Stories Television Doctor Who Season 26 Classic Who S26 Serial: 1 2 3 4 The Curse of Fenric 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Part One [Inflatable boat] (A pair of inflatables are being paddled by soldiers. They pass over the remarkably well preserved prow of a sunken wooden vessel, which has the head of a dragon. A mist swirls in.) PROZOROV: (in Russian) Captain, we've lost the others.SORIN: Don't worry. Keep rowing. (They head underneath a rock arch towards a rocky shore. Welcome to Lulworth Cove, Dorset, a long way from the purported location.) [Navy base] (Played by Crowborough Training Camp, Cranbrook, Sussex.The TARDIS materialises by a large red brick structure. The Doctor and Ace come out. She is wearing a 1940's outfit with a red snood holding her hair back, while he has a duffel coat on.)DOCTOR: Ah, this looks about right. World War Two uniforms. No need to worry about looking silly.ACE: If this is a top secret naval camp, then I'm Lord Nelson.DOCTOR: Oh, whine, whine, whine, whine.ACE: Professor, top secret naval camps usually have men with guns all over the place. You don't just stroll in. (The Doctor stops while Ace walks on.) [Lookout post] (Sergeant Leigh observes the newcomers from behind a pile of sandbags covered with camouflage netting. He radios his report.) LEIGH: House guests leaving the conservatory, entering the library. [Command room] (Captain Bates receives the report.) LEIGH [OC]: They'll reach the drawing room in about sixty seconds. [Maidens Point] (Meanwhile, the Russians pull their inflatable up onto what passes for a beach in these parts.) SORIN: (in Russian) Set up camp over there. Move it. Take the boat up. (Sorin taps a nervous young soldier on the shoulder.) PETROSSIAN: What's happened to our comrades?SORIN: Nothing, nothing. Go on, move on. [Navy camp] ACE: I've had more trouble getting into Greenford disco without a ticket.DOCTOR: You can always go back.ACE: I'd rather go rock climbing.DOCTOR: Not in those clothes. [Lookout post] LEIGH: House guests leaving the nursery. Wait! Something's wrong. One of them's a girl. [Command post] BATES: Say again, lookout?LEIGH [OC]: One of them's a girl. They're the wrong ones! (Bates turns to another transmitter.) BATES: Rat trap! Rat trap now! [Naval camp] (The guard are mobilised, and the Doctor and Ace find themselves surrounded by rifles.) LEIGH: Don't move! Hand's up!DOCTOR: About time too! Call yourselves Royal Marines? You're a disgrace. Those boots are filthy. What would happen if the Germans attacked now?PERKINS: Sorry, sir.ACE: In fact, how do you know we aren't Germans? Well, answer me.PERKINS: You don't look like Germans, ma'am.DOCTOR: I don't suppose you know where Doctor Judson's office is? Never mind. This way.ACE: Yes, sir. (The Doctor and Ace stride away through the troop of marines towards a single story building.) [Maidens Point] (Prozorov speaks to Sorin in Russian.) SORIN: Prozorov, everything in English. From now on, everything in English.PROZOROV: Quick, down on the beach.SORIN: Come on!PETROSSIAN: How long till nightfall?SORIN: Long enough. Come on! (A Russian soldier is pulled from the water, looking unnaturally white. His eyes are staring and there are scratches on his neck.) SORIN: Gayev, listen to me. Where are the sealed orders? You had them. Gayev, what's happened to them? Gayev! Let's take him to the camp. Move out! Move, move, move! [Judson's office] (Doctor Judson is sitting in a wheelchair and working at a logic problem on a blackboard when there is a knock on the door. The Doctor and Ace enter.) JUDSON: What in heaven's name! (Everyone say Hi! to Dinsdale Landen.) DOCTOR: You must be Doctor Judson. Excuse the interruption. I've travelled a long way to meet you.JUDSON: This is intolerable! (Judson's nurse intervenes.) CRANE: A little less excitement please, Doctor Judson. Remember your blood pressure. (Everyone say Hi! to the splendid northern lady Anne Reid.) DOCTOR: The Prisoner's Dilemma.CRANE: You can't just stroll inJUDSON: Oh, shut up, Crane. You're familiar with the Prisoner's Dilemma, then?DOCTOR: Based on a false premise, don't you think, like all zero sum games, but a neat algorithm nevertheless, Doctor Judson. Excuse me, do you have any official stationery and a typewriter I could use?JUDSON: On the desk.DOCTOR: Thank you.JUDSON: You're obviously also an expert in this field, but I'm afraid I don't recogniseDOCTOR: Ace.ACE: Hi, I'm Ace and this is the Professor.DOCTOR: Doctor.ACE: Sorry, Doctor. Oh, wow! Have you seen this, Professor? (The Doctor starts typing as Ace takes the puzzle from the top of a filing cabinet.) JUDSON: Put it down, child. It's not a toy.ACE: I know it's not. It's a flip-flop thingy. We used them at school.JUDSON: You understand it?ACE: Yeah, it's a logic game, isn't it? You drop marbles in the top, and depending on what colour each window is, the marble follows a different path. You've got a logic diagram for it on the blackboard.JUDSON: This is extraordinary! And you learnt about logic at school?ACE: Mmm, Miss Birkett taught us in computer studies. She was well good. Can I borrow this?DOCTOR: Two pens, please.JUDSON: Crane! (Nurse Crane hands the Doctor two pens.) DOCTOR: Ah, thank you. (The Doctor crosses his arms and signs two names at the bottom of his fresh War Office headed paper, which says Sir, this is to authorise the entry of the Doctor and his assistant Ace into the naval camp. The signatures are those of Winston Churchill PM and somebody Menzies.) DOCTOR: There we are. Come in. (There is a knock at the door. Bates enters.) BATES: I'm sorry to disturb you sir, but these two are unauthorised personnel.DOCTOR: Unauthorised? We are here by urgent request of the War Office. I think you'll find this is signed by the Prime Minister and the head of the Secret Service. (The Doctor hands Captain Bates his fresh forgery.) BATES: I must apologise, sir. We weren't informed of your arrival.DOCTOR: Need to know, Captain, need to know. Doctor Judson's work at trying to break the German codes is very important to the war effort.BATES: (to Ace) We thought you were something to do with those East End kids. Evacuees.ACE: I'm not from the East End, I'm fromJUDSON: Perhaps you'd like to see the Ultima machine?DOCTOR: The Ultima machine? Yes.JUDSON: Ah, Bates, go and fetch Commander Millington, will you?BATES: Sir.DOCTOR: Commander? Well, on second thoughts, it's been a tiring day. Perhaps tomorrow, Doctor Judson. If you'll just show us to our quarters, we'd be grateful. Thank you. [Maidens Point] SORIN: Now, as soon as it's dark, we check the base. Petrossian, you check the shoreline in case anything gets washed up.PETROSSIAN: Alone?SORIN: It only needs one.PETROSSIAN: Will you listen to me? There's evil here. Can't you feel it cold against your skin.SORIN: Stop it! More stupid Armenian superstitions. You're supposed to be a soldier.PETROSSIAN: So was he.SORIN: You follow orders. (Gayev is still alive, but shaking. Down on the shoreline, in the gloom, Petrossian finds the oilskin pouch and slits it open with his knife. Inside is a photograph of Doctor Judson and a map.) [Bunk room] ACE: Ace! Bunk beds! Bags I go on top.DOCTOR: Quiet, Ace. People are trying to sleep.ACE: Sorry. (Ace climbs onto a creaky bunk.) ACE: Is it all right if I go down to the cliffs tomorrow and do some rock climbing?DOCTOR: Go to sleep.ACE: Sorry. (The Doctor goes to the door.) ACE: Night. Where are you off to?DOCTOR: Night air. Go to sleep.(The Doctor leaves. Ace starts playing the logic game instead. Somewhere a baby cries.Down on the beach, Petrossian sees something approaching him. He drops his rifle and runs.) [Perimeter fence] (Young Perkins jumps when the Doctor comes up behind him.) PERKINS: Oh, it's you, sir. Thank goodness. I thoughtDOCTOR: Eyes. Eyes watching.(Sorin makes his way along the outside of the fence, noting the patrols.Down by the water, Petrossian gets trapped against the cliff by his pursuer. He screams.) [Outside St Jude's Church] (Played by the lovely St Lawrence church, Hawkhurst, Kent.It is after morning service, and the vicar of the parish is speaking to his parishioners as they leave the church. Everyone say Hi! to Nicholas Parsons, but preferably without repetition, hesitation or deviation.)WAINWRIGHT: Thank you so much. What a lovely day. Miss Hardaker. (The perennial hard-nosed spinster, who could easily play the Wicked Witch of the West without makeup.) HARDAKER: Your sermon, Mister Wainwright.WAINWRIGHT: Yes?HARDAKER: There's no doubt about it, Mister Wainwright, of course we'll win the war. Right is on our side.WAINWRIGHT: I don't think that right is on anyone's side in war, Miss Hardaker.HARDAKER: Your father would turn in his grave to hear such words. When he was vicar of this parish, there was respect for the Good Book.WAINWRIGHT: I think that faith is more than just words.HARDAKER: In plain language, doubt and indecision.WAINWRIGHT: Miss Hardaker (The Doctor and Ace rescue him.) DOCTOR: Pardon me. I wonder if you could help me. I'm looking for Doctor Judson.WAINWRIGHT: Oh, I think you'll find him still working in the crypt. If you'd like to follow me. Er, good day, Miss Hardaker. This way. (The Doctor and Reverend Wainwright to into the church. Ace speaks to a couple of young women.) ACE: Who's the old gargoyle? Friend of yours?JEAN: She's the old bag we've been billeted with.ACE: Come again?JEAN: We've been evacuated.PHYLLIS: We're from London.ACE: Oh, so am I.HARDAKER [OC]: Come along, girls. Time we were moving.ACE: Okay, see you later.PHYLLIS: Where?ACE: What about over there? (Ace spots a sign post saying a distance of two miles to -) PHYLLIS: Maidens Point. Oh, well, that rules me and Jean out for a start. See you.ACE: See you, girls. Bye. [Millington's office] (Commander Millington peruses a document whilst surrounded by Third Reich insignia and even a portrait of