The Lost Things dimension is so interesting and the twist with the two Doctors is really cool, but it never properly realises its ideas.


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Jo Martin's performance keeps getting better and better. The idea of ending up in a 'no-place' where random detritus ends up is an excellent one. An alien and Sandy Irvine of Everest teaming up with the Doctor? (A bit funny - this was recorded in January 2023 and a plot point is Irvine's body was never found -- then October 2024 it's announced some of his remains were. Bad luck!) Why not! We also get two Fugitive Doctors, we think it's a straightforward Doctor goes back in a time a year story, but the other Doctor turns out to be from the past and still working for Division. It's a fun sci-fi adventure, but the highlight is Jo Martin crushing it. Can't wait for volume two!


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This final story is my favourite of the set. I loved the idea of a place in the universe where all the lost things end up, and it is easy to see how this incarnation of The Doctor particularly suits this concept.

After years of complaining that you don’t get enough Fugitive Doctor in her episodes, it is a rush of energy to get her twice in one episode, and very clever to have a past version of The Doctor being the one who has all the cards. She gets to ACT in this.

I really enjoyed all the set up and intrigue seeded in this story, it feels like this Doctor is heading somewhere. Because her story is so ill defined there is a freedom in where her Doctor can go in audio. Similar to the Eighth Doctor, I do not get the sense of her story being railroaded into a well defined cannon.


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