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A fab story had me on the verge of tears at one point, which I can say is a rarity. Brooding, morbid, and tragic this is a story that has to be experienced. Why can't they animate these stories? I'd kill for a spare parts animation. It's an awesome story!


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This was the first Big Finish story I listened to, and it was an incredible one. One of my favorite Cyberman stories, and certainly an amazing origin for them. Found the whole thing really engaging, well written, and well voice acted.


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Simply one of the greatest Doctor Who stories ever made. 'Nuff Said.


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We have one of Big Finish’s biggest triumphs with Spare Parts. This follows a line of continuity between Season 19 and Season 20 where the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa briefly travelled by themselves after Tegan left in the former’s season finale….and then came back one episode later, genius! Well Big Finish decided to pad the gap out a bit and I’m grateful for that as the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa make for my favourite Fifth Doctor TARDIS team and it's certainly improved my opinion on Nyssa. She suffered quite a lot from always being the third wheel in the Fifth Doctor’s companions. Originally you had her, Tegan and Adric; Tegan being the loudmouth who was more involved in the story and Adric being the unlikable jerk which meant Nyssa sort of just drifted into the background and was just there to look pretty. From what I read, apparently JNT attempted to write her out of the show on several occasions but was always stopped by Peter Davison. While the run of audios makes me appreciate them not writing out Nyssa early, I don’t exactly blame them for trying given how little she had to do onscreen. A good example of this is Earthshock where she spends almost the entire episode in the TARDIS doing nothing. Thankfully for Nyssa, given the chance to travel solo with the Doctor has allowed her to properly develop her character and be more involved in the stories.

Which brings us to Spare Parts and it’s honestly poetic that while Genesis of the Daleks is widely considered the best Dalek story ever written, on the opposite side we have Spare Parts which is without doubt the best Cyberman story of all time!

There’s a very good reason why Spare Parts tops a lot of people’s recommendation lists for first time listeners of Big Finish. With Genesis of the Daleks proving to be one of Doctor Who’s most highly acclaimed stories, could the same concept work with exploring the genesis of the Doctor’s second greatest villains. The answer was an emphatic yes with the universally beloved Spare Parts. Taking place on the Cybermen’s home world Mondas, the Doctor and Nyssa explore a civilisation on the point of collapse and the brink of extinction as the inhabitants so very alike to those on Mondas’s former twin planet, Earth, gradually and surgically remove their souls in a desperate bid to survive. Spare Parts showcases more than any other why the Cybermen are one of sci-fi’s greatest villains and what they represent; the fear of dying and the desperation to survive by any means necessary, even if it means giving up everything that makes you who you are. It’s made more effective by just how bleak this world is. Everything we learn about Mondas from its people to the various disasters crippling the dwindling population is just dripping with nihilism and despair.

Fun little fact about Spare Parts, Russell T. Davies took inspiration directly from this story when he brought back the Cybermen in Series 2 as Rise of the Cybermen is presented as a remake (a very inferior remake I might add) and Spare Parts features a family called the Hartleys with a young woman named Yvonne, a name that was reworked into Yvonne Hartman from Army of Ghosts. Also, not to give too much away but both characters suffer a similar fate that in the case of this story is a scene that never fails to bring me to tears. It’s a perfect scene that shows the tragedy of losing a loved one to the Cybermen and how the unfortunate victim has lost themselves forever.

Now I should address the elephant in the room that while Rise of the Cybermen from Series 2 was looked on as a remake of Spare Parts, fast forward to Series 10 where we get a much more direct remake in World Enough and Time. While it’s not as strong as this story I do give World Enough and Time its dues for being a much worthier remake than Rise of the Cybermen and frankly I consider it the best televised Cyberman story to date. But that still doesn’t make it as strong as Spare Parts which is all the more reason to give this a listen. I also consider this to be my favourite performance from Peter Davison as the Doctor, his dialogue and his line delivery is just so perfect in this. This is the story that really turned around my opinion on the Fifth Doctor.

I’ve gushed over this one quite a bit, but it is honestly one of those rare Doctor Who stories where I cannot think of a single flaw. Spare Parts is not only one of the Fifth Doctor’s best and the greatest Cyberman story, but this belongs in the top 10 Doctor Who stories of all time


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This was a very emotionally charged and bleak release to listen to during a global pandemic - a truly dystopian depiction of life. It take a little while to warm up but culminates is something really special. I’m not sure it needed the cliffhanger ending though - as the listener surely knows that the peace will not last anyway.


