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LEELA: I was so alone in the world of dreams when you left… The wildlands were dark and so quiet. I… I do not wish to be alone.

ROMANA: There will be a place for you with me. For always. Whatever face I wear.


LEELA: You have heightened olfactory senses?

ROMANA: Yes, I think so. Woah! They’re so strong! Each breath is like a blade in my breast! Clean, and sharp!

LEELA: Do I always speak in such plaintive metaphor?

ROMANA: It has a certain unpolished charm, does it not?


ROMANA: Leela. Are you saying you’re afraid of me?

LEELA: You are also two people. The person I know, and the person you once were. Who

is… so different.

ROMANA: You’ve always known I was a Time Lord. Regeneration is a natural part of the

progression of our lives. Completely without consequence.

LEELA: One person cannot become many without consequence.


LEELA: I do not want him to find me. It is I who must find him. Am I so helpless? Yes. Here, in these stifling, sunless rooms of yours, perhaps I am. I have only one body. This one. I cannot change it. It will not wear your clothes, or walk your stilted pathways. I have only one voice inside me. This one. And my words can never be as clever as yours. I have only one mind, and it is steadfast, but small next to yours. I cannot grasp the games you play with people and their lives, and I do not wish to.

ROMANA: They’re not games I choose to play. I’m trying to defend myself. Trying to protect my world!

LEELA: Yes. It is your world, and not mine. Although I have lived here for many years, it has never been my home, and I am unhappy.


ROMANA: Who was it who said the world is funny to one who thinks, yet tragic to one who feels.

— Romana II, Spirit