Stories Television Doctor Who Season 26 Classic Who S26 Serial: 1 2 3 4 Survival 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Part One [Colwyn Avenue] (Welcome to Perivale, where a man is washing his car in the road whilst a black cat with piercing yellow eyes watches from atop a brick wall. His mother calls out from the terraced house.) MOTHER: Dave, your dinner's on the table!DAVE: All right, Mum! (The black cat hisses. A wind starts to blow. Dave turns around and looks up then begins to run down the avenue, still clutching the soapy sponge and looking over his shoulder, until he trips over his own feet.) MAN: No! (Flash! and the avenue is empty.) (His mother comes out of the house.) MOTHER: Dave? (The cat leaps off a car parked on the drive at the end of the avenue and runs away just as the TARDIS materialises on the corner with Bleasdale Avenue.) ACE: You had to pick a Sunday, didn't you? You bring me back to the boredom capitol of the universe, you pick the one day of the week you can't even get a decent television programme.DOCTOR: As I recall, Ace, we came here at your request.ACE: I just said I wondered what the old gang was up to, that's all. You didn't have to bring us here. You could have dropped me up in town. I could have phoned. I just wanted to see what my old mates were up to. You didn't have to have the guided tour. (The Doctor picks up the bucket that once contained soapy water and raises his hat to Dave's mother.) ACE: Come on, Professor.DOCTOR: So what's so terrible about Perivale?ACE: Nothing ever happens here. [Back garden] (There is a lot of mewing and shaking of plants. A prim middle-aged lady in horn-rimmed spectacles and Margaret Thatcher blue suit opens her window.) WOMAN: Wretched cats! Get out of my garden!! Go on, out! Out! Shoo! Shoo! (The black cat flees.) [Horsenden Hill] (A large open space overlooking the whole area. It used to be a hill fort.) ACE: How long since I was here?DOCTOR: You've been away as long as you think you have.ACE: I feel like I've been away forever.DOCTOR: Any particular reason for coming here?ACE: It's Sunday. Some of the gang always comes up here on a Sunday.DOCTOR: What for?ACE: Oh, I don't know. Light a fire, muck about, you know. (The Doctor yawns.) ACE: Well, I told you it was dull. You don't have to hang around here. I'll meet you back at the TARDIS if you want.DOCTOR: Oh, I'm sure I'll find something to interest me.ACE: Maybe they don't come up here anymore. There's no one around, is there? Nothing but tin cans and stray cats. (The Doctor sniffs a tin can, then examines a print in a muddy area.) DOCTOR: And horses.ACE: Horses? In Perivale? Don't be stupid. (A little way away, four boys are playing catch with a rugby ball. The black cat sits and watches from the hedge line.) [Tent] (A man with cat's eyes is also watching remotely.) MAN: Show me. (He also sees the game.) MAN: No. No sport for you here. [Horsenden Hill] (The Doctor is by the notice board when the boys run off home with their ball. Ace has been using the public telephone box.) ACE: No one home. Are you really fed up?DOCTOR: Mmm.ACE: Do you mind if I just try down to the youth club?DOCTOR: Mmm. [Youth club] (Played by EJY Martial Arts centre.) ACE: Where is everyone? Look at this. (Ace taps the notice board.) ACE: We used to have the coffee bar here. What's happened to the coffee bar? I mean, it always was a dump, but at least you could meet people. Where is everyone? (The Doctor opens the door to Gym) [Gym] (Lots of punch bags and floor mats, and boxing match posters around the wall. A moustachioed Army type is supervising a pair of lads wrestling.) DOCTOR: Ace? (One boy has the other in a painful arm lock.) BOY: Come on, lift his arm.PATERSON: Well, go on. Go on, lad. What are you waiting for? (Paterson has a Scottish accent.) STUART: I've beat him, Sarge!PATERSON: Oh, you think we're playing games, do you? Let's pretend, eh? Is that it? Is that what you're going to do to help some villain, some mugger? Help him up, dust him down, shake hands? Go on! (The other boy gets slammed to the mat.) PATERSON: That's better. That's it. You all right, son?WRESTLER 2: Yes, Sarge.PATERSON: You sure? On your feet, then. You okay?WRESTLER 2: Yeah.PATERSON: Right, you go get cleaned up. (to the Doctor) I'll be with you in a minute. Okay, lads, shake hands and we'll see you next week, okay? Bye now.PATERSON: What?STUART: I'd already beat him, Sarge!PATERSON: Oh, you think I'm too hard, do you? Pushing you too hard, am I? Have you ever heard of survival of the fittest, son, eh? Have you ever heard of that? Life's not a game, son. I mean, I'm teaching you the art of survival. I'm teaching you to fight back. What happens when life starts pushing you around, son, eh? What're you going to do then? (Paterson's jabbing finger finally provokes the lad into swinging a clenched fist at him. The Sergeant grabs his arm easily.) PATERSON: That's better. You all right now, eh? You all right?STUART: All right, Sarge.PATERSON: Good. Off you go, then. (All the boys leave.) DOCTOR: Survival of the fittest. Rather a glib generalisation, don't you think? Survival for what, Mister er?PATERSON: Sergeant Paterson. You show me a better way of surviving, and I'll give it a go.ACE: Where's everyone else?PATERSON: Who you looking for, luv? [Youth club] (The Doctor leaves the gym.) ACE [OC]: Everyone! Everyone used to hang around here on Sundays. This was the only place you could get out of the house and out of the weather.PATERSON [OC]: No, it's self-defence every Sunday afternoon now. (The Doctor stops by a poster for the musical Cats, and thinks.) [Gymnasium] PATERSON: I don't know what happened to the waste. Don't I know you from somewhere?ACE: I don't think so.PATERSON: Oh, that's right. The police let you off with a warning, didn't they? [Youth club] PATERSON [OC]: You were lucky.ACE [OC]: Listen, I'm just looking for my friends, okay?PATERSON [OC]: I don't think you'll have much luck, then. (The Doctor sees the black cat sitting outside