Hitler over the fireplace.) (Bates enters and realises he is interrupting.) BATES: I'm sorry, sir. (Bates leaves.) (Millington's concentration is broken. He gets up and goes to a chess board on a round table. The pieces are stylised Viking warriors like the Lewis chess set.) [Saint Jude's church] WAINWRIGHT: I can't see why he spends so much time studying old carvings. I keep telling him he's wasting his time.DOCTOR: Answering questions is never a waste of time.WAINWRIGHT: Surely that depends on the answers. When I was studying at Saint Andrew's (Ace joins them.) DOCTOR: Nietzsche saysACE: We're not going to be long, are we, Professor? Only I've arranged to meet Phyllis and Jean later.WAINWRIGHT: If you'll just follow me.DOCTOR: I was having a good conversation. [Church vestry] (Ace follows the Doctor and Reverend Wainwright in from the body of the church, and spots the church's treasures.) ACE: Hey, Vicar.WAINWRIGHT: Yes?ACE: You shouldn't leave all this silverware lying around. You're wide open. (She picks up a tall candlestick.) WAINWRIGHT: They're suspicious people in these parts. Too afraid of the old Viking curse to break in here.ACE: Curse?WAINWRIGHT: This church is built on old Viking graves. They say evil was once buried here. [Crypt] (Petrossian's body lies on the rocks, pale and with slashes on his neck.Meanwhile, below the main body of the church, Doctor Judson is making notes of some runes carved into the crypt wall. Nurse Crane holds a lantern for him.)WAINWRIGHT: Here we are, Doctor. This is the crypt.JUDSON: Ah, Doctor. What do you make of these, then, hmm?DOCTOR: Fascinating. Ace, look at this.ACE: They look like Viking carvings.DOCTOR: Viking rune stones. Ninth century, yes?JUDSON: Ah, you evidently know more than I do.DOCTOR: Well, it's the alphabet. The later Vikings used a sixteen character alphabet.JUDSON: Don't tell me. The Ultima machine can break the most sophisticated Nazi ciphers. Some ninth century scribbling shouldn't be much of a problem.ACE: Professor?DOCTOR: Hmm?ACE: What's that noise?DOCTOR: What noise?ACE: Like a machine.DOCTOR: Organ bellows. Come on, let's leave Doctor Judson to his puzzles.ACE: Yeah, okay. [Outside Saint Jude's church] ACE: Yeah, it was definitely some kind of machinery, Professor. Only don't bother listening to me, 'cause I'm only a mere mortal. (The Doctor points at a large, tilted gravestone with dates from 1809 to 1898.) DOCTOR: Look.ACE: Yeah, graves.DOCTOR: No, at the ground.ACE: There's a slight dip in it.DOCTOR: Subsidence. And since the grave was dug.ACE: How do you know that?DOCTOR: Well, either that, or they'd been at the communion wine when they'd put up the headstone. Joseph Sundvik. He must be one of the descendants of the original Viking settlers.ACE: Look at the last one. She only lived thirteen days, poor little thing. (Mary Ellen Millington) You don't suppose it was that Viking curse, do you?DOCTOR: Where did you say you were meeting your two friends?ACE: Somewhere called Maidens Point.DOCTOR: I think I'll go with you. [Miss Hardaker's cottage] HARDAKER: Maidens Point! Did you say Maidens Point?PHYLLIS: I only want to go for a walk. Maybe have a swim.HARDAKER: I know what girls who go to Maidens Point have in mind. You will never go near the place, neither of you.JEAN: All right. Keep your hair on.HARDAKER: You impudent child. Do you know why it's called Maidens Point? Because when you stand on those cliffs, you can hear the terrible lost cries of girls who went to that place with evil in their hearts. Girls who are damned forever. Yes, you mark my words. There's evil at Maidens Point. [Maidens Point] (The Doctor and Ace stand on the top of the cliff.) ACE: I like watching the sea. It makes me feel so small. Oh, you'd think people would take their rubbish home with them, wouldn't you?DOCTOR: What's that?ACE: People come here for picnics and then leave their rubbish behind.DOCTOR: It's not the kind of place people come for picnics. (They go part way down the slope to pick up the oilskin package and its contents.) DOCTOR: Not ordinary tourists. Not English, anyway.ACE: Germans? German spies?DOCTOR: Look at the lettering.ACE: Greek?DOCTOR: Russian.ACE: But the Russians were on our side during the war. We'd better warn them at the camp.DOCTOR: I think they already know.ACE: Where do you suppose the Russians are now?DOCTOR: More to the point, where have they come from? From the north, like Vikings. I think I'd better go back to the church.ACE: Church?DOCTOR: Well, if you find churches boring, you can stay here, but don't go into the water. [Decrypt room] (Cousin to Enigma, the calculating machine takes up the length of the room and a lot of the width. Commander Millington enters.) JUDSON: The North Atlantic U-boats have changed ciphers again. That's twice this month.MILLINGTON: Can we crack them?JUDSON: Hmm. It may take a few days longer. Oh, they're using six rotors now instead of five.MILLINGTON: Get inside the Nazi mind, Judson. Learn to think the way they think. It's the only way to understand their ciphers.JUDSON: The machine can do it, if you'd be so kind as to authorise it, sir. Thank you. Oh yes, the machine can do it. This is the first. In the future there'll be many more computing machines, thinking machines.MILLINGTON: Yes, but whose thoughts will they think? [Maidens Point] (Ace, Jean and Phyllis are using a rope to climb down the cliff. Phyllis is nervous.) JEAN: Come on, Phylly, don't be such a baby doll. You'll love it. It makes you feel all funny inside.PHYLLIS: All right, but get ready to catch me.JEAN: All right. Come on.ACE: Get a move on, we'll be here all day. Here, I'll catch you. Argh, not that quick!JEAN: You all right? (Phyllis gets to the bottom a bit quickly.) ACE: Want to do it again?PHYLLIS: No!JEAN: Oh, come on Philly, don't be such a baby doll. You should hear what they call her at school.PHYLLIS: Jean!JEAN: Doesn't your uncle mind you coming down here by yourself?ACE: Who? Oh, the Professor. No, he's all right really.PHYLLIS: That witch said we oughtn't to come here.PHYLLIS + JEAN: There's evil in the water!JEAN: Come on. Come swimming. Come for a swim.PHYLLIS: All right.ACE: Oi, wait for me! (They don't see the pale corpse of Petrossian lying amongst the rocks.) [Church vestry] (Reverend Wainwright is looking at an old book when the Doctor enters. He slams the door shut, making the Reverend jump and close the book.) WAINWRIGHT: I beg your pardon. I didn't hear you.DOCTOR: Possibly not.WAINWRIGHT: What can I do for you, Doctor?DOCTOR: I'd like to know the answer.WAINWRIGHT: I'm afraid I don't understand.DOCTOR: Afraid, yes, but of what? The Viking inscriptions? The curse?WAINWRIGHT: Doctor, there are some questions better left unanswered.DOCTOR: That may be so, but it's too late, isn't it? Someone's already translated the inscriptions.WAINWRIGHT: It's probably all nonsense. Some records that my grandfather made when he was vicar of Saint Jude's at the end of the last century. He translated the Viking inscriptions. I wish to heavens he never had. (Wainwright hands the book to the Doctor to read.) [Maidens Point] (Jean and Phyllis are in swimming costumes. Ace stays on shore fully dressed.) JEAN: Come on! Don't be such a baby doll.ACE: No, swimming's stupid.PHYLLIS: It's lovely and warm.ACE: Anyway, it's dangerous. Look. (Ace points to the large sign which reads Warning Dangerous Undercurrents.) JEAN: Oh, you're just a baby doll. (The girls swim off.) ACE: Stupid. [Church vestry] DOCTOR: (reads) We hope to return to the North Way, carrying home the oriental treasures from the Silk Lands in the east, but the dark curse follows our dragon ship. [Underwater] DOCTOR [OC]: Black fog turned day into night, and the fingers of death reached out from the waters to reclaim the treasure we have stolen. [Crypt] DOCTOR [OC]: I carve these stones in memory of Asmund, Grimvald, Torkal, Halfdan, brave Viking warriors slain by the curse. [Church vestry] DOCTOR: We sought haven in Northumbria, and took refuge at a place called Maidens' Bay, but the curse of the treasure has followed us to this place. Maidens Bay?WAINWRIGHT: That's Maidens Point.DOCTOR: But I've just left Ace there.ACE: Yep, but I'm here now, aren't I? What've you got there Professor?DOCTOR: It's a translation of the Viking inscriptions. Look. And there's something I've just noticed.ACE: What's that?DOCTOR: Look. We hope to return to the North Way, carrying home the oriental treasure. Now, listen to this. (The Doctor takes out Sorin's secret orders.) DOCTOR: Vozravschayetes ve Norwegious sakrovisichem.ACE: I only did French O level.DOCTOR: We return to Norway, the North Way, bearing the treasure. Now, let's see how Doctor Judson is getting along, shall we? [Maidens Point] (Jean and Phyllis have returned to a bit of sand and got dressed. Phyllis is drawing the stocking seam line down the back of Jean's leg.) PHYLLIS: Hold still, will you?JEAN: Make me look like Lana Turner.PHYLLIS: You mean Betty Grable.BOTH: Jane Russell! (Jean spots a piece of metal on the ground nearby.) JEAN: Here, look at that.PHYLLIS: What is it?JEAN: Ooo, it feels all funny and tingly. Here.PHYLLIS: Oh! It's like electric. (Phyllis drops it.) PHYLLIS: No, leave it. I don't like it.JEAN: It's just a piece of junk. Come on, we'd better get going before that old bag starts wailing. [Maidens Point] (Above them, Prozorov has his rifle aimed at Jean and Phyllis as they start walking towards his position.) PROZOROV: No closer, please.JEAN + PHYLLIS: Alice Faye! (They turn and move away from him.) [Judson's office] (Nurse Crane is knitting when the Doctor knocks and enters.) .DOCTOR: Doctor Judson? Something here that might interest you.JUDSON: What's that then?DOCTOR: A nineteenth century translation of the Viking inscriptions, courtesy of Mister Wainwright's grandfather.JUDSON: Really? (reads) Night is the time of the evil