Stories Book Decide Your Destiny Second Skin 1 image Overview Characters How to Read Reviews 1 Statistics Quotes Overview Released Thursday, March 6, 2008 Written by Richard Dungworth Publisher BBC Books Pages 128 Synopsis Join the Doctor on his travels through time and space and influence the story with your decisions. Choose a direction and let the adventures begin... When you find yourself on a twenty-third century space station, you soon realise a dangerous alien parasite has taken over most of the people on-board. Can you and the Doctor destroy it before it reaches Earth? Read Read Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Tenth Doctor How to read Second Skin: Game Books Second Skin Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 1 review 9 December 2024 · 365 words Review by JayPea Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! I'm going to talk about my problems with the way the CYOA side of things is handled in a bit, but as an actual story I really enjoyed this! The idea of an exo-parasite a creature that can take over humans by forming a glassy second skin over our own, giving us pure silver eyes in the process, is firstly a really fun alien concept, almost an organic cyberman, and secondly a really fun and horrifying alien visual. The idea that they were also able to take over so many people because someone wanted to profit of an alien discovery because of the earth's failing ozone layer, also just a really solid setup, I love it! Unfortunately the CYOA aspect does get in the way a bit. On the bright side, there's no 'god-childing', all the decisions you can make are actual decisions your character can make. On the negative side... The short nature of a lot of the options means that information and characters have to be contained to short scenes and not affect things so if you miss them, you're not missing out on anything. In my read-through I met the person who invented Second Skin, but after the scene were I did and the exposition that gave me, neither he nor the origin of second skin were referenced again. There was also some strange inconsistancies, the first and second time I took a Zoob I was completely fine, but the third it talks about be staggering out of it, and then once in the story the choice that I made just didn't connect with the next scene at all, it felt like I was just completely missing a scene that was meant to come between them but no, it was telling me to go there. My final gripe is also just to do with the way the options are presented to me sometimes, there's a lot of Ten turning to the reader and going "We have option A and option B, what option do you want to do?". If it happened once, sure, fine, but when it's happening 5+ times in reading a 15 minute book, it does just take you out of it. JayPea View profile Like Liked 1 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating26 members 3.23 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating26 votes 3.23 / 5 Member Statistics Read 12 Favourited 0 Reviewed 1 Saved 0 Skipped 0 Owned 2 Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote