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First aired

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Production Code


Written by

Russell T Davies

Directed by

Keith Boak


45 minutes

Time Travel


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Time War

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Sonic Screwdriver

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Powell Estate, Earth, England, London

UK Viewers

10.81 million

Appreciation Index



Rose Tyler believes she is living another day of her "ordinary" life, but after being threatened by Autons (living plastic) controlled by the Nestene Consciousness, she meets the Ninth Doctor.

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14 reviews

2025 Rewatch

  • Whilst I think this is a perfect jumping-on point for the show, it isn't a top-tier episode
  • Autons don't feel as evil and threatening as they do in the classic era, but they are captured very well here anyway
  • I've always thought 'Anti-Plastic' as a solution was a cop-out, could just be the writing of it, but took away from the believability
  • The world of Rose is captured perfectly, such realism helps to add to Rose's character, what RTD was known for wonderfully
  • It will always annoy me that the lift doors don't instantly open when the arm of the auton sticks through, like pls


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Rose is an important episode, as it brought the show back after a long hiatus. While this story is a fairly standard typical alien invasion plot, it is probably what the show needed to bring it back. No need to go all out crazy with Daleks or Cybermen, just a simple story with Rose going about her daily life, before getting thrown into the Doctor’s life after nearly being killed by Autons. Speaking of the Doctor, Christopher Eccleston immediately makes a big impact, making an effective first impression. I really like how the episode explores these themes of if the Doctor is even a safe person for Rose to be around, and her trying to understand what kind of danger she’s in for. If there was one negative thing I had to say about this episode, some of the visual effects also don’t look that good, especially the scene where Mickey is getting pulled into the bin. So overall, while not a perfect 10/10 story by any means, Rose serves as a fairly good introductory episode and does set up the first series and the revival as a whole pretty well. 7/10 = 3.5/5.


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So, as part of a challenge I imposed upon myself I am rewatching the whole of the modern era of Doctor Who. We're off to a great start with this episode. I love creepy and frightening things, so this episode is quite fun for me. I am an avid fan of horror and anything scary so honestly the whole mannequin coming to life bit got me hyped. Mannequins are also something that frighten me quite a lot so bonus points there. All in all, a great episode that I love to rewatch from time to time.


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Phwoar what a start!

Immediately Rose is so quick to distinguish itself from the classic era by hitting us with the high-paced montage. None of the budgetary-mandated loitering that some of the not-so-great serials force us through as an audience. I think the change from 20-minute 6-parters to a shorter series with hour-long episodes was warranted at the time and allows for much more of an arc over the course of the series, especially considering that this arc is my personal favourite.

We get our first taste of horror in Rose’s introduction to the Autons, and I can’t think of any other line that would work so well in introducing the Doctor as ‘Run!’. Everything is so aggressively 2000s and I love it, so nostalgic.

Jackie is immediately so funny; Mickey is immediately Mickey. All the characters are so realised, you can easily believe that we’ve stepped into Rose’s life at the point where the Doctor shows up, but that she has lived a real human experience before then.

It’s goofy as f*ck and I’m so happy with it, I know some people don’t like the cheese, but I feel like it’s a fun nod to the classic era. The JFK zoom out of Christopher Eccleston mewing is so hilariously camp.

Being placed in Rose’s POV recontextualises all the previous lore and prevents information from being shoehorned in, which is incredible in terms of assuming your audience’s intelligence, particularly the younger generation for whom this will always be their doctor (I was 2 when I saw this episode for the first time).

The music is amazing, we get certified bangers like Westminster Bridge, Seeking the Doctor, and even a sneaky snippet of Doomsday when our resident it-girl enters the TARDIS for the first time, which is some gnarly musical foreshadowing if I’ve ever heard it.

The plot isn’t too complex but imagine how much of a brain ache it would be if it was, like the Zygon subplot in Day of the Doctor. Clive’s death is poignant and marks the start of the new era’s more graphic and emotional deaths, he has knowledge, he’s resourceful, but ultimately none of that saves him in the face of brutish violence, his last seconds spent realising it was all for nothing.

This is an amazing first episode of the revival era, and it was the earliest point of reference I had of this show until I watched an Unearthly Child 2022.


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Looking back on it, I think this Episode is a great introduction but as an episode, it’s kinda just okay? Don’t get me wrong the moment where Eccelston bursts in and says “I am the doctor, nice to meet you rose, run for your life” is amazing. In general, both Billie and Chris make it a really solid piece, as a story? It’s fine. The Autons I find are very underused in Who and could be used for some greater effects. I think it’s very much solid, great way to bring Who into the 21st Century, other than that? Just an episode I respect more than I really enjoy/love.


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AVG. Rating875 members
3.88 / 5

AVG. Rating2,879 votes
3.78 / 5

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DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor, by the way. What's your name?

ROSE: Rose.

DOCTOR: Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life!


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[The Tyler's flat]

(Earth, United Kingdom, South London. An alarm clock goes off at 7:30. A young blonde woman gets up, dressed and kisses her mother goodbye. Her mother, who is also blonde, still in her dressing gown and lazing on the settee while watching TV.)

ROSE: Bye!
JACKIE: See you later!

[Henricks Department Store]

(Rose takes the bus to Central London and gets off outside the department store. There is a banner across the main entrance - Henrick's sale sale Henrick's. The day passes. Rose moves piles of display clothes around the ladies wear section, meets her boyfriend for a snack lunch in Trafalgar Square then goes back to work. Eventually -)

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