curse, and no man is safe alone. This is invaluable! The waters are most dangerous. [Maidens Point] JUDSON [OC]: The dark evil lies waiting in the sea. It has followed the treasure we stole. (Prozorov picks up the piece of metal.) JUDSON [OC]: We cannot see it, but we know it is there, beneath the surface, beyond seeing, but it is there. (Prozorov throws it into the water, where a clawed hand catches it.) JUDSON [OC]: And one by one, our crew is being killed. (A Russian soldier is tangled in seaweed by the dragon boat.) [Typing pool] (Notice - Persons entering this room are notified that Marine Sentries have Orders to examine all passes. A H Millington. The Doctor and Ace open the door and peer in to see a group of WRNS with headphones and typewriters.) ACE: I didn't know they had personal stereos in 1943.DOCTOR: They're listening to coded German radio messages.ACE: Oh.KATHLEEN: Are you looking for someone?DOCTOR: Ah, er, we're just being nosy.KATHLEEN: Well, we're the girls, and I'm Kathleen. (The Doctor and Ace enter.) DOCTOR: Kathleen.KATHLEEN: Hello.DOCTOR: Hello.ACE: Oh, look, Professor. A baby. (Ace slides a cot out from under Kathleen's desk.) ACE: Is it yours?KATHLEEN: Yes, and she's a she.ACE: She's lovely. Can I pick her up?DOCTOR: You've got to excuse her. She's from Perivale.KATHLEEN: That's all right. Of course you can.ACE: Thanks.KATHLEEN: Where's Perivale?ACE: You don't want to know. Oh, now what do I do?KATHLEEN: Just put your arm underneath her like that.ACE: Yeah.KATHLEEN: Get her head, and you're fine. You're fine. There we are.ACE: Oh, Professor, isn't she beautiful? Oh, look at her little finger nails. They're so perfect, and so tiny.DOCTOR: Yes. Every one a heart breaker.ACE: What's she called?KATHLEEN: Audrey. (Ace stiffens.) KATHLEEN: What's the matter? Don't you like it?ACE: I hate it. That's my mum's name. Here.KATHLEEN: Come here, darling. Audrey. (Kathleen takes back her daughter, and Millington enters. The Doctor and Ace hide behind the door.) MILLINGTON: Dudman, I gave you clear instructions the baby was not to remain on camp.KATHLEEN: Yes, sir.MILLINGTON: Well?KATHLEEN: Well, I thought she could stay with my cousin, sir, only their cottage is too small, and IMILLINGTON: Twenty four hours, Dudman, or I shall have you dismissed from service.KATHLEEN: Yes, sir.ACE: (sotto) Who'd you think you are, armpit?DOCTOR: (sotto) Not now, Ace. (The Doctor and Ace leave, unnoticed.) [Outside the building] (The Doctor and Ace watch Millington leave.) ACE: Why didn't you let me sort him out, Professor?DOCTOR: There are more effective ways. Look. (Ace keeps watch while the Doctor consults the Russian map.) DOCTOR: Come on.ACE: Where are we off to?DOCTOR: I thought we'd have a quick recce in his office. [Millington's office] DOCTOR: Extraordinary!ACE: What is this?DOCTOR: This is a perfect replica of the German naval cipher room in Berlin. Even down to the files. Oh, dreadful man.ACE: Commander Millington's a spy?DOCTOR: Oh no, no, no, no. He's just trying to think the way the Germans think. Keep one step ahead. But he's done it so perfectly. Let's see what else they've got here. Oh dear, look at that. Pictures of cities being bombed, innocent people. Wait a minute. That's not right. (There is a photograph of a cricket team on the wall.) DOCTOR: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.ACE: What is it?DOCTOR: The old school tie. It seems that Millington and Judson went to school together. That was before Judson had his accident. (Ace sees the chess set.) ACE: Why is everyone round here so interested in Vikings?DOCTOR: Yes, why? [Judson's office] MILLINGTON: A girl? From the War Office?JUDSON: She's a mathematical specialist. She understands the logic diagrams. And they found an old translation of those Viking inscriptions.MILLINGTON: Let me see. (reads) I warn of the day when the earth shall fall asunder, and all of heaven too. The Wolves of Fenric shall return for their treasure, and then shall the dark evil rule eternally. This is it. The final battle between the gods and the beasts. It's now, Judson. The Curse of Fenric. [Maidens Point] (The Doctor and Ace climb down to the beach.) ACE: I'm confused, Professor. I mean, what's it got to do with the Russian papers?DOCTOR: Well, whatever it is, it'll be down here somewhere, near where we found those papers.ACE: What are we looking for? I mean, is it big, or is (She sees Petrossian lying on the rocks.) ACE: Doctor.DOCTOR: What have you found? (They go to the body.) DOCTOR: Yes, not very pleasant. What's he holding? (It is a piece of metal like the one Prozorov had thrown into the water earlier. The Doctor takes it and suddenly they are surrounded by Russian soldiers.) Part Two [Maidens Point] PROZOROV: No! We don't want to attract attention. (Prozorov fixes his bayonet.) DOCTOR: Do you know what's happening here? Do you think we really killed him?PROZOROV: It doesn't matter. You know too much. You die.DOCTOR: We know more than you think. Vozravschayetes ve Norwegious sakrovischem.ACE: Return to Norway with the treasure.VERSHININ: Kill them, Prozorov.PROZOROV: No, we take them back to Captain Sorin. [Judson's office] JUDSON: (reads) I am the only one left alive now. I raise these stones to my wife Astrid. May she forgive my sins. The day grows dark, and I sense the evil curse rising from the sea. [Underwater] (A claw caresses the dragon head.) JUDSON [OC]: I know now what the Curse of Fenric seeks. The treasures from the Silk Lands in the east. [Crypt] (A red hot light burns new runes into a blank stone between the arches.) JUDSON [OC]: I've heard the treasures whisper in my dreams. I've heard the magic words that will release great powers. I shall bury the treasures for ever. Tonight, I shall die, and the words die with me. (The drowned soldier opens his eyes.) [Maidens Point] DOCTOR: If, if you attack the camp now, you'll walk straight into a trap. And if you stay here, you'll die just like your comrade.SORIN: And if I let you go, you betray us.DOCTOR: It's the only way. It's the only way to destroy the evil that's killing your men. (Gayev screams.) VERSHININ: His mind's in pieces.ACE: What's happened to him?DOCTOR: Whatever killed his comrade, he's seen it. (The Doctor puts his duffel coat over Gayev.) DOCTOR: What was it? What did you see? Tell us.VERSHININ: Come on, this is useless.SORIN: Vershinin.DOCTOR: Dig down, think back. Maidens Point, the undercurrents. What did you see? Shotividyo?VERSHININ: He'll never speak again. (Gayev gives the Doctor the piece of metal, then screams. The Doctor puts his hand on his forehead to silence him.) DOCTOR: Calm down. (The Doctor takes Petrossian's piece of metal from his pocket.) SORIN: We delay our attack until you both return.VERSHININ: Kapitan, this is madness.SORIN: We play for high stakes. Victory goes to those who take the greatest risk. Go. (The Doctor and Ace leave.) [Crypt] (Judson and Crane are by the new runes.) JUDSON: Why didn't he translate the final inscription? It's always the family idiot that takes the cloth.CRANE: I don't like it down here.JUDSON: Then go away.CRANE: Don't you feel the cold? It's like winter. It's most unsuitable for an invalid.JUDSON: Oh, shut up, Crane.CRANE: Oh, come on. Let's have you back in the warm. (Nurse Crane lifts Doctor Judson into his wheelchair.) JUDSON: You stupid woman.CRANE: Language, Doctor Judson. There's a lady present. [Maidens Point] (Jean and Phyllis pass a group of Home Guard on the shingle beach.) JEAN: Ooo, I love men in uniform!PHYLLIS: Don't they look strong? [Saint Jude's church] DOCTOR: Why do I feel there's something different about this place?ACE: Yeah, it doesn't even look like a church.DOCTOR: What do you mean?ACE: Well, from the outside, it looks more like a small fortress.DOCTOR: No, no, no, no, no! Different since we were last here.ACE: Oh. [Church vestry] DOCTOR: I think it's about time we had a proper look at those inscriptions. [Millington's office] MILLINGTON: Use the Ultima machine. Use the machine to translate the inscriptions.JUDSON: But what about the German ciphers?MILLINGTON: Use it! [Crypt] ACE: Can you hear noises from behind the walls?DOCTOR: Can't hear a thing.ACE: I definitely heard them.DOCTOR: Ace, come here. Look at that. What do you notice?ACE: This one's a slightly different alphabet to the rest.DOCTOR: Yes?ACE: And, we, it uses fewer characters.DOCTOR: And?ACE: And, that means it's older than all the rest.DOCTOR: And?ACE: And er, I don't know.DOCTOR: And it wasn't here this morning.ACE: Oh yeah. Hang about, these inscriptions are a thousand years old. (There are footsteps.) DOCTOR: Quick, hide! (Someone enters then disappears.) ACE: Where is he?DOCTOR: Those noises you heard this morning.ACE: A secret door? Yeah, well, I'm sure the noises came from over this side. (The Doctor starts tapping, looking for a hollow.) ACE: What happens if we do find something?DOCTOR: Shush. (Commander Millington comes out of the secret tunnel, armed.) ACE: Professor?DOCTOR: Ace.ACE: Professor?DOCTOR: Ace! (The Doctor turns, his nose an inch from the gun barrel.) MILLINGTON: I think this is what you're looking for, Doctor. [Saint Jude's church] (The Reverend speaks Saint Paul's first letter to the Corinthians chapter thirteen from memory to an empty church.) WAINWRIGHT: When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. When I became a man, I put away childish things. Now abideth faith, hope, love. These three. And the greatest of these is. And the greatest of these is. [Maidens Point] (The Russian soldiers are hiding from the Home Guard patrol which is coming towards them.) SORIN: No shooting. (The Russians throw pebbles to send the patrol towards the cliff, then jump them.) SORIN: Has anyone seen us?VERSHININ: It's as quiet as the grave.SORIN: Let's take them to the camp. Move it, move it. [Laboratory] (Commander Millington escorts the Doctor