Stories Video Game The Mazes of Time The Christmas Trap 1 image Overview Characters How to Play Reviews Statistics Quotes Transcript Overview Released Friday, January 14, 2011 Written by Oli Smith Publisher BBC Worldwide Synopsis The Doctor and Amy Pond were here in the 1980s. They think that something is wrong. They see Autons invading during the 1980s. Will the Doctor and Amy stop them before they kill every last human on the planet? Play Played Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Eleventh Doctor Amy Pond Autons Show All Characters (3) How to play The Christmas Trap: Metacritic Link Reviews Add Review Edit Review Submit a Review Statistics More Ratings Needed! 3 ratings Member Statistics Played 10 Favourited 1 Reviewed 0 Saved 1 Skipped 7 Owned 0 Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote Transcript Needs checking (TARDIS arrives at a village) Amy: So this is where they get their Christmas card ideas from. I had no idea the past was so... festive.Doctor: It's not the past, it's the eighties. Look at the electric fairy lights.Amy: Alright Sherlock, why are we here?Doctor: A week ago the locals claim a star fell to Earth. So in the spirit of the season they erected a big plastic Christmas village around the crash site and started charging people to see it. The thing is none of the vistiors ever came back.Amy: Looks like they're closed for business. We need a key.Doctor: Baubles! If we collect these I can decorate the TARDIS.Amy: Sticking extra shiny things on the console doesn't count as decorating.Doctor: But at least they'll hide those annoying warning lights.Doctor: Spikes! Health and Safety would have a field day.Amy: There must be some way across, try pushing those blocks to bridge the gap. Amy: The fallen star! How romantic!Doctor: How deadly. It's a Nestene Sphere, a fragment of alien consciousness with the power to animate plastic.Amy: And we're in plastic central!Doctor: Let's get the Sphere and get out of here. See that portal on the floor? We need to drop the Sphere inside. Doctor: This doesn't look too heavy, I should be able to pick it up, but pushing might be easier.Amy: What are these portals Doctor?Doctor: They're links to other areas in the village- increasing the range of the Sphere's influence. When the Sphere passes through each one, it should close the portal and make the area safe once more. We can follow through the echoes it leaves behind. Amy: The door's unlocking!Doctor: It's a plastic door. The Sphere was trying to keep us trapped inside the room. Show Full Transcript Open in new window