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loved everything about this bar the shopkeeper, too much overacting imo. the characters though were great, a lovely plot, felt very flatline coded.


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The Colour of Terror may get overshadowed by the brilliance that is Red Darkness, but not only is it kind of an important foundation for that story anyways, I found this audio to be pretty brilliant, too.

The big thing here for me is characters. We get a small cast running around dealing with everything red turning evil in a thrift shop and neighbouring cafe, and each one of them feel quite realized and brought to life by this stellar cast. I got a sense about what each was about, and what their strengths and weaknesses were. The monsters were pretty fun, even if they don't feel totally original outside of their colour gimmick, but I did find the corrupted shopkeeper a little over the top.

Still, I had a fun time and would absolutely recommend this one, even if it isn't quite at Red Darkness levels. It's still a great feature of this audio set. I think the Ninth Doctor does well with these sorts of monster stories. He really helped carry this thing and Eccleston brings that extra bit of prestige I think a story like this needs to not come across as silly.


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