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(Vehicle driving.)

GWEN: Oh, come on, Grandma, move it!
JACK: Gwen, I believe Grandma is going the speed limit.
GWEN: We're hurtling down the M4 chasing aliens bent on destroying our little planet because of you, Jack. Ianto, back me up here.
IANTO: You were only supposed to infiltrate the alien casino and then get out.
GWEN: Not take them for all their money.
JACK: No excuses for yelling at Grandma.
IANTO: Says the oldest man on the planet.
JACK: Hey.
GWEN: Will someone please shoot out the tyres on that alien mini-van before we reach the Severn Bridge?
JACK: Give me the plasma cannon. I'm going to blow them into England, then it's their problem.
GWEN: Jack, be careful. By that I mean don't drop the plasma cannon, we've only got one of them.

(Laser blasts. Explosion.)

IANTO: Whoah! Well, we got rid of the aliens. We also managed to blow up half the Severn Bridge.

(Tyres screech, they all cry out, splashing into water. Underwater sounds, including growls as though from a prehistoric sea monster. Resurfacing with gasps and coughs.)

JACK: Gwen? Ianto?
GWEN: We're all right. What was that?
IANTO: You... you heard it too?
JACK: Oh! There's something in the water.

JACK: Battle stations, people. I want to know how big this is.

(Typing on keyboard.)

IANTO: Okay. Searching cries, screams, siren in the water. Wow.
GWEN: Whoah.
IANTO: I am getting hits on every social networking site around the world. Facebook, Twitter, Mixi, Q Zone. Most reports are time stamped. If you were in the water from 2342 to 2346 GMT, then you heard the cry.
GWEN: So anywhere in the world, if your head was underwater...
IANTO: Then you heard it.
GWEN: Yeah.
IANTO: Reports from every continent.

(More results brought up by the computer with a zap sound.)

GWEN: Look at that. Several people drown in Thailand due to an intoxicating sound. Look.
JACK: See? It's an attack. Does anyone have a recording of it? We need to analyse it.

(Tapping on keyboard.)

IANTO: Hold on. I'm hacking the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Indonesia. I am in. Downloading, and here it is.

(Growl of creature.)

GWEN: Hmm.
JACK: Hmm.

(They listen more.)

IANTO: That is creepy. It's not coming up as any known alien language.
GWEN: Well, can we trace this back to its source? If we use the network of microphones...
IANTO: Echolocate the transmission, yep. I'm running an algorithm, speed of sound, 343.2 metres per second...
GWEN: That's in air, though.
IANTO: Right. It's approximately five times faster in water. Baseline - bear with me - that's 1560 metres per second, but accounting for salinity, temperature, all factors of depth, using the slight time variations between the hundreds of microphones spread throughout the oceans, and wait for it...

(Sound of reaction.)

IANTO: There.
GWEN: There... what are you pointing at? Papua New Guinea?
IANTO: No, the bit of ocean south of Tokyo and east of Manila.
JACK: That's not any bit of ocean. That's the Mariana Trench.
GWEN: As in the bottom of the sea.
JACK: Oh yeah.
IANTO: Mm-hmm.
GWEN: Lovely.
JACK: You don't have to be a 51st century time travelling immortal to know, this is alien.
IANTO: Yeah - maybe the alien isn't used to talking in this atmosphere.


IANTO: If I slow the whole thing down...

(Sound of slower voice.)

IANTO: Put it through a byzanfield filter...


IANTO: Listen.
MALE VOICE: Help us...
JACK: Huh.
MALE VOICE: Help us.
GWEN: It's human, it's...
MALE VOICE: Help us. Help us.
JACK: What human voice can travel the globe? Some part of this equation is alien.
IANTO: And there's no way to communicate with it. The signal has gone completely quiet.
JACK: Well, looks like a working vacation, then.
GWEN: But that's the deepest place on Earth, Jack. It goes down - what, six miles? Maybe even further. No-one knows what's down there.
JACK: It's an alien signal. We can't turn our backs on it. It's got Torchwood written all over it.
IANTO: Erm - isn't this a case for UNIT?
GWEN: Yeah.
JACK: Yeah, but come on. You heard that voice. Aren't you dying to get there first?
GWEN: But how are we going to get there? Got a submarine in your pocket?
JACK: As a matter of fact, actually...
IANTO: Gwen, Gwen, you can't set him up like that. Right, I'm calling Carlie Roberts.

(Dialling bleeps of mobile phone.)

IANTO: She's a marine geologist stationed in Tokyo.

(Phone number ringing tone.)

