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[Outside Coal Hill Secondary School]

(A policeman is on his beat past the sign to I M Foreman's scrap yard at 76 Totter's Lane. Note - Chairman of the School Governors is I Chesterton.)

CLARA [OC]: "Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." Marcus Aurelius.


(The end of class bell rings. A young man rushes in as the other students leave.)

CLARA: Have you been running?
TOM: Are you okay? There was a call for you at the office, from your doctor.
CLARA: Did he leave an address?

(He hands her a piece of paper. She grabs her motorcycle gear and leaves. The TARDIS is parked on the side of a lonely country road. Clara sounds her horn and drives straight at it. The doors open to let her in.)


(The Doctor is reading a book on Advanced Quantum Mechanics.)

DOCTOR: Draught.

(Clara clicks her fingers and the doors close.)

DOCTOR: Fancy a week in ancient Mesopotamia followed by future Mars?
CLARA: Will there be cocktails?
DOCTOR: On the Moon.
CLARA: The Moon'll do.

(They laugh and embrace.)

DOCTOR: How's the new job? Teach anything good?
CLARA: No. Learn anything?
DOCTOR: Not a thing.

(They slap palms. Alert. TARDIS interference detected.)

CLARA: What's happening?
DOCTOR: Whoa, whoa. We're taking off, but the engines aren't going.

(Because the TARDIS has been grabbed by a lifting grapple from a helicopter.)

PILOT [OC]: Windmill Eleven to Greyhouse leader. Blue Eagle is airborne. Ready to receive. We're on our way.

[Outside the White Tower]

OSGOOD: Hello? Kate Stewart's phone. Oh, hold on. Excuse me. Ma'am. Ma'am!
KATE: The ravens are looking a bit sluggish. Tell Malcolm they need new batteries.
OSGOOD: It's him. Sorry, it's your personal phone, but, well, I recognised the ring tone. It's him, isn't it? 

(She gets a bit breathless as she hand the phone over.)

KATE: Inhaler.

(Her assistant uses her inhaler. Notice the very long multicoloured scarf wrapped around her neck.)

KATE: Doctor, hello. We found the TARDIS in a field. I'm having it brought in.


(The Doctor is hanging out of the door, using the external emergency telephone.)

DOCTOR: No kidding.
KATE [OC]: Where are you?

(He holds the phone up towards the helicopter as they fly up the Thames.)

[Outside the White Tower / TARDIS]

KATE: Oh, my god! Oh, Doctor, I'm so sorry. We had no idea you were still in there. Come on.
PILOT [OC]: Roger. New heading two zero seven. Changing course.

(The turn sends the Doctor out of the door. Clara manages to grab hold of his feet.)

KATE: Doctor, can you hear me? I don't think he can hear me.
DOCTOR: Next time, would it kill you to knock?
KATE: I'm having you taken directly to the scene. Doctor, hello, are you okay?
DOCTOR: Whoa! I'm just going to pop you on hold.

(He changes position to hang onto the base of the TARDIS with his hands.)

KATE: Doctor?
CLARA: Doctor!

(They fly to Trafalgar Square)

[Trafalgar Square]

SOLDIER: Atten - shun!

(The Doctor drops down before the TARDIS is lowered to the ground and salutes Kate, Osgood and the squad of UNIT soldiers waiting for him.)

DOCTOR: Why am I saluting?
KATE: Doctor, as Chief Scientific Officer, may I extend the official apologies of UNIT
DOCTOR: Kate Lethbridge Stewart, a word to the wise. As I'm sure your father would have told you, I don't like being picked up.
CLARA: That probably sounded better in his head.
KATE: I'm acting on instructions direct from the throne. Sealed orders from her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the First.
CLARA: The Queen? The First? Sorry, Elizabeth the First?
KATE: Her credentials are inside.

(The Doctor is about to break the seal on the message when Kate points back to the National Gallery.)

KATE: No. Inside.
DOCTOR: (to Osgood) Nice scarf.
KATE: What's our cover story for this?
OSGOOD: Er, Derren Brown.
KATE: Again?
OSGOOD: Oh, we've sent him flowers.

(The Doctor and Kate head up the steps to the gallery.)

SOLDIER: Atten-shun! Right, I want a secure perimeter around the gallery.

[National Gallery]

CLARA: Did you know her, Elizabeth the First?
DOCTOR: Unified Intelligence Task Force.
CLARA: Sorry?
DOCTOR: This lot. UNIT. They investigate alien stuff. Anything alien.
CLARA: What, like you?
DOCTOR: I work for them.
CLARA: You have a job?
DOCTOR: Why shouldn't I have a job? I'd be brilliant at having a job.
CLARA: You don't have a job.
DOCTOR: I do. This is my job. I'm doing it now.
CLARA: You never have a job.
DOCTOR: I do. I do.

(A painting is unveiled of an alien Citadel on fire and under attack.)

KATE: Elizabeth's credentials, Doctor.
CLARA: But, but that's not possible.
DOCTOR: No more.
KATE: That's the title.
DOCTOR: I know the title.
KATE: Also known as Gallifrey Falls.
DOCTOR: This painting doesn't belong here, not in this time or place.
CLARA: Obviously.
DOCTOR: It's the fall of Arcadia, Gallifrey's second city.
CLARA: But how is it doing that? How is that possible? It's an oil painting in 3D.

(She steps forward and we can see that she is correct.)

DOCTOR: Time Lord art. Bigger on the inside. A slice of real time, frozen.
KATE: Elizabeth told us where to find it, and its significance.

(The Doctor takes Clara's hand.)

CLARA: You okay?
DOCTOR: He was there.
CLARA: Who was?
DOCTOR: Me. The other me. The one I don't talk about.
CLARA: I don't understand.
DOCTOR: I've had many faces, many lives. I don't admit to all of them. There's one life I've tried very hard to forget. He was the Doctor who fought in the Time War, and that was the day he did it. The day I did it. The day he killed them all. The last day of the Time War. The war to end all wars between my people and the Daleks. And in that battle there was a man with more blood on his hands than any other, a man who would commit a crime that would silence the universe. And that man was me.


(A battle scene with fleeing civilians, buildings being destroyed, flying Daleks and soldiers firing at them. Lots of explosions and deaths.)

DALEKS: Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate.
SOLDIER: Message for the High Council, Priority Omega. Arcadia has fallen. I repeat, Arcadia has fallen.

(He sees the Type 40 TARDIS with the stuck chameleon circuit, and its occupant comes towards him. The War Doctor.)

WAR DOCTOR: Soldier, I'm going to need your gun.

(He shoots at a concrete wall.)

DALEKS: Exterminate! Exterminate. Exterminate!
GALLIFREYAN: Please. Please, just don't.
DALEK: Alert! Alert! The Doctor is detected.
DALEKS: The Doctor is surrounded!
DALEK: Inform High Command we have the Doctor. Seek, locate, destroy.

(The Gallifreyan family sneak away. The Doctor has etched No More into the concrete wall.)

DALEKS: Seek, locate, destroy. Seek

(A TARDIS smashes through, bashing the Daleks to pieces.)

DALEK: The Doctor is escaping. What are these words? Explain. Explain.

[War room]

(Inside the Citadel.)

ANDROGAR: The High Council is in emergency session. They have plans of their own.
GENERAL: To hell with the High Council. Their plans have already failed. Gallifrey's still in the line of fire. So, he was there then?
ANDROGAR: He left a message, a written warning for the Daleks. He's a fool.
GENERAL: No, he's a madman.
ANDROGAR: As you can see, sir, all Dalek fleets surrounding the planet now converging on the capital, but the Sky Trenches are holding.