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What can I say what hasn’t been said about this one?
This one is definitely a Highlight for the early Days of BF (admittedly a bit “overrated”) but still excellent as ever. I really love the whole Concept of the Cybermen, sadly only rarely we explore the personal tragedy of conversion or the body horror of it. This one does, and it really does it well. I think one thing I noticed with early BF plays that they can be quite unmemorable, sadly, despite often having a pretty solid cast with solid performances. With this one, I still vividly remember most of the Cast besides our leads. Davison and Sutton are really stellar here. And the world building is superb. It’s amazing. Is it perfect? No, I don’t think so, but I wouldn’t blame anybody viewing this one as one of the best.


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My first BF audio and a really special one indeed, the perfect duo was choosen to visit Mondas on its last leg, both the Doctor and Nyssa s plotlines are amazing, the cybermen voices, the scenes, the comitee, pretty much everything about this story is top tier


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Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!


Spare Parts opens with one of the most atmospheric, tense, and dramatic first parts of any Big Finish story I’ve heard. It sets the scene and the rapidly deteriorating Mondasan society effectively; it introduces the local population, all fleshed out beautifully and performed with real heart, and it slowly reveals the emerging Cyberman threat and the genesis of the Doctor’s second biggest foe.

With the Mondasian inhabitants at the forefront, Spare Parts successfully blends strong character drama with a fascinating science fiction adventure. The very humane Cybermen are the most creepy part of the entire story. Their sing-song voices, as heard in their first appearance in The Tenth Planet, are spot-on and just as horrifying as before.

Marc Platt creates a properly engaging, emotionally grating, and vivid story, and the performances help it come to life. Even Davison and Sutton carry plenty of weight as the 5th Doctor and Nyssa, and this comes from someone who isn't a big fan of either character. Davison goes in with fierce emotional energy, and Sutton brings out all the best qualities of Nyssa; the two of them interact with the guest cast effortlessly.

Spare Parts forms an ominous and tragic atmosphere from the onset, slowly revealing more and more of the story that will eventually end up being the origin story of the Mondasian Cybermen. It's horrifying to hear about the experiments made on the humans on the planet; it's terrifying to hear how Cybermen are created and how they suffer under all those metal parts; how the necessity of survival drives the surviving humans on Mondas on the brink of disaster and finally tipping over. There are some truly harrowing and heartbreaking scenes in the final two parts, so emotional and horrifying that you will never forget them.

Platt nails the 5th Doctor and Nyssa and their distinct personalities dealing with the Cybermen post-Adric. He also nails the inherently creepy original Cybermen and writes deeply humane characters that the listener cares for. The tense and dark atmosphere translates incredibly well through Platt's dialogue, and the best parts are those that force the characters to express their emotions.

The plot is fairly simple, yet effectively deep and tragic. The script doesn't attempt to hide the fact that we are following the origins of the Cybermen but truly builds up to that pivotal, harrowing moment. There is a logical reason as to why the Cybermen are created, and the story expertly ties into their later (and earlier) appearance in the 1966 TV classic The Tenth Planet. It's also refreshing to hear a story that forces the Doctor to help despite knowing that there is nothing he can do. It's like an audio version of The Fires of Pompeii.

Origin stories for popular villains are always intriguing, and Spare Parts is no exception. It's the crumbling world of Mondas and the events leading to the rise of the Cybermen that keep this story immensely engaging and deeply emotional. And the listener will be engulfed by the harrowing story, despite knowing how it all will end.

At the time of release, Spare Parts was immensely original, thanks to the way it handles the Cybermen and gives them a human edge that is usually forgotten in their other appearances. We have received several alternate origin stories since, but nothing hits quite as hard as this one (including the 2006 two-parter, which was inspired by this adventure).

The sound design and music are among the finest in early Big Finish, and they help create and maintain the dramatic atmosphere that will stick with you long after you've finished listening.

People repeatedly highlight Spare Parts as one of the most emotional and hard-hitting Big Finish Doctor Who releases, and I can understand why. It's dark, it's tragic, and it's scary. It gives the Cybermen a backstory, which, to date, is the best one they've been given.