IANTO: She worked with me at Torchwood One - you know, before the Cybermen destroyed the place.

(Phone number ringing tone, and reply.)

CARLIE: (phone) Yo.
IANTO: Carlie, this is Ianto Jones.
CARLIE: (phone) Ianto? It's been ages. Where are you?
IANTO: Torchwood Cardiff. Er... I never moved that far away, unlike you.
CARLIE: (phone) Yeah, well, I know why you're calling. I was in the water.
IANTO: You heard it, didn't you? The sound.
CARLIE: (phone) Like nothing I've ever heard before. The US Government has a UNIT ship heading out of Tokyo to the Trench first thing tomorrow to investigate.
JACK: Carlie, this is Jack Harkness. We translated the cry. It's a distress signal. Whatever is down there needs our help. How extensive is your knowledge of the Trench?
CARLIE: (phone) Studied it my whole life, but it's still a mystery. We know more about Mars than the bottom of our own ocean.
JACK: Well, what do you say? One last mission?
IANTO: You do not have to do this, Carlie.
CARLIE: (phone) No, I'll go. It'll be good to see you again.
IANTO: You too.
JACK: Carlie, we're on the next flight to Tokyo. Meet us at the port at dawn tomorrow.
CARLIE: (phone) Send me the details. See you soon.


JACK: Ianto? Old flame of yours?

(Water in the background like a river.)

CARLIE: Ianto. God, it's so good to see you. Welcome to Tokyo.
IANTO: Hello, Carlie.
CARLIE: Look at you. Haven't changed a lip.
IANTO: Nor you.
GWEN: I'm Gwen. Gwen Cooper.
CARLIE: Good to meet you.
JACK: Jack Harkness. Ianto said you were smart, but nothing about you being the sexiest marine biologist ever.
CARLIE: Oh, this is going to be fun. He dresses like the Nineteen Forties, and his chat-up lines are from the same decade. Nice to meet you, soldier boy. Now, what's the plan?
JACK: That is, right in front of us.

(Horn sounds of ship.)

GWEN: The USS Kelvin?

[She watches a lot of Star Trek.]

JACK: I pulled rank with UNIT, mentioned the Doctor 57 times, so this is now an official Torchwood UNIT alliance, and that's an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, ready to escort us to the Trench. All aboard, shipmates.

(Shouts in background by the crew and sonar signal noises.)

CUDLOW: Welcome to the Bridge, Admiral Harkness.
GWEN: Admiral? Really?
JACK: I was due a promotion.
CUDLOW: I'm Captain Cudlow and I guess, these must be your special advisers.
JACK: Captain, meet Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper and Carlie Roberts. What's the status of the signal?
CUDLOW: Quiet. Not a thing since yesterday.
GWEN: Well, how do we know it's still there? Could be long gone.

(Roar of monster.)

CUDLOW: Oh, oh, what? I think it heard you.
GWEN: It sounded like we were right on top of it.
CARLIE: Let me see the sonar reading. Computer puts it at the deepest part of the Trench.
JACK: How far away are we?
CUDLOW: Five hours. Best if you get some sleep before tomorrow. I think you'll need it.
JACK: Let us know if anything changes.

CUDLOW: (amplified) Good morning, crew. All hands to the Octopus Rock submarine to prepare for launch. Principles drawn to the boarding hatch.
JACK: Octopus rock? Strange name for a sub.
GWEN: Octopus Rock? I know that, Octopus...? Sex Pistols. It fits the occasion.
CARLIE: Jack, if you make a joke about your sex pistol, the mission ends here. Let's get inside.

(Gentle humming of submarine interior.)

IANTO: Do you know, it's bigger in here than I thought it was going to be? Roomy. You can actually move about.
CARLIE: You never see cabin spheres this big. She's got everything. Omni-directional propulsion, top-notch nav and sensor systems, a wet dock, dive suits. This is a whole new class of sub, UNIT's finest. I don't know what strings you pulled, Jack, but she's beautiful.
JACK: Huh. It pays to be an Admiral. Sealing main hatch.

(Grinding metal.)

JACK: Pressurising.

(Loud hissing.)

JACK: Don't hold your ears. Just swallow and breathe naturally. Cudlow, we're battened and ready when you are.
CUDLOW [OC]: Aye-aye. Severing umbilical.
JACK: On manual.


JACK: Thanks, Cudlow.

(Descending, bubbling.)

