Stories Television Doctor Who Series 2 Doctor Who S2 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 School Reunion 3 images Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Hello, Sarah Jane. SARAH JANE: [softly] It's you. Doctor. Oh, my God, it's you, isn't it? [realizing] You've regenerated. DOCTOR: Oh. Half a dozen times since we last met. SARAH JANE: You look.... incredible. DOCTOR: So do you. SARAH JANE: Hm. I got old. What are you doing here? DOCTOR: Well. UFO sighting. School gets record results. I couldn't resist. What about you? SARAH JANE: Same. — School Reunion Link to Quote Favourite Tags: TenRose Timepetals DOCTOR: I don't age. I regenerate. But humans decay; you wither and you die. Imagine watching that happen to someone that you-- [breaks off] ROSE: What, Doctor? DOCTOR: You can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can't spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on. Alone. That's the curse of the Time Lords. — School Reunion Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Correctamundo! A word I have never used before and hopefully never will again. — Tenth Doctor, School Reunion Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: So, physics. Physics, eh? Physics. Physics. Physics! Physics. Physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics. I hope one of you is getting all this down. — Tenth Doctor, School Reunion Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny MICKEY: So what's the deal with the tin dog? SARAH: The Doctor likes travelling with an entourage. Sometimes they're humans, sometimes they're aliens, and sometimes they're tin dogs. What about you? Where do you fit in the picture? MICKEY: Me? I'm their Man in Havana. I'm the technical support. I'm. Oh, my God. I'm the tin dog. — School Reunion Link to Quote Favourite FINCH: You act like such a radical, and yet all you want to do is preserve the old order? Think of the changes that could be made if this power was used for good. DOCTOR: What, by someone like you? FINCH: No, someone like you. The Paradigm gives us power, but you could give us wisdom. Become a God at my side. Imagine what you could do. Think of the civilisations you could save. Perganon, Assinta. Your own people, Doctor, standing tall. The Time Lords reborn. SARAH: Doctor, don't listen to him. FINCH: And you could be with him throughout eternity. Young, fresh, never wither, never age, never die. Their lives are so fleeting. So many goodbyes. How lonely you must be, Doctor. Join us. DOCTOR: I could save everyone. FINCH: Yes. DOCTOR: I could stop the war. SARAH: No. The universe has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it's a world, or a relationship, everything has its time. And everything ends. (The Doctor throws a chair at the big screen, smashing it.) — School Reunion Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny MICKEY: You're working! Okay, no time to explain. we need to get inside the school. Do you have like, I don't know, a lock picking device? K9: We are in a car. MICKEY: Maybe a drill attachment? K9: We are in a car. MICKEY: Fat lot of good you are. K9: We are in a car. MICKEY: Wait a second. We're in a car. — School Reunion