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A great book full of interesting additions to my favourite episode. Includes more information about Rogue (he snores and can’t cook) and gives some heartbreaking insight into the loss he experienced (RIP Art)


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TARGET NOVELISATIONS: BOOK 184 (Fifteenth Doctor: Novelisation 4)

Rogue was an episode I enjoyed a lot. So, with the episode being good, and having heard praise for the story’s Target novelisation, I just had to check it out.

The praise is thankfully deserved.

Written by the television story’s writers, Kate Herron and Briony Redman, the novelisation not only captures the feel of the episode, but it also adds much appreciated details.

It almost reads like a Douglas Adams book, which in this case, works to the story’s favour.

It’s just such an excellent novel, which, while mostly staying straight to the plot of the televised adventure, is hugely enjoyable.

More like this please!


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The Fifteenth Doctor #07

'Rogue' (2024) from Target Books.

A lovely treat of a read here, and from a novelisation of my favourite RTD2 episode so far I was very much hoping so. All the same thrills and emotion as the televised story, with the added bonus of learning lots more about Rogue's backstory, particularly his past lover (who I am glad is not Captain Jack Harkness), but leaves a nice amount to remain a mystery. Particularly enjoy seeing him at the end as well. Ruby's time spent with the Duchess and Emily is more fun here also, mirroring Rose and Gwyneth in The Unquiet Dead in a more effective way. All-round great stuff here.


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Just as fun as the original episode we are SO back


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