JACK: Ah, we're under. Sea topside in twenty-four.
GWEN: What happens after twenty-four hours?
CARLIE: We run out of oxygen and the ship automatically surfaces. Standard battery-powered sub procedures. You know Jack, I can pilot this thing if you get tired or something.
JACK: Ah. You're practically drooling at the opportunity. First, be my navigator. Tell us what you know about the trench.
CARLIE: It's the most inhospitable place on Earth. We sent two men down there in the Sixties aboard an Italian sub called the Trieste. They were the first and last people ever to go this deep. And we'll be the first to return in over fifty years. If there are any secrets left in this world, they're down there.

(Popping sounds.)

CARLIE: Hear that? That's a pod of Minke whales, echolocating squid. This is really deep for them. Fascinating.

(Grinding metal.)

GWEN: Oh. What's that?
CARLIE: It's just the hull shifting, settling into the pressure.
IANTO: It's making a lot of noise. Is that normal?
CARLIE: Yeah. She can take it. By the time we reach the bottom, the pressure on us will be a thousand times that at the surface. Imagine. A column of water eleven kilometres high, stacked on your head.

(She makes a pop sound.)

CARLIE: Like stepping on a grape.
IANTO: Hmm. I forgot how much fun you can be.
CARLIE: Come on Ianto, where's your sense of adventure?
IANTO: On the ground, with your popped grape.

CARLIE: Level it out. Nice and easy, Jack. You don't want to disturb the sea floor.
JACK: Copy that.
CARLIE: Ten thousand, nine hundred fifteen feet. Sixteen, seventeen. We've just gone deeper than any other human, ever.

(Jack laughs.)

CARLIE: Welcome to the bottom of the world, people.

(Gwen sighs.)

GWEN: It's pitch black out there.

(Metal shifting, humming.)

CARLIE: Is that better?
GWEN: Well, all I see is a carpet of grey stuff at the bottom.
CARLIE: That's ash from the black smokers and marine snow. A nice way of saying fish poop.
GWEN: Oh, no wonder no-one's been down here in fifty years. It snows poo.

(Jack laughs.)

IANTO: Turning on the sonar to take us to the source of the cry.


IANTO: And a black smoker is an underwater volcano, yeah?
CARLIE: Exactly. They're hydro-thermal chimneys. Water seeps into the Earth's crust, is heated to four hundred fifty degrees Celsius, and comes spewing out as a soup of sulphidic compounds, incredibly toxic stuff, but the radius around the smoker is teeming with life. Some people think that's where it all started.
GWEN: You mean the start of life on Earth was down here?
CARLIE: Could be. And by the looks of our sonar map, we're heading right into the smoker itself.
JACK: Wow.
IANTO: Shh. I can hear it.

(Rumbling of underwater volcano.)

IANTO: Look. There it is. Must be thirty metres high.
CARLIE: I never thought I'd see one in the flesh. More beautiful than I ever imagined. Like a lighthouse in the middle of the ocean. Last refuge of ancient forgotten creatures. The world has moved on, but here...
JACK: This is the most alien place I've ever been. Right inside the planet's crust.

(Dull low thump.)

GWEN: Did you hear that?
CARLIE: Just the pressure. Now, the food chain here is based on a chemosynthetic bacteria that lives on the hydrogen sulphides.

(Another thump.)

GWEN: There it is again.
CARLIE: It's just the hull settling.
GWEN: Right. I'm sure you're right, it just... sounds like something...

(Several thumps.)

GWEN: Yeah.
JACK: Whoah.
GWEN: Knocking on our door?
IANTO: Right, okay. Er - can't see anything.
GWEN: Neither can I. I can't...
JACK: Carlie, hand me those torches there.
CARLIE: Here. Cephalopods have been known to attack subs, but that's sounded like...
JACK: Deliberate. Very deliberate. Can you guys see anything?
IANTO: No, nothing.
GWEN: Nothing. Nothing at all.
CARLIE: Something just streaked across my view-port.
JACK: What was it?
CARLIE: I don't know. It moved too fast. I couldn't tell what it...

(Several thumps.)

JACK: Okay, I'm getting us out of here.
GWEN: Wait. What was that? Can't be. But it moved to the other side.
IANTO: Where is it? What's out there?
JACK: How can it move around us like that?
GWEN: Wait. Oh...
CARLIE: That's impossible.
JACK: What is it?
GWEN: It's a man. It - it's a man, a human. I mean, a completely ordinary man.
JACK: Out there?
CARLIE: Not possible.
GWEN: Well, look at him. Come and see. 'Cause a man is strange enough, but this one - he's not even in a diving suit.
JACK: Just standing there.
GWEN: Oh, he's old too. Look at him. Look at that. How did he get down here?

(Clanging on hull. They gasp.)

