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6 reviews

Nothing wrong with this story, but it's super short and pretty standard. It was free though, so can't complain much.


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The Body Electric fine enough Art, fine enough Story, it’s a free comic book day story, so of course it won’t be a Masterpiece or anything like that. For a short read, it is solid, but not very remarkable. I have read better FCBD Comics, really.


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More of a showcase for the comic art style of this series, and the tone you could expect from the main range of Titan comics. It’s a fairly interesting, gentle story and one that resolves itself pretty easily. Nothing that’s going to blow you away, but a pleasant read. And free!


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Read this a month or so back and not gone back to reread it now, but I remember thinking it as fine. The other free comic book day stories were fun in showing some of the downtime for the doctor and doing a story related to free comic book day, this is just a doctor who story but in 20 pages, it’s solid for what it is, but it’s limited by it too.


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Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!

A short, simple and forgettable FCBD story. Not much to say about it.



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This comic has a cool enough idea and is pretty fun for what it is, but it's nothing special. It's worth reading as it's free, but it's also nothing groundbreaking.


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