Stories Webcast Dr. Men The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm 1 image Overview Characters How to Watch Reviews 9 Statistics Related Stories Quotes Overview Released April 2017 Written by Adam Hargreaves Directed by Adam Hargreaves Synopsis The Daleks chase Walter the Worm. Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Daleks Walter the Worm First Appearance How to watch The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm: External Link Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 9 reviews 28 February 2025 · 403 words Review by Meara Spoilers 4 This review contains spoilers! There are very few pieces of Doctor Who media that I would call an "artistic masterpiece", Blink and Heaven Sent come to mind as examples, but I would say The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm join, or dare I say even surpass this upper echelon of art. While the simplistic presentation might imply a straightforward and overt story, The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm is anything but. Our hero Walter the Worm is being chased by the three evil stepdaleks, as Walter is running away, they have what at first glance appears to be a scared expression on their face, but what I believe is actually an expression of excitement. What Walter is trying to express to the audience is that even when faced with dangerous foes and trapped in a life-threatening situation, one must endeavour to always maintain a positive outlook on life. Next I will discuss the environmental storytelling of The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm. The first thing everyone will notice when they begin watching The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm is the lack of sound, this indicates two possibilities. The first possibility is that Walter is deaf and thus just as they are deprived of sound, so are we. The second possibility is that this world in which The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm is set on lacks sound at all, how this is possible is never elaborated on, the writer clearly leaving the reason open-ended in order to give the viewers something to think and discuss on. Another key aspect of environmental storytelling is the ever-smiling sun high in the sky. Even while Walter is facing certain death at the hands of the Daleks, the sun is still smiling, this indicates to me that the sun is sadistic and enjoys the suffering of those below it. The sun in combination with the possibility of the world being a soundless place shows that Walter's world is truly a cruel and inhospitable place, which reinforces Walter's strength and moral character and Walter always remains positive even when faced with such cruelty. If I may be so bold, I would say the environmental storytelling of The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm would rival that of beloved video game developer FromSoftware. The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm really speaks to my soul, and I feel as if I am a better person for having watched it, this is a must watch experience. Meara View profile Like Liked 4 28 February 2025 · 191 words Review by Rock_Angel Spoilers 7 This review contains spoilers! I don’t think anyone understands the complexity of Walter the worm being chased by the daleks it starts off with a worm named Walter being in a field clearly he enjoyed it and lived there feeling rejuvenated then suddenly he is on the run he’s up rooted from his home cause the daleks are coming and the daleks have been after this worm for YEARS they finally found him Walter says goodbye to his worm wife Wanda and takes off sadly the daleks find Wanda and kill her brutally tears in his eyes Walter slithers as hard as he can to get away over the hills and far away he’s a million miles from LA but he’s making good distance the 3 daleks chase him too shouting there catchphrase exfoliate or whatever they say and then suddenly CLIFHANGER did Walter make it to la did the daleks take him it’s up to your imagination to decide as this never got a sequel I cry every time I watch this cause it’s basically as huge as torchwood was and that also ended on a cliffhanger sad times Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 7 28 February 2025 · 746 words Review by RandomJoke 5 When does a Franchise jump the shark? That's a question that interests me every time something new or bizarre is coming out from a beloved IP. Take the Holiday Special from Star Wars for instance, it's a modern Art Masterpiece with surrealism that would even make Salvador Dalí blush! The Story of this Piece of Media is simple: We see the Daleks, one of Who's darkest and goofiest Villain ever, chase an innocent (or is he?) Worm, named Walter the Worm. Very simple, almost too simple one would you say, but actually the more you think about it, the more you should see it for yourself. Because while Art is subjective, there is no “Objective” and yet this Piece of Media masters one Thing, which is fairly rare for ANY Piece of Media: That being seen and interpreted by multiple People. I have never seen a Movie, a Show, a Game, or even a Book getting the Talk of the Town as much as this does and I totally get why. The Gif about Daleks chasing a Worm inspires us to explore Areas of our Lives that we didn't think existed. It tickles a certain Part of your Brain that makes you go "Is this better than 2012 Lorax?" and while not as quite as good as this Masterpiece, it's VERY VERY close. For me Doctor Who is easily my favorite Universe in all Fiction, because it has so much to offer, most of its Spin-Offs while connected can be enjoyed on their own terms, which is refreshing after countless heavily connected Spin-Offs from other Things. Of course there is a Discussion to be had for only having Daleks and not "Doctor Who" in it. "Doctor Who" as they are known since The War Machines is a silly old Alien with a 60s Police Box travelling through Time and Space. They visited Planets such as Vortis and Vortis again, which is the Planet of the Web Planet, which is one of the finest Piece of anything I have ever experienced in my Life. "But does that make sense?" I heard you ask.. and well does a David Lynch Movie make sense? I mean sort of, maybe, if you interpret it to make it sense, is it supposed to make sense? I don't know! Perhaps it is, or perhaps it doesn't matter either way, as Poet Tom Baker said in the Indie Production Day of the Doctor. It's very hard for a Piece of anything to engage you this much, let alone make you question what even is "Art". For example, I am sure you have heard of that Art Piece with the Banana. A Banana stuck on the World. And while simple, a lot and I mean A LOT of People got angry because of that. "This is not Art", they say while watching the newest Episode of perfectly articulated Commercials to get you buy a Chocolate Ring or even a Fish. And those I say: "Is there a Way to truly define Art? Does Art have to be a Motion Picture? Why can't it be just a Banana stuck on the Wall?" Stories are complicated, you know Biopics? They say they are based on real World Events when it's barely the Case, most of them almost feel like they have a Checklist, is it really artistic making a Movie about somebody's Real Life? Maybe. I mean I'm not There exist, which has plenty of People playing Bob Dylan. This does bring out an important Question: "Why is there no Morbius Two?" And to I answer: Matt Smith got busy! Because they couldn't make another Adventure set in the Sony Universe with Morbius if it doesn't have Matt Smith. Did you know that "Nosferatu", the Original, almost went missing? Yes it's true, nowadays unbelievable after he got famous on the Hit-Show SpongeBob Squarepants, but since this was basically Dracula all but in Name, the Stoker Estate sued them and wanted them to burn all the Copies. Thankfully it survived, you know what else I wished survived? Doctor Who The Highlanders Episode 2! I wonder what William Hartnell would have thought about all this.. Oh yeah The Daleks chase Walter the worm was the Review Topic, wasn't it? UHHH i don't know 11/10? It doesn't have McGann, Gomez or even Faction Paradox, so it's not a 13/10, sorry!! RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 5 28 February 2025 · 3 words Review by Nardole 5 Truly peak fiction. Nardole View profile Like Liked 5 28 February 2025 · 3 words Review by JayPea 9 Haha, silly worm JayPea View profile Like Liked 9 Show All Reviews (9) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating18 members 2.64 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 21 Favourited 1 Reviewed 9 Saved 0 Skipped 0 Owned 0 Related Stories Dr. Men Dr. Fourth Rating: 4.02 Story Skipped Book More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Dr. Men Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote