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A perfect comedy is always underrated by fans. As a rule we like our top rated Doctor Who stories to be dark and brooding - which is odd when you consider the typical tone of the show. In the category of comedies, within the constraints of a short story, it is difficult to see how this story could be much better than it is.

It’s not just the fannish clash of two wildly different eras that makes this story sing, it’s how well observed the humour of Jackie Tyler’s character is. The stately characterisation of the third Doctor is not made to be over the top, to further emphasise the gulf between them, instead Jaqueline Rayner plays with a subtler and more interesting form of farce.

The entire story taking place within a story that most readers will know back to front is so cheeky - I couldn’t believe it! I will never forget that the third Doctor was there that day. Regardless, this story is better and more iconic than The Christmas Invasion.

Jo spending the entire story naively asking whether the master is behind proceedings is a treat, to then have the master (as always!) turn up is then as joyful as it is absurd.

A Christmas treat!


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This story is built on a hugely fun idea - stick the 3rd Doctor, Jo and Mike Yates into the events of The Christmas Invasion. Taking the idea of the Pilot Fish and the murderous Christmas tree from the early parts of the story and developing them into more of a threat (with the original story admittedly dispensing with them fairly early on to focus on the Sycorax) forms the core of this story with some added Jackie Tyler for good effect. It's huge fun, particularly at the beginning when Jackie thinks the Doctor has regenerated again, and this time it's happened to Rose (who she thinks Jo is) and Mickey (Mike). There's also fun to be had with Jo and Mike trying to understand 21st century technology.


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3rd and Jackie is a pairing that I didn’t know I needed and it gave me life


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