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People really say this is one of the best BF plays of all time. They're wrong, of course. It's a curious origin story, but not much more really. The secondary cast blend into one, I had difficulty differentiating the characters. The central conflict is stated but not iterated upon. The conclusion is rushed, things just happen one after another with no rhyme or reason, and I paused several times because I had more interesting thoughts due to being distracted from this. 1.5/5


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The 5th Doctor and Nyssa arrive on the planet Mondas and discover a population eking out an existence below ground; a situation which will see the beginning of the Cybermen.

Nyssa meets the Hartley family and witnesses their daughter, Yvonne, become a proto-Cyberman. The Doctor meets Thomas Dodd, a ‘spare parts’ black marketeer and the earliest Cyber forms.

The planet Mondas is dying and the Committee is processing humans into Cybermen to allow them to survive on the surface of the planet. Despite the Doctor and Nyssa’s efforts, the humans trudge inexorably towards their predestined fate – to become the Cybermen.

The Doctor is horrified when Doctorman Allen, the creator of the cyber process realises that his alien physiology could be the answer to the problems she has been having with humans rejecting the process. Against his will she includes her findings in the process meaning that all Cybermen are, in part, based on a template of the Doctor.

However, the Committee eventually loses all vestiges of humanity and the processed Cybermen begin to take charge; their cold logic defeating the cries of even Doctorman Allen, who finally realises the terrible mistake she has made.

The Doctor and Nyssa succeed, however, in destroying the Committee – now the Cyberplanner – and the Cybermen’s commander, Sheng. They leave Mondas presuming that, if nothing else, they have given the Cybermen a chance to coexist with the unprocessed humans and that Allen is planning on reversing the processing as far as possible, allowing the Cybermen to at least experience some emotion.

In their absence, we discover that Sheng is still alive and that the humans are doomed after all…

As Lance Parkin states in A History, the dating of Spare Parts is difficult as there is little in the story itself to suggest when this occurs relative to Earth.
The Doctor states that Mondas’ technology is millennia ahead of Earth, therefore implying that although the setting and characters reflect 1950s Northern England (all planet’s have a North), this is merely an affectation for the purposes of storytelling; giving the drama somewhat of a post-World War Two vibe.

The Doctor does state that, due to the Committee’s decisions the planet is ‘stuck in the 1950s’ suggesting that were it not for the cybernetic enhancements to their population, the Mondasian culture would be millennia ahead of Earth in technology and culture, seeing as their ‘1950s’ has occurred whilst Earth humans are still little more than apes.

A History suggests that this story occurs somewhere between 65,000,000 BC and 12,000,000 BC. The planet begins its journey back to our solar system at the end of this story and Parkin suggests that, as this will not take as long as the journey out due to the propulsion system, that the Cybermen may well pilot Mondas around the Universe before re-entering out Solar System in 1986 as seen in The Tenth Planet.

It’s interesting that in this ‘prehistory’ section of the Universe’s history, it is the 5th Doctor and Nyssa who seem to be witnessing many of the events (both real and, in the case of The Boy that Time Forgot, artificially created). They have visited Jurassic Earth, witnessed the destruction of the dinosaurs, visited an alternate prehistoric timeline and now, have seen the early days of Mondas. Looking ahead, they will also visit the distant past of Nyssa’s own planet Traken, in Primeval.

Spare Parts is simply put – superb. It is the ultimate tragedy. As listeners, we know exactly what the Mondasians will become and to see it painted for us with human characters who you really care for, brings home the horror far more than the origins of the Daleks in Genesis of the Daleks ever does. Peter Davison and Sarah Sutton are brilliant in one of their best performances as the Doctor and Nyssa. The personal level of seeing the beginning of the Cybermen so soon (relatively) after Adric’s death hits home and the contrast between the Doctor’s initial desire to leave Mondas to its ultimate fate and Nyssa’s determination to fight against it happening makes for some passionate scenes. The guest cast are note perfect, particularly Sally Knyvette (of Blakes 7 fame) as Doctorman Allen and Paul Copley as Mr Hartley.

It is quite possibly the ultimate Cyberman story and will stand as, not only one of the best stories that Big Finish have produced, but one of the best Doctor Who stories of all time.


