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Soldier Obscura. God what an episode. Ace!! She is absolutely wonderful. Her and Brax are a really compelling dynamic. And messed up. This whole episode is really spooky and I love that vibe. Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Never knew who to trust. It’s mindbending. Brax is so horrible in this one, I love the similarities he has with the Doctor. He is really so evil in parts but I can’t help but love him still. The whole horror and the Daleks are done so well. I’m kind of sad Ace has left now but on the other hand she is safe (and I do have her short trip next up)An excellent episode in total.


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Holy. Cow. This one was amazing. Braxiatel was exactly like 7 here, which works thematically. I do admit there could've been more done here with the Daleks, but I still enjoyed this story. I was not expecting Braxiatel to do what he did, and I can't actually remember what the secret weapon was. That being said, this was a great proper start to the Time War, and I liked how there was an actual explanation of how Ace escaped the Time War.


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