the entrance. It hisses at him.) [Tent] MAN: Ah. [Youth club] PATERSON: I think you'll find most of your crowd have moved on.ACE: Moved on to where?PATERSON: Well, I think you'd have a better idea of that than me, luv, eh? Where've you been hiding yourself?ACE: Around.PATERSON: Your mum had you listed as a missing person. You don't give a toss, do you? I dunno. Four kids gone missing just this month. Vanished into thin air. It's the parents I feel sorry for. Doesn't cost much to phone, luv. Ten pence, that's all.ACE: Come on, Doctor. (Ace leaves.) PATERSON: I wouldn't be that age again if you paid me, would you?DOCTOR: I can't remember. It's too long ago. [Outside the Youth club] (The black cat disappears around the corner.) PATERSON: What a world to be young again in, eh? I reckon the only thing you can do is teach them to fight. That way, they'll fight or go under. Half of them go under anyway around here. Can't save 'em. Wasters. (Paterson unpadlocks his bicycle.) DOCTOR: Tell me Sergeant, do you have a problem with strays?PATERSON: Stray what?DOCTOR: Cats.PATERSON: I wouldn't know. It's hardly a priority around here.ACE: Come on, Doctor!PATERSON: Doctor, eh? You're not in the best of shape yourself though, are you? You want to build yourself up. You know, I give a class down here Monday nights for the older men.DOCTOR: I've got to see a man about a cat.PATERSON: Remember, keep fit and self-defence. One finger can be a deadly weapon! [Medway Parade] (The Gazette poster proclaims Local Woman Still Missing Police Abandon Hope. Ace and the Doctor walk down the row of shops.) ACE: Still looks the same. Dead. We were the only life there ever was around here. (They come to the Drayton Court pub.) ACE: I should have tried in here first, right? I wasn't thinking. Back in a sec. (Ace goes inside the pub. The Doctor enters the general store, which is under new management.) [20 Medway Parade] (Who turn out to be The Management. That popular comedy pairing Gareth Hale and Norman Pace are playing the shopkeeper and his assistant) HARVEY: (Norman, the round-faced one) Take this Sunday opening? Do you think I wanna do it?LEN: (Gareth, with the moustache) Do you think I wanna do it? Do you think I want to give up my one day of rest to come in here and stand behind a cash register?HARVEY: Standing behind a till all day can do your back in. I saw something about that on the news the other night.LEN: Yeah. Law of the jungle, though, right?HARVEY: Yeah. Survival of the fittest, mate.LEN: I mean, all these other shops are open, aren't they? Where'd you think we'd be if we didn't join in?HARVEY: Down the plughole. Down the plughole without a paddle, mate. Can I help you?DOCTOR: Yes. Which do you think they'd prefer?LEN: What?DOCTOR: Well, these brands. Which one do you think our feline friends will find particularly irresistible?HARVEY: Well, if you believe the advertisers, this is the one preferred by your cat connoisseur. (Harvey hands the Doctor two cans of Furry cat food.) LEN: And that one has a taste all cat owners, who really care, put in the dish. (Feline food.) HARVEY: Whereas these ones have the smell that drives a tabby cat wild.LEN: No, no, no. That's an aftershave ad.HARVEY: Is it?LEN: Or is it for cars?HARVEY: All I know is, my Tiger prefers cheese.DOCTOR: Cheese! Ah, yes. (The Doctor wanders off to the dairy section.) HARVEY: It's the law of the jungle now, mate, innit?LEN: Hmm. There are these two blokes, right? In a tent, in the jungle.HARVEY: You got another one for me, ain't you? Go on, then, go on.LEN: It's really dark, and they hear this terrible noise outside the tent. This terrible roaring noise. And one bloke turns to the other bloke and he says, do you hear that?HARVEY: What?LEN: I said, did you hear that?HARVEY: Oh, right, yeah.LEN: That was a lion. (The Doctor starts to pay attention to the anecdote.) LEN: And the other bloke, he doesn't say anything. He just starts putting on his running shoes. And the other bloke turns to him and says, what are you doing? You can't outrun a lion. The bloke turns to him and says, I don't have to outrun the lion.HARVEY: (feeble laugh) Don't get it.DOCTOR: He doesn't have to outrun the lion, only his friend. Then the lion catches up with his friend and eats him. The strong survive, the weak are killed. The law of the jungle.HARVEY: Oh yeah. Very clever.DOCTOR: Yes, very clever, if you don't mind losing your friend. But what happens when the next lion turns up? (The cat is watching the Doctor.) LEN: What next lion? (The black cat burst out from behind the shelf of cat food and runs out of the shop.) DOCTOR: I think you'd better get your running shoes on, gentlemen. [Outside Drayton Court pub] (The Doctor walks outside with an armful of cat food.) DOCTOR: Did you find your friends, then?ACE: No one even remembers them.DOCTOR: I'm sure I've forgotten something.LEN: Oi, haven't you forgotten something?DOCTOR: Yes.LEN: Money.DOCTOR: No, it wasn't that.ACE: I got lucky on the fruit machine. (Ace has a pile of coins on the table outside the pub.) DOCTOR: Lucky?ACE: Well, they're all fixed anyway, those machines. [Shop stock room] (Harvey is looking for his pet with a torch.) HARVEY: Tiger? Puss. Here, boy. Tiger? Puss. Here. (He finds something nasty on the floor.) HARVEY: Len!LEN: What is it?HARVEY: Something's eaten Tiger. [Medway Parade] (Further along, a miserable looking girl is shaking a Hunt Saboteur collecting tin outside the second hand shop.) ACE: Ange!ANGE: Oh, hi, Ace. I thought you were dead.ACE: What?ANGE: That's what they said. Either you were dead, or you'd gone to Birmingham. Who's he?ACE: Oh, a friend of mine.ANGE: Oh. So you back to see your family?ACE: No.ANGE: So what you doing here? You're well out of this dump.ACE: I just wanted to see my friends, catch up a bit.ANGE: Oh.ACE: So where is everyone?ANGE: Who?ACE: Jay? (The Doctor browses the old books on a trestle outside the shop.) ANGE: Dunno. Moved over west someplace. Think he's doing window cleaning, that's what I