Stories Television Doctor Who Series 1 Doctor Who S1 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Rose 4 images Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 14 reviews 19 March 2025 · 106 words Review by KieranCooper 1 2025 Rewatch Whilst I think this is a perfect jumping-on point for the show, it isn't a top-tier episode Autons don't feel as evil and threatening as they do in the classic era, but they are captured very well here anyway I've always thought 'Anti-Plastic' as a solution was a cop-out, could just be the writing of it, but took away from the believability The world of Rose is captured perfectly, such realism helps to add to Rose's character, what RTD was known for wonderfully It will always annoy me that the lift doors don't instantly open when the arm of the auton sticks through, like pls KieranCooper View profile Like Liked 1 15 March 2025 · 193 words Review by ThePertweeDoctor Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Rose is an important episode, as it brought the show back after a long hiatus. While this story is a fairly standard typical alien invasion plot, it is probably what the show needed to bring it back. No need to go all out crazy with Daleks or Cybermen, just a simple story with Rose going about her daily life, before getting thrown into the Doctor’s life after nearly being killed by Autons. Speaking of the Doctor, Christopher Eccleston immediately makes a big impact, making an effective first impression. I really like how the episode explores these themes of if the Doctor is even a safe person for Rose to be around, and her trying to understand what kind of danger she’s in for. If there was one negative thing I had to say about this episode, some of the visual effects also don’t look that good, especially the scene where Mickey is getting pulled into the bin. So overall, while not a perfect 10/10 story by any means, Rose serves as a fairly good introductory episode and does set up the first series and the revival as a whole pretty well. 7/10 = 3.5/5. ThePertweeDoctor View profile Like Liked 1 7 March 2025 · 96 words Review by cosmicmelodies Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! So, as part of a challenge I imposed upon myself I am rewatching the whole of the modern era of Doctor Who. We're off to a great start with this episode. I love creepy and frightening things, so this episode is quite fun for me. I am an avid fan of horror and anything scary so honestly the whole mannequin coming to life bit got me hyped. Mannequins are also something that frighten me quite a lot so bonus points there. All in all, a great episode that I love to rewatch from time to time. cosmicmelodies View profile Like Liked 1 31 January 2025 · 422 words Review by goblinikov Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Phwoar what a start! Immediately Rose is so quick to distinguish itself from the classic era by hitting us with the high-paced montage. None of the budgetary-mandated loitering that some of the not-so-great serials force us through as an audience. I think the change from 20-minute 6-parters to a shorter series with hour-long episodes was warranted at the time and allows for much more of an arc over the course of the series, especially considering that this arc is my personal favourite. We get our first taste of horror in Rose’s introduction to the Autons, and I can’t think of any other line that would work so well in introducing the Doctor as ‘Run!’. Everything is so aggressively 2000s and I love it, so nostalgic. Jackie is immediately so funny; Mickey is immediately Mickey. All the characters are so realised, you can easily believe that we’ve stepped into Rose’s life at the point where the Doctor shows up, but that she has lived a real human experience before then. It’s goofy as f*ck and I’m so happy with it, I know some people don’t like the cheese, but I feel like it’s a fun nod to the classic era. The JFK zoom out of Christopher Eccleston mewing is so hilariously camp. Being placed in Rose’s POV recontextualises all the previous lore and prevents information from being shoehorned in, which is incredible in terms of assuming your audience’s intelligence, particularly the younger generation for whom this will always be their doctor (I was 2 when I saw this episode for the first time). The music is amazing, we get certified bangers like Westminster Bridge, Seeking the Doctor, and even a sneaky snippet of Doomsday when our resident it-girl enters the TARDIS for the first time, which is some gnarly musical foreshadowing if I’ve ever heard it. The plot isn’t too complex but imagine how much of a brain ache it would be if it was, like the Zygon subplot in Day of the Doctor. Clive’s death is poignant and marks the start of the new era’s more graphic and emotional deaths, he has knowledge, he’s resourceful, but ultimately none of that saves him in the face of brutish violence, his last seconds spent realising it was all for nothing. This is an amazing first episode of the revival era, and it was the earliest point of reference I had of this show until