and Ace through a brick lined tunnel to a series of rooms, where two men in green overalls are working.) MILLINGTON: Leave the empty drums. Just take the valuable equipment.ACE: A laboratory. [Collection room] (A small pipe in the wall drips green liquid into a tank.) MILLINGTON: Behold, the end of the war.DOCTOR: So, this is what brought you here. A natural source of lethal poisons.ACE: The Curse of Fenric.MILLINGTON: Once the Nazis see what our planes are dropping on their citiesACE: But you can't!MILLINGTON: It'll mean the end of the war. Save hundreds of thousands of lives.DOCTOR: More horrible than the Well of Hvergelmir.MILLINGTON: What did you say?DOCTOR: The Well of Hvergelmir, deep beneath the ground where broods of serpents spew their venom over the roots of the Great Ash Tree.MILLINGTON: The Great Ash Tree. The soul of all the Earth.ACE: Professor?DOCTOR: Shush.MILLINGTON: We have seen it, Doctor. You and I. We have seen hell. Come, I'll show you it all.ACE: What's he on about?DOCTOR: Norse mythology. It seems that I've persuaded him that I'm on his side. (Ace takes a long look at the green death dripping into the tank before following Millington and the Doctor back through the underground rooms.) [Maidens Point] (The Russians are very happy with their glorious victory.) VERSHININ: You should have seen him. With his bare hands. When it comes to killing, the sarge is an expert. (Prozorov is the only one not laughing.) SORIN: Prozorov. These things have to be done. [Saint Jude's church] (Reverend Wainwright is sitting in a pew when Millington, the Doctor and Ace come out of the vestry.) ACE: Professor.DOCTOR: Hmm?ACE: What's wrong with the vicar?MILLINGTON: No girls. Leave her here.ACE: What? You're beginning to aggravate me.DOCTOR: Don't antagonise him, Ace. You'd better stay here.ACE: Professor.DOCTOR: Only for a short time. I've got to find out what is going on, and you can find out what's wrong with Mister Wainwright.ACE: All right.DOCTOR: Coming, Commander. (to Ace) Give me an hour. (The Doctor and Millington leave. Ace sits with Wainwright.) ACE: Funny church, this, isn't it?WAINWRIGHT: I was just remembering when I was a child. My father was the vicar here then. It seemed such a warm, friendly place in those days.ACE: Things always look different when you're a child.WAINWRIGHT: Now I stand in the church every Sunday, I see all the faces looking up at me, waiting for me to give them something to believe in.ACE: Don't you believe in anything?WAINWRIGHT: I used to believe there was good in the world, hope for the future.ACE: The future's not so bad. Have faith in me. [Decrypt room] JUDSON: Ah, Millington. I need the central rotor unit unlocking.DOCTOR: The Ultima machine.JUDSON: Of course, you haven't seen it, have you? A completely automatic computing machine, the most advanced in the world.DOCTOR: Remarkable for the nineteen forties.MILLINGTON: This is just the bait.DOCTOR: For the Germans?MILLINGTON: Russians.DOCTOR: But they're your allies.MILLINGTON: After the war, when they're no longer allies. This is what the Russians want. The mind of the Ultima machine.JUDSON: More than a thousand combinations an hour, with automatic negative checking.MILLINGTON: And we are going to let the Russians steal it. Orders from Whitehall. Look inside, Doctor. Look deep inside. (At the heart of the computer is a flask of green poison.) [Miss Hardaker's cottage] (Miss Hardaker has found the damp swimming costumes, and is berating her lodgers.) HARDAKER: You will burn in the everlasting fires of hell! You wicked, evil girls!PHYLLIS: Just because you've never been swimming.HARDAKER: You have black hearts! There's no love in heaven or earth for you. Nothing for you but pitiless damnation for the rest of your lives! Think on it. (Phyllis and Jean walk out.) [Munitions bunker] (There is a large number of bombs neatly stacked against the wall, and men in long lab coats working in the background. Millington goes to a containment chamber.) MILLINGTON: A demonstration, Doctor. (One man takes a cage of doves into the chamber while Millington uses the thick rubber gloves sealed to the front glass to pick up a vial of green liquid.) MILLINGTON: This small capsule contains just a few drops of diluted toxin.DOCTOR: No, don't! (Millington breaks the vial and gas begins to fill the chamber.) MILLINGTON: Just think what a bomb full could do to a city like Dresden or Moscow.DOCTOR: It's inhuman.MILLINGTON: It could mean the end of the war.DOCTOR: And Whitehall thinks that Moscow is careless enough to let you detonate one of those things inside the Kremlin?MILLINGTON: Oh, that's the beauty of it, Doctor. We won't detonate it. They'll do it themselves. They'll use the machine to decrypt our ciphers, but Doctor Judson has programmed it to self-destruct when it tries to decrypt a particular word. And, once the political climate is appropriate, we will include the word in one of our ciphers.DOCTOR: And the word is?MILLINGTON: What else could it be, Doctor? Love. [Tunnel] (Two marines are working underground when a humming noise pushes some bricks out of the wall.) SOLDIER 1: What was that? (The missing bricks reveal a three handled flask in the cavity. The soldier takes it out.) SOLDIER 1: Is this ours?SOLDIER 2: Is it marked government property?SOLDIER 1: No.SOLDIER 2: Nothing to do with us then. Leave it. (The soldier drops the old flask.) SOLDIER 2: Right, let's get this sealed up. [Maidens Point] (Prozorov is washing his face in the water when Phyllis and Jean run into the sea, still clothed.) JEAN: I don't care if I've got nothing to wear! (He leaves without them seeing him.) PHYLLIS: It's so warm and peaceful. (A mist begins to drift across the water.) JEAN: Here, Philly. What's that?PHYLLIS: What is it?JEAN: It's a sort of mist.PHYLLIS: So what? Who cares? It's warm in the water.JEAN: Yeah. (The mist thickens and the girls disappear from sight.) JEAN: Philly! (As quickly as it came, the mist disperses to reveal an empty cove.) [Millington's office] (Captain Bates enters.) MILLINGTON: Yes?BATES: I thought you'd like to know, sir. They've finished closing down operations over at the church.MILLINGTON: Good. Tell me, they didn't find anything unusual, did they?BATES: Not to my knowledge, sir.MILLINGTON: I can't take any more risks. I want all radio transmitters and outside telephone lines disabling.BATES: That may attract attention, sir.MILLINGTON: Do it.BATES: Sir!MILLINGTON: And if there are any chess sets in the camp, I want them burnt.BATES: Chess sets?MILLINGTON: Burnt!BATES: Sir! (Bates leaves. Millington returns to his sketch of a bottle on War Office stationry.) [Bunk room] PERKINS: Sorry, girls. Commander's orders. No more chess sets.DOCTOR: Don't you find the Commander's orders a little peculiar sometimes, soldier?PERKINS: Peculiar or not, orders is orders. Come on girls, let's have your chess set. (Kathleen has her baby in her cot on the bunk.) DOCTOR: Ah. What are you going to do with her?KATHLEEN: Oh, something will turn up. One of the girls has gone to ask her sister if Audrey can stay with her for a few days till I sort something out. Do you have any family yourself?DOCTOR: I don't know.KATHLEEN: Oh, I'm sorry. It's the war, isn't it? It must be terrible not knowing.DOCTOR: Yes. [Decrypt room] (Judson is writing the final set of runes on the machine when the Doctor enters.) DOCTOR: You haven't seen Ace at all? I'm getting a little worried.JUDSON: Quiet! Now, let's see what lies encrypted in these carvings, hmm? (The tickertape printer rattles.) JUDSON: (reads) Let the chains of Fenric shatter. Even with an alphabet more than a thousand years old, the Ultima machine can reveal it's meaning.DOCTOR: It can translate it, but who knows what it might mean?CRANE: But who cares? [Maidens Point] (Prozorov is on the beach, looking at Jean and Phyllis standing up to their waists in the water. Their hair is now loose, their skin deathly pale and their nails a good three inches long.) PHYLLIS: Look.JEAN: Yes, a man. (Prozorov approaches the waters edge.) JEAN: Are you looking at us? (Prozorov wades in.) JEAN: Yes, he's watching us.PHYLLIS: He's got to come into the water with us.JEAN: Yes, you've got to come into the water.PHYLLIS: It's warm.JEAN: Blood warm. Nobody's forcing him. Nobody ever forces you to come into the water.PHYLLIS: But everybody wants to. Deep down, everybody wants to come into the water.JEAN: Come on. Come play with us. (As he nears the girls, other creatures reach up and grab him. They drag him under, screaming.) [Judson's office] JUDSON: Oh yes, yes, I've known Millington since before my accident. (Ace enters.) ACE: Hiya.DOCTOR: Ah, good. Oh, I need to have a word with your two young friends.ACE: Jean and Phyllis?DOCTOR: Yes.ACE: They'll be with the old dragon.DOCTOR: Good. Back in a mo. I'm just going to requisition some transport.ACE: Bags I drive! (The Doctor leaves and Ace starts playing the logic game. The rattle annoys Judson.) JUDSON: Shut up. I said, shut up!ACE: I know what it is.JUDSON: I am trying to work.ACE: I know what the inscription means.JUDSON: Yes, yes. I already know. Let the chains of Fenric shatter. I already know that.ACE: No, no, no. It's a logic diagram.JUDSON: What?ACE: Look, this is a logic diagram for the flip-flop thingy, right? (Judson nods.) ACE: And this is a logic diagram for something else.JUDSON: But it's so complex.ACE: That's because it's not for a small thing like this. It's for a computer.JUDSON: Crane! Take me to the decrypt room!ACE: And the half-time score, Perivale six hundred million, rest of the universe nil. [Miss Hardaker's cottage] (Miss Hardaker carefully lowers the stylus onto a gramophone record, and smiles at the music. Then a curtain is pulled aside from a doorway and the smile quickly vanishes. It is the evil Jean and Phyllis.) HARDAKER: No! No! No, I beg you! No! No! Argh! (Prozorov