IANTO: He's getting angry.
JACK + GWEN: Yeah.
CARLIE: Look, his overalls say Doyle.
JACK: He's opening his mouth. He's trying to communicate.

(Monster-like roar. The others cry out. Fizzing of electrical interference. Explosions.)


(The others groan.)

JACK: Is everyone okay?
GWEN: Yeah.
CARLIE: No-one move. The emergency lighting should pop on.

(Whine of power.)

JACK: Ah, right.
CARLIE: There we go. Well then, that's our source. It's him.
GWEN: Yeah.
JACK: Old man at the bottom of the sea, and his voice fried our power. Maybe it's our proximity to him.
IANTO: Great. What are our defences?
JACK: Defences? This isn't the Red October. But the hull is seven inches of steel. Nothing can get through that.

(Banging on hull.)

IANTO: Er, well, he's denting the ship.
GWEN: Ah...
IANTO: With his fists.
JACK: And I stand corrected. I think we should leave now.
GWEN: No, no, no, should we try to talk to it? This is a rescue mission, right?

(Monster-like roar.)

GWEN: Erm - right, okay, scrote, I promise you we need to get the hell out of here.
JACK: Yeah.
GWEN: How do we get this thing moving?
JACK: Gwen, patch the emergency battery into the main propulsion system.
GWEN: Right.
JACK: Carlie, help her.
CARLIE: I'm on it.
JACK: Ianto, set up the laptop to communicate once we reach a safe distance.
IANTO: Yeah, yeah...
IANTO:... way ahead of you.
GWEN: Jack, I'm in. Carlie, can you ground out the cabling for the hull?
CARLIE: No-one touch anything metal. Hands free, people.


CARLIE: We're hot. Start her up.
JACK: Come on, baby.
GWEN: Come on.
JACK: Oh, attagirl.

(Whine of power starting up.)

JACK: Haven't met a ship I couldn't jump. Oh, come on, let's get out of here.
IANTO: Er...
CARLIE: I think the hydraulic rudder control is out.
IANTO: Jack, we're not getting any higher. We're going to hit that ridge.
JACK: Oh, you can do it, girl. Come on, come on, you can do it.
CARLIE: We're not going to make it.
JACK: Brace for impact!

(They groan. Then they sigh with relief.)

CARLIE: Systems are down again. This is bad.
IANTO: And that thing is going to be following us.
GWEN: How bad is it, Jack?
JACK: I don't know. I'm checking the analogue read-outs. Maybe if we can switch our...
GWEN: How bad is it, Jack?
JACK: I don't know, Gwen, it's bad. She's probably scuttled.
IANTO: As in irreparable?
JACK: We have air, we have hull integrity, which means we have time.
GWEN: Time to do what exactly? Time to die, slowly, painfully?
IANTO: Oh, we - we need to Mayday for help.
CARLIE: We're the only sub in the world that can go this deep. We're never going to surface. We're right at the bottom of the world, and we're going to die here.
IANTO: Carlie, please.
CARLIE: I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. You finally call me up after all these years, drag my ass down here to die? I wish you'd never called me. Why did you call me?
IANTO: You were the best person for the job.
CARLIE: I'm an idiot. I'm going to die a big, hopeless idiot.
GWEN: Okay, Carlie, look at me. Look at me, okay? Everyone in Torchwood One died and I'm very sorry about that, but this is Torchwood Three, okay? And we're going to get out of here, I promise you. Jack.
JACK: I've crashed a lot of ships in my time, and that didn't sound like rock. It sounded like we hit metal. Ianto, tilt the exterior lights down, and... what can you see?
IANTO: All right.

(Metal sounds.)

IANTO: Erm...

(More metal sounds.)

IANTO: Hang on, look. On the ground. There's lettering. It's an English call sign, I think. G... U... E...
GWEN: Oh...
IANTO: Gue-something. Can someone make that out?

(Gwen sighs.)