I watched an Unearthly Child 2022. goblinikov View profile Like Liked 1 13 January 2025 · 114 words Review by RandomJoke Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! Looking back on it, I think this Episode is a great introduction but as an episode, it’s kinda just okay? Don’t get me wrong the moment where Eccelston bursts in and says “I am the doctor, nice to meet you rose, run for your life” is amazing. In general, both Billie and Chris make it a really solid piece, as a story? It’s fine. The Autons I find are very underused in Who and could be used for some greater effects. I think it’s very much solid, great way to bring Who into the 21st Century, other than that? Just an episode I respect more than I really enjoy/love. RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 2 7 November 2024 · 164 words Review by epcot 1 As it's my personal 10th anniversary of discovering Doctor Who, I've decided to do a full rewatch of the series (something I haven't done in at least 6 years) to both celebrate the show and prepare myself for the 60th anniversary specials and upcoming series of the show. Rose, to this day, still stands as the best possible introduction to the world of Doctor Who. Every single detail of this episode perfectly sets up the universe to someone completely unfamiliar with the series, and despite some iffy special effects, the episode still holds strong today. The story also does an excellent job introducing another aspect of Who, the cheesiness. To fully enjoy the show, it's my belief that one has to be okay with a lot of camp, and this episode, with the Auton Mickey and killer mannequins, does exactly what it should in setting the viewer up for the program. Overall, a fun episode, and one that certainly excites me for the journey ahead. epcot View profile Like Liked 1 10 October 2024 · 25 words Review by EBP Pretty strong opener to newcomers to Doctor Who, Russell did a phenomenal job reintroducing the Doctor and the story's impressively strong from beginning to end. EBP View profile Like Liked 0 7 September 2024 · 200 words Review by Sinewhales 2 This is probably the nu-who episode I re-watched the most and I realize how much it successfully pulled off everything it attempted. The episode works perfectly as a re-introduction of the Doctor as a character while also introducing his character arc of a Doctor traumatized by the time war and trying to come to terms with himself and in only a handful of really well written interactions we instantly get the stakes of the character, his mysterious lore and heavier backstory with a lot of emotional impact (I especially really like Eccleston's monologue comparing himself to how the earth is spinning). What I think is great is also how everything is balanced with a lot of comedic bits to avoid making an episode who is too heavy or too dark emotionally (I really like all the Jackie bits) and while I think some moments are definitely too cheesy for their own good (The plastic mickey bit especially) or that the pacing is a bit weird at times, I still think it's overally well executed and that the highlights overshadow easily those flaws. Overall a great introduction and a stellar first episode for one of the best new who seasons. Sinewhales View profile Like Liked 2 29 July 2024 · 4 words Review by mikeyatesapologist 1 I LOVE ROSE TYLER mikeyatesapologist View profile Like Liked 1 28 May 2024 · 33 words Review by Rock_Angel 2 Watching this as part of a watch along in a discord server very fun dynamic and made me love the episode even more honestly it’s such a fun start to the revival Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 2 21 May 2024 · 753 words Review by zeroroom Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! What can I say? This is a truly great opener to the 2005 revival, and when I was a child it got me hooked in minutes. Rose will always hold a special place for me- it was my first ever episode, and a wonderful introduction to the world of Doctor Who, which is exactly what it was supposed to be. Setting up the episode through Rose’s eyes to allow a slower build up to an alien threat worked brilliantly, letting the show feel updated and as though it had a place in (what was then) the present. Those new to Who went on that first journey with her, got to know the Doctor as she did, and as such the exposition present isn’t too much. Watching it now, explaining the TARDIS, (what she is, what TARDIS stands for) all feels a little long winded- purely because I already know all that from the past almost-20-years of watching. As a child, the threat felt very real, and- call me silly- but I still eye shop window dummies suspiciously on occasion, just in case. In terms of character, Rose does a great job too. You meet Rose, of course, and she feels like an everyday person- she’s real and normal and this is all happening to her completely by chance, but she rolls with all the strangeness with a level of composure I could only dream of. The Doctor, too, within seconds of meeting, grabs her by the hand and pulls her out of danger, and the conversation in the lift is a perfectly condensed look at their whole dynamic. ‘What makes you say that?’ ‘It’s gotta be students’ ‘good thinking.’ He knows from that moment that she’s not just a stupid ape but someone worth having around, and despite walking away after blowing up her job, it’s clear that he’ll want her to come with him, and that she’ll want to go. I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, and the entire planet is hurtling round the sun at sixty seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go. Who are you, Doctor? This brilliant alien who says things like this, blows stuff up, and… laughs about death and the invasion of Earth? He’s camp, he’s butch, he’s got PTSD and a chip on his shoulder the size of the London Eye, and, speaking of that ‘giant round thing slap bang in the centre of London’, he’s so wonderfully dense sometimes too. Who wouldn’t want to get in a box and fly off with him? Jackie and Mickey, too, feel just as real as our main pair (plastic doppelganger aside), and it’s something I love about RTD’s era(s)- the companion always has a clear tie to Earth, they always have some solidified reason to come back home despite running off for an adventure. Even Clive has a life and a place in the world despite his limited screen time (RIP, you would’ve gotten on so well with LINDA). Rewatching recently, I was struck by the 88 seconds long shot of the Doctor and Rose talking - it’s not a tense moment, it’s just a conversation, but it’s a wonderful way to bring the audience along. It’s not quick, few-second cuts between them. It lets the eye look at them both, between them both, see them within their environment and really get a feel for Rose’s World in the background. It’s just two people walking along and it looks like an everyday conversation, except… it’s most definitely not. He came along and turned it all on its head. There are, of course, some imperfections with the episode. The CGI now is naturally dated, but that can’t really be helped, and that photoshop of Nine at JFK’s assassination always gives me the giggles. Also I simply refused to believe that Rose didn’t notice something was wrong with ‘Mickey’ after he was eaten by the bin. It’s so unnatural and unsettling and she didn’t even blink… Though perhaps that says more about her character than anything else, so focused on the Doctor that everything else is blurring into the background already? zeroroom View profile Like Liked 3 12 May 2024 · 189 words Review by dema1020 3 One of the strongest introductory episodes of Doctor Who in existence, and an excellent start to the new series. This one is a perfect blend of old Doctor Who stuff with a new theme, new ideas, and a new creative direction, all of which I found quite powerful. Its big Achilles' heel is the special effects and choices behind the editing. Even accounting for everything involved - the time period of this production, that the production crew in general had never made stories like this before, and the limited budget - visually Rose still doesn't hold up well and I do find it is much easier to sell people on Doctor Who with The Eleventh Hour. Wonky TV CGI is one thing, burping trash cans are another. Still, that aside, it is a perfect introduction to the Doctor, hitting all the right notes in intrigue, slowly building on the ideas of travelling through space and time, and showing off our new Doctor and companion, both of which are excellently performed. A solid pilot if there ever was one, and the start of a great new chapter in Who history. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 3 2 May 2024 · 710 words Review by MrColdStream 3 Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! "ROSE: A TRIUMPHANT REVIVAL FOR A NEW ERA" From the very first notes of Murray Gold’s reimagined theme, Rose confidently reintroduces Doctor Who for the 21st century. Russell T. Davies crafts a fast-paced, engaging, and accessible entry point that blends nostalgia with fresh, modern storytelling. By focusing on the perspective of its new companion, Rose Tyler, the episode welcomes both returning fans and an entirely new audience, setting the tone for what would become one of the most successful sci-fi revivals in television history. A NEW DOCTOR, A NEW COMPANION Christopher Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor is a striking departure from his predecessors. Gone are the flamboyant costumes and Victorian eccentricities—this Doctor is a no-nonsense, battle-hardened figure in a leather jacket and a Northern accent. Yet beneath his casual exterior lies a deeply wounded survivor, a man hiding his pain behind boundless energy, wit, and moments of unexpected warmth. Eccleston’s performance instantly captivates, balancing humour with hints of the Doctor’s tragic past. Billie Piper’s Rose Tyler serves as the perfect audience surrogate. Within minutes, we understand her ordinary life—a mundane job, an overbearing mother (Camille Coduri’s brilliantly brash Jackie), and a boyfriend, Mickey (Noel Clarke), who is more hapless than heroic. Her