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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Written by

Russell T Davies

Time Travel


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Time War

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London, Westminster


Part of the Nestene survives in the form of a Pierrot clown. It enters Westminster and merges with the body of someone killed in the destruction, who has ambitions of power, creating a new being, and deciding to take revenge on the Doctor.

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How to watch Rose: The Sequel: Revenge of the Nestene:


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3 reviews

loved this little minisode

I was pretty much completely bored reading this until the final sentence and then I groaned because of course it’s one long joke leading to a punchline. Alrighty.

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Not going to lie, I was really excited to see this was narrated by Jacob Dudman.  I hadn't really gotten around to this Lockdown special until making this review, but I definitely enjoyed myself overall.

Even just little details like having the Target book visible in the background of the recording booth was cool, as was seeing Jacob Dudman recording this on camera.  The story was very neat to, with some very cool ideas and much-needed background for the Nestene.  Love how it tied into the Time War stuff - it really refined some of the ideas from Rose into something cool.  The ending was a little underwhelming but it was still a cool little experience, especially since it is free online.

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3.47 / 5

The Time Scales

AVG. Rating19 votes
3.40 / 5

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One little bit survived. A tiny nugget of Nestene Consciousness lived on.

It had escaped the Doctor’s antiplastic by hurrying into the substrata and hiding inside the nearest available shape: the body of a clown.

Days before, the Nestene had posted sentries along the embankment in the form of living statues: those strange humans, who decide to earn a living by dressing up as clowns, robots, or statues, and then standing perfectly still, waiting for people to throw money at them. What an odd, odd species.

But now the plastic guards had dissolved, except for one. A white-faced Pierrot, well, half a face - half a head, its right half. A crescent of head perched atop a rough neck and glittering silver bodysuit with one eye, bright as insanity, and a bisected leering grin.

The half-head Pierrot hauled itself up onto the opposite bank of the river, and looked back at the grave of the Consciousness. The secret underground layer had collapsed, causing the whole of the London Eye to tilt forward and collapse into the Thames.

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