floats face down in the sea at Maidens Point.) [Outside Miss Hardaker's cottage] DOCTOR: Hello? Anybody home? [Miss Hardaker's cottage] (The music has long since finished, and the stylus grinds round the middle of the record. The Doctor lifts it off.) ACE: Professor. (Miss Hardaker is lying back in her easy chair, eyes staring out of a white face, and with scratches on her neck.) DOCTOR: Looks like the one at Maidens Point. Completely drained of blood. [Outside Saint Jude's Church] (Reverend Wainwright stands amongst the gravestones holding a Bible, while Jean and Phyllis slowly creep up behind him.) WAINWRIGHT: I know who you are.PHYLLIS: You've always known us. (Wainwright turns around.) WAINWRIGHT: But vampires are just superstition. Why?JEAN: We have black hearts. We were lost on the day we were born.WAINWRIGHT: That's not true. No one is lost.PHYLLIS: Everyone is lost.WAINWRIGHT: No further. This is holy. It will destroy you.PHYLLIS: Objects can't harm us. It's human belief, and you stopped believing when the bombs started falling.WAINWRIGHT: I'm not frightened of German bombs.JEAN: Not German bombs, British.PHYLLIS: On German cities. British bombs killing German children.WAINWRIGHT: No. No! (The Doctor runs in between the girls and Wainwright.) DOCTOR: Stop!ACE: What's happened to you? What are you doing?PHYLLIS: You should have come into the water with us. Then we'd have been together.DOCTOR: Go! Go!JEAN: We go, but we'll return for you, Wainwright. [Decrypt room] MILLINGTON: This is it, Judson.CRANE: A little respect for the wheelchair, please, Commander. He's an invalid.JUDSON: I'm not an invalid, I'm a cripple. I'm also a genius, so shut up, the pair of you.MILLINGTON: All that remains is the flask. The machine can unlock its secrets.(Down in the tunnel, the discarded flask glows green.Judson pushes a cylinder back into the Ultima machine.)JUDSON: Now then, Millington. Let's see, shall we?MILLINGTON: Yes, quick! [Woodland] WAINWRIGHT: We must tell Commander Millington.DOCTOR: No, that's exactly what we won't do. He'll just go around shooting everything. No, as long as Doctor Judson doesn't work out what the inscription is, it'll keep them out of harms way. And he's a typical blinkered scientist.ACE: Oh no! You should have told me.DOCTOR: Quick! We'd better stop them! (They run. The flask glows brighter green and drowned people rise from the sea at Maidens Point, heading for the shore. Some are still human, others are completely transformed.) [Decrypt room] (The printer is rattling away. Sigvald, Hakon, Fridrek, Wulstan, Badric, Emma.) MILLINGTON: What does it mean?JUDSON: I don't know.MILLINGTON: You built the damn machine!JUDSON: It's running at four times maximum speed. I mean, it's impossible!(The creatures, wearing clothes from many different times, reach the shore.The Doctor, Ace and Wainwright burst in.)DOCTOR: Stop the machine!MILLINGTON: Get out of here!DOCTOR: You've got to stop the machine!JUDSON: I can't!DOCTOR: Ace, the power! (Ace grabs the breaker lever.) ACE: It's stuck! (Wainwright tries to help.) DOCTOR: Pull it! Pull it!ACE: I can't! (The Doctor joins in the effort.) MILLINGTON: You're too late, Doctor!Part Three [Decrypt room] (Bates enters.) MILLINGTON: Captain, no one is to touch the Ultima machine. It must complete it's task.BATES: Sir.DOCTOR: Just one problem. You've weakened the bases' defences precisely so some Russians could steal it.MILLINGTON: Captain, radio for reinforcements.BATES: Sir, you've just ordered that all radio transmitters be disabled. I've just set Perkins onto it now.MILLINGTON: What! [Command room] (Perkins is obeying his orders with an axe when Millington enters.) PERKINS: Sir. Radio transmitters disabled, as ordered, sir.DOCTOR: Splendid work, Perkins. Splendid work. Now put them back together again. [Naval camp] (The Doctor, Ace and Reverend Wainwright leave building 49. It is raining hard, and the Doctor's umbrella gets put to conventional use.) DOCTOR: We haven't got much time.ACE: But Jean and Phyllis?WAINWRIGHT: Dark legends. In the story of Dracula, this is where he came ashore.ACE: Vampires?DOCTOR: No, not vampires, haemovores. They are what Homo sapiens evolve into thousands of years in the future. Creatures with an insatiable hunger for blood.WAINWRIGHT: I don't understand. The future? How can you know?DOCTOR: I've seen it. How good are your parish records?WAINWRIGHT: Oh, they go back as far as the eighteenth century.DOCTOR: Good. Now for a little local history.WAINWRIGHT: Right. (Ace hesitates.) DOCTOR: What's the matter?ACE: I was just thinking. If these vampires, I mean haemovores, if they come here. Well, Kathleen and her little baby.DOCTOR: Look, once upon a time you'd have dropped everything just for a little bit of excitement.ACE: Yeah, but I just want to make sure they're all right.DOCTOR: Catch us up.ACE: Thanks. (Ace leaves.) WAINWRIGHT: Doctor.DOCTOR: Hmm?WAINWRIGHT: Those two girls. They said they'd come back for me.DOCTOR: Do you want to stay here?WAINWRIGHT: No. No, no I can't. Come, Doctor, the parish records. [Maidens Point] (Prozorov is lying on the beach, dead. Sorin closes his eyes and takes the identification papers from the man's tunic.) VERSHININ: I'm sorry, Kapitan. I know you and the sergeant had been friends a long time. Kapitan. Kapitan! (Haemovores are coming along the beach towards them.) VERSHININ: On your command.SORIN: Save your bullets. Everyone pulls back, and don't turn away from them or you're dead. Take him. Come on! Move, move! (The Russians carry Prozorov away.) [Bunk room] (Kathleen is packing her suitcase when Ace enters.) ACE: Hiya. How's the little horror?KATHLEEN: (sotto) Well, I've just fed her and put her down.ACE: Oh, I'm sorry. You should have told me. (The baby wakes.) Where will you go?KATHLEEN: Oh, I'll manage. Frank's got shore leave in a few weeks.ACE: Who's Frank? Your boyfriend?KATHLEEN: No, my husband.ACE: Oh, I didn't know you were married.KATHLEEN: I've got a baby.ACE: Yeah, I just thought thatKATHLEEN: Well, you can stop thinking it, all right?ACE: Oh, I, I didn't know.KATHLEEN: It's okay. It's okay.ACE: Where is he?KATHLEEN: He's in the Merchant Navy, Atlantic convoys.ACE: I used to think I'll never get married, but now I'm not so sure. There's a lot of things I'm not sure about now.KATHLEEN: It's the war, Ace.ACE: Yeah. Look, take care, won't you?KATHLEEN: Thanks, you too.ACE: No, I mean really take care. [Millington's office] JUDSON: We're wasting our time on some superstition.MILLINGTON: The Viking legends will come true. The treasure will be brought to us, and with it all the dark powers of Fenric shall be ours.JUDSON: Oh yes, I know. Let the chains of Fenric shatter. Well, what about my chains?MILLINGTON: That was over twenty years ago. Why must you remind me? I offer you everything. [Maidens Point] (The Russians watch from the top of the cliff as Jean and Phyllis lead the haemovores along the beach.) VERSHININ: Kapitan, what are they?SORIN: Six months ago, a small sabotage team was sent into German occupied Romania. Only one survived. He talked about dead men coming out of a black fog. The official report said he'd been listening to too much local gossip about vampires.VERSHININ: But vampires don't exist.SORIN: Of course not. (Sorin starts sharpening a wooden stake.) [Church vestry] (The Doctor and Reverend Wainwright are looking through a pre-1837 Church Register when Ace enters.) ACE: Why does your bell tower look like a fortress? Like the people who built it were expecting trouble.WAINWRIGHT: I don't think there's a record of any battles taking place here.DOCTOR: Today's events haven't been written down yet. Now, you're looking for the descendants of the early Viking settlers about two hundred years ago. Ace, you help me. [Underground rooms] ACE: So what exactly are we looking for?DOCTOR: The Viking inscriptions said they were carrying treasures from the Orient.ACE: You might give me something to go on. I mean, a few hints might be useful.DOCTOR: Well, just look for something evil. (The Doctor tips up a box then drops it on his foot. Ace finds the flask next door.) WAINWRIGHT [OC]: Doctor! Doctor! (Ace puts the flask in her rucksack then follows the Doctor to find out what Wainwright wants.) [Church vestry] WAINWRIGHT: Doctor, I've found it. Exactly as you said.ACE: What you got, vicar?WAINWRIGHT: There's your Vikings, or descendants of them at any rate. (reads) Joseph Sundvik, Florence Sundvik, wife. Daughters Sarah, Martha, Jane, Clara, Annie.DOCTOR: The curse of Fenric, passed down through the generations. (The mist swirls around the Sundvik family tombstone, and the transformed Joseph and Florence rise up from their grave.) DOCTOR: Find out which daughters married, and what their new surnames are.ACE: Professor, what's this water doing here?WAINWRIGHT: Oh, it's the roof. It leaks. It always seeps in like that when it's raining and there's an east wind.DOCTOR: The problem is, it's not raining. There's a west wind. (Clawed hands reach around the wooden door. The Doctor and Ace push it shut but more try to come in from the outside door. Wainwright tries to keep them out, then a haemovore smashes the small window that looks into the church and grabs Ace. The Doctor pulls her free as the creatures start to smash down the door and grab her again. She gets free and grabs a pair candlesticks.) ACE: Vicar! (Ace hands one to Wainwright, who uses it to hit the grasping hands, and uses the second on some haemovores before she loses it and runs up the steps to the bell tower.) [Outside Saint Jude's church] (More haemovores are clawing at the main church door, and still more coming along the church path. Ace gets her metal ladder out of her rucksack and rolls it out over the side of the tower then climbs down only to fall into the clutches of more haemovores on the roof of the vestry. Sorin and his two troops