Stories Audio Drama Gallifrey Gallifrey Episode 2 Spirit 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 7 Statistics Quotes 5 Overview Released May 2005 Written by Stephen Cole Publisher Big Finish Productions Runtime 69 minutes Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) LGBTQA+ Location (Potential Spoilers!) Davidia Synopsis Leela is tired. Tired of the backbiting politics and intrigues in the sterile society of Time Lords. With the fate of her husband now known, she feels lonely and out of place on Gallifrey. Romana is tired. Tired of justifying herself and her policies to a hostile council. With the line between allies and enemies beginning to blur, she persuades Leela to go with her to the presidential retreat of Davidia, a protected paradise. Then an anomalous time ship arrives, carrying a single passenger. His hands are crushed, his tongue torn out, his mind destroyed. Is this broken man a victim of some terrible crime or part of a trap now primed and ready to spring? After this strange encounter, Romana and Leela may never be the same again. Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Romana II Leela Darkel Irving Braxiatel Narvin Hallanoberen (Hallan) First Appearance Wynter Kosh First Appearance Show All Characters (8) How to listen to Spirit: Big Finish Audio Gallifrey: Spirit Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 7 reviews 16 February 2025 · 116 words Review by RandomJoke Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Yeah, this one is excellent. By now Gallifrey settled down for me, while I enjoyed the first Series, I think the second Series just tickles the right button for me. This one in particular being just an exceptional Two-Hander between two great Actresses. The best Type of Who Story are often rich in their Material and especially the Combination of superb acting and superb writing, and this definitely true for this one. As a Character Piece, it’s quite superb. I do prefer the first Part of this Story a little more than the “Body-Swap”, that said the latter is still quite enjoyable, and I appreciate how this was a bit different from the usual Trope. RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 1 3 February 2025 · 102 words Review by Jae Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! I adore this. I love Leela and I love Romana and this episode is basically a love letter to them both. I will not be over this ever. They are so absolutely wonderful, Lalla Ward and Louise Jameson are amazing actresses and it really, really shows here. This is the episode that got me deeply obsessed with this series. I was loving it before but after this there was no more going back. It got me so obsessed I started to write an analysis of Leela and Romana in it. Find it here: Jae View profile Like Liked 1 16 January 2025 · 169 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! 7/10 for me, which seems to put me a bit in the minority. I liked the angle of Leela and Romana taking a break to recharge and getting to know each other in the process. Everything else felt like a good reason for them not to take said break though, and it left me with a fairly uneven experience overall. I also didn't love the science vs. Leela angle in this audio much. Aside from that feeling a bit old hat for my tastes, it felt weird. Why *would* healing herbs work better than modern medicine which often refines whatever is in those herbs for stronger beneficial effects? Like I get it, Leela has a certain wisdom that all of Gallifrey could learn from and I enjoy that particular side of this range as a whole, but it just felt a little too broad and spelled out here for my liking. I was so excited Lies would be a turning point for me but this and Pandora weren't exactly encouraging. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 2 28 December 2024 · 109 words Review by mistwhisper117 Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! I did not love this. I thought it was good, but nothing special. I was more annoyed at the body swapping than anything else and as such, Romana and Leela each acting like the other got old fast. It did not add anything new or interesting, or do anything unique with the trope. Lalla Ward and Louise Jameson do as great job as always though. Also, the aforementioned noises of broken man were unpleasant but at least not as bad as the torture in Cyberman: Scorpius which had me stop that series right from the start. I am curious about the mystery around and identity of the broken man. mistwhisper117 View profile Like Liked 3 26 November 2024 · 258 words Review by JayPea Spoilers 6 This review contains spoilers! Friendship and body dysmorphia isn't two things I'd usually think of working together to create a great story, but it sure does here! One of my favourite things about Gallifrey so far has been the character interactions, so it's only inevitable that the first story to be *really* driven by them would be one I end up loving. Leela and Romana's interactions here are great, the conversation they have over the creation analogy of the watchmaker (or here necklace) is brilliant and gives a great viewpoint of both characters, and I love Romana throwing a chair through the window at the start. I love the idea of Romana using this getaway as a way of trying to make Leela see that she's needed, and the thing of doing what Romana wants one day and what Leela wants the next is just so very real. And then there's the mind meld they end up having while in the dream water pods. It's great. I love the way the swap works here, it's not swapping bodies, not even fully swapping 'abilities', the bit where they're contemplating getting into a fight, with Romana-Leela wanting to, but not being able to, and Leela-Romana talking about knowing all the parts of the body but not how to use them. It's some really effective almost body horror, and is a great way of helping the characters see eye to eye, understanding what the other's perspective is. Generally just an incredible character piece for the two, and I can see why it's some peoples favourite. JayPea View profile Like Liked 6 Show All Reviews (7) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating127 members 4.18 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating151 votes 4.04 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 254 Favourited 33 Reviewed 7 Saved 1 Skipped 0 Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite LEELA: I was so alone in the world of dreams when you left… The wildlands were dark and so quiet. I… I do not wish to be alone. ROMANA: There will be a place for you with me. For always. Whatever face I wear. — Spirit Show All Quotes (5) Open in new window