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3 reviews

I quite like the celebrity God components, but don’t enjoy the Anubis or cult worship elements. As they try and ramp up the stakes it’s starts to feel less and less grounded, taking you away from the characters and making the plot ultimately a bit bland.


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A slightly disappointing continuation of a story I was really liking, it becoming a sequel to pyramids of mars starts to lose me a bit, and I don't think it needed to become this large scale epic they ended up trying to make it


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Spiral Staircase is the second part of a multipart story. The plot continues on from The Fountains of Forever, with the plot continuing to ramp up. I'm enjoying what this story arc is doing, and the overall idea is interesting. The new characters are good, with less over-dramatic moments than it the first part. The art is good, but the Doctor does look like a generic character.


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