heard.ACE: Stevie?ANGE: Oh, he's gone.DOCTOR: Where are they all coming from?ACE: Flo?ANGE: Married Darth.ACE: Darth Vader, the brain-dead plumber? Flo?ANGE: Yeah. Makes you think, eh?ACE: What about Shreela?ANGE: Oh, she's gone.ACE: Midge?ANGE: He's gone, too.ACE: Gone? What do you mean, gone?ANGE: I don't know. Gone. Vanished.ACE: People don't just vanish.ANGE: You did.ACE: Yeah, well, that's different.ANGE: Is it?ACE: Yeah. So when did they go?ANGE: Dunno. Last month?ACE: What?ANGE: Well, Midge and Stevie went last month. Shreela went last week. They had to scrape her mum off the ceiling. Funny though, I always thought she got on well with her family.ACE: This doesn't make sense.ANGE: That's what I said. Know what I reckon?ACE: What?ANGE: UFOs. They whisk 'em off and do experiments on them like we do on animals. I wouldn't fancy cutting Stevie up to see what's inside, would you? Come on, give us ten pence, then.DOCTOR: Not a very efficient way to hunt, is it? All that noise and pantomime just to slaughter one little animal. No, if you're going to hunt, you stalk your prey. You observe it, so you can take it by surprise, and then you don't kill too many. Cover your tracks, so you don't leave a smell. Can you smell that?ANGE: Can't. Hay fever.ACE: What are you talking about, Professor? Is something going on here?DOCTOR: Not sure.ANGE: Is he?ACE: Professor!DOCTOR: When is a cat not a cat? When it builds its own cat flap. (He takes a can of Feline Food from his plastic carry bag.) DOCTOR: Bait, Ace. Bait.ACE: Hang on, Professor! [Tent] MAN: Show me. Show me. (Stuart is running down a street. He passes the black cat sitting on the wall.) MAN: Yes, he'll do very well. (A shadow falls across Stuart, and a wind blows. Scared of something taller than himself he tries to run, but falls, and then Flash! All is quiet again.) [Woodhouse Avenue] ACE: I can't believe he said that, you know. That T.A. twit. I reckon that was well out of order. Ten pence. I mean, even if I could've phoned, which I couldn't really, do you think anyone would've listened to me?DOCTOR: Tin opener.ACE: It was just that time. Just the whole crowd. We had a really good laugh. I can't believe they've all just disappeared. (The Doctor opens various packets of cat food, including Sheba, and puts them on the pavement.) ACE: Professor?DOCTOR: Tin opener. (Ace gets one from her jacket pocket and he opens the tin of Furry.) ACE: Professor?DOCTOR: Hmm?ACE: Are you listening to me?DOCTOR: Quiet, Ace, I'm concentrating. (Ace walks off as he spoons the contents onto the ground and then hides behind the nearest garden fence. First on the scene is a tabby.) DOCTOR: No, you're not the one I'm after. (The lady of the house knocks on the window.) WOMAN: (mouths) What are you doing?DOCTOR: Shush. Be quiet. Shoo. (The cat runs off.) [Playground] (Ace sits on a slowly moving roundabout with the black cat nearby. She goes over to it, picks it up and sits on one of the swings. The cat hisses and wriggles out of her arms. The wind blows on her back. Ace turns to see a Cheetah sitting on a rearing horse, but she doesn't run.) ACE: Wow. (The Cheetah snarls at her, and then she runs, using the playground slides and other equipment to keep it away from her.) [Woodhouse Avenue] (The Doctor's next customer is a dog.) DOCTOR: Go on, go away! Go on! Shoo! Dog, go away!ACE [OC]: Doctor!DOCTOR: Ace! (The Doctor runs out of the garden and down the avenue.) [Playground] (Ace is inside the climbing frame with the Cheetah circling her.) ACE: Doctor! (She makes her break and runs for her life. Flash! and Ace is at the top of a slope. She runs to the bottom and falls amongst bleached bones.) (The Doctor arrives to see the still-swinging swing.) DOCTOR: So, they've taken you away, taken you to their planet, but I'll find you. I'll bring you back. They're not going to stop me. Nothing's going to stop me. [Cheetah World] (A purple sky hangs over active volcanoes in the distance. Ace runs over to where a group of cats are around the body of Dave the car-washer then the feline horse rider appears on the ridge. The chase is on again.) [Woodhouse Avenue] (The black cat has taken the bait. The Doctor sneaks up and is about to grab it by the scruff of the neck when -) DOCTOR: Got you!PATERSON: Got you! Now, what do you think you're up to?DOCTOR: Sergeant! (Paterson has grabbed the Doctor's arm. The cat runs away.) PATERSON: I've had complaints.DOCTOR: What's it got to do with you?PATERSON: Neighbourhood watch.DOCTOR: I've no time for that. I've got to catch that cat!PATERSON: You're a public nuisance.DOCTOR: Will you leave me go?PATERSON: Now, look, don't be stupid. Don't get yourself into real trouble. (The Doctor pushes his finger against Paterson's forehead and the man drops like a stone.) DOCTOR: One finger can be a deadly weapon. [Cheetah World] (Ace is managing to keep ahead of the horse and rider, but finally she falls and the rider dismounts. Then the lad from the Youth Club shouts out.) STUART: Go away! Get away from here! Get away from here! (The Cheetah chases him instead, and quickly fells him. Ace picks up a rock but the Cheetah runs past her, knocking her down, and mounts its horse again. It puts Stuart over the pommel and leaves. A young Indian woman comes out from the forest edge.) SHREELA: Ace.ACE: Shreela!SHREELA: Ace, you shouldn't have run. They always go for you if you run. [Behind the back gardens] (The Doctor is crawling up on a group of dustbins and a bin bag on his hands and knees.) DOCTOR: Why don't you come out and we'll talk about this sensibly, hmm? (The black cat runs away. Paterson arrives at the end of the alley on his bicycle and spots the Doctor.) PATERSON: Hey, come back! Come back here! [Camp] (A small fire has been lit in a clearing. Two young men in leather jackets are lounging by it.) ACE: Midge!MIDGE: Hi, Ace. Long time.ACE: Is Stevie here, too?SHREELA: He was.MIDGE: Stevie? He's cat food, isn't he?SHREELA: Stop it.MIDGE: This is Derek. He's doing very well. He's been here