(Boom! The building shakes.)

GENERAL: Where did he go next?
ANDROGAR: What does it matter? This is their biggest ever attack, sir. They're throwing everything at us
TIME LADY: Sir, we have a security breach to the Time Vaults.
GENERAL: The Omega Arsenal, where all the forbidden weapons are locked away.
ANDROGAR: They're not forbidden any more. We've used them all against the Daleks.
GENERAL: No. No we haven't.

[Omega Arsenal]

(A plinth is empty.)

GENERAL: The Moment is gone.
ANDROGAR: I don't understand. What is the Moment? I've never heard of it.
GENERAL: The galaxy eater. The final work of the ancients of Gallifrey. A weapon so powerful, the operating system became sentient. According to legend, it developed a conscience.
ANDROGAR: And we've never used it.
GENERAL: How do you use a weapon of ultimate mass destruction when it can stand in judgment on you? There is only one man who would even try.

[Desert planet]

WAR DOCTOR: Time Lords of Gallifrey, Daleks of Skaro, I serve notice on you all. Too long I have stayed my hand. No more. Today you leave me no choice. Today, this war will end. No more. No more.

(The War Doctor shifts the sack he is carrying on his back and enters a lonely barn.)


(He puts down the sack and reveals a brass inlaid clockwork box.)

WAR DOCTOR: How, how do you work? Why is there never a big red button?

(He hears scuffling noises, and opens the door.)

WAR DOCTOR: Hello? Is somebody there?
MOMENT: It's nothing.

(A blonde woman who looks exactly like Rose Tyler is sitting on the clockwork box.)

MOMENT: It's just a wolf.
WAR DOCTOR: Don't sit on that!
MOMENT: Why not?
WAR DOCTOR: Because it's not a chair, it's the most dangerous weapon in the universe.

(He hurries her from the barn and closes the door behind her. And there she is, sitting on the box.)

MOMENT: Why can't it be both? Why did you park so far away? Didn't you want her to see it?
WAR DOCTOR: Want who to see?
MOMENT: The TARDIS. You walked for miles, and miles and miles and miles and miles.
WAR DOCTOR: I was thinking
MOMENT: I heard you.
WAR DOCTOR: You heard me?
MOMENT: No more. No more.
WAR DOCTOR: No more.
MOMENT: No more. No more.
WAR DOCTOR: Stop it.
MOMENT: No more.
WAR DOCTOR: Who are you?

(The clockwork in the box makes a noise.)

WAR DOCTOR: It's activating. Get out of here.

(He tries to take hold of the box.)

MOMENT: What's wrong?
WAR DOCTOR: The interface is hot.
MOMENT: Well, I do my best.
WAR DOCTOR: There's a power source inside. (penny drops) You're the interface?
MOMENT: They must have told you the Moment had a conscience. Hello! Oh, look at you. Stuck between a girl and a box. Story of your life, eh, Doctor?
WAR DOCTOR: You know me?
MOMENT: I hear you. All of you, jangling around in that dusty old head of yours. I chose this face and form especially for you. It's from your past. Or possibly your future. I always get those two mixed up.
WAR DOCTOR: I don't have a future.
MOMENT: I think I'm called Rose Tyler. No. Yes. No, sorry, no, no, in this form, I'm called Bad Wolf. Are you afraid of the big bad wolf, Doctor?
WAR DOCTOR: Stop calling me Doctor.
MOMENT: That's the name in your head.
WAR DOCTOR: It shouldn't be. I've been fighting this war for a long time. I've lost the right to be the Doctor.
MOMENT: Then you're the one to save us all.
MOMENT: If I ever develop an ego, you've got the job.
WAR DOCTOR: If you have been inside my head, then you know what I've seen. The suffering. Every moment in time and space is burning. It must end, and I intend to end it the only way I can.
MOMENT: And you're going to use me to end it by killing them all, Daleks and Time Lords alike. I could, but there will be consequences for you.
WAR DOCTOR: I have no desire to survive this.
MOMENT: Then that's your punishment. If you do this, if you kill them all, then that's the consequence. You live. Gallifrey. You're going to burn it, and all those Daleks with it, but all those children too. How many children on Gallifrey right now?
WAR DOCTOR: I don't know.
MOMENT: One day you will count them. One terrible night. Do you want to see what that will turn you into? Come on, aren't you curious?

(A whirling portal opens above them.)

MOMENT: I'm opening windows on your future. A tangle in time through the days to come, to the man today will make of you.

(A fez drops through the portal.)

MOMENT: Okay, I wasn't expecting that.

[National Gallery]

CLARA: But the Time War's over. Why have you brought us here to look at a painting?
KATE: The painting only serves as Elizabeth's credentials, proof that the letter is from her. It's not why you're here.

(The Doctor breaks the wax seal and unfolds the paper.)

ELIZABETH [OC]: My dearest love, I hope the painting known as Gallifrey Falls will serve as proof that it is your Elizabeth who writes to you now. You will recall that you pledged yourself to the safety of my kingdom. In this capacity I have appointed you as curator of the Under Gallery, where deadly danger to England is locked away. Should any disturbance occur within its walls, it is my wish that you be summoned. God speed, gentle husband.
DOCTOR: What happened?
KATE: Easier to show you.

(The Doctor and Clara leave with Kate. The man with Osgood answers his phone.)

MCGILLOP: McGillop. But that's not possible. I was just. Understood, sir. But why would I take it there?

(Meanwhile, a metal shutter comes down behind the Doctor and Clara as they stand in front of a painting on wood of Gloriana herself.)

CLARA: Elizabeth the First. You knew her, then?

(And next to Gloriana in the painting, in period costume, is The Tenth Doctor.)

DOCTOR: A long time ago.

[England, 1562]

(The TARDIS is parked in a meadow in the bend of a river. The door is opened, and the previous Doctor gallops out on a white horse, with a red-headed lady on the pillion.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Allons-y! There you go, your Majesty, what did I tell you? Bigger on the inside.
ELIZABETH: The door isn't. You nearly took my head off. It's normally me who does that.

(Reclining on cushions near a tent flying the royal pennant.)

ELIZABETH: Tell me, Doctor, why I'm wasting my time on you. I have wars to plan.
TENTH DOCTOR: You have a picnic to eat.
ELIZABETH: You could help me.
TENTH DOCTOR: Well, I'm helping you eat the picnic.
ELIZABETH: But you have a stomach for war. This face has seen conflict, it's as clear as day.
TENTH DOCTOR: Oh, I've seen conflict like you wouldn't believe. But it wasn't this face. But never mind that, your Majesty. Up on your feet. Up, up.
ELIZABETH: How dare you? I'm the Queen of England.
TENTH DOCTOR: I'm not English. Elizabeth, will you marry me?
ELIZABETH: Oh, my dear sweet love. Of course I will.
TENTH DOCTOR: Ah, gotcha!
TENTH DOCTOR: One, the real Elizabeth would never have accepted my marriage proposal. Two, the real Elizabeth would notice when I just casually mentioned having a different face. But then the real Elizabeth isn't a shape-shifting alien from outer space. And-

(He holds out a clockwork gizmo.)

