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CHARLEY: Come on. Take my hand.

DOCTOR: But we can see now. We don’t need to hold on to each other.

CHARLEY: I know. Take my hand anyway.

DOCTOR: I didn't expect to care for you as much as I did. That was my mistake. When it came to it, with the Web of Time hanging in the balance, having to make a choice between you and the universe, I'd say hang the Web of Time, you're more important. Let the universe rot. Charley, you're worth more than all that. I sacrificed myself for you, to save your life. And I did it gladly. I thought I'd never see you again. That it wouldn't matter so long as I knew you were safe.

CHARLEY: I don't understand. You're saying you did care for me, after all. That you loved me.

DOCTOR: Of course I loved you! I killed myself for you, didn't I? Of course I loved you. Of course I love you.

Charley: I thought I'd lost so much. But I've adjusted now. I can be happy. That's better, surely?

Doctor: But Charley, you have lost a lot. You have lost everything. Your family, your friends. Charley, you will never see another of your kind. Never. You will never fall in love with a man, get married, have children. Hang on to your losses. They make you what you are. Even if we spend the rest of our lives here, and I'm rather afraid we will, don't let them take away that regret and that pain. All that identity. Don't settle for this existence when once you've tasted life, because you are Charley Pollard, and you deserve better than that.

The Sound Creature: I shall go and find Papa. I know he'll let me live

— , Scherzo

THE DOCTOR: We must fill these seconds quickly. We'll never get another chance. All the waste. These seconds are gone forever. What's the point of filling them? Everything temporary. Only memories left until the memories fade. How can you live like this? How can it not drive you mad?

— Eighth Doctor, Scherzo

CHARLEY: Thank you, Doctor. Thank you for that strength. But I have my own strength too, and I refuse.


DOCTOR: You refuse, Charley? You'd do that for me?

CHARLEY: I do not accept your sacrifice. Not this time


CHARLEY: Let her burn in the R101. Let her be executed by the Time Lords. Live on. With regret, but live on.


CHARLEY: Right or wrong, whatever happens to Charley Pollard, I choose the Doctor to live.