three weeks. Only got flesh wounds.SHREELA: We'll have to move on soon. They hunt at night sometimes.MIDGE: They can see in the dark. You can't see them, just their eyes.ACE: Just as well I'm here. You need sorting out, you lot? [Street] (The Doctor climbs onto a wall to approach the black cat. He is nearly there when someone grabs his ankle.) PATERSON: Got you!DOCTOR: Get off! (The cat jumps off the wall and there is a Flash! The Doctor and Paterson fall too.) [Cheetah camp] DOCTOR: You stupid (They have landed next to a Cheetah person who is lying on the ground. There are other Cheetah people around, and tents nearby.) PATERSON: Where the hell are we?DOCTOR: Shut up, and we may survive. (The Doctor and Paterson back away carefully towards the tents. Cheetah people surround them.) DOCTOR: Shush, shush. (The Doctor pushes aside a tent flap to reveal a familiar bearded face.) MASTER: Why, Doctor. (The Master's brown eyes turn cat yellow.) MASTER: What an unexpected pleasure.Part Two [Cheetah World] (Ace is watching some black cats scavenging a carcase.) SHREELA: They don't bother us. They only eat us when we're dead. It's like they're watching us.ACE: Yeah.SHREELA: Come on, Ace. We're not safe in the open.ACE: You're telling me. [Cheetah camp] MASTER: Run, Doctor. Run.DOCTOR: Don't run! (The Master comes out of the tent and throws a shiny ball at Paterson's feet. The Cheetahs pounce on it and Paterson moves away quickly.) DOCTOR: No, Paterson! (The Cheetahs surround Paterson.) MASTER: I was relying on your intelligence, Doctor. It would be such an uncivilised death.DOCTOR: They're just playing with him.MASTER: They're essentially a fun-loving species. Now, Doctor, there are things I must discuss with you. [Forest track] ACE: Okay, so what do we do?MIDGE: Do? We die. Maybe today, maybe next week. We could hurry things up a bit, go and find one of those big pussy cats. That what you want to try?SHREELA: We tried to fight one once. It caught Stevie.MIDGE: She threw sticks at it.ACE: Oh yeah? And where were you, Midge?SHREELA: You can't hurt them.DEREK: They're invincible.ACE: Nothing's invincible.MIDGE: That's right, Ace, you tell us. You sort us out.SHREELA: Better get back to camp. We're not safe in the open air.ACE: Well, are we any safer back there? At least out here in the open you can see them coming.SHREELA: They usually don't bother us in there. They only hunt in the open, unless they're hungry, then they take us anywhere.ACE: Why do they only hunt in the open?MIDGE: What do you think this is, The Wonderful World of Wildlife? Who knows? Why do they always ride through here? Why do they always eat us up without ketchup?ACE: They always ride through here?MIDGE: So what?ACE: So let's get one.MIDGE: You what?ACE: Nothing's invincible. We've got to fight back! [Cheetah camp] DOCTOR: That was a useful trick before. (The Master takes more shiny balls from his pocket.) MASTER: Pretty, aren't they? They're a useful distraction.DOCTOR: Charming. (The Doctor grabs the balls, runs over to the Cheetahs and starts juggling.) DOCTOR: Come on, pussycats! Come on! (Then he throws them over his shoulders.) DOCTOR: Fetch! Come on, fetch! (But they don't leave Paterson alone.) MASTER: I'm afraid they're not so easily distracted. They're more interested in him. (The Doctor runs for a horse and mounts it. This gets the Cheetahs attention.) MASTER: Stay! Stay! Doctor, why don't we leave these animals to their meal?DOCTOR: Come on, Paterson! (Paterson jumps up behind the Doctor and they ride around the group of Cheetahs.) MASTER: No!DOCTOR: A bit of healthy exercise, Paterson! Do you a world of good!MASTER: Doctor, I'm warning you. I control these animals. They're mine to command. I control them! (The Doctor and Paterson ride away. The Cheetahs turn on the Master.) MASTER: Very well. I'll find some other food for you. [Forest track] (Ace and Shreela are setting up a wire between two trees at head height across the track.) ACE: Come on, Shreela!SHREELA: Shush. (A Cheetah rides up and sees the wire. It unsheathes its claws and cuts it, looks at Ace and rides on.) SHREELA: Plan B? [Cheetah World] PATERSON: It's just not like me, you know. You ask anyone, Sarge'll keep his head in a crisis. You ask any of the lads. I don't scare easily, Doctor, believe you me.DOCTOR: Hmm.PATERSON: I was on one of those survival courses, you know, SAS style of thing. I was the only one that ate the worm stew.DOCTOR: Very impressive.PATERSON: But this, this is just. Where the hell are we, anyway?DOCTOR: We're on the planet of the Cheetah People, intelligent carnivores. No one knows much about them. They don't survive long enough to find anything out.PATERSON: You're trying to tell me we're on another planet?DOCTOR: Yes. The trouble is, I've never heard of the Cheetah People hunting so far away from their feeding grounds before. And the kitlingPATERSON: The what? (A black cat is sunning itself.) DOCTOR: That. A kitling. A feline vulture. It's got the power of teleportation. It can jump from world to world hunting for carrion. (A volcano rumbles.) DOCTOR: I think we're going to be in big trouble, Sergeant.PATERSON: You're the one who's on another planet, aren't you. (Back in Medway Drive, the original environmentally friendly recyclable milk in glass bottles is being delivered. A black cat watches the milk man take the empties back to his milk float.) [Camp] MIDGE: He's going to get us all killed. He's going get us all killed! (Midge attacks Derek as a twig snaps.) DEREK: No! Get off me! (Ace pulls Midge off Derek.) ACE: Sit down and shut up!SHREELA: Listen! (Horses hooves. Ace lights a brand from the fire. The horse trips a wire close to the ground and two saplings spring upright. Ace rushes out with the burning brand to discover Paterson on the floor and the Doctor dangling by his ankles from the snare, holding his hat on.) DOCTOR: Ahem.ACE: What kept you?DOCTOR: How many times have I told you about playing with fire? [Tent] (The Master hand-feeds a Cheetah a sliver of meat. A