arrive and see her fighting.) SORIN: Follow me! [Vestry roof] (One haemovore pins Ace's arms while the second prepares to slash her. Sorin climbs up and over the battlement.) SORIN: Takes two against one, does it? How about a little Cossack blood, eh? (The haemovores push Ace behind them and face the fresh meat.) SORIN: Fire! (Several bullets finally knock the haemovores down.) SORIN: Up the ladder, quick! (The haemovores get up, and the impact of more bullets knocks them down again. Ace climbs the ladder.) SORIN: Go, quick! [Church vestry] DOCTOR: Hold them! Hold them!WAINWRIGHT: I don't know that I can!DOCTOR: You've got to have faith! Have faith. Faith. Faith. (The Doctor steps back into the middle of the room and concentrates. The haemovores enter from the church, then clutch their heads and scream. They all leave. Ace comes back down the bell tower steps. There is the sound of gunshots and then thuds on the roof.) [Vestry roof] (Sorin and his men have stuck wooden stakes through the hearts of their attackers, who have promptly melted like good little vampires.) SORIN: We won't have any more trouble from those two. Quick, up the ladder. [Church vestry] (Sorin and his men make their way between the bells with Ace's rucksack, and join them. The Doctor finally relaxes.) DOCTOR: Ah. Any more up there?SORIN: Only those creatures.DOCTOR: Quick, you and your men, down to the crypt.SORIN: Down.DOCTOR: Get the record books.WAINWRIGHT: Right.DOCTOR: Hurry up!WAINWRIGHT: Yes! [Crypt] DOCTOR: Jam the door.ACE: Professor, that noise you were making. Like singing, only it wasn't.DOCTOR: Ah, just a little something to frighten off haemovores.ACE: I thought vampires were scared of crucifixes.DOCTOR: No, no, it's not the crucifix that frightens them, it's the faith of the person carrying it. It creates a psychic barrier, just like I did.SORIN: Door's secure.WAINWRIGHT: We're trapped.DOCTOR: Ace?ACE: The mine shaft.DOCTOR: Correct. (The Doctor opens the secret doorway.)SORIN: Listen, I must go back to my men.WAINWRIGHT: You can't go back that way. Those creatures, they're, they're inhuman.SORIN: I must try. If I fail, I fail. These two will stay with you.ACE: Professor, show him how to make the singing.DOCTOR: I can't. Either he believes absolutely, or he doesn't.SORIN: I believe in the Revolution.DOCTOR: Complete faith? No doubts?SORIN: Go. If we meet again, you will have your answer. Go. (The Doctor, Wainwright and the soldiers leave. Ace touches Sorin's arm. He takes off his white silk scarf and ties it loosely around her neck.) SORIN: Be careful. [Underground rooms] DOCTOR: I hope we're not too late. (The Doctor discovers the two soldier's handiwork.) DOCTOR: Oh no!WAINWRIGHT: What's happened?DOCTOR: You two, break that wall down. Quick, quick!ACE: If you want a job doing properly, get a girl to do it. Out of the way, boys.DOCTOR: Ace! Oh, don't antagonise her. It'll only make things worse. (Ace takes two cans of Nitro Nine and primes them.) ACE: Five seconds and you're yesterday's breakfast, sunbeam.DOCTOR: Take cover! (They all hide behind the wall in the next room. Boom!) ACE: Wicked.DOCTOR: Quick, get in the tunnel! (to Ace) I'll talk to you later. (Upstairs in the vestry, Sorin is confronted by Jean and Phyllis. He removes his red star and holds it. The girls and the other haemovores clutch at their heads and scream. He walks through them unharmed.) [Tunnel] ACE: How much further?DOCTOR: Three or four hundred metres.ACE: Oh, we'll never make it. (Ace takes the flask from her rucksack, but the Doctor doesn't look at it.) DOCTOR: What's the matter?ACE: Well, if I get the top off this, then I can make up some more nitro.DOCTOR: Another explosion might bring the roof down on top of our heads.ACE: Oh, just a small one?DOCTOR: No!WAINWRIGHT: If only we could slow them down for a few moments. (The soldiers cock their rifles.) DOCTOR: Two minutes, then follow us. (The soldiers go back up the tunnel. The Doctor finally notices the flask.) DOCTOR: Where did you find that?ACE: It was just lying around.DOCTOR: That's the Oriental treasure we've been looking for.ACE: Oh.(Now safely outside the church, Sorin breathes again when the haemovores walk away from him.Jean and Phyllis lead their group into the tunnel.) [Maidens Point] (Sorin joins Vershinin and the rest of his men overlooking the cove.) VERSHININ: What's happening? The air, it's so still and so warm.SORIN: There is a storm coming on. [Tunnel] MILLINGTON [OC]: Come on! You're almost here. (Ace takes back the flask. Behind them comes the sound of rapid gunfire.) [Naval camp] (Ace, the Doctor and Wainwright run out of a pair of metal doors.) MILLINGTON: Right, seal it.DOCTOR: But there are two people following us.MILLINGTON: You're here, that's all I'm interested in. And I'll have those. (Millington takes the church registers while the Doctor tussles with the marines and the Russians hammer on the closed doors.) DOCTOR: Open those doors!MILLINGTON: Many years ago, when I was Chief Petty Officer on board ship, we had an explosion in an engine room.DOCTOR: But the Russians are our friends, our allies!MILLINGTON: I had to seal it off to save the ship, keep the flames restricted to one section.WAINWRIGHT: Please, Commander. Those two men won't stand a chance against those creatures. They're inhuman!ACE: So's he.MILLINGTON: We could hear men screaming behind the bulkheads for nearly an hour, and then the screaming stopped.WAINWRIGHT: But, but [Perimeter fence] (The Russians cut the barbed wire. Sorin swaps his tin lid for his uniform cap.) SORIN: Okay. You stay here. If I'm not back in ten minutes, abort the mission. Take this. (Sorin hands Vershinin a backpack.) VERSHININ: Take cover. (Vershinin and the soldiers don't quite hide behind a small tree as Sorin goes through the gap in the fence.) SORIN: Commander Millington! Commander Millington, I want to talk with you, officer to officer! [Decrypt room] MILLINGTON: Here we are, Judson. I said it would be brought to us. Release the power. (Judson takes the flask.) BATES: Sir, the house guests have arrived.MILLINGTON: What?BATES: The house guests. There's one outside. He wants to talk to you.MILLINGTON: Talk? [Naval camp] SORIN: We must talk, Commander Millington.MILLINGTON: I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. You seem to know my name, but I don't know yours. (A lot of weapons are aimed at Sorin from a distance.) MILLINGTON: However, that hardly seems to matter at the moment. You will tell your men to put down their weapons and surrender.SORIN: I come alone. Very well. (shouts) Lay down your weapons and come in peacefully, like the wolves of winter. [Perimeter fence] VERSHININ: Move! Move back! Move it! Let's get out of here! [Naval camp] MILLINGTON: Lock him up. (Sorin is taken away. The Doctor arrives.) MILLINGTON: You'll be pleased to know, Doctor, everything is under control.DOCTOR: The Russians aren't your problem, those creatures are. They devour humans the way you eat fruit.MILLINGTON: I doubt if any creatures can walk through iron shutters. (The Doctor holds up the piece of metal from Maidens Point.) DOCTOR: They can weld metal beneath the sea with their bare hands. (The metal doors to the tunnel are starting to melt.) [Bunk room] (Kathleen is sitting silently on a bed, holding a letter.) ACE: You all right? What is it? What's wrong? Tell me. What's the matter? I'll do anything. (Kathleen gives the letter to Ace.) ACE: What's this? (reads) It is with deepest sorrow that I write to inform you that the ship on which your husband, Frank William Dudman, was serving, was struck by enemy torpedoes. Your husband was trapped in the fire and has been listed as missing, presumed dead. Please accept our sincere condolences. I'm sorry. (The two women weep in each others arms as the Ultima machine prints out more names. Estrid, Sigvald, Hakon, Fridrek, Wulfstan.) [Naval camp] (Ace confronts the Doctor in the open.) ACE: You know what's going on, don't you?DOCTOR: Yes.ACE: You always know. You just can't be bothered to tell anyone. It's like it's some kind of game, and only you know the rules. You knew all about that inscription being a computer programme, but you didn't tell me. You know all about that old bottle, and you're not telling me. Am I so stupid?DOCTOR: No, that's not it.ACE: Why then? I want to know.DOCTOR: Evil. Evil since the dawn of time.ACE: What do you mean?DOCTOR: Will you stop asking me these questions?ACE: Tell me!DOCTOR: The dawn of time. The beginning of all beginnings. Two forces only, good and evil. Then chaos. Time is born, matter, space. The universe cries out like a newborn. The forces shatter as the universe explodes outwards. Only echoes remain, and yet somehow, somehow the evil force survives. An intelligence. Pure evil!ACE: That's Fenric?DOCTOR: No, that's just Millington's name for it. Evil has no name. Trapped inside a flask like a genie in a bottle.ACE: Can we stop it?DOCTOR: We need to get that flask.ACE: We can release Captain Sorin to help us. I can distract the guard.DOCTOR: How?ACE: Professor, I'm not a little girl. (Reverend Wainwright watches the metal doors to the tunnel melting.) [Guard room] LEIGH: Are you looking for someone?ACE: No. You. (Ace walks away and Sergeant Leigh follows her.) [Outside the guard room] ACE: There's a wind whipping up. I can feel it through my clothes. Is there a storm coming?LEIGH: I wasn't expecting one.ACE: The question is, is he making all the right moves or only going through the motions? (Ace leads Leigh away around the corner, and the Doctor runs across the open space unseen into the guard room. The keys to the cell are in a desk drawer. The Doctor frees Sorin and they leave.) LEIGH: What are you doing here?ACE: You have to move faster than that if you want to keep up with me. Faster than light.LEIGH: Faster than the second hand on a watch?ACE: Much faster. We're not even moving yet. Hardly cruising speed. Sometimes I move so fast, I don't exist any more.LEIGH: What can you see? [Underwater] ACE [OC]: Undercurrents, bringing things to the surface. [Outside the guard room] ACE: I can't stay.LEIGH: You promised.ACE: I can't. [Naval camp - tunnel exit] (Jean, Phyllis and the haemovores break out of the tunnel.) WAINWRIGHT: I'm here. (He holds out his Bible.) JEAN: The book won't do you any good. You don't believe.WAINWRIGHT: We'll see. (They take a step back and scream as Wainwright looks heavenwards and prays.) [Naval camp] (Ace joins the Doctor and Sorin.) DOCTOR: You all right?ACE: Yeah, nothing out of my depth.DOCTOR: Come on.ACE: How are we going to stop Fenric?DOCTOR: Evil needs a body. It hasn't found one yet.SORIN: Thank you. [Naval camp - tunnel exit] PHYLLIS: It's not true. You don't believe it.JEAN: Look at us. There's no good in us.WAINWRIGHT: No! I believe in good. (But the seed of doubt has been sown.) PHYLLIS: Look in yourself. There's no good in you.WAINWRIGHT: No! No! (The haemovores stop screaming and move forward.) WAINWRIGHT: No! No! No! (He disappears beneath their claws.) [Decrypt room] (The printer is still rattling. Now it is one word - Ingiga.) JUDSON: What's it doing?