ELIZABETH: What's that?
TENTH DOCTOR: It's a machine that goes ding. Made it myself. Lights up in the presence of shape-shifter DNA. Ooo. Also it can microwave frozen dinners from up to twenty feet and download comics from the future. I never know when to stop.
ELIZABETH: My love, I do not understand.
TENTH DOCTOR: I'm not your love, and yes you do. You're a Zygon.
TENTH DOCTOR: Oh, stop it. It's over. A Zygon, yes. Big red rubbery thing covered in suckers. Surprisingly good kisser. Think the real Queen of England would just decide to share her throne with any old handsome bloke in a tight suit, just cos he's got amazing hair and a nice horse? Oh.

(No more white horse. Instead, there's the Zygon.)

TENTH DOCTOR: It was the horse. I'm going to be King. Run!
ELIZABETH: What's happening?
TENTH DOCTOR: We're being attacked by a shape-shifting alien from outer space, formerly disguised as my horse.

(They run into a ruined building.)

ELIZABETH: What does that mean?
TENTH DOCTOR: It means we're going to need a new horse.
ELIZABETH: Where's it going?
TENTH DOCTOR: I'll hold it off. You run. Your people need you.
ELIZABETH: And I need you alive for our wedding day.

(Elizabeth kisses him, then runs.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Oh, good work, Doctor. Nice one. The Virgin Queen? So much for history.

(Elizabeth runs through the trees while the Doctor tries to lure the Zygon. She screams and the Doctor comes running. His gizmo is dinging a lot.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, very clever.

(He talks to a lop-eared rabbit.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Whatever you've got planned, forget it. I'm the Doctor. I'm nine hundred and four years old. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I am the Oncoming Storm, the Bringer of Darkness, and you are basically just a rabbit, aren't you? Okay, carry on. Just a general warning.
TENTH DOCTOR: Elizabeth!

(He finds her lying on the ground.)

ELIZABETH: That thing. Explain what it is. What does it want of us?
TENTH DOCTOR: That's what I'm trying to find out. Probably just your planet.

(A second Elizabeth walks up.)

ELIZABETH 2: Doctor. Step away from her, Doctor. That's not me. That's the creature.
ELIZABETH: How is that possible? She's me. Doctor, she's me!

(The Doctor tries to use his gizmo.)

ELIZABETH 2: I am indeed me. A compliment that cannot be extended to yourself.
ELIZABETH: Extraordinary. The creature has captured my exact likeness. This is exceptional.
ELIZABETH 2: Exceptional? A Queen would call it impertinent.
ELIZABETH: A Queen would feel compelled to admire the skill of the execution, before arranging one.
TENTH DOCTOR: It's not working.
ELIZABETH: One might surmise that the creature would learn quickly to protect itself from any simple means of detection.
ELIZABETH 2: Clearly you understand the creature better than I. But then, you have the advantage.

(A vortex appears in the air.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Back, both of you, now! That's a time fissure. A tear in the fabric of reality. Anything could happen.

(A red fez drops out of it.)

TENTH DOCTOR: For instance, a fez.

[National Gallery]

(The portrait of the 10th Doctor and Elizabeth is concealing a door.)

KATE: This way.

[Under Gallery]

KATE: Welcome to the Under Gallery. This is where Elizabeth the First kept all art deemed too dangerous for public consumption.

(The Doctor scoops up a handful of the sand on the floor in between two rows of statues covered with dust sheets.)

DOCTOR: Stone dust.
KATE: Is it important?
DOCTOR: In twelve hundred years I've never stepped in anything that wasn't.

(Osgood makes a noise.)

DOCTOR: Oi, you. Are you sciency?
OSGOOD: Oh, er, well, er, yes.
DOCTOR: Got a name?
DOCTOR: Good. I've always wanted to meet someone called Yes. Now, I want this stone dust analysed. And I want a report in triplicate, with lots of graphs and diagrams and complicated sums on my desk, tomorrow morning, ASAP, pronto, L O L. See? Job. Do I have a desk?
DOCTOR: And I want a desk.
KATE: Get a team. Analyse the stone dust. Inhaler!

(Further into the under gallery, the Doctor spots the red fez in a display case. He takes it out and puts it on.)

CLARA: Someday, you could just walk past a fez.
DOCTOR: Never gonna happen.

(And into another room with broken glass on the floor and alien 'paintings' along the wall.)

SCIENTIST: As you instructed, nothing has been touched.
KATE: This is why we called you in.
CLARA: 3D again.
DOCTOR: Interesting.
CLARA: The broken glass?
DOCTOR: No, where it's broken from. Look at the shatter pattern. The glass on all these paintings has been broken from the inside.
KATE: As you can see, all the paintings are landscapes. No figures of any kind.
KATE: There used to be.

(She hands him a pad with the original image on it.)

CLARA: Something's got out the paintings.
DOCTOR: Lots of somethings. Dangerous.
KATE: This whole place has been searched. There's nothing here that shouldn't be, and nothing's got out.

(Enter the time fissure.)

DOCTOR: Oh no, not now.
CLARA: Doctor, what is it?
DOCTOR: No, not now. I'm busy.
KATE: Is it to do with the paintings?
DOCTOR: No, no. This is different. I remember this. Almost remember. Oh, of course. This is where I come in.

(He throws the fez into the fissure.)

DOCTOR: Geronimo!

(And leaps into it himself.)

CLARA: Doctor!
KATE: Wait!

[Woods, 1562]

(And lands heavily.)


(The Tenth Doctor puts on the fez.)

ELIZABETH: Who is this man?
TENTH DOCTOR: That's just what I was wondering.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Oh, that is skinny. That is proper skinny. I've never seen it from the outside. It's like a special effect. Oi!

(He knocks the fez to the ground.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Ha! Matchstick man.
TENTH DOCTOR: You're not.

(They both get out their sonic screwdrivers. 11's is bigger.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Compensating.
TENTH DOCTOR: Regeneration. It's a lottery.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Oh, he's cool. Isn't he cool? I'm the Doctor and I'm all cool. Oops, I'm wearing sandshoes.
TENTH DOCTOR: What are you doing here? I'm busy.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Oh, busy. I see. Is that what we're calling it, eh? Eh?

(He puts on his fez and turns to the two Elizabeths.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Hello, ladies.
TENTH DOCTOR: Don't start.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Listen, what you get up to in the privacy of your own regeneration is your business.
TENTH DOCTOR: One of them is a Zygon.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Urgh. I'm not judging you.

(The time fissure reappears. They both put on their glasses, then notice each other.)

BOTH: Oooh, lovely.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Your Majesties. Probably a good time to run.
ELIZABETHS: But what about the creature?
TENTH DOCTOR: Elizabeth, whichever one of you is the real one, turn and run in the opposite direction to the other one.
ELIZABETHS: Of course, my love.
ELIZABETH: Stay alive, my love. I am not done with you yet.

(She kisses The Tenth Doctor and leaves.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Thanks. Lovely.
ELIZABETH 2: I understand. Live for me, my darling. We shall be together again.

(Another kiss and run.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Well, won't that be nice?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: One of those was a Zygon.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Big red rubbery thing covered in suckers.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Venom sacs in the tongue.
TENTH DOCTOR: Yeah, I'm getting the point, thank you.
CLARA [OC]: Doctor, is that you?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Ah, hello, Clara. Can you hear me?

[Under Gallery / Woods]

CLARA: Yeah, it's me. We can hear you. Where are you?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Where are we?
TENTH DOCTOR: England, 1562.
CLARA: Who are you talking to?
KATE: Can you come back through?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Physical passage may not be possible in both directions. Its. Ah! Hang on. Fez incoming!
CLARA: Nothing here.
TENTH DOCTOR: So where did it go?


