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There's a bit more flair put into this one than most others, but it still ends up mostly falling a little flat for me.

The kids all playing parts as they're doing the investigation is pretty fun, and it starts out realistic enough, but when Jorjie and Starkey get involved suspension of disbelief is taken a little far, then again, it's later revealed that the villain saw through the disguises so I can't really hold it against the episode if it knows they're not believable and uses that.

I like the idea that The Department want K9 for his regeneration abilities, it's a fun change on Drake's wanting K9 because ???????

Unfortunately the rest of the episode is a little weak, the clown robots are just sorta there, and the ending being that the plan fails because K9 is nigh indestructible just undercuts any tension there ever was, because the evil plan was just never going to work no matter what.


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I feel a bit for the team on this one because the set up is solid and there is tonnes of effort put in to give the story a directorial flare. Unfortunately the pay off to the story is weak and predictable even for a kids show. Feels like a first draft.


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