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Just rewatched this for what feels like the millionth millionth time, and honestly, it’s still fantastic. I wish I could remember experiencing it as a kid-imagining all the theories about who River Song might be, what happened to Donna, and who that mysterious kid is must have made me insufferable for my parents during the week-long wait! I probably would’ve been terrified too- this episode is genuinely scary.

The writing is excellent, though I do think some of the supporting characters feel a bit underdeveloped, mostly there to be picked off (or rather, eaten). Still, it’s an outstanding episode overall.


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I think that this is a solid introductory episode to the Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead two-parter. The ideas present here are pretty neat and original and theyre're pulled off well. The tension and suspense is kept high throughout, as a first part should do.



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