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Sunday, December 14, 2003

Written by

Robert Shearman


90 minutes

Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Divergent Universe

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Divergent Universe, Bortresoye, Interzone


Once upon a time...

There were two friends, and together they travelled the cosmos. They thwarted tyrants and defeated monsters, they righted wrongs wherever they went. They explored the distant future and the distant past, new worlds and galaxies, places beyond imagining.

But every good story has to come to an end.

With no times or places left to explore, all the two friends have now are each other. But maybe that's one voyage too many. Maybe they'll discover things they'd rather have left undisturbed... hidden away in the suffocating, unfeeling, deafening brightness.

Once upon a time. Far, far away.

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12 reviews

É impressionante como Robert Shearman (colecionador de histórias geniais) conseguiu transformar o pouco em algo tão grandioso a níveis absurdos conceituais e de qualidade nos inserindo a um monólogo focado em desenvolver o relacionamento entre os dois personagens em meio um cenário vazio, branco e espaçado.
O Doctor e a Charley estão diante a um situação onde não podem confiar nem mesmo em seus sentimentos, no ar que respiram, ou se ESTÃO de fato respirando.
Sua fluidez narrativa é impressionante, uma dinâmica espetacular, o áudio segue com uma premissa singular de não haver mais nada para distrair o ouvinte, deixando-o muito focado aos pequenos detalhes, privando a uma experiência sensorial combinada com uma imensa sobrecarga emocional, uma imersão silenciosa que conta até mesmo com os famosos "Jump Scare".
A palavra 'scherzo' é um termo musical que se refere a uma peça rápida de música clássica, geralmente incluída em uma composição maior como a segunda ou terceira parte do som predominante - Shearman é realmente muito bom em escrever personagens, ele resgata o ""romance"" desajeitado entre o Doctor e a Charley de uma forma tão envolvente a ponto de explorar as motivações e as razões pelas quais o Doctor tem, ou precisa de companions, esse provavelmente é o auge de sua narrativa conceitual. Scherzo é um tanto agonizante, emocionante, misterioso, imersivo, fascinante...Bom, eu poderia ficar aqui até amanhã rasgando elogios a essa obra prima, sem sombra de dúvidas é um dos melhores áudios da BIG FINISH.

At its core, Doctor Who is a show about one person who grows, changes, and evolves over the course of century after century, almost always being with at least one Companion. One could even argue that the Companions are a more important aspect to the show than the Doctor themself. Look at the 4th Doctor travelling with Sarah, vs with Leela or with Romana. In a way, the Companion is what defines the Doctor, and the only thing that gives them meaning in a turbulent universe.

Scherzo pushes this beyond the extreme, into the blatant. Subtext is now text. The themes are the story. The Doctor and the Companion are all there is, and without the Companion there would be no Doctor. Without the Doctor there would be no Companion. Both should reasonably have died, but live only because the other demands it.

In this story, toxic codependency evolves to a toxic coexistence. This brutal, heart-rending story is the deepest and most intense examination of the Doctor-Companion relationship that Doctor Who has ever had or ever will have.

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Scherzo is the most conceptual Doctor Who story I've ever experienced. A highly experimental two hander between one of the best doctor/ companion duos. From the word go they are asking questions like 'can their bodies even function in this new universe, what are the odds that there is even oxygen here?' They slowly work out the rules.

There are points at which The Doctor is quite cruel to Charley, but it seems that it is only because he is hiding his love for her. The open embrace of love in this story is refreshing.

I don't think I enjoy this story as much as some others do. The lack of a plot (however well it is pulled off) does stop Scherzo from being a true classic. I recognise it as a great transition story between the old and the new universe. Between Zagreus and what comes next.

This is honestly my all time favourite Doctor Who story. Its dark, creative, the performances are amazing, and it fits the audio medium so well. 8 is so dark in this story that it would give 7 a run for his money. Its so extremely horrifying and I love it so much

I have no idea what’s going on but I am living

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AVG. Rating330 members
4.70 / 5


AVG. Rating576 votes
4.19 / 5

The Time Scales

AVG. Rating245 votes
4.35 / 5

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CHARLEY: Come on. Take my hand.

DOCTOR: But we can see now. We don’t need to hold on to each other.

CHARLEY: I know. Take my hand anyway.

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