Stories Audio Drama The Sixth Doctor Adventures The Sixth Doctor Adventures Episode: 1 2 3 4 The Brink of Death 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 5 reviews 26 March 2025 · 270 words Review by Guardax Spoilers This review contains spoilers! And so, we've made it to the end of my mega Sixth Doctor listen. I can't believe it's all over. Really, this story is one out of four parts which involved the Valeyard's scheme taking place throughout the Sixth Doctor's life. Now we're here with Mel, who gets rather little to do unfortunately. The Valeyard suddenly replaces the Doctor who is sent to be deleted by the Matrix and is saved by Genesta, who is a pretty naive young Time Lord. I found it a bit surprising to spend so much time focusing on their relationship, and then it's never even confirmed if she was real or not. The Valeyard's plot is using their bacterium creatures to infect the TARDIS and from then the Matrix where he can replace every Time Lord throughout history. Really, only the Valeyard could be the villain for the Sixth Doctor's final story. The star of the show is Colin Baker who turns in a great performance. He is constantly put on his heels, frequently unsure of whether or not he's even going to get to survive. In the end, the Doctor dies in a moment of self-sacrifice where he redirects the TARDIS to be hit by deadly radiation to kill himself to regenerate/die and foil the Valeyard's plan. Baker gives a great performance as he summons all his courage, and has a touching final scene accented by a perfect cameo from Sylvester McCoy. All in all, it's a worthy final story for the Sixth Doctor that sends him out well while not contradicting what little we saw on tv. Long live Colin Baker! Guardax View profile Like Liked 0 10 March 2025 · 228 words Review by DanDunn This is one of the most feel good stories Big Finish have ever put out, by no means one of the best even for the Sixth Doctor, but just hearing Colin Baker deliver the final scene for his Doctor that he deserved just never fails to bring a smile to my face. The Valeyard being the perfect opponent for him to have his final battle with as the Valeyard carries out his master plan that he has spent most of the Sixth Doctor's life preparing. I was admittedly disappointed with how little Mel's role was in the story, she doesn't really get anything to do other than being duped by the Valeyard into thinking he's the Doctor. In fact the main scene she gets in this story involves her being uncharacteristically short tempered. I'd have liked this story a lot better if they'd found some way of having her contribute to the story, but then again this is Six's story, his last one and he gets a great pairing with a technician called Genesta which leads to a shocking twist. The regeneration scene for Six was perfectly done, it borrows a bit from the approach Modern Who often takes but it's nowhere near as self indulgent as Modern Who regenerations tend to be. It's a great ending to this set and I couldn't be happier for Colin Baker. DanDunn View profile Like Liked 0 31 January 2025 · 283 words Review by thedefinitearticle63 Spoilers This review contains spoilers! This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order. Previous Story: Stage Fright A beautiful end to Colin Baker's Sixth Doctor. He gets a proper regeneration story up there with stuff like Logopolis and The Caves of Androzani. It's also a brilliant culmination to The Last Adventure. Seeing the Valeyard's overarching plan come to fruition was nothing short of amazing. One of the very few times where an audio has completely and utterly grabbed my attention from start to finish. Colin Baker's performance here was magnificent. I'm really glad that he's got a chance to redeem Sixie fully both in this and his wider catalogue. Listening to this story after having done everything else of his really brings a sense of finality to it that I'm not sure you could get otherwise. Nick Briggs is not one to make bangers like this usually but he really has outdone himself. Full of twists and turns and drama - the scene where Genesta is revealed to have been the Valeyard all along was genuinely crushing, made even more tragic by the fact we don't know how long he's been her, if she'd ever even been real at all. I could talk forever about this, and Sixie as a whole but I think I'll stop myself here and say this was utterly brilliant and nearly everything I oculd have asked for and I'm excited to move on with my Doctor Who journey with the Seventh Doctor. Though I will say, Six is the first time I've ever truly felt sad to see regenerate. He is absolutely the Doctor, whether you like it or not. Next Story: Time and the Rani thedefinitearticle63 View profile Like Liked 0 8 January 2025 · 68 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers This review contains spoilers! Another brilliant premise to finish off this set. The Valeyard switches lives with The Doctor, even convincing Mel. The Doctor and a new companion fight for his life. Before he realises he must instead end it. Colin Baker finally gets the hero's death he deserved. A spine tingling performance. The Valeyard's reveal at the end and the terrible decision The Doctor is forced to make is great drama. 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 0 29 May 2024 · 25 words Review by Rock_Angel 3 Just finished @josh_snares brink of death animation and OMG this animation does not only the episode but Colin’s final moments justice highly recommend Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 3