kitling enters the camp.) MASTER: Where are you, Doctor? What's your plan? You mustn't die. [Cheetah World] (The Earthlings are making their way through the parched desolation. They lie down at the top of a ridge and look down on a group of Cheetahs.) PATERSON: Got to stick together, lads. That's the way. Stealth, that's what's needed here. Stealth and surprise. You follow me and I'll get us through this. I'm a hunting animal. I've got instinct for it.DOCTOR: Oh, do shut up. This planet's disintegrating. According to my calculations, the safest place at the moment is over there. (A volcano range beyond the Cheetah people.) DEREK: Yeah, but what about them?DOCTOR: We have to make our way through.PATERSON: This disintegration, you think we're going to blow up?DOCTOR: Well, it is an old planet, a bit frayed at the edges. We'll be safe over there. Safe from the Cheetahs, and the Master.ACE: Master? Who's he?DOCTOR: An evil genius. One of my oldest and deadliest of enemies.ACE: Do you know any nice people? You know, ordinary people, not power-crazed nutters trying to take over the galaxy?DOCTOR: I don't think he's trying to take over the galaxy this time.ACE: So what's all this in aid of?DOCTOR: He's got some mind-link. The cats, the kitlings.ACE: And they find things for the Cheetah People to eat.DOCTOR: Yeah. (Meanwhile, the Master has brought a kitling out from the camp.) MASTER: Hunt him. Seek him out. Find him for me. Hurry. Must keep control. I must keep control. [Cheetah World] (The Doctor leads the group slowly past the basking Cheetahs. One hisses at them and makes Derek jump.) DEREK: Oh!MIDGE: No sudden movements.DOCTOR: They won't bother you unless they're hungry.ACE: Well, these Cheetahs look hungry.DOCTOR: They're essentially a fun-loving species. (The Doctor picks up a human skull.) DOCTOR: Is it my imagination, or am I getting hot?ACE: Doctor, I think we'd better keep moving. (He puts the skull down.) DOCTOR: Yes. Quietly, gently. Just taking a nice little stroll. (They get past and to an area of large skeletons.) DOCTOR: You see? It's all a matter of keeping your head and allowing for the unexpected. (Flash! and the milkman appears on the ridge ahead.) DOCTOR: Oh no. (The milkman runs through them, screaming, straight into the Cheetahs. He is pounced on immediately. Ace picks up a stone.) DOCTOR: Don't move!ACE: What?DOCTOR: There's one thing more dangerous than being attacked by a Cheetah, and that is attacking a Cheetah. You do not know what it will do to you!ACE: But DoctorDOCTOR: Don't move!PATERSON: I'm not putting up with this. I'm not standing here and getting eaten alive!DOCTOR: Idiot!PATERSON: Come on, then! Come and fight! (Paterson and Midge start throwing rocks at a group of Cheetah people on the other ridge. One rides past Ace and she start to runs after it.) DOCTOR: Don't' move! (Two Cheetahs start playing with Derek.) DEREK: No! No!MIDGE: Come on!DOCTOR: Stay still! (A kitling watches it all from vantage point above the action.) DEREK: Help me! (The Master joins it.) DOCTOR: Don't run! Stay still!DEREK: Help me! No! (Ace shouts at the horse rider.) ACE: Get off! Get off! Come on, then! (She throws a rock which hits the Cheetah on the head. It falls off the horse.) ACE: Doctor! (Shreela grabs one of the Cheetah's playing with Derek from behind, pulling it down.) SHREELA: Get off! (Derek and Shreela run.) DOCTOR: I told you to stay still! (The Doctor trips up a Cheetah with his umbrella.) DOCTOR: Stay still! Don't run!PATERSON: Come on! (Paterson leads Midge, Shreela and Derek out of the area, with the rider following them.) DOCTOR: Ace? Ace? (Ace has run another way, and is by a lake. A Cheetah rides up to the other side on a black horse, and gets down. Ace ducks down as the Cheetah goes to the water, and collapses, its face in the water. She runs round and pulls it out. The Cheetah's eyes open.) [Ruins] (The remains of stone buildings.) DOCTOR: Ace. Oh, Ace. (A kitling meows.) MASTER: Good hunting, Doctor? (Two Cheetahs start fighting over which one of them will kill Midge.) MASTER: They're fighting again in the dead valley.DOCTOR: It's breaking up.MASTER: This planet's alive. The animals are part of the planet. When they fight each other, they trigger explosions. They hasten the planet's destruction.DOCTOR: How long before it blows up?MASTER: Not long. They've been fighting a long time.DOCTOR: Why did you bring me here?MASTER: I need your help. (A Cheetah likes Ace's shiny Soviet WW2 badge.) (The winning Cheetah has left, and Midge pulls a large sabre tooth from a skull then goes over to the loser. He kneels and stabs the tooth into it.) DOCTOR: You're trapped. You can't escape.MASTER: Just so. It seems the creatures of this world can't take us away from here, they can only bring us to this place.DOCTOR: Yes. They can only return home with their prey.MASTER: I never thought of it quite that way.DOCTOR: But now that we're both trapped, what good is it to you?MASTER: You'll find a way out, Doctor. You must.DOCTOR: Why should I help you?MASTER: It's not just death we're all facing. This place bewitches you. If we stay here, we'll be like the people who built these. They thought they could control the planet, the wilderness. They were the ones that bred the kitlings. Creatures with minds they could talk to, eyes they could see through the way I do. It only led to their corruption. We shall become like them. (The Master displays yellow eyes and large canine teeth.) MASTER: We shall become animals. (The kitling howls and the Master joins in.) [Cheetah World] (Derek collapses, exhausted.) PATERSON: You all right, lad, eh?DEREK: Yeah. (Midge appears, holding the tooth. It has blood on it.) [Lakeside] KARRA: I want water.ACE: What?KARRA: Want water. It will make me well very fast. (Ace scoops up some water in her hands. It glows. She brings it back to Karra, who laps it up.) DOCTOR: Ace?ACE: What is it? Should we leave it, Doctor?DOCTOR: They're extremely dangerous creatures. They could eat you. OrACE: Or