CLARA [OC]: Who's he talking to?
KATE [OC]: He said himself.

[Under Gallery]

KATE: Keep him talking.

(She uses her mobile as she leaves.)

KATE: Malcolm? Malcolm, I need you to send me one of my father's incident files. Codenamed Cromer. 70s or 80s depending on the dating protocol.

(Something growls as it watches her go.)

[Woods, 1562]

TENTH DOCTOR: Okay, you used to be me, you've done all this before. What happens next?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: I don't remember.
TENTH DOCTOR: How can you forget this?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Hey, hang on. It's not my fault. You're obviously not paying enough attention. Reverse the polarity!

(They both aim their sonic screwdrivers at the fissure.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: It's not working.
TENTH DOCTOR: We're both reversing the polarity.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Yes, I know that.
TENTH DOCTOR: There's two of us. I'm reversing it, you're reversing it back again. We're confusing the polarity.

(The War Doctor drops through the time fissure.)

WAR DOCTOR: Anyone lose a fez?
TENTH DOCTOR: You. How can you be here? More to the point, why are you here?
WAR DOCTOR: Good afternoon. I'm looking for the Doctor.
TENTH DOCTOR: Well, you've certainly come to the right place.
WAR DOCTOR: Good. Right. Well, who are you boys? Oh, of course. Are you his companions?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: His companions?
WAR DOCTOR: They get younger all the time. Well, if you could point me in the general direction of the Doctor?

(They both demonstrate their sonic screwdrivers.)

WAR DOCTOR: You're me? Both of you?
WAR DOCTOR: Even that one?
WAR DOCTOR: You're my future selves?
BOTH: Yes!
WAR DOCTOR: Am I having a midlife crisis? Why are you pointing your screwdrivers like that? They're scientific instruments, not water pistols. Look like you've seen a ghost.
TENTH DOCTOR: Still, loving the posh gravelly thing. It's very convincing.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Brave words, Dick van Dyke.

(A troop of soldiers run up, lead by a nobleman.)

BENTHAM: Encircle them. Which of you is the Doctor? The Queen of England is bewitched. I would have the Doctor's head.
WAR DOCTOR: Well, this has all the makings of your lucky day.

[Under Gallery]

(Kate returns.)

CLARA: I think there's three of them now.

[Woods, 1562]

KATE [OC]: There's a precedent for that.
BENTHAM: What is that?
WAR DOCTOR: Oh, the pointing again. They're screwdrivers! What are you going to do, assemble a cabinet at them?
BENTHAM: That thing, what witchcraft is it?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Ah, yes. Now that you mention it, that is witchcraft. Yes, yes, yes. Witchy witchcraft. Hello? Hello in there. Excuse me. Hello!

[Under Gallery]

ELEVENTH DOCTOR [OC]: Am I talking to the wicked witch of the well?
KATE: He means you.
CLARA: Why am I the witch?
CLARA: Hello?

[Woods, 1562 / Under Gallery]

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Clara, hi, hello. Hello. Would you mind telling these prattling mortals to get themselves begone?
CLARA: What he said.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Yes, tiny bit more colour.
CLARA: Right. Prattling mortals, off you pop, or I'll turn you all into frogs.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Ooo, frogs. Nice. You heard her.
CLARA: Doctor, what's going on?

[Woods, 1562]

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: It's a timey-wimey thing.
WAR DOCTOR: Timey what? Timey-wimey?
TENTH DOCTOR: I've no idea where he picks that stuff up.

(Enter an Elizabeth. The soldiers fall to their knee.)

SOLDIERS: The Queen. The Queen.
ELIZABETH: You don't seem to be kneeling. How tremendously brave of you.
TENTH DOCTOR: Which one are you? What happened to the other one?
ELIZABETH: Indisposed. Long live the Queen.
SOLDIERS: Long live the Queen.
ELIZABETH: Arrest these men. Take them to the Tower.
TENTH DOCTOR: That is not the Queen of England, that's an alien duplicate.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: And you can take it from him, cos he's really checked.
TENTH DOCTOR: Oh, shut up.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Venom sacs in the tongue.
TENTH DOCTOR: Seriously, stop it.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: No, hang on. The Tower.

[Under Gallery]

ELEVENTH DOCTOR [OC]: Did you say the Tower? Ah, yes, brilliant. Love the Tower.

[Woods, 1562]

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Breakfast at eight, please. Will there be Wi-Fi?
WAR DOCTOR: Are you capable of speaking without flapping your hands about?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Yes. No. I demand to be incarcerated in the Tower immediately with my co-conspirators Sandshoes and Granddad.
WAR DOCTOR: Granddad?
TENTH DOCTOR: They're not sandshoes.
WAR DOCTOR: Yes, they are.
ELIZABETH: Silence. The Tower is not to be taken lightly.

[Under Gallery]

ELIZABETH [OC]: Very few emerge again.
KATE: Dear God, that man's clever. Come on.
CLARA: Where are we going?
KATE: My office, otherwise known as the Tower of London.

[Tower dungeons]

WARDER: Come on, you lot, get in there.

(The warder leaves, shutting the door behind him. The Doctor finds a piece of metal bar and starts scratching on a stone pillar.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Three of us in one cell? That's going to cause some nasty anomalies if we don't get out soon.
TENTH DOCTOR: What are you doing?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Getting us out.

(The Warrior is using his sonic screwdriver on the wooden door.)

TENTH DOCTOR: The sonic won't work on that, it's too primitive.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Shall we ask for a better quality of door so we can escape?
TENTH DOCTOR: Okay, so the Queen of England is now a Zygon. But never mind that. Why are we all together? Why are we all here? Well, me and Chinny, we were surprised, but you came looking for us. You knew it was going to happen. Who told you?

(Moment Rose is holding a finger to her lips.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Yeah, you do have a chin.

[Under Gallery]

(The stone dust is being analysed.)

OSGOOD: Marble, granite. A lot of different stone, but none of it from the fabric of the building. It's like somebody smashed up a lot of old statues. Are there any missing?
MCGILLOP: Don't think so. Why would anyone do that, anyway? I mean, I know we're meant to keep an open mind, but are we supposed to believe in creatures that can hide in oil paintings and have some sort of a grudge against statues? You all right?

(Osgood uses her inhaler.)

OSGOOD: We have to go, right now, this minute.
MCGILLOP: What's wrong?
OSGOOD: The things from the paintings. I know why they smashed the statues.
OSGOOD: Because they needed somewhere to hide.

(The nearby statues raise their dust sheets. Zygons! They attack McGillop first, and Osgood runs.)

[National Gallery]

(Osgood gets into the National Gallery and shuts the door, but a Zygon smashes through the painting of Elizabeth and the tenth Doctor. She gets into the open lift but it will not move, so she slumps in the far corner.)

OSGOOD: The Doctor will save me. The Doctor will save me. The Doctor will save me. The Doctor will save me. The Doctor will save me.

(The Zygon transforms.)

OSGOOD-Z: Excuse me. I'm going to need my inhaler. I so hate it when I get one with a defect. Ooo, you've got some perfectly horrible memories in here, haven't you? So jealous of your pretty sister. I don't blame you. I wish I'd copied her.
OSGOOD: So do I!

(The Zygon is standing on the end of Osgood's scarf, so she gives it a sharp tug and down goes her duplicate, allowing her to escape.)

OSGOOD-Z: Oh, for goodness sake.