CARLIE: Oh my God. It's the Guernica.
JACK: Er, what's the Guernica?
CARLIE: The Trieste, that first sub down here, had a twin ship built in Spain, called the Guernica. It disappeared in '59, lost at sea. Then a year later the Trieste descended into the trench, and took its place in history. But it turns out, the Guernica must have been sent down here first.
IANTO: That man's overalls said Doyle.
CARLIE: That was one of the names, the crew of the Guernica. Captain Samuel Doyle aged fifty, and Henry Goddard, aged forty-four. And now, Captain Doyle is walking around Davy Jones's locker.
GWEN: (laugh) But he can't be a ghost unless ghosts age. I mean, you just said Doyle was fifty when he disappeared.
IANTO: And whatever's out there looks more like a hundred.
CARLIE: If this is where they disappeared in '59, then Sam and Henry were the first people down here. The US Government must have covered up the failed mission.
GWEN: Okay, so something happened to Sam in 1959. What's taken him all these years to call for help?
IANTO: Oh - ba... battle stations, he's coming back. Sam's back.
GWEN: Wait a minute, look, he's stopped. Why isn't he getting any closer?
IANTO: He's just pacing in the darkness, mouth open like an opera singer. He looks... anxious.
JACK: Or trapped. Carlie, what did you say the radius of the black smoker was again?
CARLIE: Fifteen to twenty metres, maybe. We're a little more than twenty metres away now.
JACK: (laugh.) Fascinating. He's trapped, tethered to the smoker.
CARLIE: Of course. This creature breathes hydrogen sulphide. That's why you had to filter its voice. It speaks in a hydrogen sulphide atmosphere.
GWEN: And this alien thing is... it's protecting Sam's body from the water pressure, otherwise his body would be crushed like a grape, right?
IANTO: And if it's possessed Sam's body, then it must have access to his brain. That signal was in English.
JACK: Maybe it's some kind of alien parasite. But if the alien's protecting Sam, what's it getting in return?
IANTO: Wait, hang on. I think I can see atmosphere inside the Guernica. I think that's ice on the inside.
CARLIE: Seriously?
IANTO: Yeah, look. See?
CARLIE: Ianto, you're a genius. The Guernica, it's a bathyscaphe - that's a very simple sub. A few moving parts, valves to control buoyancy, that's it. Theoretically it could have lasted all this time unharmed. If the hull is intact, we can surface in the Guernica. We're saved.
GWEN: Oh. Well, I'll celebrate when we reach the surface. So those two diving suits - can we use them this deep?
CARLIE: Mm-hmm. They're UNIT tech. Dwarf-star derivative exoskeleton designed to withstand the pressure at this depth.
IANTO: Are you absolutely sure you want to go out there, with the alien? The twenty metre thing is a... is a theory at best.
GWEN: That, or we sit here and die. Come on. Jack, we're going for a swim.

JACK: Ever done this before?
GWEN: Er, I've gone snorkelling down Oxwich Bay, that count? Helmets on.

(Helmets put on.)

GWEN: See out... test... Test, test, Ianto. Can you hear me?
IANTO [OC]: Coming in clear. Jack?
JACK: Yeah. Let's go. We don't have much time before the Rock runs out of air.
IANTO [OC]: Be safe. You too, Jack. You don't know what that alien can do to you.
JACK: Yeah of course. We'll be back soon, I promise.
IANTO [OC]: You'd better. Good luck, sir. Opening hull doors.

(Doors opened, water seeping through.)

GWEN: Oh my God, the pressure.
JACK [OC]: It's okay. The suits protect us.
GWEN: Just knowing where we are. The deepest place on Earth. Terrifying.
JACK [OC]: Look, just stay calm.
GWEN: Okay. What if the alien is trapped down here just like us? I should try to make contact with him, try to help.
JACK [OC]: Guess there's no stopping you, huh?
GWEN: Not a chance.
JACK [OC]: Then be careful. I'm not losing you down here, Gwen Cooper. I'll keep going, break into the Guernica.
GWEN: Ianto, patch me into the communicator. I'm going to talk to Sam.
IANTO [OC]: Connecting you now.


IANTO [OC]: We're all listening in, but you'll be the only one he can hear.
GWEN: Okay.


GWEN: Hello? Hello? My name is Gwen Cooper.

(SAM has an echoed voice.)

SAM: Beautiful night, isn't it? We never see daylight down here in the dark.
GWEN: Am I speaking with Sam Doyle or someone else?
SAM: Call me Sam. It's as fine a name as any. It's been so long, Gwen Cooper. So very long since I spoke to another living soul.
GWEN: We came down here to help.
SAM: And thank you for that. We hoped someone would come. We hoped so very much.
GWEN: So there's - there's more than one of you?
SAM: I have a mate. I have company in the dark.
GWEN: How did you get down here?
SAM: We fell from the stars very long ago. This rift in the world was the only suitable place to sustain us.
GWEN: Then why attack us? We're here to help.
SAM: Aren't you sweet. Like a cupcake. I've spent my whole life with him. I can't let him die.
GWEN: Where is he, your mate? How can we help him? What does he need?
SAM: Come with me, Gwen. He needs you. He needs a body.
GWEN: I'm no help there, sorry.
SAM: Imagine if your own mate was dying. You'd do anything to save him, to keep his voice in your head. You share one life, and without him, you would be lost.
GWEN: I would never kill innocent people to save him, and since when was my life less valuable than your mate's?
SAM: Forgive me. I've been down here in the dark such a very long time. But there are so many of you, and so few of us. Maybe there's one of you who could give themselves as a gift.
Jack HARKNESS [OC]: Gwen, I'm breaching the Guernica right now. Time you caught up with me.
GWEN: Sam, listen to me. We want to help you. Give us time to think, okay?
SAM: Gwen Cooper. The cupcake girl. I'll be out here, waiting for you.