what?DOCTOR: Worse.ACE: What's worse?DOCTOR: Let's just say they are dangerously attractive.ACE: I think it's the one that chased me, that killed that boy.DOCTOR: It could be useful to us.ACE: You mean it could help us get home?DOCTOR: They're hunting animals, Ace. We're their prey. They bring their prey home.ACE: So what?DOCTOR: We need an animal whose home is Earth.ACE: Better keep it alive, then.DOCTOR: Ace.ACE: What?DOCTOR: It could be very dangerous for you.ACE: Don't worry, Professor. I'm no one's bowl of cat food. (The Master watches from the trees.) MASTER: Whose home is Earth. [Cheetah World] PATERSON: Right, you just follow the Sarge and I'll get us all through this. There's nothing I don't know about survival. It's kill or be killed, right? Kill or be killed.MIDGE: Kill or be killed.PATERSON: Good lad. You'll come through. We'll come through, if you just follow the Sarge. Are you with me?MIDGE: Yes.PATERSON: Are you all with me?MIDGE: Yeah!PATERSON: Well, you'd better get with me, because if we're going to survive we can't carry shirkers and we can't carry deadwood!MIDGE: (to Derek) No deadwood. [Lakeside] (The Master is cutting strips of leather from a carcase as Ace throw stones into the lake. Karra begins to recover and growls at the Doctor.) ACE: Where are the others?DOCTOR: I don't know. We'll have to find them, and soon.ACE: It's weird, Doctor. I think I like this place. I like it. I feel like I belong here.DOCTOR: Connected.ACE: I'm a bit scared. It feels exciting.DOCTOR: What do you feel?ACE: Like I could run forever. I can smell things as clear as pictures.DOCTOR: Anything else?ACE: Well, I'm starving, Professor.DEREK [OC]: Help! (On the other side of the lake, Midge has attacked Derek. Paterson is trying to pull him off.) SHREELA: No!PATERSON: Don't be a fool!SHREELA: No! Get off him!PATERSON: Stop it!SHREELA: No!DEREK: Help!SHREELA: Leave him alone!PATERSON: Midge!DOCTOR: Midge!MIDGE: He's going to get us all killed less someone sorts him out.DOCTOR: Sorts him out?MIDGE: Yeah!DOCTOR: Where did you get this? (Midge is wearing a Cheetah People trophy necklace.) MIDGE: I killed it. I killed it.PATERSON: Now then, son, why don't you just give me the weapon, eh? (Midge walks away.) DOCTOR: Midge! It's not too late to go home.SHREELA: Home? (Midge's eyes turn yellow. He hisses, showing his large canine teeth, then runs.) DOCTOR: Come on. We'd better follow him. (The kitling watches Midge's route, and the Master sees it too through the telepathic connection. He tests the leather strap he has made.) DOCTOR: This way. (The Master gets to Midge first. He pulls the leather strap and Midge falls because his feet are caught in a noose hidden in the sand. The Master then loops the other end of the strap around Midge's throat. The Doctor, Shreela, Ace and Paterson run up.) MASTER: Go hunting. Go home.DOCTOR: Midge!MASTER: You see, Doctor, you did help me. You kept these others alive just long enough to serve my purposes.DOCTOR: Midge, wait.MASTER: Don't worry, one of these others will become a Cheetah animal before you. You can escape in your turn. Or are you too squeamish? Only the animals of this place can leave, Doctor, because they carry it with them.DOCTOR: Midge, listen to me.MASTER: He doesn't remember his name. (to Midge) Go home. (Midge turns and takes a step. Flash! and Midge and the Master have vanished.) SHREELA: So there is a way out.DOCTOR: A way out? Yes. We wait for one of us to change and then we use them, before they try to escape or kill us all.PATERSON: Well, there's no telling who'll be next, is there? Just get a grip and (to Derek) What are you looking at? It's him, isn't it? He's the one! You stay away from me!SHREELA: Look! (Karra has arrived on her horse.) ACE: Oh, yeah. She's better. Doctor, look! (When Ace turns back to the Doctor, her eyes are yellow.) Part Three [Lakeside] (Karra dismounts.) KARRA: Come hunting, sister.DOCTOR: Wait.KARRA: Come hunting.DOCTOR: No. (Ace runs off with Karra, laughing.) SHREELA: Ace! It's happened. It's happened to her. She's changing.DOCTOR: Yes.PATERSON: Who's next, eh? Who's next? If I had a gunDOCTOR: We'd be in even more trouble than we are already! Right, stay here. I'll follow her.PATERSON: Just a minute.DOCTOR: I can leave you in charge, can't I, Sergeant?PATERSON: Yeah, sure.SHREELA: But what if more Cheetahs come?DOCTOR: Stay still and try not to look like a hamburger. Don't look so glum. It could be worse. It could be Perivale. [Midge's flat] (There is a picture of a leopard and her cub on the wall. Midge is lying on the sofa, yowling. The Master looks at himself in the mirror opposite.) MASTER: I will be free of it. I will be free of it. (The yellow eyes and fangs vanish.) MASTER: Ah. You are all animal now. You're so weak, your will devoured. A stronger mind will hold onto itself longer, a will as strong as mine. How much longer? If I have to suffer this contamination, this humiliation, if I am to become an animal, then like an animal I will destroy you, Doctor. I will hunt you, trap you, and destroy you. [By a pond] (Karra is drinking.) ACE: I thought cats hated water.KARRA: I'm not a cat. I'm Karra. I'm your sister.ACE: No, you're not. Why do you keep calling me that?KARRA: You're like me.ACE: Yeah?KARRA: You will be.ACE: This is good. I like feeling like this. (Ace sees her yellow eyes reflected in the water.) ACE: Where's the Doctor? I've got to get back to the Doctor.KARRA: Are you hungry? The chase.ACE: What?KARRA: The hunt. Smell the blood on the wind. Hear the blood in your ears. Run, run beyond the horizon and catch your hunger! (Karra howls and two horses come to them.) KARRA: Are you hungry, sister? Come hunting. [Cheetah World] DOCTOR: Oh, Ace, you're running, but what are you running towards? (The Doctor is using the lid of his pocket watch as a sort of detector on a set of tracks.) DOCTOR: Ace, how far have you gone? Can you come back? (A Cheetah is feeding nearby.) [By an old kill] (Karra leads Ace to a partly eaten corpse.) KARRA: Good