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2 reviews

An improvement over other Doctor Who Choose Your Own Adventure books, Baxendale's prose is engaging and full of atmosphere, with solid characterisation for the Twelfth Doctor, however the way choices follow on from one another is unfortunately very disjointed. Sometimes characters come and go with it being unclear what happened to them. An enjoyable release overall.


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What starts as a very impressive piece of storytelling, especially in the fractured, difficult to hold together genre of fiction that is a “choose your own adventure”, does eventually crack under the pressure.

The prose is strong and intriguing characters are introduced along the way, but you do not get to stay with any of those characters for a meaningful amount of time. The relationships built are transitory. On our play through, two of the three characters we met were very similar, both discarded without warning and not picked back up.

Having said that, there is no competition with which my favourite CYOA has been so far - it is this one. A high watermark and a awful lot of fun to read through with others.


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