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The Monthly Adventures #034 - “Spare Parts" by Marc Platt

Alright, let’s get this over with. Spare Parts is good, it’s really, really good. There is a reason it’s such an immensely popular audio play and that is due to the sheer writing capabilities of one Marc Platt, an author famous for his grand designs and vivid alien worlds that effectively create the Cybermen’s very own Genesis of the Daleks, moulding a bleak and oppressive tale of grim fates and a doomed world. But, is it perfect? Many would say so, besides The Chimes of Midnight, it fights for the spot as most popular Big Finish audio play and for many it is the quintessential Cyberman story. However, Spare Parts is no perfect story for me; despite its undeniable brilliance, there are just a couple things that bug me.

Mondas: the twin planet of Earth and a world on the brink of annihilation. Living in subterranean cities, the dregs of the population battle for survival, desperately trying to break free onto the poisoned surface. When the Doctor arrives, he can do nothing but watch as human kind turns to machine. But with Nyssa getting more and more involved in the plight of the Mondasians, maybe he won’t get to choose his role.


I don't think calling Marc Platt an inconsistent writer would be a controversial statement. Although he has created a couple fan favourite stories, most of his work falls under fire for being slow, or convoluted or just plain boring. But seemingly, his most consistent element is his world building; often praised for his bizarre and wild creations, Platt is undeniably a visionary author, with a lot of grand, expansive ideas that always seem to translate well to paper. Frankly, I can't think of many people who would've done Mondas this much justice. It is a bitter world, choked in dust, without sunlight, without joy - a subterranean 1950s London with cybernetic horses patrolling the streets and digging up the graveyards. It's a decidedly grim landscape that is expertly made real to us and is the primary reason this audio is so skilled at making you feel hopeless. This is a bleak story and it perfectly conveys a world at the brink of destruction. You can very easily buy into how the Cybermen slowly and insidiously took over, the central, cybernetic committee of Mondas expanding the bracket of who would be converted wider and wider until even those who could oppose it were stripped of their souls and individuality. And can I just say that Platt gets the Cybermen; they're a villain I love in concept but find to be rarely well realised, but  not here. This may very well be my favourite depiction of the Mondasian tinmen ever. And through our metal friends, Platt creates this lingering sense of doom and turns the whole story into a ticking time bomb of melancholy and imminent annihilation. What really helps the immersion are our cast, as every one of which is on top form. Leading the audio are Davison and Sutton returning as Five and Nyssa, who are at what is by far their most interesting outing so far - Platt truly giving them some much needed character. Nyssa is the tortured scientist desperately trying to save a fated world after losing her own and is the main sympathetic link here whilst Davison hands in a stellar performance, becoming increasingly desperate and conflicted as he fights his instinct to save a world he knows he cannot help. Playing alongside our main duo are a near perfect cast of incredible characters, chief among them the Hartley family, who take Nyssa in when she becomes separated from the Doctor. All three of them feel astoundingly real and make for the emotional crutch of the whole script, their fantastic performances allowing the trio to become alive as the plot progresses and allow the reader to be hurt immensely when they start to fall apart. Perhaps the most famous part of this whole script is when Yvonne, the compassionate and lively eldest child of the Hartleys, is partially converted, left human enough to regain her memories and stumble back to her home, where we watch in horror as her family attempts to comfort their daughter as she is slowly becoming more and more a machine. It's one of those moments where the lines just land in the most spectacularly horrifying way: "Father must see my new uniform.' 'Look how tall they've made you!'. Considering Yvonne was basically one of our main characters in the first half, this reveal hits like a truck and is the perfect example of the sheer brilliant misery that persists throughout the entire story.

