Stories Television Doctor Who Season One Doctor Who Season One Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The Devil’s Chord 20 images Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite MAESTRO: Ta-da! — Maestro, The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite TIMOTHY: Henry, get away from him. MAESTRO: Them. TIMOTHY: What? MAESTRO: Me. TIMOTHY: What? MAESTRO: I'm them. TIMOTHY: You're who? MAESTRO: You're who? — The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite MAESTRO: Music, Maestro, please! — Maestro, The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Oh! People always say the Titanic, or Mars, or Bethlehem. But the Beatles! Why have I never done that before? Come on! — Fifteenth Doctor, The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: In the past, right now, I live in a place called Totter's Lane. 1963, I park the TARDIS in a junkyard and live there with my granddaughter, Susan. RUBY: Oh! DOCTOR: Okay? RUBY: Your what? DOCTOR: My granddaughter. RUBY: Susan. — The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: The Time Lords were murdered. The genocide rolled across Time and Space, like a great big cellular explosion. Maybe it killed her too. RUBY: Doctor, God... — The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite RUBY: I wrote this for my friend Trudy when a girl broke her heart. — Ruby Sunday, The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: ... — Fifteenth Doctor, The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite MAESTRO: Sound and vision. — Maestro, The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite RUBY: You're scaring me now. DOCTOR: That thing must be part of the Pantheon. Oh, Ruby, there are vast powers beyond the universe. I told you, when we first met. I said, I said the Toymaker... And defeating him took everything. It ripped me in half. RUBY: But you survived. DOCTOR: It literally... it tore my soul in half. I can't survive that again. The Toymaker said... he said, he warned me, he said, "My legions are coming. My legions are coming." He said, "My legions are coming." — The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: This is what we're trying to stop. RUBY: But this isn't real. This is... this is just like a parallel universe. DOCTOR: This is your time. This is your home if Maestro isn't stopped. — The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: I thought that was non-diegetic. — Fifteenth Doctor, The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite MAESTRO: But she's the only human left with music in her heart! Playing lovesick songs for heartbroken lesbians. And that just makes me hungry for all those delicious songs. — Maestro, The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite MAESTRO: What is this? DOCTOR: Christmas. The music that was playing the night that she was born. MAESTRO: How can a song have so much power? And power like him? DOCTOR: Like who? MAESTRO: The Oldest One. On the night of her birth. He can't have been there. What for? What for? What for? DOCTOR: Who was there? — The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Speech MAESTRO: Go on, then. Do it. Can you find it? The lost chord? Are you enough of a genius? DOCTOR: Oh, I would never call myself that, Maestro. But I have lived. And I have loved. And I can only smile like this because I have lost so much. I've experienced everything, every single thing, and if that's where music comes from... I can find the chord to banish you. — The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite MAESTRO: The One who Waits... is almost here! — Maestro, The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: But there is one thing that I should warn you about, Ruby, and this is really very serious. With all of my adventures throughout Time and Space, I have to tell you there is always a twist at the end. — Fifteenth Doctor, The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite PAUL MCCARTNEY: (sings) I've got a dog. He's called Fred. My dog is alive. He's not dead. I love my dog. He loves me too. I haven't got a cat. Only a dog. THE BEATLES: (sings) My dog, my dog. My dog, my dog. I've got a dog. I love my dog. He's my dog. He's not your dog. If you want a dog, get your own. — The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite JOHN LENNON: What for? I'm no good at anything. DOCTOR: But, Paul, see, when it's just you on your own, don't you think that there must be better songs? Songs that lift you? And devastate you? And make you soar? Songs that are tucked away somewhere in secret, in the back of your mind? PAUL MCCARTNEY: How do you know that? JOHN LENNON: I just want to go home. Forget this life. Just have my tea and go to bed with a woman of my own, you know. That's all I want. But then why do I wake up crying? PAUL MCCARTNEY: It's like sometimes, late at night, I get this thought, like, it's so far away, but it's a note. A single note. And then a second, and a third and fourth and fifth. And you put them together and it feels like the most holy thing on this Earth. Like a G, then an E. Then a G maybe twice. Then C. And if you put words to it, words right from your heart... (sings) I love you so much... — The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite RUBY: Where's Maestro? DOCTOR: Composing. And the next tune might be deadly. — The Devil’s Chord Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. (kisses the TARDIS console) Don't hate me. — Fifteenth Doctor, The Devil’s Chord