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(Originally written on TheTimeScales)

I remember hearing about this book and being like, “Oh s**t, it’s Doctor Who and cartoons crossing over?!?! Literally childhood dreams coming true!” So I bought it and started reading and damn… this is one excellent yet kinda depressing story.

Yeah despite the colorful and chirpy cover this story delves into existentialism for the characters, the Doctor getting shot by a Porky Pig parody, that same parody almost committing suicide, Fitz trying to get with a literal cartoon woman with zero anatomy… f**k I love the Wilderness Years man. And don’t worry, this book isn’t all 100% depressing, Evangelion type s**t there’s plenty of humor and fun moments to break up the seriousness. The Eighth Doctor is perfection in this book, beautifully characterized. Anji and Fitz are companions that I’m not all too familiar with since this the only EDA book I’ve read but they’re great characters and I love the sub plots that they go on, especially Fitz’s

I highly recommend this novel. Top tier Doctor Who content and one of my favorite books imo.


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