[Tower environs]

KATE: The Doctor will be trying to send us a message. We're looking for a string of numerals from around 1550, approximately. Priority One. I'm going to need access to the Black Archive.

[Black Archive corridor]

KATE: The Black Archive. Highest security rating on the planet. The entire staff have their memories wiped at the end of every shift. Automated memory filters in the ceiling. Access, please.
ATKINS: Ma'am.

(Kate hands him her key.)

KATE: Atkins, isn't it?
ATKINS: Yes, ma'am. First day here.
KATE: (sotto) Been here ten years.

[Black Archive]

CLARA: Lock and key? Bit basic, isn't it?
KATE: Can't afford electronic security down here. Got to keep the Doctor out. The whole of the Tower is TARDIS-proofed. He really wouldn't approve of the collection.
CLARA: But you let me in.
KATE: You have a top level security rating from your last visit.
CLARA: Sorry, my what?
KATE: Apologies. We have to screen all his known associates. We can't have information about the Doctor and the TARDIS falling into the wrong hands. The consequences could be disastrous.
CLARA: What is that?
KATE: Time travel. A vortex manipulator bequeathed to the UNIT archive by Captain Jack Harkness on the occasion of his death. Well, one of them. No one can know we have this, not even our allies.
CLARA: Why not?
KATE: Think about it. Americans with the ability to rewrite history? You've seen their movies.
CLARA: Okay, so this is how we're going to rescue the Doctor.
KATE: I'm not sure there's enough power for a two-way trip. In any event, we don't have the activation code. The Doctor knows we have this, so he's always kept the code from us. Let's hope he changes his mind.

(Her phone rings.)

KATE: Yes? Well, if you've found it, photograph it and send it to my phone.

(Clara spots Osgood and McGillop.)

CLARA: Er, Kate? Should they be here? Why have they followed us?
KATE: Oh, they've probably just finished disposing of the humans a bit early.
CLARA: The humans?
KATE: Dear me. I really do get into character, don't I?

(Kate spits some venom at Clara, then transforms into a Zygon.)

OSGOOD-Z: The Under Gallery is secured.

(The numbers on the photograph on Kate's phone include 231163. Clara grabs the vortex manipulator, puts it on and copies them into it.)

ZYGON: Prepare to dispose of one more human. We have acquired the device.
CLARA: Activation code, right?

(She disappears.)

[Tower dungeon]

(The Doctor is still scratching his message.)

WAR DOCTOR: In theory, I can trigger an isolated sonic shift among the molecules, and the door should disintegrate.
TENTH DOCTOR: We'd have to calculate the exact harmonic resonance of the entire structure down to a sub-atomic level. Even the sonic would take years.
WAR DOCTOR: No, no, the sonic would take centuries. Oh, we might as well get started. Help to pass the timey-wimey. Do you have to talk like children? What is it that makes you so ashamed of being a grown up? Oh, the way you both look at me. What is that? I'm trying to think of a better word than dread.
TENTH DOCTOR: It must be really recent for you.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: The Time War. The last day. The day you killed them all.
TENTH DOCTOR: The day we killed them all.
MOMENT: It's history for them. All decided. They think their future is real. They don't know it's still up to you.
WAR DOCTOR: I don't talk about it.
TENTH DOCTOR: You're not talking about it. There's no one else here.
MOMENT: Go on, ask them. Ask them what you need to know.
WAR DOCTOR: Did you ever count?
WAR DOCTOR: How many children there were on Gallifrey that day.

(The Doctor stops his scratching.)

DOCTOR: I have absolutely no idea.
WAR DOCTOR: How old are you now?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Ah, I don't know. I lose track. Twelve hundred and something, I think, unless I'm lying. I can't remember if I'm lying about my age, that's how old I am.
WAR DOCTOR: Four hundred years older than me, and in all that time you've never even wondered how many there were? You never once counted?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Tell me, what would be the point?
TENTH DOCTOR: Two point four seven billion.
WAR DOCTOR: You did count!
TENTH DOCTOR: You forgot? Four hundred years, is that all it takes?
TENTH DOCTOR: Where? Where can you be now that you can forget something like that?
TENTH DOCTOR: No. No, no, no. For once I would like to know where I'm going.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: No, you really wouldn't.
WAR DOCTOR: I don't know who you are, either of you. I haven't got the faintest idea.
MOMENT: They're you. They're what you become if you destroy Gallifrey. The man who regrets and the man who forgets. The moment is coming. The Moment is me. You have to decide.
WAR DOCTOR: Just, no.

(The Eleventh Doctor laughs.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Is something funny? Did I miss a funny thing?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Sorry. It just occured to me. This is what I'm like when I'm alone.
MOMENT: It's the same screwdriver. Same software, different case.
WAR DOCTOR: Four hundred years.
TENTH DOCTOR: I'm sorry?
WAR DOCTOR: At a software level, they're all the same device, aren't they. Same software, different case.
WAR DOCTOR: So, it would take centuries for the screwdriver to calculate how to disintegrate the door. Scanning the door, implanting the calculation as a permanent subroutine in the software architecture and, if you really are me, with your sandshoes and your dickie bow, and that screwdriver is still mine, that calculation is still going on.
TENTH DOCTOR: Yeah, still going.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Calculation complete.
MOMENT: Same software, different face.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Hey, four hundred years in four seconds. We may have had our differences, which is frankly odd in the circumstances, but, I tell you what, boys. We are incredibly clever.

(Clara opens the door and nearly falls in.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: How did you do that?
CLARA: It wasn't locked.
CLARA: So they're both you, then, yeah?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Yes. You've met them before. Don't you remember?
CLARA: A bit. Nice suit.
CLARA: Hang on. Three of you in one cell, and none of you thought to try the door?
WAR DOCTOR: It should have been locked.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Yes. Exactly. Why wasn't it locked?
ELIZABETH: Because I was fascinated to see what you would do upon escaping. I understand you're rather fond of this world. It's time I think you saw what's going to happen to it.

[Under Gallery]

(The real Osgood hears moaning from beneath a dust sheet, and notices a shoe sticking out from underneath. She pulls it off to reveal another sheet of red suckers covering a human.)

OSGOOD: Kate? Oh goodness, you're not actually dead. Oh, that's tremendous news. Those creatures, they turn themselves into copies. And they need to keep the original alive, refresh the image so to speak.
KATE: Where, where did they go?
OSGOOD: I don't know. Oh, hang on, yes, I do. The Tower.
KATE: If those creatures have got access to the Black Archive, we may just have lost control of the planet.

[Zygon control centre]

(Another part of the Tower dungeons.)

ELIZABETH: The Zygons lost their own world. It burnt in the first days of the Time War. A new home is required.
CLARA: So they want this one.
ELIZABETH: Not yet. It's far too primitive. Zygons are used to a certain level of comfort.
ZYGON: Commander, why are these creatures here?
ELIZABETH: Because I say they should be. It is time you too were translated. Observe this. I believe you will find it fascinating.

(The Zygon puts his hand on a glass cube with dents in the corners, then vanishes. The 3D landscape painting from the Under Gallery is nearby.)

