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First aired

Monday, October 3, 2011

Production Code

5.1, 5.2

Written by

Phil Ford

Directed by

Ashley Way


60 minutes

Time Travel


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London

UK Viewers

0.53 million


Sarah Jane, Clyde and Rani try to figure out why a baby abandoned on Sarah Jane's doorstep is undergoing rapid maturation, and how she's connected to a war between the Metalkind and the Fleshkind.

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3 reviews

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A good start to the fifth series, I like Sky as the new character, and how much Clyde and Rani have grown up since we first met them. Just very sad about Sladen's passing and that we never got the rest of the story beyond the next two episodes.

Nice seeing the Captain and the Shopkeeper again.

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They really kinda just made Luke 2 with another alien child saved by Sarah Jane that was accelerated to a later age and is figuring out aspects of life for the first time, didn't they.

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It’s bittersweet seeing the show reset itself so definitively ahead of its unplanned and all too early end. The public had so much love for Elisabeth Sladen, enough to guarantee 5 series and what would have been more to follow, but alas.

It’s interesting that they opted to put a child in the main cast. Oddly, Rani and Clyde look ancient compared to Sky. Plot wise it borrows as much as possible from the show's pilot and Luke’s origins, however it’s the lack of a strong villain that means this story doesn’t sing quite as well as the original.

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AVG. Rating139 members
3.32 / 5

AVG. Rating52 votes
3.78 / 5

The Time Scales

AVG. Rating29 votes
3.40 / 5

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Part One

SARAH JANE [OC]: Is there anything more beautiful than a star filled sky? As a child, I would dream of what might be up there, but never imagined that one day I would find out. The fiery rings of Coulabria, interstellar lightning across the Voorheiden Horizon. I've seen the death of worlds and the birth of stars. So many wonderful sights, and things to terrify, even here on Earth. Because, although it's easy to forget, we're a part of the universe too, and we really aren't alone. Sometimes, the most amazing people and creatures can find their way to Earth, and so can the most terrifying.

(A tramp is scavenging in a wrecker's yard when a fireball comes hurtling through the sky, to crash nearby. He watches as an armoured biped clambers out from the remains of the old cars it has landed amongst. It scans him, then presses buttons on its forearm.)

SARAH JANE [OC]: Life here can be an adventure, too.

(The tramp runs.)

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