CARLIE: She can't be serious. I mean, you don't negotiate with aliens, right?
IANTO: Gwen would never give someone up. Besides, I think she's starting to like you.
CARLIE: And Jack?
IANTO: Oh, he's smitten with you too.
CARLIE: You two are together, aren't you?
IANTO: Is it that obvious?
CARLIE: Well, kind of a small space in here. You notice things. Little looks, little glances. And where he put his hand at thirty thousand feet.
IANTO: Oh - okay, I'm embarrassed now.
CARLIE: No, don't be. It's fine.
IANTO: I should have told you, though. I should have done a lot of things differently with you. I'm sorry I put you through all this.
CARLIE: My fault. I... fell for you, way back when. If it hadn't been for Lisa, I...

[What happened to Lisa is told in Torchwood - Cyberwoman.]

IANTO: This thing with Jack - it's different.
CARLIE: Well, yeah. He's a man.
IANTO: Er, no, it's not that. I love him, but... he'll never be mine. Life will always move on for him. One day he'll leave me. He's got no choice. He's become an expert at letting people go.
CARLIE: Trust me. You're not an easy person to let go of.
IANTO: And you know, you weren't the only person for this job. Could have called a million other people.
CARLIE: (laugh.) Right.
IANTO: What could have been.
CARLIE: What could have been.

JACK: Gwen's back with me. We're inside. Suit says that pressure and mixture are sustainable. Look, we're taking off our helmets.

(Helmets removed.)

IANTO [OC]: What's it like in there?
JACK: Oh... air's stale. Damp, cold, but - breathable, if you couldn't tell already.
GWEN: Oh, it's freezing too.
JACK: Yeah, the sub's small. All the instruments are frozen over. The sub's batteries are completely dead too. We just need to charge them from the Octopus Rock, just to get her going. Wait, what the hell is that? Hey! Someone's in here with us.
GWEN: What ...? It's Henry Goddard. The other crew member. Well, his frozen Pops, anyway.
CARLIE ROBERTS [OC]: Henry never made it out?
JACK: Nope. He's a meat Popsicle.
GWEN: Look, there's an old voice recorder in Henry's hand. Erm... excuse me. Forgive me.

(Crack. She gasps.)

IANTO [OC]: What was that?
GWEN: Oh no. Erm, his hand.
IANTO [OC]: His hand?
GWEN: It broke. Like an icicle.

(Ianto through communicator inward breath.)

IANTO [OC]: Ouch.
GWEN: Sorry, sorry. I'll just put it over here.


GWEN: Ah. Oh. Ah. Oh well, erm, he's got another one. Look, let's... let's just see if this thing plays.

(Click of tape, then voice of Henry on tape.)

HENRY: (cassette) Henry Goddard. 0321 on August 9th, 1959. I was patching the leak on one of the bulkheads, and... then I blacked out. When I came to I had lodged sand in the wet dock. I don't know why, like I was possessed or something. I - I tried to open the hatch, let him back in, but he opened the hatch to the hull, flooding the dock. He didn't believe me. He wanted to die, but the pressure didn't kill him. He's standing right outside my view-port, watching, waiting for me to die. Sarah? Sarah? I love you so much. You told me not to leave angry. I shouldn't have. I'm sorry for lying. I want you to know I'm not leaving angry now. I love you.

(Gasps as though about to speak more, but stops.)

GWEN: Poor soul.
JACK: So the alien took possession of Henry first but then chose Sam for some reason. Why? I don't get it. We're missing something.
GWEN: Maybe there was something wrong with Henry, I mean, physically wrong with his body. No... Look, hold on, there's ... something in his other hand.
JACK: Hmm?
GWEN: Look...


GWEN: Oh, I'm sorry, Henry. Very, very, very sorry, Henry. Erm, anyway, it's a bottle of pills. Amitriptyline?
JACK: Gwen, that's an anti-depressant. They prescribed it in the '50s. Henry must have been hiding something. Ianto, Carlie? We're on our way back to the Rock.