And yet, for all its near perfections, there's just one too many things that disappoint me. Chief among them is how much this story circles. The middle parts are somewhat aimless and mostly consist of the Doctor getting chased at nauseam around the city, not to mention the plot has a couple contrivances that annoy me personally, like the Hartleys apparently being the one family on Mondas considering how often the Doctor and Nyssa coincidentally run into them. It's not egregious but can be quite tiring, especially when the ending seemingly forgets it's meant to be the Cybermen's origin. It ends like a completely normal Cybermen story, with the threat beaten and the day saved, before Platt hurriedly injects one last scene that shows the Cybermen magically survived and all is doomed. For being an origin story, it's strange you could remove one scene and turn it into any other Cyberman story, if a particularly good one. There's also the... odd plot beat of revealing that the template for every single Cyberman was the Doctor's physiology which, whilst not being the most damaging retcon the show has ever seen, is a decidedly pointless one that makes the Doctor, once again, seem too large a figure in history; he had to cause every single major historical event, no exceptions! And another thing that got on my nerves was the sound design, occasionally. Specifically when it comes to the Cybermen themselves - I adore the monotonous, slightly human sounds of the Mondasian Cybermen as much as the next guy but that, constantly, paired with the utterly incomprehensible Committee, is murder on the ears.

There are some stories that maybe don't deserve their reputation, whether that be in a positive or negative sense, but Spare Parts is not one of them. It is iconic for a reason and it's no surprise that it's been copied to hell and back in New Who and following expanded media. It's one of my favourite takes on the Cybermen ever and it's a bitterly beautiful listen that gets a little monotonous at points but sells itself as a near Shakespearean tragedy of metal men and desperate people doing desperate things. You won't see me calling it the greatest Doctor Who story ever but it very well may be the best Cyberman story we've ever gotten, and for very good reason.



+ Mondas is sombrely and vividly realised

+ The Doctor and Nyssa are incredibly well characterised

+ The Hartleys make for great side characters and massively assist immersion

+ Yvonne's conversion is an utterly gut wrenching scene

+ Truly evokes a feeling of hopelessness in the face of Armageddon

+ One of the absolute best uses of the Cybermen



- Cybermen voices get progressively more grating throughout the audio

- Story forgets that its meant to be an origin for the Cybermen

- The Doctor being the template for every Cyberman was a weird and unnecessary retcon

- The story begins to go in circles around the middle


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MR 034: Spare Parts

Yes, it's good, despite the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa. It's amazing to me that Marc Platt did the incompressible Ghost Light and then did the incredibly boring Loups Garoux and then somehow pulled this out of his hat. It's pretty wild. I don't know how he did it.

The Doctor ends up on Mondas in its ancient history where Nyssa makes friends with a local family. Modas is Earth's twin, the long lost planet from Earth's solar system. It was knocked out of orbit and set adrift into space when a moon formed between them. The Earth thrived while Mondas died. All the people live underground. Their society faintly resembles Earth except it's more desperate, more based around survival. There's a market for artificial body parts: organs, limbs, anything as people get sick and injuried regularly. Doctors go around harvesting "spare parts" from people to sell as replacements. It's a dark and twisted reflection of humanity and it's good stuff.

It's this world that produces the Cybermen. Some time ago in Mondas's history they executed the royals, French Revolution style. This desperate set of circumstances lays the blatant evil of capitalism and wealth inequality bare when people don't know if they're going to survive from one day to the next. However, the "central committee" that they established is actually 20 people's brains pushed together as a think tank, like Shada. The brains inside their corpses kept alive to make decisions for the planet.

They've established a propulsion system on the surface of the planet to try to control the direction of Mondas's drift through space. But now Mondas is drifting towards a dangerous nebula that threatens to doom its civilization. The surface of the planet is too dangerous for anyone to go out unless they are FULLY converted and processed into the cybermen that we know. And even then they don't live very long. So working on the propulsion system is practically impossible.

The conversion process and the propulsion system are sucking up all the power from the city, especially in the dangerous nebula. People are starting to die. The government is using corpses from the graveyard in its conversions. And there's a lottery for who gets picked to go up to the surface. They don't know that they're going to be converted though. Of course not.

The nebula starts to destroy the cave system. People WILL start dying unless they can fix it. But the Committee decide to convert EVERYONE in order to save everyone. To survive, they become Cybermen.

There's something about the Doctor being the template for the Cybermen, which was odd. Not sure why that was a thing. The Doctor also manages to get Mondas's propulsion system to push it away from the nebule where it begins its journey back to the solar system where it will be destroyed in The Tenth Planet. The Doctor tries to get them to stop converting people, but they do it all the same.