(A bolt of electricity sends Judson rolling back across the floor, screaming, then he falls out of the wheelchair. Lightning flashes outside and rain pours down as more haemovores come out of the tunnel past Wainwright's lifeless, bloodless corpse.The Doctor bursts in as Nurse Crane goes to help Doctor Judson.)DOCTOR: Don't touch him! Don't touch anything!CRANE: He's an invalid. He can't even stand without someone to support him.DOCTOR: He's dead.MILLINGTON: The time is now. The chains of Fenric are shattered. The gods have lost the final battle.ACE: We're too late. It's him!MILLINGTON: The dead men's ship has slipped its moorings, and the Great Ash itself trembles to its roots. Fenric! (Judson stands up behind the Doctor and opens his glowing green eyes.) JUDSON: We play the contest again, Time Lord.Part Four [Bunk room] (A frightened Kathleen is singing to her baby in the noisy storm.) KATHLEEN: When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. Down will come baby, cradle and all. [Decrypt room] JUDSON: You left me in the shadow dimensions, trapped for seventeen centuries. But now I've found a body again, and the preparations are complete. (Judson raises his arms. A window blows in and he vanishes. Bates and a marine enter.) MILLINGTON: Shoot them!BATES: What for?MILLINGTON: Because I order you to. For treason.BATES: Sir. (Captain Bates takes the Doctor's weapon, that is, his umbrella, from him.) [Tunnel] (Judson materialises underground in front of someone.) JUDSON: I was only expecting one. [Naval camp] (A firing squad forms up in the pouring rain in front of a wall. Sorin stands with the Doctor and Ace awaiting his fate.) DOCTOR: You don't have to kill her.BATES: Let's just get this over with. Ready!DOCTOR: She's only a child!BATES: Aim!SORIN: Killing us doesn't make any difference.ACE: Mum, I'm sorry! (Vershinin throws a grenade, and the marines scatter.) BATES: Take cover!DOCTOR: Hurry! Come on! (Under cover of more grenades and gunfire, the Doctor, Ace and Sorin make it to the Russian lines.) [Tunnel] (Judson has appeared in front of Jean and Phyllis.) JUDSON: I was hoping for something a little more, well, Aryan. However, let the Ancient One approach. Where is the Ancient One?JEAN: He waits.JUDSON: He waits? He waits? What for? Has he no sense of occasion? I want him here, now.PHYLLIS: As you command. (Two marines start shooting. The haemovores deal with them.) [Naval camp] (The Doctor and Ace are hiding from the rain and the bullets.) DOCTOR: What did you say over there?ACE: What?DOCTOR: Over there. You said something.ACE: Oh, nothing. Just, just something.DOCTOR: You mentioned your mum.ACE: Don't play games with me, Doctor.DOCTOR: We're all playing games. Fenric's games. We're playing his games and falling into his traps. [Millington's office] MILLINGTON: And the battlefield shall stretch a hundred leagues, and at the end of the day not one living thing shall be left alive. The ancient enemies shall seek each other out, and all shall die! (Millington drips rain water onto his chess set.) [Tunnel] (Jean and Phyllis stand over the freshly drained Marines.) JUDSON: How English. Everything stops for tea. Fetch me the ancient one. There is much to do. (Jean and Phyllis bow, and turn.) [Naval camp] DOCTOR: I must play the game to the end this time.ACE: What game?DOCTOR: A very simple game. A game of chess. [Naval camp] (The marines have settled in behind some sandbags.) BATES [OC]: Move it, move it.!DOCTOR: I need a chess set to play the game. I need pieces.ACE: If we can get into Commander Millington's office, we could nick his chess set.SORIN: Hey, we came here to steal Ultima machine. Chess set? No problem. Follow. [Naval camp] (The Doctor and Ace follow Sorin to the corner of the nearest building.) SORIN: We've got a clear path to the British positions. Go. (Meanwhile, on the other side of the fight.) MILLINGTON: Establish new positions. Secure the laboratory.BATES: Follow me! [Maidens Point] (Jean and Phyllis look out to sea and raise their arms.) PHYLLIS: You are summoned.JEAN + PHYLLIS: You must obey. (Lightning strikes the water, and a fully mutated haemovore rises and walks to shore.) [Munitions bunker] JUDSON: Ah, the sound of dying. When it comes to death, quantity is so much more satisfying than quality.MILLINGTON: The finalJUDSON: Don't interrupt me when I'm eulogising. Where is the Time Lord?MILLINGTON: Time Lord?JUDSON: The one you call Doctor.MILLINGTON: I had him shot.JUDSON: I can see you've never been handicapped by great intelligence. For seventeen centuries I was trapped in the shadow dimensions because of him. He pulled bones from the desert sands and carved them into chess pieces. He challenged me to solve his puzzle. I failed. Now I shall see him kneel before me before I let him die. [Millington's office] ACE: Here's the chess set.DOCTOR: No, no! Don't touch! (Too late. A wire has been pulled, and gas begins to pour from a hole hidden below the pile of Church records. The Doctor puts a waste paper basket over the hole to contain it.) ACE: Oh, thanks. I don't know why he used a chemical grenade. If I was him, I've have stuck a few sticks of explosives under the table. (They look under the table and sure enough - there are the sticks of dynamite and a dangling detonator pin. The Doctor grabs Ace's arm and they run out of building 48, throwing themselves over some sandbags just as the whole building goes KaBOOM!) [Tunnel] (The ancient one has obeyed the summons.) JUDSON: At last, another of the Wolves of Fenric decides to show up and play his role.HAEMOVORE: My world is dead.JUDSON: Hardly a great loss, if you're the best evolution could manage. This is the twentieth century. It doesn't become your world for a long time yet. First, you must kill all humans. [Naval camp] DOCTOR: Another of Fenric's traps.ACE: Well, at least I managed to grab the consolation prize.DOCTOR: Ha, ha, well done. The parish records. Great.ACE: What I can't understand is what's so special about them.DOCTOR: Names.ACE: Whose names?DOCTOR: Names of ancient families. Judson, Millington, Wainwright, Dudman.ACE: Dudman! Kathleen Dudman, she's got a chess set.DOCTOR: No, no, no. Millington destroyed them all.ACE: No, no. I saw it in her suitcase.DOCTOR: Come on! (The Wrens are hiding in the typing pool when the door opens. They scream.) [Naval camp] (Captain Bates puts a vial of green poison gas into a grenade.) BATES: Ready? Now!(He pulls the pin, goes to the corner of the building and throws it. The marines start up covering fire. The grenades land in the sandbagged area where two Russians are. They die quickly but noisily.A little later, the fighting has finished. Millington and Bates survey the dead.)BATES: Are they Russians?MILLINGTON: Russians, German, British. They're enemy. ( Sorin and Vershinin discover the last of their men, all dead.) SORIN: We are the last two.VERSHININ: This isn't war. This is massacre.SORIN: The Ultima machine has done this.VERSHININ: Destroy it. (They check their ammunition supply.) SORIN: Go that way. [Munitions bunker] (Bates has followed Millington, and is eavesdropping. The haemovore is there.) MILLINGTON: Your creatures are killing my men! What is it?JUDSON: We call him the Great Serpent.MILLINGTON: And the Great Serpent shall rise from the sea and spew venom over all the Earth.JUDSON: There's enough poison in here to contaminate the world forever. [Naval camp] (Bates runs up to the Doctor and Ace.) BATES: They're insane. They're trying to control the world with chemical weapons.DOCTOR: All part of Fenric's evil game, no doubt, like this weather.BATES: I know. (Sorin comes up behind Bates, who turns to him.)BATES: Let's join forces, fight the real enemy.SORIN: That's a really good idea.ACE: So we're all on the same side again?SORIN: You have the spirit of a fighter. And you wear our emblem. (Ace has a red star on her black jacket, which she is carrying.) ACE: Oh, it's not a real one. I bought it cheap in a market.SORIN: Have the real one, tovarich. (Sorin pins his own badge on her lapel, then takes her hand and gently kisses it.) DOCTOR: Come on! We've got to get Kathleen's chess set. [Typing pool] (The marines arrive to rescue the Wrens.) LEIGH: It's all right, girls. We'll take over now. (The Wrens turn around to show their pale faces and long nails. Once again, too late. Leigh is left to die as the other marines flee.) [Bunk room] KATHLEEN: Ace!DOCTOR: The chess set?ACE: In the suitcase. (The Doctor grabs the chess set and runs for the door.) KATHLEEN: Oh, don't leave me!ACE: I can't leave them. I'll stay here.DOCTOR: Well, don't leave the hut. [Command room] (Sorin sees