GWEN: So the alien took possession of Henry's body, but this amitriptyline stuff means the body wasn't viable, so he took Sam's body...
JACK: We'd love to stay and find out, but we only have two hours of oxygen left.
CARLIE: Wait a minute. Remember Sam saying he and his mate were waiting for a rescue?
IANTO: Mm-hmm.
CARLIE: Well, they've definitely been down here since the Guernica in '59, but this tectonic plate that forms the Trench is almost two hundred million years old. They could have been waiting here a very long time.
IANTO: Yeah, and then the Guernica found them. Do you think it crashed, or did the alien make it crash?
GWEN: Sam wants to be rescued, but why now? The alien found Sam fifty years ago, but why has he waited another fifty years for help?
IANTO: They waited fifty years, and Captain Samuel Doyle was fifty years old. Connection?
JACK: That's it. Hand me the communicator. I need to talk to him.
CARLIE: Just be careful. We don't want him angry.

(Jack sighs. Bleep of communicator.)

JACK: Sam? This is Jack Harkness. One Captain to another. If your mate needs a body, why did you wait fifty years to call for help?
SAM: Sam's life was so short. Fifty small years. Fifty years of love and loss and heartache and bile and joy and pain, and then... nothing. So small. So tiny.
JACK: But it's never been about our bodies. This whole time, you've wanted our minds. You had fifty years of Sam's memories to dig through. You relived every moment of his existence. You need someone new. You're not lost. You're hungry.
SAM: I need memories, to replace my own, to rewrite one hundred and fifty million years of guilt. That's how long I've been down here.
JACK: You didn't cry out for your mate. You cried out for yourself. You've been alone down here this whole time. What the hell happened to you?
SAM: You're... different than the others.
JACK: Yeah well, I've lived a very long life just like you, but I've lived it in the light.
SAM: We are not equals, Jack Harkness. Nothing in this smallest of realms can equal me!

(Roar of monster sound.)

JACK: You're not feeding off us. You're staying down here, in the dark. Carlie, how are we doing with the docking? I think we've overstayed our welcome.
CARLIE: I've got the Rock over the Guernica. Gwen, secure the docking feet.

(Metal moved.)

GWEN: Docking feet secure. Connected. Let's go - into the Guernica.
IANTO: Wait. What's to stop him luring someone else down here? We have to contain him.
JACK: He's tethered to the black smoker, or he dies.
IANTO: We could drown him. If we oxidise the sulphides around him it would suffocate him.
CARLIE: We can do that once we reach the surface. We can drop depth charges down here.
JACK: Most important thing is getting away from him. Everyone, into the Guernica.

(Click of metal.)

CARLIE: It's freezing in here. Gwen, check the ballast lever, see if it reads as functional.
GWEN: Okay, yes, it does.
CARLIE: You'll need to flip this lever for us to ascend. You only get one chance.
GWEN: Right.

(Thump on metal.)

JACK: Whoah. Please tell me that Moby Dick's knocking on our door.
CARLIE: It's Sam. He's back.

(Crash of metal. They gasp. Water pours in.)

JACK: Damn. He's cracked the hull. Carlie, how bad is the leak?
CARLIE: Not good. Can't patch it. She can still surface with water in the chamber but we need to hurry. We need to undock ourselves from the Rock, and flip the ballast lever and we're off.

(Metal crash. They gasp.)

IANTO: Sealing the hatch to the Rock now.
CARLIE: She was a great sub.
IANTO: We're sealed. This place is really flooding. We need to go.
GWEN: Well, let's do it.
JACK: Listen. The banging has stopped.
GWEN: (gasp.) Something just swam past my leg.
IANTO: I felt it too.
JACK: Who's got a torch?
GWEN: The dive suits have lamps built in. Who's closest to them?
IANTO: I am, I think.
JACK: Get us some light. Gwen, get ready with the ballast lever.
GWEN: It's underwater now. I have to go under and find it.
JACK: We can't leave unless it's flipped.
GWEN: Okay. Okay.

(Deep breath, going under the water. After a few seconds, resurfacing, taking a breath.)

GWEN: I can't find it. I'll have to go under and try again.
CARLIE: Here. Let me help you. (echoes) Cupcake.
GWEN: Carlie, you scared the hell out of me.
CARLIE: Sorry about that.

(Gwen gasps.)

GWEN: Get off me. You're not Carlie.
JACK: Let her go. Ianto, where are those lights?
IANTO: Got 'em. Here.

(Electronic sound of lights activated.)