CLARA: That's him! That's the Zygon in the picture now.
WAR DOCTOR: It's not a picture, it's a stasis cube. Time Lord art. Frozen instants in time, bigger on the inside, but could be deployed as-
TENTH DOCTOR: Suspended animation. Oh, that's very good. The Zygons all pop inside the pictures, wait a few centuries till the planet's a bit more interesting, and then out they come.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: You see, Clara, they're stored in the paintings in the Under Gallery, like cup-a-soups. Except you add time, if you can picture that. Nobody could picture that. Forget I said cup-a-soups.
CLARA: And now the world is worth conquering. So the Zygons are invading the future from the past.
TENTH DOCTOR: And do you know why I know that you're a fake? Because you're such a bad copy. It's not just the smell, or the unconvincing hair, or the atrocious teeth, or the eyes just a bit too close together, or the breath that could stun a horse. It's because my Elizabeth, the real Elizabeth, would never be stupid enough to reveal her own plan. Honestly, why would you do that?
ELIZABETH: Because it's not my plan. And I am the real Elizabeth.
TENTH DOCTOR: Okay. So, backtracking a moment just to lend context to my earlier remarks.
ELIZABETH: My twin is dead in the forest. I am accustomed to taking precautions.

(She produces a dagger from the garter beneath her skirts.)

ELIZABETH: These Zygon creatures never even considered that it was me who survived rather than their own commander. The arrogance that typifies their kind.
CLARA: Zygons?
CLARA: And you actually killed one of them?
ELIZABETH: I may have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but at the time, so did the Zygon. The future of my kingdom is imperilled. Doctor, can I rely on your service?
TENTH DOCTOR: Well, I'm going to need my TARDIS.
ELIZABETH: It has been procured already.
ELIZABETH: But first, my love, you have a promise to keep.

[Castle courtyard]

CLERGYMAN: I now pronounce you man and wife.
CLARA: Woo hoo!
CLERGYMAN: You may kiss the bride.

(Elizabeth does the enthusiastic kissing.)

WAR DOCTOR: Is there a lot of this in the future?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: It does start to happen, yeah.
ELIZABETH: God speed, my love.
TENTH DOCTOR: I will be right back.

(He runs into the TARDIS and starts cranking her up.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Right then, back to the future.


WAR DOCTOR: You've let this place go a bit.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Ah, it's his grunge phase. He grows out of it.
TENTH DOCTOR: Don't you listen to them.

(An alarm sounds. The tenth Doctor gets an electric shock.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Ow! The desktop is glitching.
WAR DOCTOR: Three of us from different time zones. It's trying to compensate.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Hey, look. The round things.
TENTH DOCTOR: I love the round things.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: What are the round things?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Oh dear, the friction contrafibulator. Ha! There, stabilised.

(The desktop changes again.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Oh, you've redecorated. I don't like it.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Oh. Oh yeah? Oh, you never do. Listen, we're going to the National Gallery. The Zygons are underneath it.
CLARA: No, UNIT HQ. They followed us there in the Black Archive.

(She gets three stares.)

CLARA: Okay, so you've heard of that, then.

[Black Archive]

MCGILLOP-Z: The equipment here is phenomenal. The humans don't realise what half this stuff does. We could conquer their world in a day.
ZYGON: We were fortunate, then, in our choice of duplicate.
MCGILLOP-Z: If I were human, I'd say it was Christmas.

(Humans Kate and Osgood enter.)

KATE: No, I'm afraid you wouldn't. We're not armed. You may relax.
ZYGON: We are armed. You may not.
KATE: Lock the door. I'm afraid we can't be interrupted. You don't mind if I get comfortable?
ZYGON: You don't mind if I do?

(The Zygon transforms into Kate, and sits down opposite her at the table.)

KATE: You'll realise there are protocols protecting this place. Osgood?
OSGOOD: In the event of any alien incursion, the contents of this room are deemed so dangerous, it will self-destruct in-
KATE: Five minutes.

(The alarm sounds and the countdown starts.)

KATE: There's a nuclear warhead twenty feet beneath us. Are you sitting comfortably?
KATE-Z: You would destroy London?
KATE: To save the world, yes, I would.
KATE-Z: You're bluffing.
KATE: You really think so? Somewhere in your memory is a man called Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart. I am his daughter.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR [OC]: Science leads, Kate. Is that what you meant? Is that what your father meant?
KATE: Doctor?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR [OC]: Space-Time Telegraph, Kate. A gift from me to your father, hotline straight to the TARDIS.


ELEVENTH DOCTOR: I know about the Black Archive and I know about the security protocol. Kate, please. Please tell me you are not about to do something unbelievably stupid.
KATE [OC]: I'm sorry, Doctor. Switch it off.
TENTH DOCTOR: Not as sorry as you will be. This is not a decision you will ever be able to live with.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Kate, we're trying to bring the TARDIS in. Why can't we land?
KATE [OC]: I said, switch it off.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: No, Kate, please. Just listen to me!
TENTH DOCTOR: The Tower of London, totally TARDIS-proof.
CLARA: How can they do that?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Alien technology plus human stupidity. Trust me, it's unbeatable.

(A stasis cube is on the console.)

WAR DOCTOR: We don't need to land.
TENTH DOCTOR: Yeah, we do. A tiny bit. Try and keep up.
WAR DOCTOR: No, we don't. We don't. There is another way. Cup-a-soup. What is cup-a-soup?

[National Gallery]

(Back we go to an earlier scene.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: What happened?
KATE: Easier to show you.

(The Doctor, Kate and Clara leave. McGillop answers his phone.)


[TARDIS / National Gallery]

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Take a look at your phone and confirm who you're talking to.
MCGILLOP: But that's not possible. I was just
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: You were just talking to me. I know. I'm a time traveller, figure it out. I need you to send the Gallifrey Falls painting to the Black Archive. Understood?
MCGILLOP: Understood, sir. But why would I take it there?

[Black Archive]

(2:59 and counting.)

KATE-Z: One word from you would cancel the countdown.
KATE: Quite so.
KATE-Z: It's keyed to your voiceprint.
KATE: And mine alone.
KATE-Z: Cancel the detonation!
KATE: Countermanded.
KATE-Z: Cancel the detonation.
KATE: Countermanded.
KATE-Z: We only have to agree to live.
KATE: Sadly, we can only agree to die.
OSGOOD: Please, Doctor. Please save us. Please save us. Please save us.

[Gallifrey Falls]

(Time begins to move inside the 3D painting, which contains three extra figures by the image of an exploding Dalek.)

DALEK: Exterminate!

(Three sonic screwdrivers send the unhappy pepperpot crashing out of the painting and into -)

[Black Archive]

(Followed by three of the same Time Lord. The Dalek expires.)

TENTH DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Sorry about the Dalek.
CLARA: Also the showing off.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Kate Lethbridge Stewart, what in the name of sanity are you doing?
KATE: The countdown can only be halted at my personal command. There's nothing you can do.
TENTH DOCTOR: Except make you both agree to halt it.
KATE: Not even three of you.
WAR DOCTOR: You're about to murder millions of people.
KATE: To save billions. How many times have you made that calculation?


ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Once. Turned me into the man I am now. I'm not even sure who that is any more.
TENTH DOCTOR: You tell yourself it's justified, but it's a lie. Because what I did that day was wrong. Just wrong.

(The War Doctor turns to look at the Moment.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: And, because I got it wrong, I'm going to make you get it right.
KATE: How?
TENTH DOCTOR: Any second now, you're going to stop that countdown. Both of you, together.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Then you're going to negotiate the most perfect treaty of all time.
TENTH DOCTOR: Safeguards all round, completely fair on both sides.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: And the key to perfect negotiation?
TENTH DOCTOR: Not knowing what side you're on.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: So, for the next few hours, until we decide to let you out
TENTH DOCTOR: No one in this room will be able to remember if they're human
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Whoops a daisy.