hunting. Good.ACE: You kill people. You eat people.KARRA: When I'm hungry, I hunt. When I hunt, I eat.ACE: Would you eat me?KARRA: There is meat here.ACE: Yeah, but if there wasn't, would you kill me?KARRA: How fast can you run, sister?ACE: Fast enough.KARRA: Ah, that would be a good hunt. Are you hungry? Come and eat. (Ace dismounts and starts towards the corpse when the Doctor arrives.) DOCTOR: Ace! Ace, come back. Come home. Come home. (Ace runs to the Doctor, her eyes human again.) KARRA: Good hunting, sister.ACE: What's happening to me, Doctor?DOCTOR: It's all right, Ace. We're going home. [Midge's flat] MASTER: Look at me. Look at me. You have power now. We have power now.MIDGE: Yes.MASTER: You can do anything you want now. Anything.MIDGE: Yeah!MASTER: You're my hunting dog, Midge. The teeth for my trap. Trust me, Midge. Trust me.MIDGE: Trust me, Midge. Trust me. [Lakeside] (The Doctor and Ace return to Paterson, Shreela and Derek.) DOCTOR: Ace, listen to me. You're possessed. It's the planet, the Cheetah people. You've changed.ACE: Yes.DOCTOR: You're powerful, dangerous.ACE: Yes.DOCTOR: You can do what they do. You can carry your prey home. You can help us escape.ACE: Yes?DOCTOR: But if you do that, you may never change back. You'll become like the Cheetah people forever.ACE: What shall I do? Tell me, Doctor. I trust you.DOCTOR: The choice is yours. (Ace looks back for a moment, then offers the Doctor her hand. He takes it.) DOCTOR: We're going home! (All five link hands and then Flash!) [Bleasdale Avenue] (They arrive next to the TARDIS.) ACE: I did it. I got us back! I'm all right now, aren't I?DOCTOR: Yes, Ace.SHREELA: Perivale. We're back. I've got to get home! (Shreela hugs Ace, then leaves.) PATERSON: What's your game, then? (Paterson lets go of Derek's hand.) PATERSON: So, I had a blackout. It's perfectly normal. Stress, overwork, that's all. I've had medicals. You should've got a doctor to me, though. That's the least you could've done, instead of keeping me lying about in the street. You're a doctor, right? You should know better.ACE: Thanks, Ace. Thanks, Doctor. Thanks for saving my life, getting me back home.PATERSON: I don't know what you mean. What are you talking about?DEREK: Thanks, Ace. Thanks, Doctor. Thanks for saving my life and getting me back home! (Derek runs off, laughing.) PATERSON: I'm late for self-defence.ACE: Looks like everything's back to normal, then. Well, come on, Professor. What are we hanging about for?DOCTOR: Unfinished business.ACE: What?DOCTOR: The Master.ACE: Oh, he's not still around here, is he? Dump of the universe.DOCTOR: It was youACE: Yeah, yeah, who wanted to come home, I know. Listen, this is the only home I've got now, right? (Ace puts her hand on the TARDIS.) DOCTOR: No, it was you who brought us here, home. Therefore, Midge must have. Where does Midge live?ACE: Who?DOCTOR: Midge!ACE: Oh, I don't know. He used to live in some flats over there somewhere.DOCTOR: Come on! (The Doctor runs off, watched by a kitling.) DOCTOR: Ace! [Motorbike shop] (Tea pours down the cord of a telephone that is hanging off the hook from a desk. Midge straddles a nice new motorbike as the Master appears outside.) MIDGE: Just the start, Midge. Just the start. Yeah. Yeah. I know what to do. (Midge puts on a pair of dark glasses and starts up the bike.) [Midge's flat] (Ace looks at the cover of an LP while the Doctor looks at a photograph of Midge on the mantlepiece. It is U2's War - the one with the young boy on the cover.) ACE: Are they still on the go, then? They were practically drawing their pensions when I was clubbing it. (The Doctor spots the bloody corpse of a cat by the sofa, then they hear a little girl crying. She is hiding behind the kitchen cabinets.) ACE: What's up?SQUEAK: My cat.ACE: What happened?SQUEAK: The bad cat killed it. The bad cat the man brought.DOCTOR: What man? Which way did he go? Show me! [Gymnasium] (Midge enters wearing dark glasses and the latest design of shiny suit.) MIDGE: Waiting on the Sarge? He's been held up. He asked me to have a little chat with you. I learned a secret today. The secret of success. Thought I'd share it with you. [Outside the flat] SQUEAK: Over there. Midge and the bad cat man. Midge went away and then he came back. He's my big brother. He's got funny eyes now.ACE: Where's your mum, Squeak?SQUEAK: She saw the bad cat man. He made her go away!ACE: What's he doing it for? Why? He's escaped, hasn't he? He doesn't need to keep the Cheetahs busy. He's safe! What's he still doing it for?DOCTOR: Malice.ACE: Her gran's the next floor up. I'll take her. It's not just malice.DOCTOR: Survival. Huh. It's what he lives for. He must hope, believe, he can find something.ACE: What?DOCTOR: To destroy me.ACE: You'd wipe the floor with him!DOCTOR: Yes, well, we are an explosive combination. One day, one of us might blot the other one out. (A cat yowls nearby.) DOCTOR: If only I could track him down, take him by surprise before he's ready. (Ace sinks to her knees and her eyes turn yellow.) SQUEAK: Bad cat man. [Outside the youth club] (The Master puts down the kitling and walks up to the glass door to the youth club. His eyes are yellow.) MASTER: Ace. [Outside the flat] ACE: He's at the youth club. (She stands up, eyes normal.) ACE: He's at the youth club. I know he is! [Gym] MIDGE: It's common sense, right? It's just the way of the world, right? Survival of the fittest. Get rid of the deadwood, let the wasters go to the wall, and the strong will inherit the earth. You and me. Do you hear what I'm saying? Do you know what I'm talking about? (Midge slowly removes his dark glasses to reveal his yellow eyes.) MIDGE: Don't move.MASTER: Come here. You understand me?MIDGE: You understand me all right.MASTER: You'll do anything I say.MIDGE: You'll do anything I say.MASTER: Won't you?MIDGE: Won't you?BOYS: Yes, sir. (Paterson enters.) PATERSON: Right, lads. Sorry I'm late. Had a wee accident, but everything's all right now. Right, come on then, let's get things moving. Let's