There's a lot of really good stories here. The lottery is not exactly random. There's a job called the "sisterman" who goes around seeing who would be best suited for conversion. It's a pretty f**ked up job for evil people. The sisterman in the story KNOWS what she's doing, but she doesn't care. And in the end she gets converted herself.

As does the doctor who goes around harvesting organs to sell. He bemoans the government selling artificial parts and driving his organic parts out of business. Which is suitably f**ked.

We get to see a lot of the events through the family that Nyssa befriends. The dad is a cybermat catcher, because the cybermats were used as pets but have apparently become pests. The son wants to go to the surface because he thinks it's his patriotic duty, but the sisterman chooses his sister instead. And we get to see the horror in the conversion through her, especially when she comes home and how horrible it is for the family to see her like that. Also, it definitely really threw me off to have a character named Yvonne who isn't, you know, THAT Yvonne.

The cops are also the first to be mostly converted. The cops and their horses. The description is horrible. They're still recognizably human, but only just, cybernetic implants on everything. Of course the police are the first to be mostly converted.

There's some good stuff for the Doctor and Nyssa as well. The Doctor does his usual bullshit of saying that changing history is bad in and of itself, that preventing the rise of the cybermen would be bad for some reason. And Nyssa gets to call him out on it. There's some pathos for me, as the world's only Adric fan, to hear her calling the Doctor out on his not saving Adric when he totally could have.

I'm pretty happy with Nyssa's character development in these audios so far. She's surprised me. She's becoming more of a character who can call the Doctor out on his bs, which is the type of companion I like. For the most part, though, the Doctor and Nyssa are just observers in this story even though he restores power to the city. Which fits this Doctor. They're just struggling to survive like the people on the planet.

Definitely very good. Rare Fifth Doctor w. And rare Marc Platt w, I still don't get how he did it. We're coming out swinging, apparently, after the second Eighth Doctor season that concluded in Neverland. We shall see if we can keep the good stories coming.


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For Whovians or those in search of a good audio drama, "Spare Parts," featuring the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa, is a great audio drama. Personally, I might like it better than "The Tenth Planet" and "World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls." (It also serves as a prelude to those eps as well.) Chilling, eerie, creepy, and great performances.

It was also my first serial with Peter Davison's Doctor, enjoyed him quite a bit, looking forward to watching his television run.


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Primeval

This story defined the Cybermen as they are today. Without this story, they would remain a continuation of the classic Cybermen who were slowly devolving into generic robots. This brings back the element of body horror present in The Tenth Planet and it makes for a horrifying 2 hours.

This is the second time I've listened to this and I was ready to come out of it thinking it was good but only praised because it's an early release that people have had plenty of time to think about and that's the only reason this story is acclaimed. I'm glad to be wrong and it's just as good as I remember it originally.

There's a reason this has inspired so many Cyberman stories. One of the characters, Yvonne Hartley, is a clear inspiration, atleast in name, of the ill-fated head of Torchwood, Yvonne Hartman who similarly gets converted into a Cyberman.

Peter Davison and Sarah Sutton put in a brilliant performances, especially the former. He sells the Doctor's fear and disgust at the Cybermen being modelled off him. Funnily enough, while the performances were great this was probably the weakest usage of the Doctor and Nyssa so far, especially Nyssa. In this story she could be replaced by just about any other companion and events would most likely turn out the same.

This is a phenomenal story, it has horror and drama and tension, there aren't any major plotholes or anything. It's a very tight story that just about anyone can listen to without prior knowledge which is probably one of the reasons it's so iconic.


Next Story: Creatures of Beauty


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"Father must see my new suit"

Heartbreak, horror and humour. This audio has it all, Marc Platt hits it out of the ball park with a suitably eerie story that tells the tale of one of the many origins of the Cybermen. Definitely one of the standout releases from the first 50 Main Range stories and probably the best 5th Doctor release from those 50, it weaves a chilling atmosphere and the suitably cold setting of Mondas only aides this. The reveal that the people going to the surface of Mondas from their subterranean dwellings is great and always sends shivers down my spine.

Peter Davison and Sarah Sutton give good performances and are backed up by strong performances from the supporting cast and the monster voices from Mr Briggs are as good as they always are.

Overall, a fantastic Cyberman story, proving that they lend themselves perfectly to body horror, backed up by excellent performances from the cast make this audio story a must listen for any fans of Who.


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