I do really have a big soft spot for that Story.
Always liked the idea of Richard E Grant playing the Doctor and while obvious not as good as many of the canon ones (mainly because it’s his first outing and fairly rarely do the Doctors get me in their first outing), I still very much enjoyed this one. I think Cornell is a great Writer, yes this might be lower in comparison to his other Who Outings, but the Idea of the Shalka and how it gets defeated is absolutely lovely.
I do think the limited Animation are pretty solid too, even through I much more prefer Cosgroves later Who Outing with the Invasion Animation.
Overall, it’s definitely an oddity. I do think with maybe more Outings, E Grant could have found more of his footing in the role. Because while as I said I really like this Story at parts it’s fairly obvious that Richard hasn’t fully found his way in the role yet.
I guess the Story would have benefit more from having more follow-ups fleshing out this Incarnation, because there would have been certainly some great Potential in it (at least in my eyes).

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