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Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans


62% 9 votes

Reviews and links from the Community

Review of Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans by 15thDoctor

This is not too shabby in terms of a fan production, falling towards the more professionally made end of the scale. The trick it pulls off is giving you a view into how Sontarans strategise in situations where they can’t just kill everyone in sight. Terrence Dicks’ characterisation of the Sontarans is good, but onscreen they lose some of their USP with how tall they are, and the voices don’t sit quite right.

As it’s a fan production there are touches of amdram and it’s all a little comical, but I wouldn’t trade it. It gives you a view into what Doctor Who could have looked like in that missing decade of the 90s.

Review last edited on 23-06-24

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Votes: 7
Average rating: 61%


Votes: 2
Average rating: 60%

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