Stories Television Doctor Who Season One Doctor Who Specials The Church on Ruby Road 24 images Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Once upon a time, late on Christmas Eve, a stranger came to the church on Ruby Road. She carried in her arms the most precious gift of all. A newborn child. A baby girl. Just before midnight, she left her daughter on the steps of the church. The child was taken in, and they named her Ruby, after the place where she was found. As for the mother, she was never seen again. No one ever knew her name, until that night a time traveller came to call. A traveller known as the Doctor. — Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Health and safety. Gin and tonic division. — Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Okay. Name - the Doctor. Occupation - not a doctor. Current status - just passing by. Employer - myself. Address - that blue box over there. Now, if you don't mind, I just got snowmanned, and I would like to go home. — Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite DAVINA: Bad luck. Ever since that day, it's never stopped. I've been hit, I've been thrown, I've been bumped. I fell off a boat on dry land. I've been in accidents, collisions. I've even been trampled by a moose! And I can't help thinking it all comes back to when I met you. — , The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: What the hell are you doing?! RUBY: I'm... just... There's... DOCTOR: But what did you do that for? Who sees a ladder and just pops on? A ladder in the sky and you thought, "Yeah, I'll give that a go, babes"? RUBY: They've got the baby! — The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Intelligent gloves. One each. Should work. Put it on. Cos I thought to myself, "What's the problem with hanging on?" It's all the friction and the weight and the burn, so I got rid of that. The glove's a kind of super-kinetic transfer of mass. Ah, that's better. The glove takes all my weight. All the weight is in the glove. So nothing burns. Nothing pulls. Nothing hurts. Ta-da! — Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: This is a brand new science for me, and I love it. The language of luck. Cos what is a coincidence but a form of accident? Two things bumping together unexpectedly. Like you and me. — Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Oh! Pssh! They are not time travellers. Excuse me. Time travellers are great. Like the best. Like, wow. This lot just bimble. — Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite RUBY: Wait, how did you do that? DOCTOR: I spent a long, hot summer with Harry Houdini. — The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite JANIS GOBLIN: We've got a baby, we can feast. We can dine three days at least. Baby blood and baby bones. Baby butter for the baby scones. — Goblins, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite GOBLIN: He can eat me. He makes me swoon. — Goblins, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite CHERRY: I've given up on that cuppa and opted for a life of abstinence. — Cherry Sunday, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite CHERRY: We three queens of the sky up here in the attic. — Cherry Sunday, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: You have got the biggest family in the world. RUBY: I have. What about you? DOCTOR: Er, I've got no one. — The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: It's not magic. It's a language. It's a different form of physics. RUBY: Yes. Like magic. — The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite CHERRY: Can't get a cup of tea round here for love nor money. — Cherry Sunday, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite RUBY: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Just er... What I mean is... they phoned. From the TV show. When you were out this morning. But they didn't find anything. Just... No mum. No dad. No brothers or sisters. No cousins. Just... just... nothing. — Ruby Sunday, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: I'm adopted. RUBY: Are you? DOCTOR: Yeah, yeah. I, er... I only found out recently. — The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Merry Christmas, Davina McCall. — Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite FLOOD: Busy man, sweetheart. You and your box of tricks. You look like you've lost a pound and found a sixpence. What's wrong? DOCTOR: Just wondering. Maybe I'm the bad luck. — The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: I'd better go. Merry Christmas. FLOOD: Who are you, anyway? DOCTOR: No one. Just passing by. FLOOD: Well, you take care. — The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite RUBY: He went back. He said he went back. What did he mean, he went back? When was Houdini? CARLA: What? RUBY: When was Houdini? Houdini was, like, 1900s, 1920? How could he...? And then he spoke about time travellers and then he... — The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite RUBY: Who are you? DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor. — The Church on Ruby Road Link to Quote Favourite FLOOD: Oh, Merry Christmas, Abdul. Stop making such a fuss. Never seen a TARDIS before? — Mrs Flood, The Church on Ruby Road