CARLIE: Thank you, Ianto. I finally get to see all your pretty faces.
JACK: How did you get in here?
CARLIE: How do you think I got in here fifty years ago? Henry never did fix that leak. I came in through the water.
GWEN: (gasp.) I can't breathe.
JACK: Let her go. Take me. It'll take you thousands of years to go through my memories.
CARLIE: You're too full of regret. I can smell it. If these friends of yours could see the things you've done, they could never love you. But Gwen's memories are fresh and sweet.
GWEN: You're not getting inside my head.
IANTO: Leave them alone. Don't you dare hurt them.
GWEN: It's in my head, I can feel it.
CARLIE: Oh Jack, you're everywhere inside the cupcake's mind. Left quite a mark.
IANTO: Leave her alone.
CARLIE: Aren't you scared, Ianto, that Jack might care more for Gwen than he does for you?
JACK: Don't listen to it.
IANTO: You're a pathetic creature.

(Gwen gasps.)

IANTO: You know, if this is the loneliest place in the world, then you deserve it.
CARLIE: I wasn't always alone. I did have a mate once, a very long time ago. Our sun was collapsing, just as yours will one day. I said I'd wait for him and we'd escape together, but the world started to burn, and I was scared, so scared. I flew into the sky to save myself, and when I looked down, he... he was screaming at me, screaming as he died. The last thing I saw was his face. The ruin in it. I'm still trapped there, like I never left. I need new memories, to escape that one.

(CARLIE ROBERTS echoed gasps.)

GWEN: It's weakening. Too far away from the smoker. Get off me!

(Gwen sighs, splashing as she moves away.)

IANTO: Gwen's free. Hold it down.
JACK: Grab her.

(Splashing. Gwen gasps.)

GWEN: I flipped the ballast lever. We're going up fast.

(Carlie echoed cries.)

JACK: We're getting further and further away from the black smoker, your lifeline - I'm sorry, but you're going to die.
CARLIE: Turn us around, or this body dies. This woman Carlie, she dies.
IANTO: Jack, we can't kill her.
JACK: Sorry, but this whole system's barely holding together. We can only go in one direction, and nothing's going to stop us.
IANTO: But Carlie'll die.
JACK: Stick to the plan.
CARLIE: You and I. We're the last of our kind, Jack. Who's going to forgive us for what we've done?
JACK: Maybe we never get forgiven, and we have to spend all these long years getting used to that fact, 'cause I realised a long time ago, that's the price of immortality. No final act, no redemption, no absolution. You are the lucky one. You get to die.
CARLIE: Is he waiting for me, Captain? Is there a life waiting for me beyond? Please, tell me he's waiting.
JACK: Would it help if I said yes?
CARLIE: Oh yes. It would help so very much.
JACK: Then I'm sorry. 'Cause I can tell you what's waiting for you - nothing.
CARLIE: Who are you?
JACK: I am the face you see when you die.

(Carlie gasps.)

IANTO: Carlie. Carlie? She's not breathing.
JACK: There's nothing we can do, Ianto. The alien was bound up with her life-force.
IANTO: You don't know that, Jack. She could be alive. Help me. Hold her.

(Chest compressions.)

IANTO: One. Two. Three. Four. That's Torchwood, isn't it? Kills us in the end.
GWEN: Keep going, Ianto.
JACK: She's gone.
GWEN: Don't you dare give up.
IANTO: One. Two. Three. Four. One. Two. Three. Four.

(Carlie coughs, returned to normal.)

IANTO: She's alive.
GWEN: Oh, you did it, oh my God, you did it.
CARLIE: Is he gone? Is he dead?
IANTO: He's gone. It's okay. He's gone.

(Seagulls. The group who were in the submarine all sigh.)

CARLIE: Oh, fresh air.

(Jack laughs.)

CARLIE: Oh, that feels good.
GWEN: Sunlight. I thought I'd never see that again.
CARLIE: All the same, I can't help thinking. Maybe I gave up Torchwood too soon, 'cause the Mariana Trench is still unexplored. Who knows what else is down there. If I could get UNIT to fund more missions...
IANTO: Mm. That's Torchwood. It's in your blood.
CARLIE: I'd ask you to join me, but... I think your life's taking a path less-travelled.
IANTO: Yeah. And I'm glad it is. Though God knows when it's going to end.
CARLIE: At least you won't be alone, like that thing.
JACK: A guilty heart needs confession. At least we gave him that. Final act.
GWEN: Is that what you're looking for, Jack?
JACK: (laughs) I suppose. But to get that I'd have to become mortal, and that's never gonna happen, so I'm never gonna know.

Transcribed by David Tait

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.