start showing a bit of sweat. (The boys part to reveal the Master and Midge. Paterson swallows hard.) MASTER: Why don't you take over now, Midge? (Midge walks up to Paterson and smiles his new extra-toothy grin. When the Doctor and Ace run in, the place is deserted except for Paterson, lying dead on the floor.) DOCTOR: So much for the SAS survival course. (Ace stiffens and gets her yellow eyes back.) DOCTOR: Where? [Horsenden Hill] (A new motorbike is waiting here.) DOCTOR: He's chosen the time, the place, and the means.ACE: The trails stops here.DOCTOR: Ace. (Her eyes turn brown again.) DOCTOR: That's better.ACE: Did I go again? I don't even feel it! I don't even feel myself go. Doctor, will I stay like this? (Midge comes up the hill on a bike, accompanied by the boys from the gym.) DOCTOR: Stay out of this, Ace! (The Master arrives last of all.) MASTER: You are my hunting dog, the teeth for my trap, the teeth to destroy. (The Master gives Midge the sabre tooth he used to kill the Cheetah. Ace's eyes turn yellow and she gets on the bike.) DOCTOR: Ace! Listen to me. Listen to me! (The Doctor pulls her off the bike.) DOCTOR: If you fight, you'll change, you'll change completely forever! (The Doctor leaps on the bike and starts it up. The motorised joust begins.) ACE: No! (The two bikes crash and there is a big fireball.) ACE: No. (Midge is thrown clear, but burnt.) MASTER: Survival of the fittest. The weak must be eliminated so that the healthy can flourish. You know what to do, Midge. (Midge dies.) MASTER: Good boy. (Ace runs over and picks up the Doctor's hat. The boys advance on her.) ACE: I must not fight. I must not fight. Help me! Help me! Won't somebody help me? (Flash! and Karra appears on her horse. The boys stop, uncertain.) KARRA: The chase. To hunt in the morning and live till evening. Run out of the light, and slip into the dark. Smell the blood on the wind. Hear your blood in your ears. Die at last, with your enemy's blood in your mouth. With your enemy's blood in your mouth! (Karra charges at the boys, who scatter and run for their lives. She circles Midge's body then stops in front of the Master.) MASTER: Get off the horse. (Karra dismounts.) MASTER: You have no power here. This is not your place. I command here. I command you. You've no power over me. I can do anything I wish with you and you can do nothing, nothing, to me.KARRA: Do you bleed? I can always do something to you if you bleed. (Karra pounces on the Master, who stabs her with the sabre tooth he took from Midge.) ACE: Karra! (The Master chuckles and leaves. Part way down the slope he sees the Doctor's legs sticking out of a pile of fly-tipped rubbish including an easy chair and some bin bags. He carries on and the Doctor extricates himself.) DOCTOR: Oh, very good. Very amusing.ACE: Karra! (Ace runs to her Cheetah friend, who has turned into a human woman.) KARRA: I can hunt in the dark.ACE: I'll get you something. I'll make you well again.KARRA: I can run into the dark. Run forever.ACE: Just wait. I'll get you something.KARRA: Good hunting, sister. (Karra dies.) ACE: Good hunting. [Bleasdale Avenue] (The Master is trying to pick the lock of the TARDIS.) DOCTOR: Good hunting.MASTER: Yes. It would have been too easy. It seems we must always meet again.DOCTOR: They do say opposites attract.MASTER: But this is the end, Doctor. You see it. It's a power. A power from that planet. It's growing within me. Are you frightened yet?DOCTOR: No.MASTER: You should be. You should be. It nearly beat me. Such a simple, brutal power. Just the power of tooth and claw. It nearly destroyed me, a Time Lord. But I won. I control that force, Doctor. And now, at last, I have the power to destroy you. (The Master grabs the Doctor by the throat. Flash!) [Cheetah camp] (Fires are burning all around. The Master raises a long bone to use as a club.) MASTER: Welcome to my new home, Doctor! (The Doctor is surprisingly strong. He forces the Master down on to his back and grabs a skull. The Doctor's eyes are yellow when he raises it to smash down on the Master, then he sees the Cheetah people disappear.) DOCTOR: They've gone. What am I doing? I've got to stop. We've got to go.MASTER: You can't go. Not this time.DOCTOR: Yes, we can!MASTER: Escape to what? I don't choose to live as an animal.DOCTOR: If we fight, we'll destroy this planet. We'll destroy ourselves! (The Master grabs the Doctor's throat again.) MASTER: You should have killed me, Doctor.DOCTOR: If we fight like animals, we'll die like animals! (The Master brings down a long bone to hit the Doctor. Flash!) [Bleasdale Avenue] DOCTOR: If we fight like animals, we'll die like animals! (Then he realises where he is, and stands up.) DOCTOR: Home. (A young blonde woman in a green jacket comes over.) BLONDE: Did you hear that racket? Did you hear it? Flipping cat fights all hours of the day.DOCTOR: I think you'll find things quieting down now.BLONDE: So you say. Flipping cats. It's the owners I blame. They want the pet, right? They want the animal, but do they keep it under control?DOCTOR: Well, we try.BLONDE: So you say. [Horsenden Hill] (Ace is weeping over Karra when another Cheetah on a horse flashes in. She runs. The Cheetah rides over to Midge and Karra and Flash! they have gone. Ace puts the Doctor's hat on and kneels down.) DOCTOR: Mine, I believe. (He takes back his hat and umbrella.) DOCTOR: Thank you.ACE: Where have they gone?DOCTOR: They've been taken back to the wilderness. The place is different but the hunt goes on. You know all about the hunt, don't you, Ace?ACE: I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet and just run forever.DOCTOR: The planet's gone, but lives on inside you. It always will.ACE: Good. And the Master?DOCTOR: Who knows? Where to now, Ace?ACE: Home.DOCTOR: Home?ACE: The TARDIS.DOCTOR: Yes, the TARDIS. (The Doctor and Ace walk off arm in arm down Horsenden Hill.) DOCTOR [OC]: There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do! Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.