(He jumps on to the table. Three screwdrivers do something to the memory filter in the ceiling. The countdown reaches 7 as the humans look befuddled.)

BOTH KATES: Cancel the detonation!

(It stops at 5.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Peace in our time.

(As the Kates talk in the background.)

OSGOOD-Z: It's funny, isn't it. If I'm a Zygon, then my clothes must be Zygon, too. So, what happens if I lose a shoe or something?

(Osgood coughs, and her duplicate returns the inhaler with a shush gesture. Meanwhile, Clara explores the photo array of past companions, starting with the Doctor's granddaughter, Susan. Then she goes to the War Doctor, who is sitting in the Seventh Doctor's big leather chair.)

CLARA: Hello.
CLARA: I'm Clara. We haven't really met yet.
WAR DOCTOR: I look forward to it. Is there a problem?
CLARA: The Doctor, my, my Doctor, he's always talking about the day he did it. The day he wiped out the Time Lords to stop the war.
WAR DOCTOR: One would.
CLARA: You wouldn't. Because you haven't done it yet. It's still in your future.
WAR DOCTOR: You're very sure of yourself.
CLARA: He regrets it. I see it in his eyes every day. He'd do anything to change it.
WAR DOCTOR: Including saving all these people. How many worlds has his regret saved, do you think? Look over there. Humans and Zygons working together in peace. How did you know?
CLARA: Your eyes. You're so much younger.
WAR DOCTOR: Then, all things considered, it's time I grew up. I've seen all I needed. The moment has come.

(The Moment is standing nearby, watching them.)

WAR DOCTOR: I'm ready.
MOMENT: I know you are.
CLARA: Who's there? Who were you talking to?

(The War Doctor has vanished.)


MOMENT: You wanted a big red button.

(A red, diamond-like button stands on a stalk above the Moment box.)

MOMENT: One big bang, no more Time Lords. No more Daleks. Are you sure?
WAR DOCTOR: I was sure when I came in here. There is no other way.
MOMENT: You've seen the men you will become.
WAR DOCTOR: Those men. Extraordinary.
MOMENT: They were you.
WAR DOCTOR: No. They are the Doctor.
MOMENT: You're the Doctor, too.
WAR DOCTOR: No. Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame, whatever the cost.

(His hand hesitates over the button as he recalls the sound of children's laughter.)

MOMENT: You know the sound the TARDIS makes? That wheezing, groaning. That sound brings hope wherever it goes.
WAR DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, I like to think it does.
MOMENT: To anyone who hears it, Doctor. Anyone, however lost.

(The sound of the time rotor is heard.)

MOMENT: Even you.

(Two TARDISes park themselves in the barn. Enter the Doctors and Clara.)

CLARA: I told you. He hasn't done it yet.
WAR DOCTOR: Go away now, all of you. This is for me.
TENTH DOCTOR: These events should be time-locked. We shouldn't even be here.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: So something let us through.
MOMENT: You clever boys.
WAR DOCTOR: Go back. Go back to your lives. Go and be the Doctor that I could never be. Make it worthwhile.
TENTH DOCTOR: All those years, burying you in my memory.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Pretending you didn't exist. Keeping you a secret, even from myself.
TENTH DOCTOR: Pretending you weren't the Doctor, when you were the Doctor more than anybody else.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: You were the Doctor on the day it wasn't possible to get it right.
TENTH DOCTOR: But this time
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: You don't have to do it alone.

(They put their hands on the button together.)

WAR DOCTOR: Thank you.
TENTH DOCTOR: What we do today is not out of fear or hatred. It is done because there is no other way.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: And it is done in the name of the many live we are failing to save.

(He looks at Clara, who shakes her head.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: What? What is it? What?
CLARA: Nothing.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: No, it's something. Tell me.
CLARA: You told me you wiped out your own people. I just. I never pictured you doing it, that's all.
MOMENT: Take a closer look.

(It suddenly goes dark.)

CLARA: What's happening?
WAR DOCTOR: Nothing. It's a projection.
MOMENT: It's a reality around you.

(They are seeing Gallifrey at war.)

CLARA: These are the people you're going to burn?
TENTH DOCTOR: There isn't anything we can do.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: He's right. There isn't another way. There never was. Either I destroy my own people or let the universe burn.
CLARA: Look at you. The three of you. The warrior, the hero, and you.
CLARA: Have you really forgotten?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Yes. Maybe, yes.
CLARA: We've got enough warriors. Any old idiot can be a hero.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Then what do I do?
CLARA: What you've always done. Be a doctor. You told me the name you chose was a promise. What was the promise?

(The fighting seems to have stopped on Gallifrey.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Never cruel or cowardly.
WAR DOCTOR: Never give up, never give in.

(The images vanish.)

TENTH DOCTOR: You're not actually suggesting that we change our own personal history?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: We change history all the time. I'm suggesting far worse.
WAR DOCTOR: What, exactly?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Gentlemen, I have had four hundred years to think about this. I've changed my mind.

(He sonics the big red button back into the Moment box.)

WAR DOCTOR: There's still a billion billion Daleks up there, attacking.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Yeah, there is. There is.
TENTH DOCTOR: But there's something those billion billion Daleks don't know.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Because if they did, they'd probably send for reinforcements.
CLARA: What? What don't they know?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: This time, there's three of us.
WAR DOCTOR: Oh! Oh, yes, that is good. That is brilliant!
TENTH DOCTOR: Oh, oh, oh, I'm getting that too! That is brilliant!
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Ha, ha, ha! I've been thinking about it for centuries.
WAR DOCTOR: She didn't just show me any old future, she showed me exactly the future I needed to see.
MOMENT: Now you're getting it.
WAR DOCTOR: Oh, Bad Wolf girl, I could kiss you.
MOMENT: Yeah, that's going to happen.
TENTH DOCTOR: Sorry, did you just say Bad Wolf?
CLARA: So what are we doing? What's the plan?
WAR DOCTOR: The Dalek fleets are surrounding Gallifrey, firing on it constantly.
TENTH DOCTOR: The Sky Trench is holding, but what if the whole planet just disappeared?
CLARA: Tiny bit of an ask.
TENTH DOCTOR: The Daleks would be firing on each other. They'd destroy themselves in their own crossfire.
WAR DOCTOR: Gallifrey would be gone, the Daleks would be destroyed, and it would look to the rest of the universe as if they'd annihilated each other.
CLARA: But where would Gallifrey be?
TENTH DOCTOR: Frozen. Frozen in an instant of time, safe and hidden away.
WAR DOCTOR: Like a painting.

[War room]

ANDROGAR: Another one.
GENERAL: Are you sure the message is from him?
ANDROGAR: Oh, yes.
GENERAL: Why would he do that?

(The message reads - Gallifrey Stands.)

GENERAL: What's the mad fool talking about now?

(Holo-monitors appear as the Doctors introduce themselves.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR [on monitor]: Hello, hello, Gallifrey High Command, this is the Doctor speaking.
TENTH DOCTOR [on monitor]: Hello! Also the Doctor. Can you hear me?
WAR DOCTOR [on monitor]: Also the Doctor, standing ready.
GENERAL: Dear God, three of them. All my worst nightmares at once.
TENTH DOCTOR [on monitor]: General, we have a plan.


ELEVENTH DOCTOR: We should point at this moment, it is a fairly terrible plan

[War room]

TENTH DOCTOR [on monitor]: And almost certainly won't work.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR [on monitor]: I was happy with fairly terrible.
TENTH DOCTOR [on monitor]: Sorry, just thinking out loud.