the smashed radios then turns to discover Jean and Phyllis have been hiding behind the door.) JEAN: You don't have the emblem this time.SORIN: But I still have my faith. (He does, and leaves safely.) [Judson's office] (Nurse Crane has put on her coat and is about to leave when two haemovores enter.) CRANE: Oh no! Oh, please! Please! Please!JUDSON: Nurse Crane. You've looked after me all these years. Almost a mother, treating me like a child, humiliating me. I feel this is what Doctor Judson would have wished. (Possessed Judson gestures for the haemovores to do their work.) CRANE: Oh no! No, please! Argh! [Bunk room] ACE: We've got to do something about this room.KATHLEEN: All right. Let me just sort the baby out, okay?ACE: Let's use the furniture.KATHLEEN: Right, let's put that bunk up against the door.ACE: Okay. What about the wardrobe over the window?KATHLEEN: Good idea. Let's use that and the other bunks up against the window.ACE: Yeah. [Decrypt room] (Vershinin goes to the Ultima machine.) MILLINGTON: I'm afraid you've had a wasted journey. (Millington shoots Vershinin.) MILLINGTON: But then you were never really our allies, were you? Your people will always be the enemy.VERSHININ: See you in hell. (The Doctor sets up the chess set in the munitions bunker.) [Bunk room] (Fortifications complete, the two women and baby sit and wait.) ACE: I don't like dark buildings. There was one in Perivale, an old, empty house full of noises. Evil. Things I didn't understand. Undercurrents.KATHLEEN: What kind of a world is this to bring up a child in? (A haemovore breaks in a window.) ACE: Quick, the window! (Ace runs to the opposite window and starts to climb out.) KATHLEEN: Ace, take Audrey.ACE: Quick! [Munitions bunker] (The Doctor is placing the chess pieces for his puzzle.) DOCTOR: That's it. No, that's not right! It was so long ago. There. [Naval camp] ACE: In the jeep. Get in. Quick!KATHLEEN: Where shall I go? What shall I do?ACE: Go to London. My Nan'll look after you.KATHLEEN: Where?ACE: She lives in Streatham. Seventeen Old Terrace. Say it.KATHLEEN: Seventeen Old Terrace. Wait, Ace. I want you to have this. (Kathleen gives Ace a photograph of Audrey.) ACE: (to Audrey) I'll always love you. Now go! (Kathleen puts Audrey behind the drivers seat.)ACE: Seventeen Old Terrace.KATHLEEN: Seventeen Old Terrace. Seventeen Old Terrace.ACE: Now go! Go! (Kathleen drives the little covered jeep away. Jean and Phyllis walk up to Ace.) [Judson's office] JUDSON: The Time Lord has made his move. Take the poison. Carry it to the ocean. Release it into the waters.HAEMOVORE: And the other haemovores?JUDSON: Oh yes, they've been so useful. How could we have managed without them. You know how to kill them. (The haemovore concentrates. Outside, Jean and Phyllis scream and collapse, then crumble into dust before Ace's eyes.) [Munitions bunker] (Judson enters.) JUDSON: Where is the game, Time Lord?DOCTOR: You couldn't resist it, could you? The game of traps. The contest as before. One move. Find the winning move. Spring the trap on me, if you can. (The Doctor leaves Judson to pore over the chess board.) [Decrypt room] (Captain Bates has found Vershinin. Millington enters and he points his service revolver at his superior.) MILLINGTON: Are you going to use that gun? You know your problem, Captain Bates? You don't know who the enemy is. A traitor is someone who doesn't know who the enemy is. (Millington raises his own weapon, a shot rings out and he falls.) VERSHININ: But I do. [Tunnel] DOCTOR: I've been waiting.HAEMOVORE: You know me?DOCTOR: Thousands of years in the future, the Earth lies dying, the surface just a chemical slime. Half a million years of industrial progress.HAEMOVORE: I am the last. The last living creature on Earth. I watched my world dying with chemicals, and I could do nothing. My world is dead. [Munitions bunker] (Judson is concentrating on the chess set when Ace runs in. He doesn't look up.) JUDSON: Who is it? Is that you, Time Lord? Tell me the solution. The contest is, is too much for such a weak body.ACE: I don't know the solution.JUDSON: Tell me. Tell me the solution. (Ace runs out again.) [Tunnel] DOCTOR: You're very patient. Carried back thousands of years in a time storm, to ninth century Transylvania, and waiting till now.HAEMOVORE: Without the flask, I was trapped.DOCTOR: Oh yes, the flask. I trapped him like an evil genie.HAEMOVORE: Only he can return me to the future.DOCTOR: And so, like a faithful servant, you follow the flask.HAEMOVORE: A merchant bought it from Constantinople. I followed him through Europe. I followed the Viking pirates who stole it, and I followed it here.DOCTOR: Another of Fenric's games. He carries you back in a time storm to destroy the Earth's water with chemicals, to destroy your future. Think on it. Your Earth, your world, dying of a chemical slime. This act will be the beginning of your end. [Decrypt room] BATES: I owe you one.ACE: What's happened? Are you all right?BATES: We're all right now. We're fighting together now.VERSHININ: War, a game played by politicians. We were just pawns in the game, but the pawns are fighting together now. Eh, comrade?ACE: That's it. The solution. The winning move! [Munitions bunker] (Sorin enters, carrying a rifle.) JUDSON: Where have you been?SORIN: It's time to die, Fenric.JUDSON: You don't understand. You don't know why you were selected for this mission.SORIN: Because I speak English. My grandmother was English.JUDSON: Emily Wilson, granddaughter of Joseph Sundvik. You are touched by the Curse of Fenric. I selected you. You are one of the Wolves of Fenric. (Sorin takes aim.) [Decrypt room] BATES: Are you sure you can stand?VERSHININ: Workers of the world unite, comrade. (They clasp hands.) [Munitions bunker] (Sorin is studying the problem when Ace enters.) ACE: Fenric would never have guessed the solution, anyway.SORIN: Tell me, tovarich.ACE: A brilliant move. The black and white pawns don't fight each other, they join forces. (Sorin turns and reveals his glowing green eyes.) SORIN: Thank you, child. (The Doctor enters.) DOCTOR: Ace!SORIN: Black wins, Time Lord. (He knocks over the white king and laughs. Lightning blasts through the roof and sets the board alight.) ACE: What's happened?SORIN: The Wolves of Fenric, descendants of the Viking who first buried the flask, all pawns in my game. Doctor Judson, Commander Millington, the Ancient One, Captain Sorin, and now you. (The Ancient One is behind Ace.) ACE: Me? You can't! How?SORIN: The baby. In thirty years, the baby will be grown. She will have a daughter. That daughter will be you. You've just created your own future. (Sorin holds Audrey's photograph in front of Ace.) SORIN: The baby is your mother. The mother you hate. Kill them, slowly.ACE: You don't stand a chance. Tell him, Doctor. He's got it wrong.SORIN: The Time Lord has failed. The Wolves of Fenric have released me.ACE: The Doctor never fails. I've got faith in him. Complete faith.SORIN: Kill them.DOCTOR: It can't penetrate Ace's psychic force.SORIN: Time for the one final game, then. (Sorin picks up a poison vial and holds it near Ace's head.) SORIN: The choice is yours, Time Lord. I shall kill you anyway, but if you would like the girl to live, kneel before me.ACE: I believe in you, Professor.SORIN: Kneel, if you want the girl to live!DOCTOR: Kill her.SORIN: The Time Lord finally understands.DOCTOR: Do you think I didn't know? The chess set in Lady Peinforte's study? I knew.SORIN: Earlier than that, Time Lord. Before Cybermen, ever since Ice World, where you first met the girl.DOCTOR: I knew. I knew she carried the evil inside her. Do you think I'd have chosen a social misfit if I hadn't known? She couldn't even pass her chemistry exams at school, and yet she manages to create a time storm in her bedroom. I saw your hand in it from the very beginning.ACE: Doctor, no.DOCTOR: She's an emotional cripple. I wouldn't waste my time on her, unless I had to use her somehow.ACE: No! (Ace falls to her knees.) SORIN: Kill them. (The haemovore picks the payload of one of the bombs and walks towards Sorin, who backs away.) SORIN: Kill them, do you hear me? (It backs Sorin into the containment chamber.) SORIN: No! No. I command you! (The haemovore follows Sorin in and shuts the door behind them.) SORIN: No! No! No! No. (The Ancient One drops the payload, breaking the vials and filling the chamber with the deadly gas. They both die.) DOCTOR: Come on. It's over.ACE: Leave me alone!DOCTOR: We've got to get out of here! (The Doctor pulls Ace to her feet and pushes her outside.) ACE: Leave me alone! [Naval camp] (They slither and fall in the mud as there is an explosion in the bunker.) ACE: Couldn't even pass a chemistry exam.DOCTOR: I'd have done anything not to hurt you, but I had to save you from Fenric's evil curse. Your faith in me was holding the haemovore back.ACE: You said I was an emotional cripple, a social misfit.DOCTOR: I had to make you lose your belief in me.ACE: Full marks for teenage psychology.DOCTOR: It's not true, believe me. [Maidens Point] ACE: I don't love her! She's my mum, and I don't love her! What's wrong with me? Why can't I stop hating her?DOCTOR: You loved the baby.ACE: But I didn't know she was my mum!DOCTOR: Love and hate, frightening feelings, especially when they're trapped struggling beneath the surface. Don't be frightened of the water. (Ace pulls off her snood and dives in.) [Underwater] KATHLEEN [OC]: Audrey. It's all right, darling.ACE [OC]: I'll always love you. I'll always love you. I'll always love you.KATHLEEN [OC]: It's all right, darling. It's all right, darling.ACE [OC]: I'll always love you. [Maidens Point] (Ace splashes to the shore.) ACE: I'm not scared now. (They walk back up the shingle to the warning sign.) ACE: Dangerous undercurrents, Doctor?DOCTOR: Not any more. Niet. Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.