relatable, down-to-earth perspective grounds the story, making her first encounter with the Doctor—and her journey into the unknown—all the more thrilling. The chemistry between Piper and Eccleston is immediate, particularly in their famous walk-and-talk scene, which effortlessly establishes their dynamic. CLASSIC ELEMENTS WITH A MODERN TWIST Davies cleverly blends Doctor Who’s rich history with contemporary storytelling. The return of the Autons, last seen in the 1970s, offers a perfect mix of nostalgia and genuine horror. The episode wastes no time in delivering memorable moments, from Rose’s eerie first encounter in the basement of Henrik’s to the Autons’ chilling invasion of the shopping centre. The Nestene Consciousness, though slightly underwhelming as a villain, provides a suitably dramatic climax. Despite its darker undertones, Rose never loses its sense of fun. The humour is playful, with standout moments like the Doctor dismissing Mickey’s freak-out with a casual “I think you should leave him.” Even the infamous sentient wheelie bin—while undeniably silly—adds to the episode’s charm, reinforcing that Doctor Who isn’t afraid to embrace the absurd. A STRONG, IF SLIGHTLY DATED, FOUNDATION Visually, Rose shows its age in places. The bright, overexposed cinematography and early 2000s CGI—particularly the wobbly plastic Mickey—are a little rough by modern standards. However, the Autons’ practical effects remain effective, delivering genuine moments of unease. While the climax’s “anti-plastic” resolution is simplistic, it doesn’t detract from the episode’s overall excitement. What truly elevates Rose is its character-driven storytelling. Davies ensures that beneath the sci-fi spectacle, there’s a beating heart—one that would define the revived series. The Doctor isn’t just a mysterious alien adventurer; he’s a lonely survivor offering a chance for something greater. And Rose isn’t just a passive bystander; she’s a young woman choosing to seize the opportunity of a lifetime. 📝VERDICT: 9/10 Rose is a masterful revival of Doctor Who, seamlessly blending old and new. Its fast-paced adventure, sharp character writing, and strong performances lay the groundwork for the modern era, while its mix of humour and horror captures the show’s enduring appeal. Though some of its visuals have aged, its heart, energy, and sense of wonder remain timeless. Welcome back, Doctor. We’ve missed you. RANDOM OBSERVATIONS: The Ninth Doctor has recently regenerated and had several adventures on his own before this episode. It is lovely how this episode feels modern by actually having Rose search the internet to try to find out who the Doctor is. Not even New Who is always great! The scene with Mickey being drawn into the garbage bin, followed by the bin burping, is cringeworthy. I love the TARDIS interior reveal. They draw it out so perfectly, and the moment is so rewarding. The Doctor: "Lots of planets have a north!" The disappointment in the Doctor's eyes when Rose initially turns down his offer to join him is so palpable, it's heartbreaking. MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 3 26 April 2024 · 346 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! This is the 44 minutes of television that changed my life. Or more specifically, the moment Rose walked in, around, then back into the TARDIS is the moment that changed my life. It lodged in my brain and grew into an obsession which led me to the first 156 Doctor Who stories, then back to this one. It’s a game changer which everlastingly upped the stakes for our favourite show. It didn’t just bring new fans, but it solidified its place in history for more than just the likes of fans like Russell T Davies. Christopher Eccleston is the perfect Doctor Who. Serious and silly and unknowable. Absent minded and alien but kind. He is backed up by robust writing and an exciting and incredibly unlikely series of events. What were the chances that a serious writer on a career high would want to touch this show, which was tainted in the eyes of the public. Then on top of that - that a serious, talented actor like Christopher Eccleston would have been excited by the prospect of taking it on and adding his weight to the production. Then on top of THAT - that teenage pop star Billie Piper would be earmarked as an appropriate talent for the show… then really would turn out to be the sensation that Russell and Andy Prior knew she would be. So much had to go right to end up with Rose. It’s all about characters isn’t it? That’s the big change. It’s not about the Autons, or plastic Mickey or a burping bin. It’s about a girl who works in a shop, with a useless boyfriend and a funny, lonely mother who’s a chancer. And then, of course, a man who enters her life and is more interesting than anyone else she has ever met. Someone who is able to unlock opportunities and a new life that she never dreamed would be possible. With superb characters in place this show is now poised to go anywhere and do anything. Everything is possible. 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 1