ELEVENTH DOCTOR: We're flying our three TARDISes into your lower atmosphere.


TENTH DOCTOR: We're positioned at equidistant intervals around the globe. (to himself) Equidistant. So grown up.

[TARDIS 8.5]

WAR DOCTOR: We're just about ready to do it.
GENERAL [OC]: Ready to do what?


ELEVENTH DOCTOR: We're going to freeze Gallifrey.

[War room]

GENERAL: I'm sorry, what?


TENTH DOCTOR: Using our TARDISes, we're going to freeze Gallifrey in a single moment in time.

[War room]

WAR DOCTOR [on monitor]: You know, like those stasis cubes? A single moment in time, held in a parallel pocket universe.


ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Except we're going to do it to a whole planet.


TENTH DOCTOR: And all the people on it.

[War room]

GENERAL: What? Even if that were possible


GENERAL [OC]: Which it isn't, why would you do such a thing?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Because the alternative is burning.


TENTH DOCTOR: And I've seen that.


ELEVENTH DOCTOR: And I never want to see it again.

[War room]

GENERAL: We'd be lost in another universe, frozen in a single moment. We'd have nothing.


ELEVENTH DOCTOR: You would have hope. And right now, that is exactly what you don't have.

[War room]

GENERAL: It's delusional. The calculations alone would take hundreds of years.


(Each TARDIS has a stasis cube on the console.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Oh, hundreds and hundreds.
TENTH DOCTOR: But don't worry, I started a very long time ago.
FIRST DOCTOR: Calling the War Council of Gallifrey. This is the Doctor.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: You might say I've been doing this all my lives.

[War room]

SECOND DOCTOR [on monitor]: Good luck.
THIRD DOCTOR [on monitor]: Standing by.
FOURTH DOCTOR [on monitor]: Ready.
EIGHTH DOCTOR [on monitor]: Commencing calculations.
FIFTH DOCTOR [on monitor]: Soon be there.
SEVENTH DOCTOR [on monitor]: Across the boundaries that divide one universe from another.
SIXTH DOCTOR [on monitor]: Just got to lock on to his coordinates.


NINTH DOCTOR: And for my next trick.

[War room]

GENERAL: I didn't know when I was well off. All twelve of them!
ANDROGAR: No, sir. All thirteen!

(A new pair of grey eyebrows is seen.)

ANDROGAR: Sir! The Daleks know that something is happening. They're increasing their fire power.
GENERAL: Do it, Doctor. Just do it.


GENERAL [OC]: Just do it.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Okay. Gentlemen, we're ready. Geronimo!
WAR DOCTOR: Oh, for God's sake. Gallifrey stands!

(TARDISes rush towards the planet and surround it, then whiteout!)

[National Gallery]

(Having a cup of tea in front of Gallifrey Falls. Three TARDISes are lined up by one wall. The opposite is decorated with a collection of roundels.)

WAR DOCTOR: I don't suppose we'll know if we actually succeeded. But at worst, we failed doing the right thing, as opposed to succeeding in doing the wrong.
CLARA: Life and soul, you are.
TENTH DOCTOR: What is it actually called?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Well, there's some debate. Either No More or Gallifrey Falls.
WAR DOCTOR: Not very encouraging.
TENTH DOCTOR: How did it get here?
TENTH DOCTOR: There's always something we don't know, isn't there?
WAR DOCTOR: One should certainly hope so. Well, gentlemen, it has been an honour and a privilege.
WAR DOCTOR: And if I grow to be half the man that you are, Clara Oswald, I shall be happy indeed.
CLARA: That's right. Aim high.
WAR DOCTOR: I won't remember this, will I?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: The time streams are out of sync. You can't retain it, no.
WAR DOCTOR: So I won't remember that I tried to save Gallifrey rather than burn it. I'll have to live with that. But for now, for this moment, I am the Doctor again. Thank you. Which one is mine? Ha!

(He goes into the shabbiest TARDIS. It dematerialises.)

[TARDIS 8.5]

(The Warrior begins to regenerate.)

WAR DOCTOR: Oh yes, of course. I suppose it makes sense. Wearing a bit thin. I hope the ears are a bit less conspicuous this time.

[National Gallery]

TENTH DOCTOR: I won't remember either, so you might as well tell me.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Tell you what?
TENTH DOCTOR: Where it is we're going that you don't want to talk about.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: I saw Trenzalore, where we're buried. We die in battle among millions.
TENTH DOCTOR: That's not how it's supposed to be.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: That's how the story ends. Nothing we can do about it. Trenzalore is where you're going.
TENTH DOCTOR: Oh, never say nothing. Anyway, good to know my future is in safe hands. Keep a tight hold on it, Clara.
CLARA: On it.

(He kisses her hand.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Trenzalore. We need a new destination, because I don't want to go.

(He gets into the next TARDIS and it dematerialises.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: He always says that.
CLARA: Need a moment alone with your painting?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: How did you know?
CLARA: Those big sad eyes.
CLARA: I always know. Oh, by the way, there was an old man looking for you. I think it was the curator.

(She goes into the TARDIS. The Doctor sits and looks at the painting.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: I could be a curator. I'd be great at curating. I'd be the Great Curator. I could retire and do that. I could retire and be the curator of this place.
CURATOR: You know, I really think you might.

(The Curator - the same face as The Fourth Doctor, just older enters with a walking stick.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: I never forget a face.
CURATOR: I know you don't. And in years to come, you might find yourself revisiting a few. But just the old favourites, eh?

(The Doctor winks.)

CURATOR: You were curious about this painting, I think. I acquired it in remarkable circumstances. What do you make of the title?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Which title? There's two. No More or Gallifrey Falls.
CURATOR: Oh, you see, that's where everybody's wrong. It's all one title. Gallifrey Falls No More. Now, what would you think that means, eh?
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: That Gallifrey didn't fall. It worked. It's still out there.
CURATOR: I'm only a humble curator. I'm sure I wouldn't know.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Then where is it?
CURATOR: Where is it indeed? Lost. Shush. Perhaps. Things do get lost, you know. And now you must excuse me. Oh, you have a lot to do.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Is that what I'm supposed to do now? Go looking for Gallifrey?
CURATOR: Oh, it's entirely up to you. Your choice, eh? I can only tell you what I would do if I were you. Oh, if I were you. Oh, perhaps I was you, of course. Or perhaps you are me. Congratulations.
ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Thank you very much.
CURATOR: Or perhaps it doesn't matter either way. Who knows, eh? Who knows?

(The Curator leaves a happy Doctor.)


ELEVENTH DOCTOR [OC]: Clara sometimes asks me if I dream. Of course I dream, I tell her. Everybody dreams. But what do you dream about, she'll ask. The same thing everybody dreams about, I tell her. I dream about where I'm going. She always laughs at that. But you're not going anywhere, you're just wandering about.

(He walks out to join his past selves, backs to us, gazing out at the stars.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR [OC]: That's not true. Not any more. I have a new destination. My journey is the same as yours, the same as anyones. It's taken me so many years, so many lifetimes, but at last I know where I'm going.

(A big golden planet hangs in the sky. He stands between the 10th and War Doctors.)

ELEVENTH DOCTOR [OC]: Where I've always been going. Home, the long way round.

(Final shot, a front view of the known Doctors. Left to right - 2, 4, 6, 8, War, 11, 10, 9, 7, 5, 3 and behind them, number one.)

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.