Stories Television Doctor Who Season 7 Classic Who S7 Serial: 1 2 3 4 Spearhead from Space 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite LIZ: Then what do you do, exactly? BRIGADIER: We deal with the odd, the unexplained, anything on Earth, or even beyond. LIZ: Alien invaders? Little blue men with three heads? BRIGADIER: Ten tons of alien material drift through space and land on this planet every day. LIZ: And do no harm to anyone. — Spearhead from Space Link to Quote Favourite BRIGADIER: Still sceptical? LIZ: Of course. I deal with facts, not science fiction ideas. BRIGADIER: Miss Shaw, I'm not a fool. I don't chase shadows. What you don't understand is that there might, there is a remote possibility that outside your cosy little world other things could exist. LIZ: No need to get tetchy. BRIGADIER: Well, sometimes you can be very aggravating. LIZ: Me? What about you? You really believe in a man who's helped to save the world twice? With the power to transform his physical appearance? BRIGADIER: I'm not sure yet. It may not be the same man. LIZ: An alien who travels through time and space in a police box? — Spearhead from Space Link to Quote Favourite SCOBIE: Dear chap, what are you doing with a police box? BRIGADIER: Well, sir LIZ: Camouflage, General. It's not really a police box. It's a spaceship. — Spearhead from Space Link to Quote Favourite BRIGADIER: Oh well, at least he won't get very far. LIZ: You mean, before your men shoot him again? BRIGADIER: I don't find that funny. Without this machine, the Doctor's stuck. He can't leave Earth. LIZ: You were about to open it? BRIGADIER: Yes. LIZ: I think you should. There might be a policeman locked inside. — Spearhead from Space Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: All right, all right, I suppose you want to see my pass? Yes, well, I haven't got one. And I'm not going to tell you my name, either. Now you just tell Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart that I want to see him. Well, don't just stand there arguing with me, man! Get on with it! — Third Doctor, Spearhead from Space Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny HENDERSON: Hello! How are you feeling? DOCTOR: Shoes. HENDERSON: I beg your pardon? DOCTOR: Shoes. NURSE: They seem to be worrying him, sir. I think he believes they've been stolen. HENDERSON: Well, if he wants them, he might as well. Where are they, nurse? NURSE: In his locker. (Henderson takes a pair of black shiny shoes from the bedside locker.) HENDERSON: Ah! Are these what you're looking for? (The Doctor grabs them and rolls over, clutching the shoes to his chest.) — Spearhead from Space Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny RANSOME: Men. Creatures! Made in the factory! — , Spearhead from Space