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So I'd heard good things about this story and yeah, it was fine, nothing really standout though.
Snow is probably my favourite of Stranded 3 so far if for nothing else but the setting. My main complaint about Patience and Twisted Folklore was that they sort of lose the 'strandedness' of the previous sets, the focus on Baker Street and the core cast of characters that we've been building up that live there. Here at least the plot revolves completely around them, granted a version of our cast that's 15 years in the future, but still.
I do really like what this story shows for that expanded cast, Ron being the only person remaining in the house, Zakia becoming a member of Divine Intervention to save her mum, Tanya growing old, becoming part of the resistance as she has nothing left to lose, and then dying. It's got some great character beats, and the idea of snow being the tears of a time traveller (ish) is a really interesting one.
Unfortunately, the emotional beats don't hit as hard for me as they're meant to, Liv and Andy talking about not being able to go back to 2020 for example just doesn't quite work because I know they will be able to, and the resolution to that plotline is just sort of handwaved away.
That all said, even if they don't hit as hard as intended, those beats definitely do hit, and seeing this future really helps show why Divine Intervention have to be stopped. The previous two stories tried to do the same, but involving more of the expanded cast, showing how they'd end up if this future comes to pass, that really makes this story work better than the previous two.

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